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Coms 520 Communication : Development Assessment Answers

An intensive study of current theories, research, and trends in communication.

Understanding communication theories is essential to understanding the discipline of communication studies. As Littlejohn states, “Theories provide explanations that help us understand the phenomenon we call communication” (2). This course will provide an overview of communication theories across the major areas within the discipline of communication studies.



As opined by Gallager (2014), the communication plays a very important role in the development of the improved functionalities and formation of the development factor for the information processing. There are several theories that help in forming the explanation for the communication processes. The development of the improved technologies had supported the communication development in the organization. The deployment of the improved technologies had formed for supporting the improvisation of development functions. There are a few hypotheses that assistance in shaping the clarification for the correspondence forms. The advancement of the enhanced advances had bolstered the correspondence improvement in the association.

The following assignment deals with the report on the topic of various theories in communication technology. The deployment of the final report would help the organizations for realization of the improved functions and processes. The report would help in summarizing the various communication theories from all disciplines within the field of communication studies. It would form a comparison in differences of theories that are being used in organizations and small groups. The outline developed would help in realization of communication study with the help of the various theories. The supporting factor that allows the analysis of the application of a particular theory to a real communication situation should be analysed too. The final part of the report consists of the discrimination between theories that have been applied for multiple communication contexts and fields of single communication. The different correspondence speculations have discovered its utilization in the arrangement of the viable correspondence systems for the associations and business forms.

1. Summarization of communication theories

The communication theory comprises of the implementation of the influential development skill for the operational processes (Gallager, 2014). There are various theories that comprises the completion of the effective communication skills in the project and it would be helpful for the development of the improvisation skills in the operations. The theories of the communication include,

Ontology: Kincaid (2013), states that the theory of ontology deals with the concept of the reality and actual facts. The ontology theory studies the reality and analyse the behaviour of the individual human and his or her trait. There are various organizations that imply the concept of the theoretical implication and it would be highly helpful for the development of the clear concept of the development models. The implication of the improvement movement would be implied for the development of the implied advances. The development of the improved technology that would be implied for the secure implication of the actual facts and analysis of the processes would be implied for the development of the real facts. The development of the improved technologies and it would be implied for the development of the improved technologies.

Axiology: The hypothesis of axiology manages the idea of the values and deployment of the improvement management (Bennett, 2015). The axiology theory analyses the values included in the theories. It analyses the extent of the enquiry processes. There are different associations that suggest the idea of the hypothetical ramifications and it would be very useful for the advancement of the unmistakable idea of the improvement models. The ramifications of the change development would be inferred for the improvement of the suggested propels. The advancement of the enhanced innovation that would be inferred for the protected ramifications of the established truths and examination of the procedures would be suggested for the improvement of the genuine actualities. The advancement of the enhanced advances and it would be inferred for the advancement of the enhanced innovations.

Epistemology: The theory of epistemology deals with the concept of the knowledge and knowledgeable facts Liu and Fraustino (2014). There are various organizations that imply the concept of the knowledge based facts implication and it would be highly helpful for the development of the clear concept of the development models. It studies the knowledge based communication and the extent of the knowledge before the real experience is attained. The theory analyses whether the knowledge used for the analysis of the communication processes is explicit or tactic. The implication of the improvement movement would be implied for the development of the implied advances. The development of the improved technology that would be implied for the secure implication of the actual facts and analysis of the processes would be implied for the development of the real facts. The development of the improved technologies and it would be implied for the development of the improved technologies.

Mentalism: There are different associations that suggest the idea of the human reasoning and it would be very useful for the advancement of the reasonable idea of the improvement models. The mentalism is a more of the rationalism theory that exploits the human reasoning for the development of the analysis (Jensen, 2013). The analysis of the communication medium would be done easily based on the human concepts and ideals of reasoning. The ramifications of the change development would be suggested for the improvement of the inferred progresses. The advancement of the enhanced innovation that would be suggested for the safe ramifications of the established truths and investigation of the procedures would be inferred for the improvement of the genuine certainties. The advancement of the enhanced innovations and it would be suggested for the improvement of the enhanced advances.

Empiricism: The empiricism would be employed for the employment of the human perception and it would employ the human ethical theories for the development of the human knowledge (Orbe & Harris, 2013). The ramifications of the change development would be suggested for the improvement of the inferred progresses. The empiricism theory stands aloof on the concept of human perception and construction. The development of the communication theories rely on the prospect of human reach of ideas and concepts. The advancement of the enhanced innovation that would be suggested for the safe ramifications of the established truths and investigation of the procedures would be inferred for the improvement of the genuine certainties (Craig & Tracy, 2014). The advancement of the enhanced innovations and it would be suggested for the improvement of the enhanced advances.

2. Comparison of differences in theories

According to Vangelisti (2013), the various theories of the communication had been helpful for the development of the improved information transfer process. The deployment of the effective communication had been helpful for implementing the smart operations and conveyance of the effective communication process. The theories of the communication have realistic differentiation characteristics as each of them is differentiable on those characteristics. The analysis of the communication medium would be done easily based on the human concepts and ideals of reasoning. The ramifications of the change development would be suggested for the improvement of the inferred progresses. The advancement of the enhanced innovation that would be suggested for the safe ramifications of the established truths and investigation of the procedures would be inferred for the improvement of the genuine certainties. Dutta (2015) have stated that the advancement of the enhanced innovations has been achieved for the improvement of the enhanced advances. The analysis of the improved technologies and the characteristics would be helpful for the development of the comparison among the various theories of the communication.

As opined by Kincaid (2013), the ontology theory deals with the reality and analyse the behaviour of the individual human and his or her trait. The theory of ontology includes only the real and actual facts. However, the axiology theory analyses the values included in the theories. It analyses the extent of the enquiry processes (Bennett, 2015). The hypothesis of axiology manages the idea of the values and deployment of the improvement management. The axiology theory analyses the values included in the theories. Liu and Fraustino (2014) states that the epistemology theory deals with the knowledge based communication and the extent of the knowledge before the real experience is attained. The theory of epistemology deals with the concept of the knowledge and knowledgeable facts. The theory analyses whether the knowledge used for the analysis of the communication processes is explicit or tactic. The mentalism is a more of the rationalism theory that exploits the human reasoning for the development of the analysis (Jensen, 2013). The analysis of the communication medium would be done easily based on the human concepts and ideals of reasoning. The analysis of the communication medium would be done easily based on the human concepts and ideals of reasoning. The empiricism theory stands aloof on the concept of human perception and construction (Orbe & Harris, 2013). The empiricism would be employed for the employment of the human perception and it would employ the human ethical theories for the development of the human knowledge. The development of the communication theories rely on the prospect of human reach of ideas and concepts.

3. Need for theories in the study of communication

There are several theories included in the study of communication process and its various facts and figures. The different hypotheses of the correspondence had been useful for the advancement of the enhanced data exchange prepare. The hypotheses of the correspondence have reasonable separation qualities as each of them is differentiable on those attributes. The headway of the upgraded developments has been accomplished for the change of the improved advances. For example- The ontology hypothesis manages the truth and investigates the conduct of the individual human and his or her quality and the axiology hypothesis investigations the qualities incorporated into the speculations (Wang, 2014). It examinations the degree of the enquiry forms. The need of the theories for studying communication are explained below,

Need of appropriate development: The various theories are very helpful for the deployment of the effective communication. The study of the communication would help in development of the technological advancement and prioritization of the improved processes (Literat & Chen, 2014). The development factors for the technology need to be realized before developing them for the organizations. The advancement of the enhanced innovations and it would be inferred for the improvement of the enhanced advances. The operations of the association are effectively conveyed for supporting the persuasive advancement of the hypotheses of the correspondence. There are different associations that suggest the idea of the information based realities suggestion and it would be exceedingly useful for the improvement of the unmistakable idea of the advancement models (Chevrette, 2013). The deployment of the study for the communication is required for the implementation of the improved technologies.

Need for right operations: The development of the operations would be helpful for the implication of the smart processes for the organizations. The development of the appropriate operations is required for most of the operational development. According to McDonald (2015), the study of the theories of the communication would be helpful for the employment of the improved operations and it would form the development of the successive development factor. Operations of the organization are successfully deployed for supporting the influential development of the theories of the communication. The improvement of the operations would be developed for forming the management of the organizational development. The improvement of the operations would be useful for the ramifications of the shrewd procedures for the associations. The improvement of the proper operations is required for the vast majority of the operational advancement. The investigation of the hypotheses of the correspondence would be useful for the work of the enhanced operations and it would frame the advancement of the progressive improvement figure. The change of the operations would be created for shaping the administration of the authoritative improvement (Napoli, 2014). Hence, the study of the theories of the communication is required for developing appropriate operations in the organizations.

4. Particular theory supporting a real communication situation

The development of the communication theories are deployed for the implication of the improved operations. According to Couldry and Hepp (2013), there are several theories included in the study of communication process and its various facts and figures. The different hypotheses of the correspondence had been useful for the advancement of the enhanced data exchange prepare. The different theories manage the truth and investigate the conduct of the individual human and his or her quality and the qualities incorporated into the speculations. It examinations the degree of the enquiry forms. However, particular theories are helpful in specific conditions and prospects. Axiology deploys the management of the values included in the theories. It analyses the extent of the enquiry processes (Rimal & Lapinski, 2015). The hypothesis of axiology manages the idea of the values and deployment of the improvement management. The axiology theory analyses the values included in the theories. The advancement of the enhanced innovation that would be inferred for the protected ramifications of the established truths and examination of the procedures would be suggested for the improvement of the genuine actualities. The advancement of the enhanced advances and it would be inferred for the advancement of the enhanced innovations.

Axiology theory is the measure of the advanced analysis that is done for the realization of the values and cause for the operations of the communication. The real case of the ethical conduct of the communication theory is deployed for the advancement of the improved processes. The theory is helpful for the management of the operations and implication of the development models (Moyer?Guse, 2015). The situational demand for the appropriate deployment of the ethical communication process and its requirement analysis can be done by the use of the study of the axiology theory. The Axiology hypothesis is the measure of the propelled examination that is accomplished for the acknowledgment of the qualities and reason for the operations of the correspondence. The moral lead of the correspondence hypothesis is conveyed for the headway of the enhanced procedures. The hypothesis is useful for the administration of the operations and ramifications of the improvement models (Khalighi & Uysal, 2014). The situational interest for the proper sending of the moral correspondence process and its necessity investigation should be possible by the utilization of the investigation of the axiology hypothesis.

5. Use of theories in communication research

There are several theories included in the study of communication process and its various facts and figures. As opined by Heath and Bryant (2013), the different theories manage the truth and investigate the conduct of the individual human and his or her quality and the qualities incorporated into the speculations. The various theories have found its use for supporting the development of human expedition and development of the operations. For example- The ontology hypothesis manages the truth and investigates the conduct of the individual human and his or her quality and the axiology hypothesis investigations the qualities incorporated into the speculations. The use of the various theories in communication research are explained below,

Speculations of the practicality from theories: The different speculations are exceptionally useful for the organization of the successful correspondence (Lin & Atkin, 2014). The investigation of the correspondence would help being developed of the mechanical progression and prioritization of the enhanced procedures. The improvement components for the innovation should be acknowledged before creating them for the associations.

Progression and development of the study: The progression of the upgraded developments and it would be induced for the change of the improved advances (Heath & Bryant, 2013). The operations of the affiliation are successfully passed on for supporting the influential progression of the theories of the correspondence. There are diverse affiliations that propose the possibility of the data based substances recommendation and it would be exceedingly helpful for the change of the unmistakable thought of the headway models.

Operational development for research: The advancement of the operations would be useful for the ramifications of the savvy forms for the associations (Dainton & Zelley, 2014). The improvement of the proper operations is required for the vast majority of the operational advancement. The investigation of the speculations of the correspondence would be useful for the work of the enhanced operations and it would frame the improvement of the progressive advancement figure. Operations of the association are effectively conveyed for supporting the powerful improvement of the speculations of the correspondence.

Implication of the changes in researched work: The change of the operations would be created for framing the administration of the hierarchical improvement (Greene, 2013). The change of the operations would be valuable for the repercussions of the sagacious strategies for the affiliations. The change of the best possible operations is required for most by far of the operational headway. The arrangement of the examination for the correspondence is required for the execution of the enhanced innovations.

6. Discrimination between multiple and singular communication contexts 

Multiple Communication Contexts

Singular Communication Contexts

The multiple communication context would be deployed for effective communication with multiple persons and units

The singular communication context would be deployed for effective communication with anyone person or unit

The multiple communication context is complex in nature and cannot be managed easily

The singular communication context is supportive and easy to be managed by the use of the theories

The multiple communication context would be deployed for effective communication with multiple persons and units. The multiple communication context is complex in nature and cannot be managed easily

The singular communication context would be deployed for effective communication with anyone person or unit. The singular communication context is supportive and easy to be managed by the use of the theories

7. Scholarly research on particular communication theory

Axiology conveys the administration of the qualities incorporated into the hypotheses. It examinations the degree of the enquiry forms (Khalighi & Uysal, 2014). The genuine instance of the moral direct of the correspondence hypothesis is sent for the headway of the enhanced procedures. The hypothesis is useful for the administration of the operations and consequences of the advancement models. The theory of axiology deals with the possibility of the qualities and arrangement of the change administration. The axiology hypothesis investigations the qualities incorporated into the speculations. The headway of the upgraded development that would be deduced for the ensured implications of the set up realities and examination of the methods would be proposed for the change of the honest to goodness facts (Makimoto, & Yamashita, 2013). The progression of the improved advances and it would be deduced for the headway of the upgraded developments. Axiology hypothesis is the measure of the propelled examination that is accomplished for the acknowledgment of the qualities and reason for the operations of the correspondence. The situational interest for the suitable arrangement of the moral correspondence process and its prerequisite examination should be possible by the utilization of the investigation of the axiology hypothesis. According to Couldry and Hepp (2013), the Axiology speculation is the measure of the moved examination that is proficient for the affirmation of the qualities and purpose behind the operations of the correspondence. The ethical lead of the correspondence theory is passed on for the progress of the improved techniques. The speculation is valuable for the organization of the operations and consequences of the change models. The implementation of the deployment models would be helpful for the realization of the organizational development. The various communication theories have found its use in the deployment of the effective communication strategies for the organizations and business processes. The organization of the enhanced advances had framed for supporting the impromptu creation of improvement capacities. The usage of the sending models would be useful for the acknowledgment of the authoritative advancement (Stacks & Salwen, 2014). The situational enthusiasm for the correct sending of the ethical correspondence process and its need examination ought to be conceivable by the usage of the examination of the axiology theory.


The report had been made for the realization of the improved communication processes with the help of the various theories of communication. The communication theory comprises of the implementation of the influential development skill for the operational processes. There are various theories that comprises the completion of the effective communication skills in the project and the theories of the communication include ontology, axiology, epistemology, mentalism, and empiricism. The analysis of the improved technologies and the characteristics had been helpful for the development of the comparison among the various theories of the communication. The ontology theory deals with the reality and analyse the behaviour of the individual human and his or her trait while the axiology theory analyses the values included in the theories. It analyses the extent of the enquiry processes. Similarly the epistemology theory deals with the knowledge based communication and the extent of the knowledge before the real experience is attained while on the other hand mentalism is a more of the rationalism theory that exploits the human reasoning for the development of the analysis. The empiricism theory stands aloof on the concept of human perception and construction. The need of the theories for studying communication had been evaluated as need of appropriate development and need for right operations. The implementation of the deployment models would be helpful for the realization of the organizational development. The various communication theories have found its use in the deployment of the effective communication strategies for the organizations and business processes. The organization of the enhanced advances had framed for supporting the impromptu creation of improvement capacities.


Bennett, W. L. (2015). Changing societies, changing media systems: Challenges for communication theory, research and education. Can the Media Serve Democracy? Essays in Honour of Jay G. Blumler, 151-163.

Chevrette, R. (2013). Outing heteronormativity in interpersonal and family communication: Feminist applications of queer theory “beyond the sexy streets”. Communication Theory, 23(2), 170-190.

Couldry, N., & Hepp, A. (2013). Conceptualizing mediatization: Contexts, traditions, arguments. Communication Theory, 23(3), 191-202.

Craig, R. T., & Tracy, K. (2014). Building grounded practical theory in applied communication research: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 42(3), 229-243.

Dainton, M., & Zelley, E. D. (2014). Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction. Sage publications.

Dutta, M. J. (2015). Decolonizing communication for social change: A Culture?Centered approach. Communication Theory, 25(2), 123-143.

Eguchi, S., & Asante, G. (2016). Disidentifications revisited: Queer (y) ing intercultural communication theory. Communication Theory, 26(2), 171-189.

Gallager, R. (2014). Information Theory and Reliable Communication: Course Held at the Department for Automation and Information July 1970 (Vol. 30). Springer.

Greene, J. O. (2013). Message production: Advances in communication theory. Routledge.

Heath, R. L., & Bryant, J. (2013). Human communication theory and research: Concepts, contexts, and challenges. Routledge.

Jensen, K. B. (Ed.). (2013). A handbook of media and communication research: Qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Routledge.

Khalighi, M. A., & Uysal, M. (2014). Survey on free space optical communication: A communication theory perspective. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 16(4), 2231-2258.

Kincaid, D. L. (Ed.). (2013). Communication theory: Eastern and Western perspectives. Academic Press.

Lin, C. A., & Atkin, D. J. (Eds.). (2014). Communication technology and social change: Theory and implications. Routledge.

Literat, I., & Chen, N. T. N. (2014). Communication Infrastructure Theory and Entertainment?Education: An Integrative Model for Health Communication. Communication Theory, 24(1), 83-103.

Liu, B. F., & Fraustino, J. D. (2014). Beyond image repair: Suggestions for crisis communication theory development. Public Relations Review, 40(3), 543-546.

Makimoto, M., & Yamashita, S. (2013). Microwave resonators and filters for wireless communication: theory, design and application (Vol. 4). Springer Science & Business Media.

McDonald, J. (2015). Organizational communication meets queer theory: Theorizing relations of “difference” differently. Communication Theory, 25(3), 310-329.

Moyer?Gusé, E. (2015). Extending the examination of audience involvement with media personae: Response to Brown. Communication Theory, 25(3), 284-289.

Napoli, P. M. (2014). Automated media: An institutional theory perspective on algorithmic media production and consumption. Communication Theory, 24(3), 340-360.

Orbe, M. P., & Harris, T. M. (2013). Interracial communication: Theory into practice. Sage Publications.

Rimal, R. N., & Lapinski, M. K. (2015). A Re?Explication of Social Norms, Ten Years Later. Communication Theory, 25(4), 393-409.

Stacks, D. W., & Salwen, M. B. (Eds.). (2014). An integrated approach to communication theory and research. Routledge.

Vangelisti, A. L. (2013). Teaching communication: Theory, research, and methods. Routledge.

Wang, G. (2014). Culture, paradigm, and communication theory: A matter of boundary or commensurability?. Communication Theory, 24(4), 373-393.

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