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Commerce 7037 Research Methodology : Assessment Answers

Accurate interpretation of theories and ideas from a range of resources (minimum of 6 scholarly journal articles).

  • Interesting and engaging integration of theory and personal experience
  • Original insights and ideas that demonstrate engagement with the issues of teaching and learning
  • Links with your area of research interest.
  • A well-structured and coherent piece of writing that meets academic requirements.
  • Quality of written expression, mastery of APA citation conventions and layout.

Description of the Task

Whilst more direction, including assessment criteria, will be given for this assignment on the LMS website and during the first two face-to-face meetings the Literature Review is expected to be a scholarly piece of writing that meets the writing standards expected for post-graduate studies. The Review should include a critical analysis of SIX (6) peer reviewed journal articles. 



Primary education plays a crucial role in the development of very child. It influences child’s mental growth. Primary education is considered as the first step of the child towards his or her future. It puts a significant impact on the future achievement of the child. Parents and teachers are the two key components of primary education of a child. They play a very important role in the growth of a child. Primary education introduces children with educational world. Teachers sometimes take some remarkable steps to provide great understanding about reading, writing to their students. Primary education is highly responsible for establishing a bright tomorrow for every child. Teachers and students must consider this fact while planning primary education for the Children. Government also plays a vital role in the primary education system. Government must take some notable initiatives to provide primary educational opportunity to every child. It will increase the literacy ratio of the country which is highly beneficial for the betterment of the country. The teaching techniques of primary schools have changed in past few year. Now a day’s teachers are playing more active role in establishing a bright future for the students.

In Australian primary schools teachers have concentrated on implementing some important strategies to promote the interest of the kids towards the education procedure. They have taken some unique initiatives which are highly beneficial for the mental growth of the kids. It is influencing the educational structure of the primary schools of Australia. Such practices put a significant impact on the results of every child. The below mentioned article has concentrated on the modern techniques of Australian primary schools that are influencing the results of the students. It has discussed about what are the key components applied by Australian school authority that play crucial role in the mental development of Australian students.

Literature Review:

The scenario of education system in the primary schools has changed completely in past few years. School authority has become very much concerned about mental growth of every individual child (Selwyn, 2015). The growth of the child is highly dependent on the primary school education. It is the first and foremost step towards the bright future of every child. It must be in an appropriate manner.

Government of many countries is taking some remarkable steps to change the educational structure of the primary schools and make it more interactive and attractive. According to some reports, education system must attractive to draw the attention of kids towards study (Collie, Martin & Frydenberg, 2017). Australian government has considered the fact while establishing primary educational structure. In most of the primary schools of Australia, school authorities have focused on making education system more attractive and interactive. Teachers of primary schools of Australia also plays crucial role in the development of education system.

According to many reports, Australian primary schools are incorporating many efficient strategies that have influenced the results of the kids. As opined by Bennet and Lockyer (2008), interactive whiteboards is one of the major techniques that are being used by the primary school authorities of Australia. This is highly beneficial for the teachers to observe the movements of the students and collect data of the students. It helps teachers to deal with every individual student. Being a teacher of primary school, it is important to understand the skills of the students. All students are not same, it may differ the understanding capabilities and learning capabilities of every students. Teachers are conducting research work on their students to understand their potentiality, so they can teach them in an appropriate manner. According some reports, by 2009 31% primary schools of Australia has implemented interactive whiteboard (Buchanan et al., 2013). International research claims that interactive Whiteboard puts a significant impact on the teaching techniques of primary schools in positive manner (Button, Harrington & Belan, 2014). This practice has distinguished modern primary educational techniques from the traditional techniques.

According to many primary teachers of Australia, it is impossible for the students to sit in one place and learn what is being taught by the teachers. Teachers must encourage students to actively participate in the procedure. Teachers of Australian primary schools implement some strategies like re-reading, memories the key ideas. This has influenced the mental growth of the students and improved their skills as well. As per many reports students mostly prefer friendly and active environment for learning (Brinkman et al., 2014).

Primary school authorities of Australia have concentrated on the fact. They have included many efficient strategies into their rulebook to provide a healthy and friendly and enthusiastic learning environment to the students so kids can learn fast. Modern teaching techniques of primary schools have focused on influencing the self-confidence of the students. The teachers try to involve every individual student in the learning process so they can build self-confidence in each of them. The primary objective of the teacher is to promote autonomous thinking capacity of the students(Hazelkorn, 2015).

The school authorities have paid special attention to teach language to their students. According to primary school authority, language plays very important role in a child’s growth. It is helpful for the daily life of the students. Primary schools of Australia have focused on teaching various languages to their students. Primary school teachers maintain a healthy and close relation with their students. It helps them to monitor the growth of every student. In order to maintain close rapport with the student, teachers easily identify responsible areas where they need to put more effort to improve the skills of that student.

It is not enough to maintain healthy relation with student; parents are one of the key elements that plays crucial role in child’s growth. Teachers of primary schools maintain healthy communication with the parents as well, so they can inform them about the activity of their child. It helps the teachers to get required information of the children.

Teachers often organize various interactive sessions in the class, so they can interact with the students and listen to their experience (Hazelkorn, 2015). It will be helpful for the teachers to teach students in an appropriate manner and connect with the students.

The classes of primary schools are mainly small in size. It is highly beneficial for the teachers as well as the students. It helps teachers to pay close attention to each of the students. It is impossible for the teachers to identify the requirement and problems of each student. In small classes teachers can easily connect with each of the student. Connection between teachers and students is important to involve students in the learning procedure in an active manner.

Teachers in primary schools of Australia do not only teach language or science to the students. According to some teachers of Australia, they teach their students how to work together as a team (Verbert et al., 2013). It is highly beneficial for every student for their future. Teachers involve their students in several group works, working in pairs and other various social activities to promote their team work capability. It helps their students to become more responsible. Teachers tech their students about various social values like how to respect parents and elder people, how to help a needy person, how to communicate with others, how to respect own country. These values are considered as the key element of everyone’s life. These help student to become a responsible citizen. It is not enough to become rich or established, it is important for everyone to learn how to become a responsible citizen and what are the duties one have towards the society and own family. Primary school authorities of Australia have focused on the issues. The teachers ensure that every child must learn these values (Osborne, 2016). The students have been provided various tools to identify the need to social values and improve their capabilities to become a good and responsible citizen of the society.

Primary school authorities are not only concentrating on the students to improve their skills, they provide training session to their teachers as well, so they can understand the teaching method of primary schools and learn how to deal with several students. Training and development program is beneficial for the teachers to overcome the obstacles they may face to deal with the students. Such practices help teachers to adopt modern techniques and strategies that have been built by the school authority to provide an active and efficient learning process to the students (Sweeney, 2013). School authority makes sure that every teacher participates in such training and development program to learn the learning procedure of the school. Sometime the school authorities promote the buddy concept among the students. It establishes strong bonding between old students and new student. It helps the new students to become familiar with the school environment which is highly beneficial for every student to actively participate in the learning procedure.

 In the modern teaching method of Australian primary schools students play a very important role. Almost all the leading primary schools of Australia have designed their learning process to promote the students interest towards the education system (Simonson et al., 2014). This has led the organization to achieve desired goal. The result of the students has improved since past few years. The school authority has implemented all the efficient strategies and techniques to help all the students to participate in the learning procedure. Teachers always stand by the side of their students and try to help them with sufficient information. Teachers are willingly participating in the modern learning techniques of the Australian primary schools. They closely monitor the performance growth of every student. Almost all the schools of Australia participate in the National Assessment Literacy and Numeracy Program (NAPLAN) (Ravitch, 2016). It assesses the child’s growth in mathematics and English in every three years. It helps the teachers to identify the loopholes in the educational structure of the school. It helps the teachers and school authority to rectify their mistakes and improve their learning procedure. The assessment of performance growth is important for both teachers and students. Students can realize their mistakes and where they need to put more effort to improve their skill. Australian primary schools conduct various discussion sessions or provide assignments to the students to monitor the performance graph of their students. According to many primary teachers, it is highly beneficial for the development of every students and learning procedure (Osborne, 2016).

Australian schools implement all kind of required strategies to foster the mental and physical growth of child. They not only provide educational support to their students. The primary school authorities of Australia concentrate on the additional requirement of the students. There are some students that need additional support. Teachers and authority of primary schools of Australia provide all sorts of support to them (Rennie & Morrison, 2013). Teachers pay special attention to those students and identify the requirement of the students. The primary school authorities of Australia establish their educational structure in such a manner that they can help all those students who require special some attention. Partnership with the parents and friendly interaction with the students help the teachers to realize the requirement of the student. They try to stand by their side always and provide support accordingly. They make sure that other students of the class behave properly with those students and help them to participate in the learning process. According to the school authority of Australia, every student of the schools must be treated equally (Hills, Dengel and Lubans, 2015). The teachers of primary schools of Australia provide efficient support to those students who are suffering from any kind of physical challenges or facing any problem to participate in the learning procedure. The teachers maintain a healthy relation with the students and maintain healthy and friendly atmosphere in the classroom so every student helps each other whenever they require. Primary teachers believe that it is important to maintain healthy environment in the classroom. It not only promotes the buddy concept in among the student, it helps the students to learn how to work as a team and how to help each other during any tough time. Teachers provide sufficient opportunity to the students to share their views over an issue. It helps the teachers to identify the capacity of the students. It is beneficial for the teachers to design learning process as per the requirement of the student (Grapragasem, Krishnan & Mansor, 2014). Teachers of the Australian schools maintain a healthy and transparent relation with the parents. They often meet with the parents in parent teachers meeting to discuss about the growth and problem of their child. It provides a vivid picture of the student’s requirement to the teacher. It helps the parents to observe the growth in their child’s performance.

The primary schools of Australia provide various supports to enhance other skills of the students. Teachers often conduct various programs like dram competition, poem competition, extempore competition which helps the teachers to nurture other skills of the students. It attracts students towards the learning procedure of the schools. Teachers often provide some speech therapy to their students to they can overcome all the challenges they may face during delivering speech in front of large number of audience (De Vita, Verschaffel & Elen, 2014). Practices enhance the self-confidence of the students to deliver speech. Teachers motivate their students to overcome all the challenges by sharing their own experience. It motivates the students to work hard to achieve their goal. The teachers of primary schools in recent time believe it is not possible to teach student without communicating with them. Teachers take some initiatives like group discussion, project works in which they get an opportunity to know their students and provide an opportunity to their students to share their opinion with the teachers.

The scenario of primary educational structure has been changed in past few years with the innovation of various modern technologies. Students in recent time are becoming technology savvy. Primary school teachers of Australia also provide class via internet. Many schools organize e-learning procedure for the students. It draws the attention of maximum numbers of students. The innovation of various modern technologies has made educational procedure more exciting. All the leading primary schools of Australia have implemented all the modern educational technologies to improve their educational structure. It has improved the education quality of the primary schools of Australia. The emergence of science has helped the school authority to make the learning procedure more attractive. Teachers in recent time focus on teaching their students by using modern technologies. It helps the teachers to teach kids in an appropriate manner. Many research claims that e-learning procedure has influenced the mental growth of the students and puts a significant impact on the growth on the results of the students (Al?Qahtani & Higgins, 2013). The primary schools Of Australia are trying to implement all the modern technologies into their schools so they can provide an effective and efficient learning procedure to their student. In e-learning procedure both teachers and students need to participate actively. This has helped the students to participate in the learning procedure actively. To ensure the growth of each student teachers and school authority concentrate on the fact that the new and modern learning technology is acceptable for every student (Beetham & Sharpe, 2013).

Otherwise they pay special attention to those students who have some issue with modern learning techniques. In recent time, teachers play role of friend, philosopher and guide altogether. It is highly beneficial for the growth of the every student. By presenting the role of friend, philosopher and guide teachers are capable of showing the right path to their students to achieve the goal. Teachers are considered as the most important part of every child’s life. In modern days they are scrutinizing the performance of the students. On the other hand, they motivate their students by sharing their own experiences and listening to their problems and issues (Framework, 2013).

However, there is some criticism about the educational structure of primary schools of Australia. Some reports that suggest that primary school authorities must rethink about the educational structure they are providing their students (O'Neill & Stephenson, 2014). Professor Dinham, the President of Australian College of Educators has once stated in one of his interview that primary educational structure has become content-free. He has further stated that primary schools must adopt some techniques of high schools. According to some reports teachers must provide more attention to other problems of the students, for example- if a student has come into school with an empty stomach and then there is no point of teaching him. Then teacher must provide him some food first. The primary teachers must be able to deal with such situations (Osborne, 2016). According to some critique, the primary schools must concentrate on traditional teaching methods. It supports the mental growth of the child more than new modern techniques. There is a conflict among various analysts on the issue of teaching techniques. Some researchers have claimed that modern teaching techniques put a positive impact on the physical and mental development of the child. It involves students and teachers in the learning procedure in an efficient manner (Day, Gu & Sammons, 2016). On the other hand, there are some people who prefer the traditional teaching techniques over modern teaching techniques. According to them, the effect of new teaching method is far less from the traditional teaching method.


Thus, it can be concluded that in modern time teachers and school authorities of primary schools in Australia has concentrated on interactive educational technique. According to them, one way teaching method is not sufficient enough to support child’s mental development. It has become very important for the teachers to interact with the students to identify the responsible areas where they need to put more efforts. In Australia, most of the primary school authorities have implemented interactive whiteboard into their schools to ensure child’s development. The teachers pay special attention to identify the need of every individual student. The invention of modern technologies has influenced the educational structure of the primary schools of the Australia. In most of the Australian primary schools, teachers provide healthy and interactive environment to the students so they can actively participate in the learning procedure. The primary school authority provides training programs to their teachers as well to adopt new techniques to teach the students in an effective manner. To promote the development of students the school authorities have focused on enhancing the teaching skills of the teachers. In order to achieve success in child’s development the primary school authority nurture their skills and provide lesson on how to work as a team or how to help any needy people. The school authority often conduct extempore competition or speech therapy to enhance the self-confidence among the students and provide group assignments and various other project work to help them to realize the positive impact of team work. Although there are some criticisms about the primary educational structure of Australia, the new and improved teaching method has successfully put a strong footprint among the students and their parents.


Al?Qahtani, A. A., & Higgins, S. E. (2013). Effects of traditional, blended and e?learning on students' achievement in higher education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(3), 220-234.

Beetham, H., & Sharpe, R. (2013). Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: Designing for 21st century learning. routledge.

Bennett, S., & Lockyer, L. (2008). A study of teachers’ integration of interactive whiteboards into four Australian primary school classrooms. Learning, Media and Technology, 33(4), 289-300.

Brinkman, S. A., Gregory, T. A., Goldfeld, S., Lynch, J. W., & Hardy, M. (2014). Data Resource Profile: The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI). International journal of epidemiology, 43(4), 1089-1096.

Buchanan, J., Prescott, A., Schuck, S., Aubusson, P., Burke, P. and Louviere, J., 2013. Teacher retention and attrition: Views of early career teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(3), p.8.

Button, D., Harrington, A., & Belan, I. (2014). E-learning & information communication technology (ICT) in nursing education: A review of the literature. Nurse Education Today, 34(10), 1311-1323.

Collie, R. J., Martin, A. J., & Frydenberg, E. (2017). Social and emotional learning: A brief overview and issues relevant to Australia and the Asia-Pacific. In Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific (pp. 1-13). Springer Singapore.

Day, C., Gu, Q., & Sammons, P. (2016). The impact of leadership on student outcomes: How successful school leaders use transformational and instructional strategies to make a difference. Educational Administration Quarterly, 52(2), 221-258.

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Hazelkorn, E. (2015). Rankings and the reshaping of higher education: The battle for world-class excellence. Springer.

Hills, A.P., Dengel, D.R. and Lubans, D.R., 2015. Supporting public health priorities: recommendations for physical education and physical activity promotion in schools. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 57(4), pp.368-374.

O'Neill, S. C., & Stephenson, J. (2014). Evidence-based classroom and behaviour management content in Australian pre-service primary teachers' coursework: Wherefore art thou?. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 39(4), 1.

Osborne, M. (2016). What works. In Evaluating Learning Environments (pp. 35-43). SensePublishers.

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Rennie, F., & Morrison, T. (2013). E-learning and social networking handbook: Resources for higher education. Routledge.

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