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BSBINM601 Manage Knowledge and Information


BSBINM601 – Manage Knowledge and Information

Unit Description:

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and maintain information processing systems to support decision making; and to optimise the use of knowledge and learning throughout the organisation.

It applies to individuals who are responsible for ensuring that critical knowledge and information are readily available to review the organisation’s performance and to ensure its effective functioning. It applies to a wide range of knowledge and information such as business performance data, customer feedback, statistical data and financial data.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Unit Sector:

Knowledge Management – Information Management


Assessment 1


Assessment 2

Written Assessment


Objective of Assessment

The primary objective of assessment is to support and encourage your learning.

Assessment results give the assessor an indication of how well you learnt in class and or areas you may need extra support.

Assessment Feedback and support throughout the Assessment Progress

Your assessor will give you feedback throughout the duration of the unit you are studying and after assessment results. The feedback given to you will always be to support your achievements and to monitor your progress throughout your studies.

Supporting for you in the Assessment Process

The assessment processes selected by the assessor should offer the participant the appropriate level of support. While some participants will not require a great deal of support, there will be others with particular needs. If the assessor is aware of these needs, he or she will be better able to assist participants to identify their skills. Participants will then feel more confident as they prepare for assessment – enabling them to focus on providing evidence against the specified criteria in a way that is known to be acceptable to the assessor

Assessment eligibility

To be eligible to sit in assessment you must have satisfactory course progress.

If you do not have satisfactory course progress you need to get an approval from academic department which allow you to sit in your assessment

Achieving a satisfactory result

  • You will have 3 attempts to achieve a satisfactory outcome in your assessment.
  • Should you not be successful in your attempt your assessor will provide directive feedback to guide to success in your second attempt.
  • Should further assistance be required your assessor will provide you with one on one tutoring and or extra classes may be organised for you to attend.
  • Assessment reasonable adjustment may be exercised by your assessor at their discretion
  • If you are not successful in your first 3 assessment attempts, you will be required to pay for any consecutive attempts.

Cheating and plagiarism

Listed below are actions that can and will be taken against you in the event you are caught cheating or plagiarising work.

  • If you are caught cheating twice or more, you will be required to pay for your re-assessment
  • You will be asked to leave the classroom
  • Your cheating/plagiarism will be recorded in your student academic file

Assessor Intervention and reasonable adjustment

In the situation where you or your assessor feel that extra support needs to be given, your assessor will organise a time to meet with you and discuss the options available to you. Your assessors aim is to ensure the successful completion of your course with the least amount of difficulty.


This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency. All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students file.

Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form.

Student Name:

Student ID:

Unit Code and Unit Title:

BSBINM601 – Manage Knowledge and Information

Please attach the following documentation to this form

Result achieved

Assessment 1



Not Satisfactory

Not completed

Assessment 2

Written Assessment


Not Satisfactory

Not completed

Final Assessment Result for this unit


Not Yet Competent

Assessor Declaration:

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.



Date: ____/_____/_____


Student Instructions

Relating to an organisation of your choice (as discussed with your assessor), using your college as your business or working within your own RTO based business*, you are to take a serious look at an issue within the company. If you are looking at your college, then you are to investigate the student study attitude within the college.

In your investigation, you are to track the marketing issue through:

  • Information gathering and analysis
  • Decision making and taking, and dissemination to relevant groups and individuals (to be allocated by your trainer
  • Develop and utilise an information storage and retrieval system (as well as access informal knowledge and information from informal networks across the organisation

This project requires you to:

  • Obtain information relevant to this issue, ensuring you:
  • Review staff and customer feedback and business performance data
  • Identify, define and analyse business problems and issues
  • Identify information required to reach a decision on problems/issues
  • Source and gather reliable information
  • Test information for reliability and validity, and reject where contradictory or ambiguous
  • Utilise formal and informal networks to access corporate knowledge/memory not held in formal systems and review appropriately
  • Analyse information and knowledge, ensuring you:
  • Ensure objectives for analyses are clear, relevant and consistent with the decisions required
  • Identify patterns and emerging trends correctly and interpret as to cause and effect
  • Utilise statistical analyses and interpretation where appropriate
  • Undertake sensitivity analysis on any proposed options
  • Ensure documentation reflects a logical approach to the evaluation of the evidence and conclusions drawn
  • Adjust management information systems/decision support systems to meet information processing objectives
  • Take decision on your information and business issues identified, ensuring you
  • Ensure sufficient valid and reliable information/evidence is available to support a decision
  • Utilise risk management plans to determine acceptable courses of action
  • Utilise appropriate quantitative methods to assist decision making
  • Consult specialists and other relevant groups and individuals
  • Ensure decisions taken are within the delegation/accountability of the group/individual responsible
  • Make decisions in accordance with organisational guidelines and procedures
  • Ensure decisions taken are consistent with organisational objectives, values and standards
  • Ensure decisions are taken in a timely manner
  • Next, you are to disseminate information to the organisation, ensuring you:
  • Ensure advice/information needs are documented and are specific to location, format and time line requirements
  • Document information and update databases regularly
  • Design and test systems to meet information requirements of decision makers
  • Ensure information is up-to-date, accurate, relevant and sufficient for the recipient
  • Develop communication plans and disseminate information
  • Adhere to confidentiality/privacy policies in the transmission/release of information/advice
  • Review and update communication plans regularly
  • Utilise technology which provides optimum efficiency and quality
  • Maintain corporate knowledge and ensure security

Student Declaration:

I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.




All assessors must use this checklist when observing student(s) undertaking their assessment.

One checklist is to be completed per student(s).

Student Name:

Student ID:

Student checklist

Serial no.

In undertaking this assessment, did the student


Review staff and customer feedback and business performance data

Yes No


Identify, define and analyse business problems and issues

Yes No


Identify information required to reach a decision on problems/issues

Yes No


Source and gather reliable information

Yes No


Test information for reliability and validity, and reject where contradictory or ambiguous

Yes No


Utilise formal and informal networks to access corporate knowledge/memory not held in formal systems and review appropriately

Yes No


Ensure objectives for analyses are clear, relevant and consistent with the decisions required

Yes No


Identify patterns and emerging trends correctly and interpret as to cause and effect

Yes No


Utilise statistical analyses and interpretation where appropriate

Yes No


Undertake sensitivity analysis on any proposed options

Yes No


Ensure documentation reflects a logical approach to the evaluation of the evidence and conclusions drawn

Yes No


Adjust management information systems/decision support systems to meet information processing objectives

Yes No


Ensure sufficient valid and reliable information/evidence is available to support a decision

Yes No


Utilise risk management plans to determine acceptable courses of action

Yes No


Utilise appropriate quantitative methods to assist decision making

Yes No


Consult specialists and other relevant groups and individuals

Yes No


Ensure decisions taken are within the delegation/accountability of the group/individual responsible

Yes No


Make decisions in accordance with organisational guidelines and procedures

Yes No


Ensure decisions taken are consistent with organisational objectives, values and standards

Yes No


Ensure decisions are taken in a timely manner

Yes No


Ensure advice/information needs are documented and are specific to location, format and time line requirements

Yes No


Document information and update databases regularly

Yes No


Design and test systems to meet information requirements of decision makers

Yes No


Ensure information is up-to-date, accurate, relevant and sufficient for the recipient

Yes No


Develop communication plans and disseminate information

Yes No


Adhere to confidentiality/privacy policies in the transmission/release of information/advice

Yes No


Review and update communication plans regularly

Yes No


Utilise technology which provides optimum efficiency and quality

Yes No


Maintain corporate knowledge and ensure security

Yes No

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