Coit20249 Professional Skills In Information Assessment Answers
Each annotation and recommendation will be marked as follows:
- Annotation
Correctly formatted academic reference in CQU APA style
Summary of reference, in 1 to 2 sentences
Evaluation of author credentials, in 1 or 2 sentences
Summary of key findings and themes, in 2 - 3 sentences
Explanation of how research has been conducted for this paper, in 1 or 2 sentences
Evaluation of the reference – usefulness and limitations of this reference for your report, in 3 - 4 sentences (1 mark).
- Recommendation
Correctly formatted recommendation as per the Report Writing Guidelines from Week 6
Quality of the recommendation – relevance to the finding/conclusion in your annotation and to your Report Topic for the current term. That is, the recommendation makes sense in light of what was written in the annotation
- Common criteria
Grammatically correct annotation with no spelling mistakes,
Well-structured annotation in a single paragraph for each reference - easy to read and understand,
Within the recommended length for each reference and submitted as an MS-Word file.
Reflective Writing on negative experience about conflict workplace in the past:
I have worked as a quality assurance manager. My job was to assure that every project guidelines are followed and product specifications are met. It was my responsibility to make communication with CEO, project managers and team members. As the project guidelines were ignored or missed or project phases never met specifications I had to undergo negative through negative experience.
At one particular event, there was a blatant violation of protocol. I took that upon my shoulder to communicate my findings directly to CEO. Taking his permission I also contacted with various team members directly to remedy those situation. As the project manager came to know about what have happened he got upset. I called me in this room and confronted me for superceding the authority. Them I was honest and direct towards my response to the affront. There, I made him understand that I has been the best project managers which whom I have worked. However, he had the tendency of ignoring guidelines of quality assurance. Surprisingly, he apologized and revealed that he has appreciated my integrity and candor.
The main thing I have learnt from the case that disagreements are always there while working in teams. It is regardless of what the team members have been disagreeing about. It must be reminded that every people are liable to execute their duties. Further the project goals must be achieved whatever is the situation. The project leaders have been assigned with vital responsibilities. The managers have been relying on them to ensure work that is done on time with quality standards that is adhered to. Further it is the duty of job candidates to provide answers demonstrating maturity and competency.
In order to handle and resolve this kind of situations, while managing group projects I have analyzed many things. Data and relevant facts must be gathered. The root causes must be determined, situations must be developed presenting as suggestions and team members must be effectively communicated. Team members must always be helped to see whether the solution I felt has been self evident. This must be done without forcing that solution upon them.
The positive side that I have learnt is that while answering questions, honest answers with specific examples must be provided. As anyone has never worked in my position like I have done, they must never embellish the experience. People, should be honest and they should emphasize their skills they have acquired to make an ideal manager. Further, I have learnt that employees always look for people who have proper leadership potential.
The negative side that I have came to know that extra penance must be given to meet people individually and collect facts. Moreover, a compromise is always needed to be done. An objective perspective must be maintained and never involve in any conflict. Al ways a less confrontational solution is to be found out. There should be an extra urge to showcase the ability to deal with those conflicts productively.
Currie, D., Gormley, T., Roche, B., & Teague, P. (2017). The management of workplace conflict: Contrasting pathways in the HRM literature. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(4), 492-509.
Einarsen, S., Skogstad, A., Rørvik, E., Lande, Å. B., & Nielsen, M. B. (2016). Climate for conflict management, exposure to workplace bullying and work engagement: a moderated mediation analysis. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-22.
Leon-Perez, J. M., Medina, F. J., Arenas, A., & Munduate, L. (2015). The relationship between interpersonal conflict and workplace bullying. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(3), 250-263.
Liu, Y., Wang, M., Chang, C. H., Shi, J., Zhou, L., & Shao, R. (2015). Work–family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and displaced aggression toward others: The moderating roles of workplace interpersonal conflict and perceived managerial family support. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(3), 793.
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