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Cpc50210 Diploma Of Building And Assessment Answers

What you will study

This Learner Resource contains six topics that you should work through step by step. The topics are:

  1. Occupational health and safety laws
  2. Duty of care
  3. Determine areas of potential risk
  4. Inspect and report on areas of specific risk
  5. Implementing control measures
  6. Communications and educational programs

There are also learning activities that you should complete before moving on to the next topic. These are provided to help you apply and reinforce what you have learnt in each section. If you have trouble answering any of them you should contact your tutor.

Explain the importance of having regulations covering work in the building and construction industry.

Explain the importance of an organisation such as the ABCB. Check your findings with the correct answer in the back of this Learner Resource under ‘Learning activity answers’.

* Retain this learning activity as part of your portfolio of evidence.

Access the WorkSafe Victoria website to review the sections on employee and employer rights and responsibilities. If you are studying in another state or territory, you can access the website of your local OHS Authority who will also have similar information available.

In the space provided below, summarise your rights and responsibilities as an employee and employer in the building and construction industry.

Employee responsibilities

Employer responsibilities

Within the building and construction industry you may be exposed to a range of work activities, such as:

  • setting up simple working platforms and temporary power sources
  • maintaining safe operation of equipment, including hand tools and portable power tools
  • taking measurements and site levels
  • performing site calculations
  • preparing sites and pouring and finishing concrete pads
  • working with internal partitioning
  • other trade services like plastering, painting and tiling.

More detailed information about asbestos can be found in the WorkSafe Victoria publication, Asbestos – A handbook for workplaces. This publication is freely available from any of the WorkSafe Victoria offices or through their website,


  • Wear a half face filter respirator available from safety supply stores when removing asbestos, as well as disposable overalls, hats and gloves.
  • Work with asbestos cement products in well ventilated areas and wet down material before commencing work.
  • Use only non-powered hand tools.
  • Use only a licensed asbestos remover for loosely-bound asbestos.
  • Consider your neighbours when removing asbestos. Any works carried out without appropriate precautions may be investigated.
  • Dispose of asbestos immediately taking all precautionary measures.



The aim of this assignment is to explore occupational health and safety in the building and construction workplace in which the various health and safety practices are into details explored and conclusions made on the findings. The aims of the assignment is attained by contextualizing the workplace through selection of a given construction workplace and the various aspects explored.


The research methodology approach used in the generation of this report in mainly qualitative in which the research involved an exploration into the safety and health practices that are performed at a selected construction site. Information or data was gathered mainly through observation as well as interviews. The interviews involved engaging both individuals and groups on individuals including skills and unskilled workers on the different aspects of safety and health practices that are available at the construction project.

OHS Evaluation

Safety Policy

With the end goal to actualize safety hones at building site, the organization offers safety as well as safety arrangement for every single key player in consistence with the word related security besides safety act 1994. The arrangement of organization is to direct its activity in a way which will guarantee sensible routine with regards to security, safety besides welfare at work for the representatives. Furthermore, it likewise guarantees which counteractive action of hazard to representatives and property goes along completely with all significant laws and controls (Sanchez, Pelaez & Alis, 2017).

The goal of this organization is to guarantee zero noteworthy mishaps for all staff nearby. It is additionally expressed in the safety arrangement that all workers will guarantee which working environment is more secure, adopts a safe work arrangement as well as to take sensible consideration for safety as well as soundness of themselves alongside other individual who could be influenced by their personal activities (Hartel, 2014). The safety approach of the organization underscores that safety, safety as well as situation is the responsibility of everyone. The safety strategy will be surveyed annually and would be accepted by the executive (Sousa, Almeida & Dias, 2014).

Inspection of the Safety of the Site

Site safety assessment is a mandatory practice which should be directed to guarantee the safety rehearses at the building site is running easily. In view of interviewee's supposition, most of security officers at the building site will direct security investigation in any case; the viability of security investigation has continuously been addressed. For this venture, the security officer will lead week after week security review through engaging in a site safety walk. Amid the security review session, the safety officer would entirely take prompt activity for specialists that neglect to consent with security controls. Moreover, the security officer would fill in the agenda that incorporates score framework to show the extent of security actualizing at the building site (Zhang, Boukamp & Teizer, 2015).

Training and Education

The organization dependably underlines the noteworthiness of safety as well as safety on development destinations. Among the approaches to instil security culture among the main stakeholders is by teaching them using instructional classes. The company would ensure that all new specialists would get to enlistment arrangement which is provided on a weekly basis. Every single new laborer would be offered a security presentation as well as safety matter amid the acceptance preparing. The safety officer will show them the safety image signage which is normally used as the construction site (Niu et al., 2018).

The workers are helped to remember safety measures which have to be drilled while playing out the undertakings. Besides, the organization gives work particular preparing to all specialists consistently in light of current advancement of works. The workers will be informed on the methodology to play out the assignments considering the parts of security while performing it. This activity particular preparing is vital particularly for the exchange which is inclusive of elevated structure venture. Other than employment particular preparing, this organization likewise gives safety as well as security preparing for chiefs and administrators (Sousa, Almeida & Dias., 2015).

Safety Auditing

The organization conducts safety inspecting twice a year. Ordinarily, it will be completed by International Organization of Standardization's delegates. It incorporates safety assessments, investigation of archives and by talking the security officer in control. Safety auditing is vital to gauge the level of security at the building site. After the examining session, the security officer may find the level of safety at the building site whether it meets the security standard prerequisite or not (Sivakarthigeyan et al., 2016).

Personal Protective Equipment

As the safety officer for this undertaking, the interviewee entirely asks all specialists at the building site to wear and utilize essential individual defensive hardware, for example, security head protector and security boots. He will likewise ensure all work forces for example, group administration, specialist or guests who are nearby to wear security head protector and security boots. The organization gives other PPE contingent upon the sort of work that incorporates face as well as eye assurance for welding works, ear insurance to keep from commotion, hand security as well as respiratory security. What's more, the security officer adopts a methodical approach take note of the issuance of PPE to workers through having a record of PPE. The security officer additionally gives PPE agenda each time it leads site investigation on PPE (Legg et al., 2016).

Safety Meetings by the Company

The interviewee focused on that these undertakings included thousand numbers of workers in the building site on occasion. Subsequently, the danger of risk is higher contrasted with different activities. Thusly, it is imperative to lead a month to month security meeting with the end goal to talk on the way to oversee as well as regulate the security of workers at development site. Amid the security meeting periods, the security panel would talk about current safety concerns at the building site as well as the council will design systems to dependably maintain as well as keep up the site security extent (Mahmoudi et al., 2014).

Aside from that, the security officer will direct day by day tool stash meeting for all subcontractors. It will be led dependent on the work extent of specific workers. This organization has given an agenda to each subject which should be examined amid tool stash talk meeting. The precedents of points are individual defensive gear (PPE), individual safety, security, fire anticipation, security offices what's more, others.

Emergency Help & Devices for Measuring Safety

The accessibility of crisis bolster and estimating gadgets is essential particularly in tall structure venture. Typically, if there should be an occurrence of crisis, for example, short out or putting out fires, this organization has given a get together point for all specialists to assemble should the need emerge. Besides, the medical aid types of gear are accessible on location. Other than that, they likewise give crisis access and entrance at working environment if there should be an occurrence of crisis.

Organization of the Safety of the Site

As indicated by the interviewee, safety is the most vital factor in this undertaking therefore the organization has named safety officers and security managers to control the safety on location. Because of importance of security as well as safety at building site, this organization sets up a security as well as safety board of trustees which comprises of every single key player who are engaged with the task (Friend & Kohn, 2018). The interviewee expressed that it is imperative to have the security as well as safety board on the grounds that this council will be mindful to oversee what's more, manage the safety as well as safety at the building site. Everybody in the council will assume their jobs to manage safety as well as safety at building site. Thus, the goal of organization to have zero noteworthy mischance for all site work force may be accomplished.

Systems for Preventing Fall

The interviewee expressed that contribution in an elevated structure venture is more dangerous than different ventures. With the end goal to decrease risks of fall when conducting tasks for this undertaking, the company offers safety saddles to every worker working at 2.5 meter tallness (Hartel, 2014). Other than that, they additionally offer safety nets, handrails what's more, guardrails, safety stepping stool to anticipate falls.

Promotions of Safety

As far as safety advancements, this organization offers safety signs and cautioning signs at building site. As the majority of workers are from Australia, they have security signs written in Australian dialect (Hofmann, Burke & Zohar, 2017).

Other Safety Practices 

The temporary worker gives a two-route heading to the entrance. The left side is for the individuals who come in while the correct side is for the individuals who exit from the traveller lift.

Challenges with Safety Practices at the Construction Site

Lack of communication

The thumbnail rule is that not every good supervisor has good communication skills even though they are able to guarantee that the job will be done well. At some times, it turned out that the supervisors did not have the needed skills for the delivery of a good toolbox task or even offer a precise, clear as well as effective communication on the basics of safety issues. Communication failures results in a workplace that tends to be generally more hazardous and may final result in employees least involved in safety (Hartel, 2014).

Unavoidable hazards from the environment

One of the main challenges reported was that the construction workers had to struggle to cope up with an every changing environment. New hazards come up even as the old ones took various and new shapes as variations in the weather as well as the landscape were experienced in the course of the construction work on the site. This could be attributed to the reason for the numerous slips twisted ankles, stumbles as well as same level falls that were constantly experienced on the site as the workers had challenges making the mental adjustments that are needed in evading the injuries and harm (Hartel, 2014). This issue was reported as one of the most challenging as well as frustrating for the construction safety managers. Since it is always not possible to eliminate tiny hazards for example uneven surfaces, there is need to shift the behavior of the employees in site, an undertaking that is almost impossible unless human factors training are introduced into the approach to construction safety.

Skewed perception of risks

One thing that has turned out to is that the most injuries are barely caused by the loudest and largest dangers. This is due to the fact that workers often observe the highest safety levels when their focus is on the hazard and in most cases hazard awareness is often highest in circumstances where the risk os obvious or during complex tasks. It was established that workers who have been on the construction sites for long end to gain significant levels of insensitivity to the smaller and continuing even though real hazards. The experience from this research indicated that the workers look down upon their chances of being hurt conducting tasks thy have gotten used to doing on a regular basis (Hartel, 2014). By getting exposed to a risk like almost on a daily basis introduces a belief and confidence among workers that they are no longer vulnerable. This has the effect of making the workers stop think about the risk.

High turnover

Most of the construction companies, the one that was on the site at the time of the visit not excluded, often have high turnover of employees and with proper reasons the contracts in most cases tend to be short and the employees’ needs ever dynamic with a significant number of the workers ever on the lookout to find jobs in other places. This ends up leaving very limited time if any for the employers to carry out safety training above the mandatory threshold safety measures (Wong, Gray & Sadiqi, 2015). The irony in this situation remains that in order for the construction safety managers to ensure proper protection to the workers, they have to get beyond the compliance as opposed to just meeting the bare threshold OSHA requirements.

State of Mind

Each construction project is often associated with a budget and a deadline both of which must be adhered to. In addition to such pressures are the own concerns of the employees-leaving work timely to make time for their social lives. All of such may result in a string incentive to rush or may even make the workers experience fatigue enough that they may forget about the risks and hazards on the site of construction. The state of the mind as well as other human factors may significantly contribute to an increased rate of injury; dealing with them being not evens a small feat (Wong, Gray & Sadiqi, 2015).

Mechanisms of Minimizing Challenges at the Construction Site

In connection to the issues that have been experienced in security hones at development site, the interviewee additionally gives proposals on techniques to lessen the issues. Right off the bat, to teach the consciousness of workers and the administration group, the interviewee recommends directing a viable instructional class for the specialists by having instructions through photos, video diagrams also, movements. Actually, he underscores that the substance of current instructional class should be updated and made strides.

Besides, he additionally proposes having a multilingual security manual, safety cautioning signs furthermore, safety booklets with the end goal to unravel the dialect boundaries among l workers and boss. Up until this point, they have done security cautioning signs in Melbourne dialect and they have turned out to be viable. Every one of specialists from Melbourne comprehends it furthermore; pursue the standards in like manner (Biswas, Bhattacharya & Bhattacharya, 2017).

Thirdly, he trusts that dedication from the administration group may be upgraded by having an efficient data conveyance among the administration group and specialists. The administration group must guarantee that all the data will be conveyed to the specialists as assumed.

Fourthly, the interviewee proposes implementing the security leads entirely by forcing punishment to the workers who have outraged the safety rules also, direction. Then again, the organization may likewise offer reward to the l workers who show fantastic security exhibitions as a positive support (Hartel, 2014).

At long last, the interviewee emphasizes that adequate money related spending plan must be apportioned for security administration and there must be a settle rate to dispense the financial plan on safety administration. It is critical to have a settled financial plan for safety administration with the end goal to encourage the safety officer or security board of trustees to enhance the safety as well as safety society at building destinations (Kvorning, Hasle & Christensen, 2015).


From the case study, it is finished up that by and large the building site has great what's more, organized security hones in particular safety strategy, instruction and preparing, site safety review, safety inspecting, security meeting, organization of the site safety, personal protection types of gear, emergency help besides safety estimating devices, fall protective equipment alongside safety enhancements. By and by, some significant concerns are experienced in the safety preparation; the concerns are obliviousness of workers on work systems, lacks of funds associated distribution for safety management, lack of concern among the workers, what's more, language barrier among chiefs as well as specialists (Hartel, 2014). Some approaches have been suggested to address the concerns among them to give viable safety arrangement, assignment of plan for spending for safety administration, full responsibility from the highest ranks of management as well as to offer safety journals in various languages as the techniques to minimize concerns in safety hones. The suggestions enclose three angles for usage of safety rehearses, i.e. workers awareness, role of best management as well as the portion of assets.

Analysis of the Case Study

From the case study led, the undertakings or practices are in line with the safety practices. Table 1 show the company has safety approach for the deals with site as well as offer guidelines alongside preparing for workers at building destinations. Furthermore, it as well does site safety review and evaluation of security on a routine basis. In addition, security meetings are led at construction site to examine safety issues with the workers as well as the management unit. Other than that, security organizations have been set up by the company with the aim of having an oversights as well as control of the security of building destinations (Hartel, 2014). With the main aim being to assure safety of specialists, the company offers personal protection gear to specialists such as security head protectors, safety boots, and gloves among others. In case a risk occurs, it offers emergency bolster what's more, security estimating gadgets, for example, medical aid; therapeutic help for basic damage, fall assurance frameworks, for example, handrails, guardrails, security nets and catch nets. Safety Practices at the Construction Site

Moreover, the company advances safety at building destinations to ensure the building site is dependably in a protected condition. The company has distinctive methods for advancing safety. In general, the vast majority of security practices recorded above is executed by the two temporary workers aside from delineating limits of red furthermore; green zones and pink tickets conspire.

Furthermore, the case study give other safety practices, for example, giving security get to, diverse shading labelling for platform and particular spots for synthetic materials. Consequently, it tends to be presumed that safety rehearses which have been actualized by both temporary workers at building destinations incorporate security arrangements, instruction and preparing, site security investigation, safety reviewing, security meeting, safety association, individual defensive gear, crisis support alongside safety estimating gadgets, fall insurance frameworks besides safety advancements which are reliable with the writings looked into (Shea et al., 2016).


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Friend, M.A. and Kohn, J.P., 2018. Fundamentals of occupational safety and health. Rowman & Littlefield

Gunduz, M. and Laitinen, H., 2017. A 10-step safety management framework for construction small and medium-sized enterprises. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 23(3), pp.353-359

Hofmann, D.A., Burke, M.J. and Zohar, D., 2017. 100 years of occupational safety research: From basic protections and work analysis to a multilevel view of workplace safety and risk. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), p.375

Kvorning, L.V., Hasle, P. and Christensen, U., 2015. Motivational factors influencing small construction and auto repair enterprises to participate in occupational health and safety programmes. Safety science, 71, pp.253-263

Legg, S.J., Olsen, K.B., Laird, I.S. and Hasle, P., 2015. Managing safety in small and medium enterprises

Mahmoudi, S., Ghasemi, F., Mohammadfam, I. and Soleimani, E., 2014. Framework for continuous assessment and improvement of occupational health and safety issues in construction companies. Safety and health at work, 5(3), pp.125-130

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Sousa, V., Almeida, N.M. and Dias, L.A., 2015. Risk-based management of occupational safety and health in the construction industry–Part 2: Quantitative model. Safety science, 74, pp.184-194

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Zhang, S., Boukamp, F. and Teizer, J., 2015. Ontology-based semantic modeling of construction safety knowledge: Towards automated safety planning for job hazard analysis (JHA). Automation in Construction, 52, pp.29-41

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Hartel, E (2014). Work safe Victoria Legislation. [Online]. Available at: https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au.

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