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Destination Management Plays Most Important Assessment Answer

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Key Topics

Destination Marketing Strategy Components: Destination analysis (your location) – where are we now?

a. Outline of the prevailing environments (sociocultural, economic, physical, political etc) and how they impact on the tourism system (TGR, TR, TDR)=

b. SWOT Analysis =

c. Key components of the destination to be promoted =

d. Justification for their inclusion = 

 e. Evaluation of existing promotional material associated with the destination and of its competitors =

f. Evaluate three competitors

Market Information - Target market =

a. Justification for the market to be targeted (both in terms of your destination’s appeal to this market, type of marketing campaign, the market’s growth potential etc) =

b. Demographic, behavioural and psychographic characteristics
Marketing Objectives – where do we want to be? 

a. SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) 

Branding = a. Justification for the proposed branding theme based on the target market and key components of the destination =

b. Creative key phrases, images and promotional theme to be used to reinforce this branding = 

Promotional campaign – how will we get there?

a. Where, when and how will the destination be promoted (action plan/marketing schedule)

b. What promotional tools will be utlised for the campaign?

Advertising, PR, sales promotion, website etc 
Cooperative Elements a. Outline cooperative opportunities available for local operators to participate in the campaign 


a. Provide a brief costing for the major elements of the campaign such as printing, merchandise, brochures, website management, staff employed, campaign funding, etc

Evaluation – how will we know if we have arrived? 

Marketing Strategy 


Destination management is linked with highlighting the unique attributes in particular destination that can be easily adopted for attracting customers. The present report is based on destination management of Queenstown where is one of the most famous place located in New Zealand that tourists prefer to visit and this provides them remarkable experience. The top 5 international market of the Queenstown involve China, USA, UK, Australia and Rest of Asia. The economic performance of Queenstown is sound and employment level is increasing. The key components of the destination that can be promoted involves natural beauty, majestic mountains, adventure and along with this natural parks. The main market that will be targeted involves youngsters who mainly prefers to visit different places on continuous such as different form of attraction places that involves wildlife and nature, biking, Fiordland national part etc


Destination management plays most important role in tourism as it is directly associated with highlighting the positive aspects in particular destination that can be easily adopted for attracting customers (Mariani, et al. 2014). Further, in the modern era tourism industry has become highly competitive and in order to highlight some of unique attributes of the particular destination it is necessary to indulge into the effective marketing practice so that destination can be promoted in the best possible manner. The present report is based on destination management of Queenstown where is one of the most famous place located in New Zealand that tourists prefer to visit and this provides them remarkable experience. The report covers various areas that involve destination analysis, market information, branding, promotional campaign of the destination etc.

Destination analysis 
For the purpose of destination analysis several factors have been taken into consideration that affects Queenstown as one of the destination. One of the key factor is socio-cultural whose impact is quite positive as the residents living in the Queenstown focuses on following their values and beliefs. Further, cultural impact has been witnessed with the changes in arts, customs, rituals and architecture (Queenstown New Zealand, 2018). Different cultural and heritage activities linked with Queenstown involves wine and culture tour, rich Maori heritage is present and it is considered as the home to actors, musicians, dancers and artists.
Another factor is economic condition where tourism industry is the major economic driver with annual expenditure of $2billion in the year 2016. Queenstown recorded significant rise of 19.2% in the international expenditure to $1.395 billion. The top 5 international market of the Queenstown involve China, USA, UK, Australia and Rest of Asia (Department of infrastructure and planning, 2015). The economic performance of Queenstown is sound and employment level is increasing with the development of the tourism industry. Sound economic condition is having positive impact on Travel-Generating Region (TGR) as it is generating market for tourism and in turn more tourism services are introduced for satisfying the need of the tourists. In case if in near future Transit Route region (TR) will be developed then transportation facilities will be improved where more flights and other modes will be available for reaching Queenstown. It is expected that visitors spending will grow in the year 2018 (Költringer & Dickinger, 2015).
Physical environment of Queenstown is developed where natural places, sports, sightseeing and other form of activities provides remarkable experience to the tourists. Along with this infrastructure of hotels, pubs and café are highly developed. In case if the physical infrastructure is attractive then it will positively influence tourist destination region (TDR) as more tourists will be attracted. Political factors are also in favor where government focuses on development of infrastructure and building entire tourism industry for generating more employment and this is beneficial from tourism point of view.

SWOT analysis
Large number of attraction places 
Natural places such as parks etc
Strong culture 
Adventurous place 
Place to explore Weaknesses
Low population 
Lack of employment opportunities 
Lack of industrial area
Internet service is one of the barrier in the remote areas
Adoption of advanced technology can support in development of community
Encouraging businesses to invest in the area so that development of town can take place at faster pace 
Commercial hub can be developed that can reflect the art, craft of the local community Threats
Excessive tourism
Pollution is damaging the natural environment 

The key components of the destination that can be promoted involves natural beauty, majestic mountains, adventure and along with this natural parks and areas that promotes natural beauty are also present (Boes, Buhalis & Inversini, 2015). 

The main reason behind undertaking all these components is that they can easily influence the purchase behavior of the travelers and in turn can provide them unique experience. 

Mainly the promotional materials associated with destination and those of competitors is advertising with the help of print media, electronic media that allows in highlighting the unique features of the destination. 

The main competitors of Queenstown from tourism point of view involves Wellington, Rotorua and Wanaka. All these three competitors are famous from tourism point of view and different tourist places are present within these destinations that can attract customers (Pike & Page, 2014). 

Market Information 

The main market that will be targeted involves youngsters who mainly prefers to visit different places on continuous such as different form of attraction places that involves wildlife and nature, biking, Fiordland national part etc. Main natural places are present within the Queenstown and people prefer to visit nature based places will be the main target market for this destination 
The destination’s appeal to market is quite effective where the places present within Queenstown can provide remarkable experience to the tourists. Tourists can visit different places linked with nature and they can gain knowledge regarding the same (Boes, Buhalis, & Inversini, 2015). The marketing campaign that will be applicable involve social media and the market has high growth potential as numerous tourist destinations are present in Queenstown linked with adventurous sports, national parks etc that can attract tourists from the different areas. In near future with the rise in level of publicity the demand for tourist places will increase especially when the unique attributes in the tourist places will be highlighted.

Considering the demographic attribute tourists of every region will be targeted and there will be no such specific region in which marketing will be conducted. In short, the entire geography will be covered and the attributes of the destination will be highlighted at global level. 
In case of psychographic attribute the customers will be segregated on the basis of life style, social class, personality and values (Beritelli, Bieger & Laesser, 2014). Individuals who are quite modern and prefer to spend a lot on tourism related activities will be targeted. So, lifestyle is one of the most appropriate criteria in case of psychographic segmentation

Behavioral segmentation is all about dividing the customers in groups on the basis of several criteria such as awareness, knowledge, purchase patterns etc. So, individuals who are aware about adventurous sports, activities such as biking, trekking etc will be targeted. Moreover on the basis of knowledge tourists will be divided like who have good knowledge in relation with the tourism activities that are offered in Queenstown will be the main target. 
Marketing objectives 

SMART objectives 

Specific: The main objective will be to enhance the promotion level of tourist attraction places present in Queenstown. Objective will be to enhance the demand for tourism within Queenstown by 10% in the next year. To enhance the awareness level of tourist places located in Queenstown and enhancing their knowledge level regarding different places. 

Measurable: The objective of enhancing demand for tourism will be measured by comparing the present of present year with the past and it will help in knowing the actual percentage of growth (Vanhove, 2017). The objective of enhancing awareness level of tourist place will be measured by obtaining the feedback of tourists and they will be asked questions regarding tourist places located in Queenstown. 

Realistic: The objectives framed are real and can be accomplished if right efforts have been applied for accomplishing the same. Queenstown is one of the popular place and by highlighting its key attributes it is quite possible to accomplish the key objectives linked with enhancing demand for tourism, increasing knowledge level etc.
Timely: mainly time frame of 1 month is mainly required so as to accomplish the objectives framed. In this time period different tactics will be adopted that will assist in enhancing awareness level regarding the tourist places present in Queenstown 


In case of Queenstown the branding theme will be “Adventure and sports activities for leisure”. This theme will clearly highlight the range of benefits that this destination can provide to the tourist and in turn they can take advantage of such activities. Key components of the destination involves sports activities, adventure activities, natural parks, lakes and other point of interests are present that contributes a lot in enhancing the demand for tourism within Queenstown (Queenstown Town Centre Strategy, 2009). With the motive to attract tourists from the different areas the above mentioned components will be highlighted in front of the tourists with the help of different marketing tactics. The theme mentioned will surely assisting in attracting tourists and it will be possible for them to know about the different places of attraction present in Queenstown. 
Key phrase: “Visit Queenstown and experience the real world of adventurous, sports and other form of activities”
“Queenstown the natural beauty”

Above shown are some of the images that highlights the beauty of Queenstown as one of the attractive tourist destination. Further, through the above images it is possible to attract customers towards this place and in turn demand for tourism can be enhanced easily. 
For promotion purpose discount can be offered on the accommodation service that can assist in attracting tourists from all over the globe. 5% discount hotel on the luxury hotels located in Queenstown. So, this will be used for promotion purpose.

Promotional campaign 

Destination will be promoted for the time period of 1 month on the social media platform. Mainly the actions that will be taken involves designing promotion content that will take time period of 10 days. Content developed will be ensured by the marketers so as to ensure whether it is attractive or not. In the second stage content will be tested on social media platform so as to know whether customers are liking the content or not (Mason, 2015). So, on the basis of response of customers the content will be finalized. In the last stage promotional content will be posted on facebook page that will provide information on all the tourist attraction places present in Queenstown.
Advertising as one of the promotional tool will be adopted where promotional with the help of social media platform such as facebook that will be undertaken for highlighting the unique attributes in Queenstown as one of the tourist destination (Zehrer, Smeral, & Hallmann, 2017). It will surely assist in attracting visitors towards this place and in turn the demand for tourism will significantly rise. One of the main advantage of using this promotional technique will be that it will assist in promoting destination at global and overall publicity will be broader. 

Cooperative Elements 

The local operators present in Queenstown will be provided cooperative opportunities where they will be allowed to design different marketing content that will be published on facebook. Local operators who will provide effective content and different ideas for promoting Queenstown will be given reward for their support and in this way their role will be crucial in the promotion of Queenstown. 
Item Cost (NZ$)
Printing 80
Staff employed 160
Campaign funding 500 

Above shown are the main elements along with the cost that will be undertaken in designing the marketing campaign. Further, the most important is staff employed that will develop different form of marketing campaign. Printing of some brochures will take place and this will be another main expense for the destination marketing.


The main evaluation criteria that will be adopted is linked with obtaining feedback of the customers (Mariani, Di Felice, & Mura, 2016). Small survey will be carried out in which travelers will be asked different questions like what places they know about in Queenstown, how are they different from others, what attracts them towards the destinations in Queenstown and other form of questions through which it will be ensured whether the marketing campaign design is effective or not. This will assist in proper evaluation of the marketing campaign in the best possible manner.


The entire study carried out has supported in knowing that for destination management it is necessary to design effective promotional campaigns. Further, in case of Queenstown promotion and marketing of the destination places present can be highlighted with the help of social media platform and it can assist in knowing the unique attributes also. Apart from this, the economic, social, economical and other aspects are favorable that can surely assist in enhancing the performance of Queenstown as tourist destination and in turn it can act as development tool in the every possible manner. 


Beritelli, P., Bieger, T., & Laesser, C. (2014). The new frontiers of destination management: Applying variable geometry as a function-based approach. Journal of Travel Research, 53(4), 403-417.
Boes, K., Buhalis, D., & Inversini, A. (2015). Conceptualising smart tourism destination dimensions. In Information and communication technologies in tourism 2015 (pp. 391-403). Springer, Cham.
Department of infrastructure and planning, (2015). Prepared by the Planning Information and Forecasting Unit. [Online]. Accessed through < https://www.queenstownnz.co.nz/things-to-do/culture-and-heritage/>. [Accessed on 13th April 2018].
Költringer, C., & Dickinger, A. (2015). Analyzing destination branding and image from online sources: A web content mining approach. Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1836-1843.
Mariani, M. M., Buhalis, D., Longhi, C., & Vitouladiti, O. (2014). Managing change in tourism destinations: Key issues and current trends. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2(4), 269-272.
Mariani, M. M., Di Felice, M., & Mura, M. (2016). Facebook as a destination marketing tool: Evidence from Italian regional Destination Management Organizations. Tourism Management, 54, 321-343.
Mason, P. (2015). Tourism impacts, planning and management. Routledge.
Pike, S., & Page, S. J. (2014). Destination Marketing Organizations and destination marketing: A narrative analysis of the literature. Tourism management, 41, 202-227.
Queenstown New Zealand, (2018). Queenstown Culture & Heritage. [Online]. Accessed through < https://www.queenstownnz.co.nz/things-to-do/culture-and-heritage/>. [Accessed on 13th April 2018].
Queenstown Town Centre Strategy, (2009). [Online]. Accessed through < http://www.qldc.govt.nz/assets/OldImages/Files/Strategies/Town_Centre_Strategies/Queenstown_Town_Centre_Strategy.pdf>. [Accessed on 13th April 2018].
Vanhove, N. (2017). The Economics of Tourism Destinations: Theory and Practice. Routledge.
Zehrer, A., Smeral, E., & Hallmann, K. (2017). Destination Competitiveness—A Comparison of Subjective and Objective Indicators for Winter Sports Areas. Journal of Travel Research, 56(1), 55-66.

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