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Import Data to MySQL

This tab enables you to send out your MySQL information. Select every outline you need to send out, alternatively pick explicit diagram objects/tables from every pattern, and create the fare. Arrangement alternatives incorporate trading to a task organizer or independent SQL record, alternatively dump put away schedules and occasions, or avoid table information.

Import Data to MySQL

Import Data to MySQL

Coming up next is a model walkthrough of importing an Excel report into a MySQL database. To run this instructional exercise you will require an Excel record, and administrator access to a running MySQL case.

Data Export from Excel

For the model we'll be utilizing the accompanying Excel document on rental pontoons:


Open your Excel document and snap Save As. Spare it as a .CSV (Comma Separated) document. On the off chance that you are running Excel on a Mac, you should spare the record as a Windows Comma Separated (.csv) or CSV (Windows) to keep up the right designing.

Sign into your MySQL shell and make a database. For this model the database will be named boatdb. Note that the - nearby infile choice is required by certain renditions of MySQL for the information stacking we'll do in the accompanying advances.

$ mysql -u root -p --local-infile
mysql> create database boatdb;
mysql> use boatdb;

Next we'll characterize the blueprint for our vessel table utilizing the CREATE TABLE direction. For more subtleties, see the MySQL documentation.

name VARCHAR(40),
type VARCHAR(10),
owner_id INT NOT NULL,
date_made DATE,
rental_price FLOAT

Run show tables to check that your table was made.

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_boatdb |
| boats |

Presently that there is a database and a table arrangement, the information can be imported with the LOAD DATA direction.

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE {"/path/to/boats.csv"} INTO TABLE boatdb.boats
(id, name, type, owner_id, @datevar, rental_price)
set date_made = STR_TO_DATE(@datevar,'%m/%d/%Y');

On the off chance that you are a Chartio client, you would now be able to associate the MySQL database to Chartio and diagram away.

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MYSQL Tutorials

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Very affordable projects!! And that to submit before deadlines. Thanks for helping me in my database project and raising my grades. I have been able to secure good marks in my internal assessment only because of you. Read More

MYSQL Tutorials

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Very affordable projects!! And that to submit before deadlines. Thanks for helping me in my database project and raising my grades. I have been able to secure good marks in my internal assessment only because of you. Read More

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