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You can send out a MySQL database to a document by utilizing phpMyAdmin or the mysqldump database order line program.

MySQL Export Database Method #1: Use phpMyAdmin

You can trade a MySQL database utilizing the phpMyAdmin web interface. To do this, pursue these means:

1. Log in to cPanel.

2. In the DATABASES area of the cPanel home screen, click phpMyAdmin:

3. The phpMyAdmin organization page shows up in another window.

4. In the left sheet of the phpMyAdmin page, click the database that you need to trade.

5. Click the Export tab.

6. Under Export strategy, affirm that Quick is chosen.

7. Under Format, affirm that SQL is chosen.

8. Click Go.

9. In the Save File exchange box, type the filename and select the index where you need to spare the sent-out database on your nearby PC.

10. Click Save. The fare procedure runs.

MySQL Export Database Method #2: Use the mysqldump program

You can trade a MySQL database from the direction line utilizing the mysqldump database program. To do this, pursue these means:

1. Access the order line on the PC where the database is put away. For instance, if the database is on another web facilitating account or with another web facilitating supplier, sign in to the record utilizing SSH. On the off chance that you have physical access to the PC, you can open a DOS or terminal window to get to the order line.

2. Type your secret key at the Enter secret phrase brief.

3. The dbexport.sql record presently contains the majority of the information for the dbname database. On the off chance that the dbexport.sql document is on a remote PC, download the record to your nearby PC.


Before you can import the database, you should make another database in cPanel and appoint a client to it. To do this, pursue these means:

1. Log in to cPanel.

2. Type the accompanying order, and after that press Enter. Supplant username with your username, and dbname with the name of the database that you need to send out:

 mysqldump - u username - p dbname > dbexport.sql

3. In the DATABASES area of the cPanel home screen, click MySQL® Databases:

4. Under Create New Database, in the New Database content box, type the name of the database.

5. Click Create Database. cPanel makes the database.

6. When the database is made, click Go Back.

7. Under Add User to Database, in the User rundown box, select the client that you need to include.

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