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OGBH201 Organisational Behaviour Assignment Help

COURSE:      Bachelor of Business   /   Bachelor of Accounting
Unit:  	Organisational Behaviour
Unit Code:  	OGBH201
Type of Assessment:  	Assessment 3 – Group Oral Presentation and a Group Report

Course Learning Outcomes addressed:

1)To demonstrate knowledge of broad business principles with depth of understanding of at least one business discipline

2)To develop effective oral and written communication skills

5) To develop and apply skills in critical thinking, complex problem solving and decision making

6)To develop and apply knowledge of the social, economic, ethical and cultural contexts of business

7)To develop and apply an understanding of independent as well as group learning

Unit Learning Outcomes addressed:

1) Interpret and describe the contemporary theoretical frameworks and concepts of organisational behaviour

2) Analyse and outline different types of human behaviour in the workplace

3) Assess how an evidence-based approach can be applied to interpret management and organisational behaviour

4) Implement personal and interpersonal skills and knowledge to manage oneself and others effectively in an organisational context 5) Analyse the importance of team work and critically evaluate the methods that can be used to develop effective teams

6) Hypothesise organisational problems and develop strategies to resolve them.

Assessment Task:

Group in-class presentation and a Group Report to be submitted. Each group is required to prepare and present a 15-minutes presentation on a topic as listed in the assessment description. The students are required to involve in extensive desk research and explore the issue. A group a Group Report on the task (within 2000 words) and the presentation slides should be submitted in Moodle on Week 9 as well as a hard copy to be handed to the lecturer in class before presentation.

Assessment Description:

Working in a group of 3-5 students, you will give a 15 minutes oral presentation. All group members must present their part as per the group charter. Failure to present will lead to zero for presentation part of this task. The softcopy of the presentation slides, a written a Group Report (within 2000 words) and other supporting materials (if any) are to be uploaded in the Moodle on due date as well as a hard copy to be handed to the lecturer in class on the day of presentation.

Students are required to identify and research into any business person which has a great influence as a leader in the business world. The leader may have offered a new product, discover something new, leading a successful business, make the customers happy or taking risks e.t.c. Once the Business leader is being selected, each Group can cover any three (3) to five (5) topics focusing on the leader (depending on the number of members in each group. Each Member must cover one topic). The suggested topics below as part of the presentation as follows:

  • Important decision (s) the leader has made
  • Sources of drawing inspiration or ideas from
  • Dealing with managers and employees
  • Visions the leader has for the organisation
  • Challenges the leader has to faced
  • Strengths and weakness of the leader
  • The risks the leader has undertaken
  • Lesson(s) we can learn about this person as a leader
  • Sources/area for leaders to find employees for its organisation

Note: Every person in the group will get the same mark for the report.

Getting started

  1. Select the leader that you intent to research into.
  2. Book an in-class presentation time with the lecturer (may be preannounced),
  3. Collect the information of your topic through desk research,
  4. Present at least 10 images to be formed into slides for the presentation,
  5. Prepare the presentation slide and presentation summary,
  6. Rehearse the presentation in front of your friends and families or other group member,
  7. Upload the presentation, presentation summary and supporting materials (if any) on due date, h) Make the presentation in the class.

If you are absent from class at your presentation time, you will get zero for this assessment, unless you have a medical certificate or other extenuating circumstances. Please talk to your lecturer before the due date.

There will be, ideally, 4 to 5 speakers, 8-10 slides and an allocated 15 minutes to present.

The group a Group Report on the task (within 2000 words) and the presentation slides should be submitted in Moodle before the due date on week 9.

Use PowerPoint to create the presentation, save it on a USB so you are ready to present in class. A hard copy of the PowerPoints must also be given to the class tutor on the day of the presentation, and must also be submitted through Moodle on the day due date. A statement must be included on the Title Page stating the agreed % contribution of each group member.

Academic Learning Skills staff will give a workshop in class about Oral Presentations, which will be very helpful for this assessment.

Assessment Submission:

This assessment is a group activity and students are required to work with their respective groups. No individual submission will be accepted. Presentations will be organised on a pre-arranged time between week 9 and 11. You will not receive any marks if you are absent in your scheduled presentation time. However, consideration may be offered only under medical ground or other extenuating circumstances. You must provide appropriate supporting paper for consideration.

You will not receive any marks for this assignment if your group members collectively report against you for non-participation or non-cooperation. You have to nominate someone as your group leader to coordinate the assignment submission.

Presentation slides, written summary, and supporting materials must be submitted online in Moodle on due date as well as a hard copy to be presented to the lecturer in class. All materials MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Office format. Other formats may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Microsoft Office format.

No paper based or hardcopy submission will be accepted.

Our Academic Learning Support (ALS) team would be happy to help you with understanding the task and all other assessment-related matters. For assistance and to book one-on-one meeting please email one of our ALS coordinators (Sydney als_syd@kent.edu.au; Melbourne als_melb@kent.edu.au ). For online help and support please click the following link and navigate Academic Learning Support in Moodle.


Marking guide: In-class presentation

Oral Presentation Rubric

Student Name

Student ID



Exemplary (3 pts)

Acceptable (2 pts)

Unacceptable (1 pt)





Opening statement with purpose


Clear opening statement, presenting issue and organization for speech, imaginative – catches audience’s interest

An opening statement that states to key issue and speech organization

No opening statement, or opening remarks that do not state the issue



Clear organization, reinforced by media. Stays focused throughout

Mostly organized, but loses focus once or twice

Loses focus 3 or more times during presentation

Content: currency & relevance


Research goes beyond minimum

requirements. Strong analysis

Fulfills assignment. Current. Uses appropriate sources and is objective. Reasonable analysis

Does not meet assignment requirements, is not current, nor objective. Does not use appropriate analysis

Quality of slides


Readable, professional, imaginative and/or of high quality (without being a distraction)

Readable, professional, appropriate number

Sloppy and/or unprofessional. May be difficult to read. Many slides are superfluous

Quality of conclusion


Precise conclusion, well organized, give good recommendation

Reasonable conclusion, semi organized, few recommendation

Irrelevant conclusion, disorganized, no recommendation

Voice quality, pace


Speaking appropriately, clear and sharp voice, normal volume, rate and quality

Average in choosing words, volume and rate

Speaking inappropriately, weak voice, too slow



Excellent use of hands, arms, body, and eye contact

Moderate use of hands, arms, body, and eye contact

Poor utilization of hands, arms, body, and eye contact

Delivery of contents



effectively and explain more than just reading slides

Average in explaining

Just reading slides more than explanation



Appropriate length of presentation. Time is appropriately used

Time is appropriately used, but may run slightly over or under allotted time

Time is not appropriately used. Too long or too short; or more minutes above or below the allotted time

Ability to answer questions


Handles all questions with relevant, correct


Answers 80% or more of questions, but does not expand on answers

Unable to answer 25% or more of questions with correct information


Marks ACHIEVED (total points divided by 30 and then multiply by 10)

Marking Guide (Rubric): Group Report

Group Report Rubric

Student Name

Student ID



Exemplary (3 pts)

Acceptable (2 pts)

Unacceptable (1 pt)







The assigned task is thoroughly covered and completed. The primary thesis is clear and fully developed. Assertions made throughout the writing are compelling and clearly supported.

The assigned task is covered sufficiently. The primary thesis is clear but there is some room for further development of the topic. Support is offered for assertions that are made but that support could be stronger, more compelling or more inclusive of all issues

Does not adequately cover the assigned task. The primary thesis may not be

clear or if it is, little

topic development is evident. Assertions made in the writing are either weakly supported or no support is offered.



Paper flows well with appropriate beginning, development, and conclusion.

Paragraph structure contributes to flow and transitions. Organization and/or headings help the reader to understand and remember information.

Paper follows logical sequence with identifiable beginning, development, and conclusion. Generally proper use of paragraph structure and topic sentences. Organization and/or headings help the reader to follow and find information.

Paper lacks logical sequence hence causing format to interfere with readability. Does not use proper paragraphing. Topic sentences do not lead to rest of paragraph or are missing altogether.



No errors in word usage, sentence structure (run-ons, fragments), spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Strong mechanics help to establish credibility.

Relatively free of errors in word usage, sentence structure (run-ons, fragments), spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Mechanics do not detract from credibility of the content.

Significant errors in word usage, sentence structure (run-ons, fragments),

spelling, punctuation, and

capitalization. Errors undermine

credibility of content and readability.



References (if called for) are consistently correct using Harvard style. No missing citations.

Generally correct

referencing (if called for) Harvard style. Some missing citations.

References/ citations (if called for) are missing or do not use correct referencing style.

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