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SITXCOM002 Show Social and Cultural Sensitivity


Task Number

AT 2

Task Name


Section A - Assessment Information

Student Name (use full name not abbreviations or nicknames)

Unit(s) of competency (code and title)

SITXCOM002 Show Social and Cultural Sensitivity

Duration and/or due date

Students will be advised of the date of the assessment at the commencement of this unit.

Student Declaration and Authorisation


I have read and understood Le Cordon Bleu Australia’s Academic Misconduct policy and I submit this assessment in accordance with that policy.

I hereby declare that any work prepared or submitted as part of this assessment is entirely my own and I have not copied or used the work of others or used any electronic devices or personal notes during assessment when specified by the assessor.


I authorise Le Cordon Bleu Australia to store my assessment result in its database for future analysis and regulatory requirements.

By submitting this declaration and authorisation, I acknowledge it will be deemed to have the same authority as the equivalent signed hardcopy.

Task instructions

This is the second of two (2) assessment tasks students need to complete satisfactorily to be deemed competent for the unit.

Students are required to respond to all the 13 short-answer questions. Students must achieve a result of Satisfactory (S) in all areas of the assessment as outlined in the marking guide in Section B of this assessment.

Students will be provided access to the assessment after the first session via 'Engage'. Students may be required to undertake research to respond to statements and/or answer questions. Students are to download the assessment from engage and compete the answers electronically in the sections provided and submit their completed work via Engage by the due date.

Conditions for assessment

  • This is an individual assessment task. Students are not allowed to copy the work of others.
  • Students may use any unit resources which include theory notes to answer the questions.
  • Students will be given a hard copy of this assessment with the instructions in class.
  • Please discuss with assessor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if students feel that they require special assistance or allowable adjustment to this assessment (e.g. verbal assessment or additional time).
  • Students to write their full name on the student version of the assessment task (do not use nicknames or abbreviations).
  • Students are allowed minimal support from assessor e.g. asking for clarification of a question.
  • Students must submit their work to assessor via Engage by the allocated timeframe. Failing to submit by the allocated deadline will result in a ‘Not Satisfactory’ grade.
  • Students must answer all questions correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment.
  • Students will be assessed as satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS).
  • If students receive a result of not satisfactory (NS), they are able to re-sit the assessment on one occasion as stated in the LCBA assessment policy.
  • Students may appeal the assessment decision according to the LCBA academic appeals policy and procedure.

Equipment/resources students must supply:

  • Computer with internet access
  • Login details to access Engage

Equipment/resources to be provided by the RTO or the workplace:

  • Hard copies of the student version of this assessment task OR access to a soft copy version
  • Access to LMS
  • Participate in show social and cultural sensitivity theory notes
  • A suitably qualified assessor
  • Appropriate classroom space to complete the assessment and/or allocated computer rooms

Section B - Student Answer Sheet

Provide your responses in the boxes below each question

Q1: Using your own words, define ‘equity’ in relation to interaction with colleagues and customers.

Satisfactory response



Q2: Using the most current Census data (www.abs.gov.au), answer the following questions:

  1. What was Australia’s Total population on the night of the census?
  2. What % of population was female on the night of the census?
  3. What % of population was male on the night of census?
  4. What % of population was Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander on the night of census?
  5. What were the Top 5 Countries of Birth on the nights of the census? (Please include percentages in your answer)

Satisfactory response



Q3: The Census data also showed that Christianity was still the main religion in Australia. List the three main denominations with Christian beliefs.

Satisfactory response



Q4: Using the data published by tourism research Australia (www.tra.gov.au) in their international visitor in Australia report, tourists from which five countries spend the most in Australia?

Satisfactory response



Q5: Choose one of the nationalities (not your own) that you listed in Q2e and answer the following questions:

  1. Identify and list four cultural differences to your culture that you may encounter with people from this country?
  2. Think of the differences you identified in the previous question and briefly describe why is it important when working in the hospitality industry to be aware of this difference?
  3. Choose one of the cultural differences you identified and provide one example of how any of these cultural differences you identified may cause conflict or a misunderstanding in the workplace.

Satisfactory response


Q6: The Australian Human Rights Commission has statutory responsibility for the following federal legislation:

  • Age Discrimination Act 2004
  • Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Racial Discrimination Act 1975
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1984

For each Act listed above, outline what ‘grounds of discrimination’ they cover. (It is appropriate to ‘copy and paste’ your answer here as you are citing legislation)

Satisfactory response



Q7: Anti-discrimination legislation also exists at a state level. List the relevant acts for the state you are currently studying in.

Satisfactory response



Q8: Organisations must have policies in place to ensure that individuals and groups will be free from discrimination. Under its ‘Access and Equity Policy’, how does Le Cordon Bleu Australia try to achieve this?

Satisfactory response



Q9: List three different types of disabilities.

Satisfactory response



Q10: Provide a brief description of a 'Disability Action Plan'.

Satisfactory response



Q11: ‘The Dreaming’ is a vital aspect of the aboriginal people’s culture in Australia. Explain what ‘The Dreaming’ is?

Satisfactory response



Q12: Scenario - The hotel you work at has a large tour group of guests from the United Arab Emirates. An internet site you used has given you conflicting information when it comes to communicating and serving Arabic guests. Where else can you go to source the information you need to ensure there are no cultural misunderstandings during their stay?

Satisfactory response



Q13: Provide one (1) way of communicating with someone who speaks a different language to you when verbal communication has proven difficult.

Satisfactory response



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