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CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs

Unit code	CHCCCS004
Unit name	Assess co-existing needs
University of New South Wales

Unit purpose

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assess the diverse and multi-faceted needs of people and determine both internal and external services required to meet those needs. This unit applies in a range of community service contexts.

Assessment plan

To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must successfully complete each of the following assessment events:

Event 1

Written task - Preparation notes

Event 2

Portfolio - Assess client needs

Event 3

Written task - Evaluation plan

Event 4

Short answer questions - Knowledge evidence

Assessment conditions

Submission dates

Submission of assessment events are flexible to your own personal needs. You should discuss a timeline with your facilitator in order to determine suitable dates to submit each assessment event for marking.

Submission instructions

Your assessment events must be submitted online via the TAFEnow website.

• Complete each of your assessment events and save your files with the event name and your own name – for example:Event1_john_smith.

• Upload your assessment event files and any other additional attachments to the space provided in the TAFEnow online learning platform.

Student is required to provide the following materials and equipment

To complete this assessment, you will need to provide:

 A personal computer with internet access

TAFE is required to provide materials and equipment

To complete this assessment, your facilitator will provide access to:

 Nil

Additional resources

 Nil

Facilitator support and supervision

There is no facilitator supervision required for these assessment events. If you are unclear about any aspect of the assessment please contact your facilitator for guidance.

Student collaboration

Student collaboration is not permitted.

Assessment attempts

You have two attempts on each event.

General information

Click here for general information about assessment at TAFE NSW.

Tutorial assistance is available for all students at Studiosity which is accessible through the online learning platform.

Plagiarism and referencing

Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were original to the user. This includes copying, quoting or

paraphrasing text, images or ideas without crediting the original source.

All students are expected to correctly credit and reference sources used within assessment items. There are strict penalties for students found to be in breach of these guidelines.

If you need help on:

 Referencing - refer to the Smart Study Guide

Report writing - refer to Report writing information

Assessment events

Assessment event 1: Written task - Preparation notes

This event requires you to submit a written document that demonstrates your ability to prepare for an assessment.

This event is based on three clients as described in Scenario A. Your evidence must include the following items:

  1. Preparation notes x 3

This item must address the criteria as listed below.

You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Preparation notes x 3

Write a document outlining your preparations for the assessment of each of the three clients as described in Scenario A.For each client you must:

1. Identify the assessment tools you would use to assess the client’s needs.

2. Explain how you would gather all existing information relevant to the client’s situation.

3. Name two (2) websites or information sources (e.g. specialist networks or services) where you could seek additional information about the client and their range of issues. Specifically:

o Identify from whom / where you would seek this information and why it is relevant.

o Where applicable, construct an email request for additional information from another service. Your email should follow the organisation’s guidelines regarding privacy, consent, confidentiality and disclosure.

4. Describe what you would say to the client when arranging for them to come in for their assessment interview. Specifically address:

o The referral received and, where relevant, any identified risks in the referral and strategies to mitigate these risks.

o Information about the assessment process including responsibilities of the participants.

o The practical aspects of the assessment including time/place suitable to both parties and any cultural considerations.

5. Explain the legal and ethical considerations

relevant to the client’s case. Specifically discuss the areas of privacy, confidentiality, duty of care and informed consent.


Identify the co-existing needs of the client.

Assessment event 2: Portfolio - Assess client needs

This event requires you to submit a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates your ability to assess client needs.

This event builds on event 1, and additional information provided in Scenario B. Your evidence must include the following items:

  1. Email to supervisor
  2. Psychosocial assessment

These items must address the criteria as listed below.

You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Email to supervisor

Write an email to your Indigo supervisor, on the

Indigo email CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs, as outlined in Scenario

B.Your email must address the following criteria for each client:

1. The strategies/techniques you will use to:

o empower the client to identify and prioritise their own needs

o work with the client using a collaborative approach

o encourage the client to advocate on their own behalf to access services

2. The steps you will take to evaluate issues of urgency and eligibility and potential risk factors.

3. Details of what you consider to be outside your own scope of practice and where you may need to seek assistance from colleagues and experts.

4. An outline of your process for evaluating the internal capabilities of your organisation (Indigo) and other service networks to determine the best fit for the client.

5. The service information you will provide to the client to support their decision making process.

2. Psychosocial assessment

Complete an Indigo Psychosocial Assessment form for Client 1: Souhalia.

Your completed assessment must meet the following criteria:

1. All sections of the Psychosocial assessment form must be completed.

2. Include all available background information about Souhalia.

3. Clearly identify the presenting issues and concerns.

4. Identify the client goals according to the priority/urgency of their needs.

5. Identify the 'best fit' options for Souhalia

within the scope of your own role and internal service capability, and seek assistance and referral options where needed.


Clearly identify the follow-up actions for both yourself and the client.

Assessment event 3: Written task - Evaluation plan

This event requires you to submit a plan for evaluating assessment and referral processes as described in Scenario C.

Your evidence must include the following item:

  1. Evaluation plan

This item must address the criteria as listed below.

You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Evaluation plan

Write a plan for each of your three clients outlining

how you will collect feedback and monitor processes. Your plan must:

1. Describe a method you would use for collecting feedback from the client about the assessment and referral process. Specifically:

o List three (3) benefits of this method

o Discuss the appropriateness of the method for the client

2. Describe how you would monitor the effectiveness of processes and their outcomes for the client. Specifically:

o List three (3) indicators of success in meeting the client’s needs

o Describe how you will monitor the process and outcomes

Assessment event 4: Short answer questions - Knowledge evidence

This event requires you to submit your answers to written questions that demonstrates your knowledge of assessing co-existing needs.

Your evidence must include the following item:

  1. Responses to the short answer questions

This item must address the criteria as listed below.

You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Responses to the short answer questions

Respond to each of the questions provided and submit your answers on the Short answer questions CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs.

All responses must:

1. Be answered correctly.

2. Provide detail addressing all parts of each question with examples as appropriate.

3. Use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood.

4. Provide references to the source of information, as relevant.

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