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ALX726 Masters Research Theory Assessment Task 4

{`Assessment Task 4
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
SEJ201 T2, 2018


The Final Project Report is an individual task which builds on group work completed earlier in the trimester. This report shall clearly explain and justifies the design solution proposed. In this report students should identify project scope, inputs and constraints, assumptions, and limitations. The design process shall be described in details and Technical Drawings for tender shall be included, as well as a Safety in Design Risk Assessment.

The Final Project Report should also include a reflection on the Practicals classes and a reflection on the Project Team performance.

In this document, the Assessment Task requirements and the Assessment Task Rubric are described in detail. You will find class, seminar and studio content, Unit Site content and the prescribed text book to be excellent resources for completion of this assignment, along with the feedback from earlier assessment items.

1. Introduction and Objectives

This assignment is designed to assess your ability to apply knowledge from SEJ201 in the project context. This is an individual task which builds on group work completed earlier in the trimester. This assignment is designed to assess the following Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO’s):

ULO 1. Apply structural engineering fundamental knowledge in conjunction with appropriate tools and resources to analyse and design elements to satisfy user requirements.

ULO 2. Apply specialised structural knowledge, technical competence and open ended problem solving skills in finding appropriate, creative and/or innovative engineering solutions.

ULO 3. Identify and characterise important issues, justify and apply appropriate simplifying assumptions and propose substantiated solutions.

ULO 4. Collaborate with others as an effective member of an engineering team and reflect on development of team skills.

ULO 5. Apply knowledge of the health and safety responsibilities of the professional engineer, including integration of the principles of safety engineering, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and legislative requirements.

ULO 6. Communicate project outcomes through the use of oral, written and graphical communication to professional and non-professional audiences.

The Final Project Report shall include clear and concise calculations, scale sketches and concise written sections as required to complete each task in the assignment. Calculations shall detail the full solution procedure and design solution for the nominated elements. Students are encouraged to include handwritten sketches, but shall use word processing to detail calculation procedures and create written sections of the document. Ensure you clearly identify solution, use appropriate significant figures and SI units at all times.

3. Report – Task Requirements Summary

The Final Design Report shall document the design stages of the structural design project for this unit. A list of the required report components is as follows.

  1. Project Introduction
  2. Constraints, Opportunities & Assumptions
  3. Loads Summary
  4. Structural Analysis & Design (nominated elements)
  5. Drawings for Tender Purposes
  6. Safety in Design Assessment
  7. Practicals & Project Reflection
  8. Group Function Reflection

Further information on each of these design tasks is provided in the following section.

4. Report – Task Requirements Details

The requirements for each individual task listed in Section 3 is provided in the following subsections to guide students. Students should also refer to the Assessment Rubric in Section 6 for further details on the assessment criteria for these tasks.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Students should use results from their Assessment Task 2 Group Design Brief submission where possible! Results from your group work should be utilised to prevent the need to repeat Assessment 2 tasks. Students with incomplete or grossly erroneous group work results are advised to seek guidance from the Unit Chair.

4.1 Project Introduction

Provide a concise introduction to the project, summarising the purpose of the work along with critical project requirements and objectives. The starting point for the project should be explained clearly along with any important requirements or critical changes during the design process.

Note: Make a judgement on what is critical (and significant) information and what is superfluous (and insignificant) information. Include only what is relevant to the Introduction in this section.

Make reference to input documents rather than recreating or repeating reference information.

4.2 Constraints, Opportunities & Assumptions

Identify ALL relevant constraints and opportunities identified during your project work and provide a concise explanation of the impacts of these constraints and opportunities to the design process and proposed solutions. Clearly identify, explain and justify any assumptions that were made during the analysis and design process.

4.3 Loads Summary

Provide a concise summary of all dead, live and lateral loads on the structure, including breakdown and summary of individual dead and live loads. Calculate loads where required and convert area loads to line loads for relevant members only, where appropriate.

This section should be prepared such that it is a useful reference section for your calculations.

Note: this section may be transferred from your Group Report if you are satisfied with the quality and content of that submission.

4.4 Structural Analysis & Design

Analysis and design shall be completed for the structural elements nominated in Table 1 using appropriate hand calculation procedures learned during class, seminar and studio sessions.

Calculations for each element shall detail the full solution procedure and shall include clear sketches/figures as required to explain and support the calculation procedure. Address and justify the limitations of your analysis and/or design where appropriate.

Note: Some analysis tasks have been completed during group work on Assessment Task 2. Students are expected to use their Group results where appropriate rather than repeating Assessment 2 Tasks – refer to note at the start of this section.

Table 1. Design Requirements for Project Structural Elements

Design Requirements
ElementStabilityStrengthDeflectionsLateral ActionsSoftware Verification
A) Deck Cross Beams--
B) Main Girders--
C) Lift Support Structure-
D) Pad Footings--

Appropriate loading and combination load cases shall be applied, with suitable justification provided. Typically, the analysis and design procedure for each element shall include the following steps: -

Calculation of loads

  • - A diagram / free body diagram (FBD) showing all components, loads and dimensions
  • - Analysis to determine critical actions for Ultimate Loading
  • - Capacity Design for Ultimate Actions
  • - Deflection Check for Serviceability Actions
  • - Summary of design solution, including factor of safety (FOS)
  • - Software verification of hand calculations (some members only, as nominated below)

Students are encouraged to use Software Analysis to calculate deflections, however, this shall follow software verification of your hand calculations for critical actions, to ensure your deflection results are appropriate.

A. Deck Cross Beams

A typical cross beam shall be designed for critical ultimate bending and shear actions and for deflection behaviour under serviceability loading. (Analysis and design required)

B. Main Girders

The main girder members shall be designed for ultimate bending and shear actions and for deflection behaviour under serviceability loading. (Analysis and design required.)

C. Lift Support Structure

All lift support structure members shall be designed for ultimate axial actions and for deflection behaviour under serviceability loading.

Note: Design only – analysis results from Group work should be used here.

D. Lift Pad Footing

Determine the pad footing dimensions required to satisfy performance requirements for bearing and stability.

4.5 Drawings for Tender Purposes

Provide drawings which clearly describe the tender stage design solution. Drawings may be hand drawn or produced with drafting software, but must include sufficient information for tenderers to prepare a price for the work. This shall include member sizes, number of members, material grades and dimensions as a minimum for all project elements addressed in the preceding section.

All drawings shall be A3 size with a standard title block which contains:

  • ∗ Project Name;
  • ∗ Drawing number, title, revision number and date;
  • ∗ Prepared By & Date;
  • ∗ Approved For, By and Date

4.6 Safety in Design (SiD) Risk Assessment

Provide a Safety in Design Risk Assessment, which addresses the 4 most significant hazards (as determined by you, according to the risk assessment) for the proposed infrastructure. This shall include the following items which must be either identified and / or provided with a proposed solution.

  • ∗ Hazard, Design Life Cycle Stage, Risk (from Group Report)
  • ∗ Existing Control Measures
  • ∗ Initial Risk Rating
  • ∗ Potential Control Measures
  • ∗ Responsibility
  • ∗ Decision / Status & Required Timing
  • ∗ Residual Risk Rating
  • ∗ Comments (if appropriate)

The items listed here align with those in the SiD Risk Assessment Table provided as the recommended format.

Consider the entire lifecycle of the structure including the structure’s intended location (the site) and the immediate (impacted) environment for the site.

4.7 Practicals & Project Reflection (200 – 400 words)

Review the procedures, outcomes, and your learning experiences during the Practicals you attended for this unit. Identify the Design Project members which behave in a similar manner to those in the experiment and briefly explain how the Practical results and theory are relevant to the analysis and design of these members.

4.8 Group Function Reflection (max 500 words)

List the Group name and all members. Briefly describe the performance of the team and of individuals within the team, including your own performance. Address performance aspects including contribution, attendance, responsivity, accountability, reliability and timeliness of input. Comment on how the Team Charter was used and propose suggestions for improvement to the Team Charter and team performance in general.

Include a copy of the Team Charter in an Appendix to the report.

Note: Group work is a challenging but necessary component of your University experience and your future engineering career. This task requires you to identify (by reflection) some techniques to improve your team work experience to help you in your next team challenge!

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