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Creativity of the Individuals Free-Samples

1. Use SCAMPER to generate Ideas for how the site could be used.
2. Make a recommendation on what you think is the best idea, and explain why you think so? Expand on the idea. Why weren’t other Ideas considered?


1.The aspects of creativity and innovation help the individuals to escape from the known domains and penetrate into the unknown realms of capability. Herein, lays the concept of thinking out of the box. As a matter of specification, the box relates to the limitations and binding, within which the individuals perform the tasks (Vantassel 2016). The diversification of the word out relates to the rational application in terms of enhancing the creativity. Delving deep into the variables, Creativity and innovation are interrelated with each other. Countering this, effective utilization of the intellect and rationality bestows creative ideas upon the individuals. On the contrary, experimentation with the available ideas upgrades the imaginative power of the individuals. Evaluation helps the individuals to examine the effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility of the exposed performance in terms of the identified targets (Somech and Anat 2013). Along with this, evaluation brings to the forefront the potential drawbacks in the exposed performance. Application of spontaneity in the rectification of these drawbacks uplifts the personality of the individuals in terms of the performance of the basic tasks.

There are several ways in which the individuals can enhance their creativity. One of these is SCAMPER. This is the acronym for the aspects of substitute, combine, adapt, modify, put to other uses, eliminate and reverse or rearrange. According to the functionality of this idea, this acronym can be placed in equal alignment with the action of putting thinking hats, which enhances the attribute of individuality for the individuals (Yoshida et al. 2014). The same is applicable for the property, around which the discussion revolves. The following shows the applicability of Scamper for the site.

Utilization of the site for other purposes than the usual ones, relates to the initial letter, S. This type of utilization relates to the aspect of experimenting with the available ideas. Achieving failure with one idea requires the immediate application of the alternative ideas. This saves a lot of time and projects the attributes of perseverance in case of the achievement of positive outcomes. This substitution might be a distortion with the usual conventions of the utilization of the plot, however, substitution in the utilization might result in the effective and judicious utilization (Sarooghi et al. 2015). On the site, there are ruins of three buildings, with which nurseries can be created for preserving the plants and trees, losing their beauty amidst the ruins. The presence of outdoor barbeque would be an advantage for the university authorities in terms of serving lip-smacking delicacies to the students through picnics and other fun activities.

Experimentation with the available ideas relates to the second letter, c. combination of the known ideas helps the personnel to pick out the most appropriate ideas for the effective utilization of the site. Countering this, trying to develop a new idea from the combination of ideas enhances the creativity of the individuals. As an example, combining the ruins of the building and the plants, another garden can be created, which is made of rocks (Litchfield et al. 2014). This garden can be kept for attracting the foreign inspectors towards the upgradation of the university. The garden created out by the ruins of the earth buildings relates to the creativity of the artisans in order to alter the scenario of the university. Along with this, this step adds value to the attribute of innovation.

Seeking guidance from the agency partners for the effective utilization of the plot broadens the scope and arena of the administrative authorities of the university. Within this, most of the times there is a tendency for conflicts that might arise among the university personnel and the partners (Bateson et al. 2013). Countering this, adjusting with the provided solutions of the partners prove beneficial for the university personnel in terms of enhancing their creativity. Herein, lays the symbolic significance of the fourth letter, that is “a”. Herein, the action of experimentation finds its applicability. As a matter of specification, seeking out innovative ways and means for utilizing the materials at hand enhances the creativity of the university authorities. Along with this, creating something innovative with the handy materials saves a lot of time for the university, which can be devoted to the other related activities (Auernhammer and Hazel 2014). Aligning this with the case scenario, the close proximity of Murdoch University veterinary farm can be utilized for developing a hospital for curing the stray animals. Hiring experts for delivering courses on pet care can be beneficial for the university authorities in terms of utilizing the plot in an effective and judicious manner. Moreover, creating innovative things, out of ruins, sheds off the tag of “ruins” from the material and adds color to it.

The next letter is “m”, which stands for modification. Typical examples of modification are changing the color, shape and size of the materials. Aligning the case of the plot in this context, dismantling of the ponds, barbeque kitchen and office space can result in the creation of a library and a stationery shop (Frow et al. 2015). Countering this, stationery shop needs a small space, which can be created within the vacant space in the garden. Counter arguing this, creation of both library and stationery shop needs enough financial flexibility. Dismantling of the pre-existing structures bears correlation with changing the shape of the university structure, which is a distortion of the traditional structure as well as a gradual progression towards the creation of something new and innovative for the betterment of the university as a whole. Along with this, if flowery plants are bought by the university authorities, it would add to the beauty of the garden, which is gradually losing its significance (Bateson et al. 2013). Along with this, if the rock like structures is placed along the surface area of the pond, it would add an extra feature to the garden. Adopting these steps would act as a recreation for the university personnel in their leisure walks in the evening.

The fifth letter is “p”, which relates to the introductory letter, “s”. Putting the material into other usages can be aligned with its alternative uses. Emerging successful in this usage is one of the other ways of enhancement of the imagination and creativity. In case of the plot of Murdoch University, the office space can be utilized as coaching classes. This is possible only if the university personnel emerge successful in extending the limitations of the space into the vastness of auditorium halls (Sarooghi et al. 2015). Apart from this, the office space can be used as a hospital for the treatment of the animals. Inclusion of pet care courses within the curriculum would help the university in terms of enhancing the parameter of corporate social responsibility.

The second last letter of the thinking is “e”, which stands for elimination. Elimination relates with removal of the materials, which are irrelevant for the performance of the task. Countering this, elimination can be aligned with the action of optimization, which takes the individuals directly to the tasks that needs to be performed. This optimization inculcated within the individuals, self-organizational skills (Somech and Anat 2013). Countering this, exposure of persisting attitude for creating something new enhances the imaginative power of the individuals. Sometimes, reducing the size of the material also serves the purpose of this stage. Decreasing the size of barbeque kitchen and the office space adds to the garden area. This addition is a further addition in the total surface area of the university, which if utilized properly enables the university personnel to achieve positive outcomes. Apart from reducing and removal, elimination also comprises of simplification of the material components. Here, removal of the earthy building ruins clears out a lot of space from the garden (Vantassel 2016). This cleansing adds to the greenery of the university garden and adds to the surface area. Viewing it from other perspective, this addition contradicts the aspects of the elimination; however, it leads to the innovation, which leads to creativity. Counter arguing this, clearing out the ruins can be aligned with the action of elimination.

Apart from this, one of the other components of elimination is reversing or rearranging. Typical example of this re-arrangement is altering the purpose for which the spaces around the plot were used by the university personnel. This re-arrangement might be a distortion of the integrated structure of the university; however, this distortion is a gradual progression towards the creation of something innovative (Yoshida et al. 2014). According to the functionality of this stage, it can be equated with making alternate usage of the plot. Altering the architectural design of the barbeque kitchen is an innovative task for the university personnel. Within this, taking some space from the garden enlarges the garden area, combination of which can be utilized for creating a massive library.

The penultimate letter of the thinking activity is “r”, which stands for rearrange. Herein, lays the symbolic significance of the earlier letter of e, which stands for elimination. Rearranging the materials bears resemblance with the action of reversing the structure (Litchfield et al. 2014).

Specifically, rearranging can be done by projecting the inside of the material outside or contracting the outer surface area of the material towards inner surface area. Typical example in this direction is the utilization of the barbeque kitchen for office purposes and vice versa. This rearrangement aligns with the action of substitution, which is an agent of enhancing innovation and creativity.

After highlighting the applicability of all the letters in SCAMPER, it can be said that the letters bears resemblance with the thinking stages. Countering this, the letters can be aligned with the action of experimenting with the known ideas (Auernhammer and Hazel 2014). Conjoining both the sentences, thinking can be considered as an experiment. Herein, lays the correlation with the letter “e”. The letter signifies elimination of the irrelevant thoughts, which is a gradual progression towards the appropriate idea. Delving deep into the issue, the stage of elimination can be considered as a rearrangement of the known and gathered ideas, thoughts and concepts. The earlier sentence adds value to the penultimate letter of the activity.

Re-arrangement aligns with the action of modification. This modification requires the elimination of the irrelevant ideas, thoughts and concepts that deviates the individuals from the identified and the specified targets (Litchfield et al. 2014).

This elimination relates with the substitute usage of the thoughts, ideas and concepts. Herein, lays the symbolic significance of the letter “P”. Further in this issue, the individuals need to make adjustments with the peer pressure, which is usually different from the self-generated ideas. The earlier sentence relates to the letter A. countering this, conflicting and chaotic environment sometimes bestows innovative ideas upon the individuals. Attachment of the act of evaluation in this context can be equalized with the importance of the letter, “m”, which stands for modification. Viewing it from other perspectives, this modification comprises of rearrangement in case of the gathered and available thoughts, ideas and concepts (Yoshida et al. 2014). The adjective “gathered” in the earlier sentence adds to the adaptability of the individuals in terms of rational and intellectual application. This interplay with the letters of the thinking activity bears resemblance with the experimentation capabilities of the university personnel in terms of making effective and judicious utilization of the site.

2.Recommendation can be considered as an outcome for the exposed performance. Herein, lays the effectiveness and appropriateness of the evaluation process, which brings to the forefront the potential drawbacks. Consideration of recommendations enhances and upgrades the preconceived skills of the individuals. Achievement of success with the help of the proposed recommendations adds value to the prefix “re”, which relates with the act of rearrangement (Litchfield et al. 2014). This is due to the modifications, which are needed for adjusting with the substitutes, which enhances the personality. Herein, lays the appropriateness of the action of putting the thinking hats, which alters the personality of the individuals. The same is applicable for the Murdoch University.

Starting from the entrance, if the distance of the Discovery Drive is reduced, then the visitors, students and the other personnel would not have to walk a long distance for reaching the university. Along with this, if a car slider is created, it will be easier for the cars to slide through the gates of the university (Frow et al. 2015).

Next in sequence comes the garden. Within, this, if the ruins of the earthy buildings are transformed into rock like structures, it would add to the beauty and magnificence of the pond. Utilizing the rock cut structures to create fountains in the ponds projects effective and judicious utilization of the garden spaces. Other buildings of the garden are the barbeque kitchen and the office spaces. If the space of the barbeque kitchen is enlarged, it would result in the creation of delicious dishes, which would cater to the appetite needs of the university staffs, students as well as the visitors (Bateson et al. 2013). Apart from this, if skilled and efficient chefs are hired, it would result in the effective and judicious utilization of the kitchen.

If large number of chairs, tables and other furniture are obtained by the university personnel, then the office space can be resumed with its usual functionality. On the contrary, if the office space is turned into coaching classes, then also the plot would attain judicious utilization. This bears partial relevance with the requirements of the assignment. Countering this, as the name of the site is Environment Technology centre, utilizing the vacant garden spaces to create nurseries and pet are hospitals would help the university personnel to preserve the ecological biodiversity (Litchfield et al. 2014).

Apart from this, if the ruins of the earthy buildings are used to creating homes for the stray animals, then also the site would be properly used. However, regular are would align with the tag of judicious utilization.

Above all, financial flexibility is required for the achievement of positive outcomes in terms of achieving positive outcomes. For this, meetings and conferences can be arranged with the stakeholders and shareholders. These meetings would help the university personnel to examine the appropriateness and feasibility of the suggested recommendations in terms of the identified and specified business requirements. Putting the recommendations on the social media and website portals would make the university personnel aware of the customer responses (Somech and Anat 2013)


Auernhammer, Jan, and Hazel Hall. "Organizational culture in knowledge creation, creativity and innovation: Towards the Freiraum model." Journal of Information Science 40, no. 2 (2014): 154-166.

Bateson, Patrick, Paul Patrick Gordon Bateson, and Paul Martin. Play, playfulness, creativity and innovation. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Frow, Pennie, Suvi Nenonen, Adrian Payne, and Kaj Storbacka. "Managing Co?creation Design: A Strategic Approach to Innovation." British Journal of Management 26, no. 3 (2015): 463-483.

Litchfield, Robert C., Cameron M. Ford, and Richard J. Gentry. "Linking individual creativity to organizational innovation." The Journal of Creative Behavior (2014).

Sarooghi, Hessamoddin, Dirk Libaers, and Andrew Burkemper. "Examining the relationship between creativity and innovation: A meta-analysis of organizational, cultural, and environmental factors." Journal of business venturing 30, no. 5 (2015): 714-731.

Somech, Anit, and Anat Drach-Zahavy. "Translating team creativity to innovation implementation: The role of team composition and climate for innovation." Journal of Management 39, no. 3 (2013): 684-708.

Vantassel-Baska, Joyce. "Creativity and Innovation." In Giftedness and Talent in the 21st Century, pp. 221-223. SensePublishers, 2016.

Yoshida, Diah Tuhfat, Sen Sendjaya, Giles Hirst, and Brian Cooper. "Does servant leadership foster creativity and innovation? A multi-level mediation study of identification and prototypicality." Journal of Business Research 67, no. 7 (2014): 1395-1404.

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