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MGTP102 Management Principles Assignment Help

Assessment Description:

Write an argumentative academic essay on one of three given topics related to management theory. The essay will be written in accordance with the guidelines for writing academic essays in the Academic Learning Skills (ALS) student guide “Essay Writing”.
The argumentative essay must agree or disagree with one of the statements below:

a) Pay acts as a universal motivator as it meets all needs.


b) Given the pace of change strategic planning is a waste of time.


c) All managers do not need to be leaders.

Your essay must include:

  • At least five reference sources including the prescribed textbook, none of which are internet sources, e.g. websites.
  • Correct argumentative essay structure. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide “Essay Writing”.
  • Harvard Australian referencing for any sources you use. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide “Referencing”.

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Management Principles MGTP102

Referencing Styles : Harvard | Pages : 3

1) To demonstrate knowledge of broad business principles with depth of understanding of at least one business discipline
3) To develop the skills to demonstrate a broad understanding of business principles and demonstrate depth in at least one discipline.
4) To develop the skills to allow the acquisition and synthesising of information within a complex professional setting.
7) To develop and apply an understanding of independent as well as group learning.
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed:
1) Explain concepts and theories of management
4) Employ analytical and problem solving skills to find solutions to managerial problems

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