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Comp5349 Cloud Computing Services - Assessment Answers


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Short Answer Questions

Part A:


1. This question contains two sub questions a and b.

a. Explain the essential characteristics of cloud
b. Discuss four drawbacks of cloud computing. Give examples where

2. This question contains two sub questions a and b.

a. Give suggestions to make a local sandwich shop, more efficient. Describe at least three types of business processes that a sandwich shop Can any be better coordinated through the use of informationsystems?
b. Define the three primary components of a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM)

3. This question contains two sub questions a and b.

Contains variable elements of comprehension, analysis, evaluation, and some application elements.

Information content misuse can create moral and ethical dilemmas that people are likely to face in the workplace. Is it okay to use content like music, movies, and books without paying for it simply because it?s available and „everyone else does?? content creation is expensive and relies on someone?s talents. The creators have a reasonable expectation to be compensated for their work. Information ethics govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use of information technologies, as well as the creation, collection, duplication, distribution, and processing of information itself (with or without the aid of computer technologies). Ethical dilemmas in this area usually arise not as simple, clear-cut situations but as clashes between competing goals, responsibilities, and loyalties. Inevitably, there will be more than one socially acceptable or “correct” decision. For this reason, acting ethically and legally are not always the same. Answer the following questions:

a. Organizations should implement certain e-policies to protect themselves.
b. Discuss the authentication technologies that can be used to prevent hackers fromgaining access to organizational 

4. This question contains two sub questions a and b.

a. Themain information systems? activities that produce the information organizations use to control operations are:

Circle ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ where applicable for each term below: 































b. Thebelow illustration represents a Payroll Payment What type of information systems is it? Why? What organisational level is it used for? Describe the activities depicted below.

5. This question contains two sub questions a and b.

The illustration below represents the relationship between the Firm, its MIS Infrastructure and Business Capabilities. Analyse it and determine whether the following statement/s represent true account of such relationship. Circle ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ where applicable for each item below:

Circle ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ where applicable for each item below:



The services a firm is capable of providing to its customers, suppliers, and employees are a direct function of its MIS infrastructure.



The only service that will be affected by the quality of the MIS infrastructure is the service provided to customers.



Ideally, this infrastructure should support the firm?s business and information systems strategy.



This infrastructure should support the firm?s information systems strategy, regardless of the business strategy.



The above illustration focusses more than anything else on the relationship between Business Strategy and IT strategy.



The above illustration represents the centrality of MIS infrastructure and services to the achievement of firm success.



Amazon is routinely sited as the most popular online shopping site. The main reason for this is that Amazon has been in this business more than any other businesses.



Ultimately, what the firm delivers to customers, its quality, is a direct function of the power of its infrastructure.



New information technologies have a powerful impact on business and IT strategies, as well as the services that can be provided to customers.

a. Describe the report depicted below. What type of information system produces suchreport? Justify your 

6. A family-owned manufacturer of budget products has grown exponentially over the last few years. However, the company is having difficulty preparing for future growth. The only information system used is an old accounting system mainly using spreadsheets. The company has one manufacturing plant located in Al-Ain; and three warehouses, in Al-Ain, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi. The sales force is national, and it purchases about a third of its parts and materials from a single overseas supplier. You have been hired to recommend the information systems it should implement in order to maintain its competitive edge. However, there is not enough money for a full-blown, cross-functional enterprise application, and you will need to limit the first step to a single functional area. Rank your choices of information systems, with justification. Use the table below to explain your order of choice/s.

Your order of Choice/s of

Information Systems



Part B:

Case Study/ Application Question- Answer the following question

Based on the course material, UPS Websites and relevant information resources available on the web, answer the questions below. Question includes sub questions. .

7. United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS), is a global company with one of the most recognised and admired brands in the world, using advanced technology, access to global resources, and an integrated network of physical, technological, and human assets.

a. Discuss UPS embracement of sustainable technologies and the benefits of doing
b. Discuss how could UPS benefit from cloudcomputing?
c. Discuss the types of ethical issues that might UPS encounter with the tracking technology it has placed in its
d. What types of security issues might UPS encounter with the tracking technology it has placed in itstrucks?
e. Apply Porter?s Five Forces analytical framework to UPS. Your answer should include critical elements and supported with evidence/ 
f. IdentifyUPS?s competitive strategy using Porter?s generic strategies framework. Your answer should include critical elements and supported with evidence/ justification.



A cloud computing service makes a business wonderful. Using cloud service, many changes occur in business strategies. The cloud has all service as an infrastructure, platforms, and services as per organization required. Now a day, different cloud computing service vendors in market, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and many more.

Part A:

1(a): Cloud computing have many characteristics, but some essential characteristics, which are basic for it are:
  • On demand self-services: Cloud computing services provide some services without any human interaction, such as network and server service, email, web applications, and more computer services.
  • Large Network Space: Cloud services provide data over the cloud and on different thin and thick clients, such as PDA’s, Mobile, and laptops.
  • Resource Pooling: The cloud computing service providers share resources in pooled to serve multiple customers. They used multiple-tenant model for resource sharing, such as physical and virtual resources are dynamically allocated and reallocate according to customer needs. Resources are data, email services, processing space, primary memory, virtual machine, servers, and network bandwidth.
  • Rapid Elasticity: It provides a rapid elasticity to be purchased any service in any quantity at anywhere and anytime to the consumer.
  • Services for management: Cloud computing also provides measurement services for usage of your services. It provides transparency for controlling your services. It works a pay per use. It also provides bills for your uses of data centers services.
  • Multi Tenacity: All the cloud computing organization provides some services related to policy driven enforcement, separation, remoteness, authority, and data store models for different consumer constituencies. Any consumer can get other public cloud providers services from same or different organization( Schouten, 2014).
1(b): Cloud computing have few disadvantages in some services are:
  • Security management in the cloud: In some organization such as bank and share, market many important data being stored remotely. Therefore, that data should be safe from third parties.
  • Bandwidth Limitation: Some vendors provide limited bandwidth for network access that was a difficult task for an organization.
  • Data management: Few cloud service providers are not good in data management and in future, it will be disaster with your important data.
  • Limited controls: Few cloud service providers are provides some controls under the organization that will be an issue for an organization sometimes.
2(a): According to the given scenario, sandwich shop would maintain some services, such as Taking orders, open and closing the store, selling to the consumer, ordering supplies to customers, cleaning the store, pay roll management system for employees, hiring process of employees, making statements for finance and also email them, paying taxes, managing cash. So many of these processes could be helped by better management information systems. Mainly for those stores that require stored records, such as payments details, daily cash management, taxes, salaries of employees and information collection.
2(b): Customer Relationship Management System uses a distributed information systems to coordinate all of the work processes surrounding the workplace’s relations with their consumers. The information systems store consumers and vendors information from multiple sources, such as mobile phone number, e-mail address, Wi-Fi devices, sales and marketing systems, and websites. Workplace can obtain a unified view of consumers. Those data will help to that particular firm to handle customers by giving them special offers.
3(a): According to this article, all processes of a business are organized properly. Those business processes are fully focused to produce a better success in business. Some e-policies are must for employers and employees. Coordinators have to notice and give attention to official work. All organization have own policies for running proper business, although every organization have own e-policies for handling business processes.
3(b): Information systems can help organizations to protect from outsiders without authentication. They have some authentication to achieve great efficiencies. Using authentication any organization can become more flexible. Integration and coordination of business processes of an organization makes improvement in customer services. According to need all organization have different level of authentication such as pin number, biometric, and digital certificates.


4(b): It is a transaction processing systems, which is used for managing payment of different employees. It tracks the flow of the daily routine transactions in the organization. It is necessary to conduct business.

In this Payroll payment system a payroll master file, have all related data of employees. It also provides management reports to organization for different purposes. It is also provide general ledger as well as employee checks. It takes queries from employees and gives appropriate results.

 5(b): This report is showing two product sales details, such as sales region, actual sales, planned sales, and actual versus planned sales of particular product with total. It is system-generated report for product availability and requirements. It is just like inventory system report for managing all records of different products. This report is about comparison between two products of an organization. They calculated next requirement according to this report. In addition, they calculate loss and profit from those products.

Your order of Choice/s of

Information Systems


1. Transaction processing systems(TPS)

2. Management-information systems (MIS)

3. Decision-support systems (DSS)

4. Executive-support systems (ESS)

Transaction processing systems provides data of daily processing such as payroll management system. It is also used for track the flow transactions on the daily bases. It will help in advance order for organization.

Management-information systems (MIS) Support the management of an organization to control on behalf of reports. Also, compare performance of organization between current and historical records.

Decision-support systems (DSS) provide ideas for taking design about any product or handling or different business processes using predefined and calculated data from DSS. It supports management to take decisions according to their needs and specified some effects of that decision in advance. It has extra features than MIS like analytical models and data analysis capabilities.

Executive-support systems (ESS) provide reports in graph, charts, and other formats for decision making of senior management. It also provides some online analytical processes and online transactional processes for better decision making in favor of organization.

Part B

7(a): United Parcel services have an On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation (referred as ORION0 software that is helped them to save millions of gallon of fuel. Using optimization, they sort different ways of delivery. ORION optimizes delivery routes, so that cutting greenhouse gas emissions. United Parcel service Inc. save $50 million a year in fuel costs.
7(b): The cloud computing provides server, services and storage on demand over the internet on a pay-for-use basis. According to United parcel service Inc., cloud computing services enable runtime collaboration of different functions of the supply chain”. There are many advantages of cloud computing, which prove that transformation to the cloud computing services increase productivity of supply chain processes. UPS have many facilities using cloud services, such as more convenient and smooth communication between many business works as well as from different departments. It makes the business more secure, dynamic, and interactive.
7(c): Technology can be double-sward sometimes. It undermines the creditability. Ethics are good at some levels but few persons deny about this view, they think it can cause of entrust between the workers and company. It also opens the door for workers of evasion to privacy. Nobody wants to be monitored physically so close. To me, I think it is very unethical.
7(d): The data will be stored in the cloud of UPS and it is secure from third party softwares but still hackers can track the truck location-using customer’s username and password. Most of the supply chain companies use Secure Socket Layer (referred as SSL) is used for encryption and decryption of data at different levels in network.
7(e): The Porter’s five forces analysis applied on UPS.
7(f): UPS strategies for business in comparative from other companies:


Maziliauskaite, . K., 2018. Logistics in the Cloud. [Online]
Available at: https://longitudes.ups.com/supply-chain-cloud/
[Accessed 11 september 2018].

Schouten, E., 2014. Cloud computing defined: Characteristics & service levels. [Online]
Available at: https://www.ibm.com/blogs/cloud-computing/2014/01/31/cloud-computing-defined-characteristics-service-levels/
[Accessed 11 September 2018].

Garg, S. . K., Versteeg, S. & Buyya, R., 2013. A framework for ranking of cloud computing services. Future Generation Computer Systems, 29(4), pp. 1012-1023.

GreenBiz, 2014. UPS advances sustainable operations with Big Data. [Online]
Available at: https://www.greenbiz.com/blog/2013/11/11/ups-advances-sustainable-operations-big-data
[Accessed 11 september 2018].

INC, 2018. Management Information Systems (MIS). [Online]
Available at: https://www.inc.com/encyclopedia/management-information-systems-mis.html
[Accessed 11 september 2018].

Service, U. P., 2018. Tracking Services. [Online]
Available at: https://www.ups.com/us/en/services/tracking.page?
[Accessed 11 september 2018].

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Available at: https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/what-is-strategy
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Wu, Y., Casey, C. G., Hazen, B. T. & Hall, D. J., 2013. Cloud computing in support of supply chain information system infrastructure: understanding when to go to the cloud. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 49(3), pp. 25-41.

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