COMMGMT 2500 Organisational Behaviour - Alderfer’s Need Theory
The essay throws a light on the linkage between the Alderfer’s need theory and Job Enrichment in the various organizations. Job enrichment is defined as the common kind of technique of motivating the different employees working in the organization as this will provide greater level of satisfaction in the tasks which are being performed by them. This is mainly described as the process through which the management of the organization tries to motivate the self-driven employees by assigning them with additional responsibility which is normally reserved for the different higher officials in the organization.
Alderfer’s Need Theory
The ERG theory condenses the five needs of the Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory into major three categories which are as follows:
Existence Needs is inclusive of the physiological desires along with materials which is inclusive of food, water, shelter and affection which is the first two levels of Maslow (Berg & Smith, 2017).
Relatedness Needs is inclusive of external and social esteem which is inclusive of the relationships with significant others which is inclusive of family, co-workers along with family members and this is inclusive in the third and fourth level of Maslow’s hierarchy theory (Michael, Kwao & Gyamfi, 2015).
Growth Needs is inclusive of self-actualization and internal esteem which helps in making the individuals more creative and productive and this is inclusive in fourth and fifth level of the Maslow’s hierarchy theory (Botha & Venter, 2016).
Analysis of Job Enrichment in Providing Motivation
Job Enrichment is a common tool which is present in the different organizations in providing the different employees with higher level of satisfaction in the different tasks which are being performed by them. Moreover, this means that providing the employees with extra and additional responsibilities which was previously reserved for the manager and high-ranking position. There are different organizations such as Amazon wherein the higher officials try to provide the employees with greater freedom to perform the different tasks with their own planning and controlling the performance (Fried et al., 2014).
Job Enrichment is the main and fundamental part of motivating, attracting and retaining the different talented individuals particularly in the different kinds of areas of work wherein work is boring or repetitive in nature. The employees feel motivated in Amazon Company as Job enrichment helps in offering benefits to employees in terms of increased rate of motivation and job involvement along with satisfaction (Berg & Smith, 2017). More autonomy is being provided to the different employees working in the organization as this helps in adding status to one’s job.
Linkage of Alderfer’s Need Theory with Job Enrichment
There is a proper and accurate linkage between the job enrichment aspect along with the Alderfer’s need theory. It can be seen that in different organizations, this is essential in nature to meet the different needs of the employees which will improve the overall efficiency of the employees in performing the different kinds of tasks. () has commented that theories of Maslow and Alderfer have tried to dominate the field of motivational theories for a few decades (Sanda, Asikhia & Magaji, 2014).
As per the Alderfer’s need theory, this can be analyzed and identified that the existence, relatedness and growth needs are required to be taken care in an appropriate manner as the workers get achievement along with recognition. From the job enrichment aspect, this can be analyzed and identified that personal development is essential which is required to be analyzed by the employees working in the organization to gain competitive advantage. For instance- There are different criticisms which had been raised against Apple Inc as the higher officials did not provide the employees with greater job satisfaction and the company used to include the different kinds of unethical kind of practices (Lazaroiu, 2015). There were no such inclusion of the health and safety of the employees working in the organization and this reduced the morale of the employees. Furthermore, this was noticed that due to the low morale of the employees, this increased turnover of the employees and increased absenteeism (Omolo, 2015).
From the above instance, this can be analyzed and identified that the job enrichment plays a vital role in the Alderfer’s need theory as the theory represents in providing motivation and satisfaction to the different employees which will be helpful in managing the different kinds of tasks in an efficient manner. The job enrichment aspects help in satisfying the different desires of the different employees working in the organization which will help them in motivating their hard work and efforts (Srivastava & Kanpur, 2014).
There is inclusion of flexibility in the different tasks which are being performed by the employees in the different companies (Oldham & Baer, 2015). Due to the inclusion of flexible working conditions in the organizations, job enrichment motivates the different workers to provide the best performance and improve the overall morale of the employees in an effective manner. Alderfer’s need theory includes the growth needs of the different employees in which the enriched job provides different kinds of opportunities along with recognition and growth to the employees in performing the different tasks (Whittington et al., 2017).
For instance- This can be seen that in Amazon and Google, there is huge motivational aspects which are being adopted by the higher officials in managing the different requirements of the employees. This has been noticed that the companies tried to improve the health and social well being of the different individuals and this helped the company in becoming satisfied with the different tasks which are being performed by me. Lastly, due to the job enrichment and job enlargement concepts, the companies are being able to motivate the employees and reduced the turnover of employees in the organization. However, on the other hand, Apple Inc is unethical in their approaches as the company do not provide any kind of motivation to the different employees which will be effective. This has increased the overall ineffectiveness of the performance of the different employees working in the organization and this was a huge disadvantage for the company as this led to lowering of the profit and revenue of the organization.
Therefore, from the above this can be concluded that there is huge linkage between the Alderfer’s need theory and job enrichment in different kinds of organizations. From the entire analysis, there were different instances which were provided in order to understand the importance of job enrichment to motivate and retaining the different talented employees in the organizations in an efficient manner. The jobs are being designed in such a manner which helps in analyzing the different interests of the employees in a manner which will improve the overall efficiency of the tasks which are being performed by employees. The recognition is being provided to employees as the jobs are being designed to make the different tasks more interesting and remove the boring approach to become more effective in nature.
Furthermore, the linkage between the Alderfer’s need theory and job enrichment tried to provide the different kinds of aspects which can be controlled in the organization which is inclusive of absenteeism and lower morale of the different employees who were performing in different organizations. Lastly, the job enrichment tries to provide employees by rotating the jobs performed by employees to remove the boredom and meet the certain physiological needs of the different job holders.
Berg, D. N., & Smith, K. K. (2017). The Professional Life of Clayton Paul Alderfer. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 53(2), 156-179.
Botha, A., & Venter, J. M. P. (2016). The effect of life stages on needs satisfied by credit used, according to Alderfer’s existence relatedness growth theory. RISK GOVERNANCE & CONTROL: Financial markets and institutions, 324.
Fried, Y., Laurence, G. I., Shirom, A., Melamed, S., Toker, S., Berliner, S., & Shapira, I. (2014, January). The Relationship Between Job Enrichment and Abdominal Obesity: A Longitudinal Field Study Of Apparently Healthy Individuals. In Cardiology (Vol. 128, Pp. 70-70). Allschwilerstrasse 10, Ch-4009 Basel, Switzerland: Karger.
Lazaroiu, G. (2015). Employee motivation and job performance. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 14, 97.
Michael, K., Kwao, F. D., & Gyamfi, H. (2015). Job Satisfaction, A Motivation Factor For Improving Work Output, A Case Study Of Koforidua Polytechnic.
Oldham, G. R., & Baer, M. (2015). Job Enrichment. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 1-2.
Omolo, P. A. (2015). Effect of motivation on employee performance of commercial banks in Kenya: A case study of Kenya Commercial Bank in Migori County. International journal of human resource studies, 5(2), 87-103.
Sanda, A. O., Asikhia, O. U., & Magaji, N. (2015). Effect of Job Enrichment On Employee Satisfaction in Selected Private Universities in South-West Nigeria. International Journal of Development Research. ISSN, 2230-9926.
Srivastava, S., & Kanpur, A. (2014). A study on quality of work life: key elements & It’s Implications. IOSR-JBM, 16(3), 54-59.
Whittington, J. L., Meskelis, S., Asare, E., & Beldona, S. (2017). Creating Meaning in Work through Job Enrichment. In Enhancing Employee Engagement (pp. 43-51). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
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