BSBWOR502 Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness
Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness
Richmond School of Business.
This Assessment Booklet provides you with information and your assessment tasks for this unit. A requirement of your qualification, from which the unit of competence is taken, is the application of the concepts you have been learning.
The assessment activities are an important part of your course as they provide an opportunity to apply what you have been learning and they give both you and your trainer feedback on your progress.
Please read this section carefully before commencing the assessment tasks.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If you can demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge within this unit, you should speak to a trainer/assessor about this and apply for recognition of prior learning.
Prior to Assessment
You must be advised of your rights before and after the assessments including the right to appeal.
Assessors must provide you with all relevant information relating to the assessments prior to commencement and of the appeals procedure that can be utilised if you wish to appeal against the assessment outcome or make a complaint.
Submitting Assessments
Each part of this assessment booklet needs to be carefully completed and you are required to attain a ‘satisfactory’ mark for each of the assessment activities. Full details of what is required have been detailed in instructions before each assessment task.
You must submit assessment tasks with the cover sheet provided at the end of this Booklet. You must attach one cover sheet per assessment upon submission, ticking the relevant assessment box. Ensure you sign the form after completion.
Assessments should be submitted on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances. Consultation on this must occur prior to the due date and extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions will be confirmed to you in writing.
Plagiarism and Referencing
You are reminded that plagiarism will not be tolerated. Information, ideas etc. quoted or paraphrased from another source, must be acknowledged with “quotation marks” around the relevant words/sentences or ideas and cited at the end of the document. Sources of information, ideas etc. must be provided in alphabetical order by author’s surname (including author’s full name, name of document/ book/internet etc. and year and place of publishing) or may be included in brackets in the text.
Assessment Outcomes
The evidence you submit will be assessed and you will be given written feedback. Each assessment task will be marked as either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory and once all assessments have been marked you will be given an outcome of Competent or Not Competent for the unit of competence. Upon demonstrating competence, you will be awarded this unit. If you are assessed as Not Competent, you will be given some suggestions for improvement and asked to redo your assessment.
In the event you are deemed Unsatisfactory, you will be allowed two (2) further attempts at an assessment within the timeframe of this course.
As part of the assessment process, you must abide by any relevant assessment policies as provided to you. If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or this assessment is unfair, you should be offered the opportunity to discuss all options that are available to you to complete the assessment.
Reasonable Adjustment
RTOs and Trainers/Assessors are obliged by law to make reasonable adjustment to ensure maximum participation of students with disability in teaching, learning and assessment activities. This includes:
ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible;
providing additional support where necessary; and
offering a reasonable substitute within the context of the course where a student cannot participate.
Reasonable adjustment is defined in section 4(1) of the Employment and the Disability Discrimination Act as ‘an adjustment to be made by a person is a reasonable adjustment unless making the adjustment would impose an unjustifiable hardship on the person’. Reasonable adjustment as it applies to participation in learning and assessment activities may include:
customising resources or activities within a training package or accredited course;
modifying a presentation medium;
providing additional support;
providing assistive or adaptive technologies;
making additional information accessible both before enrolment and during the course; and
monitoring these adjustments to ensure that the student’s needs continue to be met.
An individual’s access to the assessment process should not be adversely affected by restrictions placed on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in the training package. Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or context that meet the individual needs of the person with a disability, but do not change competency outcomes.
The assessment process must:
- Provide for valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment
- Provide for judgement to be made on the basis of sufficient evidence
- Offer valid, authentic and current evidence.
Within this qualification are units of competency that form the basis of your assessments. These can be located in your Unit Outline Booklet.
Assessments FOR THIS UNIT
There are three (3) forms of assessment or evidence gathering methods for this unit of competency. You are required to complete and submit all the assessments.
Assessment 1. Written Questions
This assessment consists of two parts totalling sixteen (16) questions; Part A has 12 questions and Part B has 4 questions. Students are required to answer all questions. Some questions might require short answers but most of the questions expect students to provide comprehensive answers. These questions are developed to assess the student’s knowledge of BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness. These questions sufficiently cover the criteria set out under Performance Elements and Knowledge Evidence of this unit.
Students may use various sources of information including: text books, learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and they must list their sources.
Assessment 2. Holistic
This Assessment gives students a chance to apply the principles learnt in the course by undertaking a variety of tasks within the ambit of the leading and managing team effectiveness, thereby sufficiently satisfying the majority of the assessment requirements for this unit. This way, this assessment can be considered as a holistic assessment.
Students must record their answers in a separate A4 document and submit by attaching to their cover page.
Assessment 3. Case Study
This assessment is designed to test the various criteria, set out under third and fourth performance elements, of this unit. Based on the given information and case study based scenario, students are required to answer some 4 questions with some good details.
Assessment 1, will begin in Week 1 of the unit, due in Week 4 (on the first day of the new unit). |
Assessment 2, Holistic, due in Week 4 (on the first day of the new unit) |
Assessment 3, Case Study Based Report, due in Week 4 (on the first day of the new unit) |
Assessment 1: Written Questions
This assessment consists of two parts totalling sixteen (16) questions; Part A has 12 questions and Part B has 4 questions to assess the student’s knowledge of BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness.
Instructions for Students
Students must answer all questions. Most questions require short answers although some questions require a more detailed response. Students may use various sources of information including: text books, learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and they must list their sources.
Question/Answer | |
Q1. |
What are the key elements of a team charter? How does a team charter help teams meet their objectives? (Max. words: 350) |
Q2. |
How do standard operating procedures help teams: (Max. words: 300) a. achieve their objectives? b. be accountable for their actions? |
Q3. |
What is positive coaching? How does this benefit teams and individuals? (Max. words: 350) |
Q4. |
What is the difference between constructive and destructive feedback? Describe a time when you have delivered constructive feedback. (Max. words: 350) |
Q5. |
What is upward communication? Give three different examples of upward communication and suggest appropriate communication methods for each. (Max. words: 350) |
Q6. |
What is effective listening? How can using effective listening improve communication? (Max. words: 350) |
Q7. |
What are the key elements of a corrective action plan? How does a corrective action plan help resolve problems effectively? (Max. words: 350) |
Q8. |
Briefly explain how mentoring and coaching can help ensure team effectiveness. (Max. words: 350) |
Q9. |
List five reasons why conflict issues or situations may occur in the workplace and provide an example for each. |
Q10 |
a. Briefly outline the following two methods used in gaining consensus amongst team members:
b. Briefly explain the benefits of consensus decision-making. (Max. words: 350) |
Q.11 |
Briefly describe the following issue resolution strategies, commonly used at workplace: Buddy system (Max. 50 words) Counselling (Max. 50 words) Mentoring (Max. 50 words) Us of Fair Work Commission (Max. 50 words) |
Q.12 |
Define the term ‘Group Dynamics’, coined by Kurt Lewin, a social psychologist and change management expert, in1940s. Briefly explain any four factors which can cause poor group dynamics? (Max. 150 words) |
Question/Answer | |
Q1. |
Develop a performance plan that may be used by your team. Describe: how this plan helps your team achieve their objectives (Max. words: 750) how you might support the team in achieving these objectives. (Max. words: 700) |
Q2. |
Describe a team which you have led, or been a member of, that did not operate effectively. What were the key factors contributing to the poor performance of the team? How could the performance be improved? (Max. words: 750) In your response, be sure to describe: planning processes clarity and commitment to objectives team members’ capacity to perform work support of team members by team leader relationships within the team accountability of team members for their own and the teams’ objectives relationships with other stakeholders. |
Q3. |
Identify a leader that you admire. Describe the leadership characteristics they display and provide examples. How might you improve your own performance in each of these characteristics? (Max. words: 550) |
Q4. |
Consider the leader you described in the previous question. How would you describe their conflict resolution style? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this style? (Max. words: 550) |
Assessment 2: Holistic
This Assessment gives students a chance to apply the principles learnt in the course by undertaking a variety of tasks within the ambit of the leading and managing team effectiveness, thereby sufficiently satisfying the majority of the assessment requirements for this unit. This way, this assessment can be considered as a holistic assessment.
Student Instructions:
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Consider the following case scenario and respond to the tasks below.
Imagine you are the leader of the Customer Service team at a retail outlet selling confectionary items. You are responsible for making sure that the outlet is always staffed with good, efficient, bubbly, and customer friendly shop assistants.
You have a team of 7 shop assistants and you have noticed that due to the job for a shop assistant being demanding there is a high staff turnover rate in your outlet.
Recently, the top management agreed on a strategic business plan from which you are to develop a performance plan for your sales team.
The key features of the business strategic plan for the next 12 months are given below:
Increasing turnover by 15% by:
Introducing 10 new products every 6 months
Increasing brand loyalty of the store by:
Introducing Loyalty Cards
Increasing customer service level by 20%
For the team that you manage:
1. Define the sales team goals for the next 12 months. Make sure that the goals are SMART.
2. Define the KPIs for each goal.
3. Identify the methods you will use to consult the team members to set the goals & KPIs.
4. Refer to the KPI that you developed above, identify the methods you will use to support your team to meet the expected outcomes. (Max. words: 350)
5. Explain the benefits of involving team members and drawbacks of not involving team members, in planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team. (Please avoid a general answer) (Max. words: 450)
6. Explain the key aspects of the self-managing teams. How do you see the utilization of the self-managing teams in the above given case scenario? (Max. words: 450)
7. Describe the methods you would use for making your team self-managed team and to communicate effectively with one another to achieve team goals. (Max. words: 450)
8. Explain briefly how you ensure that you comply with organizational policies and procedures when recognizing excellence in performance. (Max. words: 500)
9. Briefly identify procedures to recognize and address issues, problems and concerns raised by the team. (Max. words: 750)
10. Briefly describe methods of supporting the team to identify and resolve poor performance issues within the team. (Max. words: 450)
Assessment 3: Case Study
This assessment consists of four (4) questions based on a case study provided below to assess the student’s knowledge of BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness.
Instructions for Students
Students must answer all questions. Most questions require short answers although some questions require a more detailed response. Students may use various sources of information including: text books, learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and they must list their sources.
Carefully read the case study, then answer the four (4) questions that follow.
Case study
Sonia is the production manager at an electronics manufacturer. She has just been notified of a fire at a key supplier, which means they will not be able to deliver for months. This supplier provides the components for their most popular computer game console. It is September, one of their busiest months, as they produce stock for Christmas sales.
This has the potential to significantly reduce the organisation’s total revenue and profit. Sonia knows she cannot resolve this alone. She calls a meeting with the:
Purchasing Manager
Warehouse Manager
Sales Manager.
Sonia knows the team needs to decide their approach quickly, or they will miss the Christmas opportunity. She decides to plan the meeting so that the time is spent constructively and results in an action plan.
1. What problem-solving techniques might Sonia use to resolve this concern? Why would these be useful?
2. What criteria might Sonia and the other managers use to choose between alternative solutions? Why are these appropriate?
3. Why is it important to involve other areas of the organisation in developing an action plan to address this concern?
4. Sonia reports to the Operations Manager. What upward communication may be required as part of resolving this situation?
Deliver a 10-15minute presentation on your favourite topic from this unit.