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Coit20246 The Central Processing Units Assessment Answers

There are ten (10) tasks, one for each week: the tasks are detailed below. There is a table to complete for each task. Please fill in the information required.Note: Each resource summary should be around 200-300 words.

Week 1

The text discusses how Central Processing Units (CPUs) function but is silent on another processing component of modern computers, the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what a GPU is and how it differs from a CPU. The resource (and your summary) should discuss at least one non-graphics related use for GPUs.

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>

Week 2

One of the potential next advances in Operating Systems (OSes) will be Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses how AI could change the way OSes function and/or interact with users.

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>

Week 3

The text discusses how Netflix uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE other commercial IaaS provider that is NOT Google. The resource and your summary should describe how the IaaS differs from AWS. 

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>

Week 4

IPv4 is discussed in the text, yet the emerging IPv6 protocol is only mentioned briefly. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes the IPv6 protocol. The resource and your summary should describe how IPv6 differs from IPv4. 

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>

Week 5

WannaCry and NotPetya were two of the most significant malware attacks of 2017. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how ONE of these pieces of malware work. Note that the resource should focus on ONE of these, NOT both.

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>

Week 6

OpenFlow is a protocol that enables Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how OpenFlow works and/or how it enables SDN.

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>

Week 7

Historically, organisations have been able to improve business processes by implementing Information Systems. However, as these systems age they can negatively impact on organisational agility and can ultimately prove problematic. Such systems are broadly referred to as Legacy Systems. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses the impacts of legacy systems on organisations. The resource and your summary should clearly identify problems with maintaining legacy systems.

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>

Week 8

With the advent of mass data collection and storage has come the use of these datasets for data mining and analysis. Recently, Cambridge Analytica and Facebook have come under intense scrutiny for their use of user data, allegedly in order to influence the US 2016 election. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what Cambridge Analytica did and why their services were so controversial.

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>

Week 9

Load (or performance) testing is a critical step in the information systems development process. The purpose of this testing is to simulate the peak expected load on a system to ensure both hardware and software can operate effectively and meet key metrics. To do this, specialised performance testing tools are used. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE such tool. The resource (and your summary) should include information on the principle uses and features of the tool.

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>

Week 10

While information systems and technology deliver many benefits to society, there is a high incidence of failure in attempting to implement them. These IS/IT implementation project failures frequently result in substantial financial losses. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE example of an Australian IT/IS project that has failed. Note that the resource should focus on ONE single example and it and your summary should clearly explain the cause(s) of the failure.

Title and Reference:

<Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource>


<Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here>


There are ten (10) tasks, one for each week: the tasks are detailed below. There is a table to complete for each task. Please fill in the information required.Note: Each resource summary should be around 200-300 words.
Week 1
The text discusses how Central Processing Units (CPUs) function but is silent on another processing component of modern computers, the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what a GPU is and how it differs from a CPU. The resource (and your summary) should discuss at least one non-graphics related use for GPUs.
Title and Reference:For Machine Learning, It's All About GPUsFraenkel, B 2017, For Machine Learning, It's All About GPUs, viewed 26 September
This article describes the emergence of Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence in terms of GPU’s advancement. I chose this article because it explains the GPU and machine learning in the field of computer systems. It also highlights the needs of machine learning algorithms for better GPUs.In the article, the author describes how GPUs have more processing speed as compared to CPU. CPU cores are managing rendering of a webpage. It also manages peripherals and enterprise software. GPU core is handling and optimizing data computations.

In addition to recent development for GPU’s, NVIDIA has biggest GPU chips provider for the past year. Originally, GPU’s are designed for graphics processing but now a days it is used for heavy computations at large scale.
In the field of processors, GPU is a new invention for fast processing and computations. All big companies are following this technology and make it advanced for future uses. NVIDIA has Tesla V100, in addition to GPU, Google announced about Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) that uses for their main services like search, translate, and photos. Finally, Intel also announced about their new processor “Nervana Neural Processor” that is used for optimization of neural network computing. The author explains that GPU is a new technology in the field of process computation.
I found this article useful because it not only highlighted the GPU and CPU computation it is also made me think about how Machine Learning is useful for making GPU’s. I also learnt that Machine learning and artificial intelligence is very useful in the future.

Week 2

One of the potential next advances in Operating Systems (OSes) will be Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses how AI could change the way OSes function and/or interact with users.

Title and Reference:AI and the Operating System

Morgante, V 2017, AI and the Operating System, viewed 21 September 2018, 

This article describes the relation of operation system functions and Artificial Intelligence (AI). I chose this article because it is explains about role of artificial intelligence in making operating system more power full and useable for basic need of a person, such as speech recognition system.

In addition to operating system functionality, it is doing many things, such as multitasking, manage and remember large amount of data. Still some functions included in the operating system make it more feasible to users, such as speech reorganization for a particular work. Operating system use tools and technologies for converting speech to desirable format and apply it to system. Many common works as well as difficult works are managed by operating system with help of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Machine learning makes computation and performance of operating systems better for such types of work. Machine learning improves many functions of operating system in the future. Machine learning and Artificial intelligence are changing in many functions of operating system, which are so helpful to make easier processing. Operating systems are now so advanced after using machine-learning algorithms. Deep learning algorithms are so popular for making operating system advanced.

I found this article useful because it highlighted the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in increasing functionality of operating system. It also explains what functions are currently done by operating system.

Week 3

The text discusses how Netflix uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE other commercial IaaS provider that is NOT Google. The resource and your summary should describe how the IaaS differs from AWS. 

Title and Reference:

How AWS and Azure differ

Leoni, K 2016, How AWS and Azure differ, viewed 26 September 2018,


This article provides differences between two Infrastructures-as-a-services (IaaS). One is Amazon Web Services (AWS), and second is Azure.

In the article, discuss about AWS and Microsoft Azure.

AWS is an open source tool and it is based on Linux. Basic two things make AWS better are it is a large source of open source tools and it is capable to set infrastructure as a service as well as platform as a service also. AWS is now targeting the windows environment with the help of EC2 and active directory integration.

Microsoft was late in the field of cloud computing services. Microsoft has an advantage of using windows system by maximum internet users. Azure provides strengths to Microsoft on the behalf of optimized and integrated ecosystem. Azure is targeting those enterprises, which are already connected with Microsoft.

Both are providing same services but on different platforms. AWS is covered all open sources market. Some key differences between AWS and Azure are based on the web services, management, hybrid infrastructure, open source, and pricing of the product.

Azure is more customized comparatively from AWS and it is an advantage for different enterprises.

I found this article useful because it provides detailed description about AWS and Azure and differentiating between both technologies.

Week 4

IPv4 is discussed in the text, yet the emerging IPv6 protocol is only mentioned briefly. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes the IPv6 protocol. The resource and your summary should describe how IPv6 differs from IPv4. 

Title and Reference:

Examining IPv6 Performance

Huston, G 2018, Examining IPv6 Performance, viewed 21 September 2018, https://blog.apnic.net/2015/11/24/examining-ipv6-performance/


This article describes the IPv6 performance and difference between IPv4 and IPv6 in the aspect of connection losses. I chose this article because it describe in details about IPv6 performance in different cases with respect to IPv4. Internet protocol is used for sending packets to the network. IPv4 is currently used and it is so good at a level, but IPv6 provide many features better than IPv4. 

In the article, IPv6 is a protocol that is more reliable over IPv4. Reliability is the first thing in the network that means data should be reached to destination. Second is the round trip time. Routing of a packet is a main role in the time taken by any packet in the network. If any packet has less header than it will take less time and it is also depending on the fragmentation also.

In addition, measurement of performance of IPv6 is based on the data collected from nodes. There is a measure point to measure performance of a protocol that is connection failure. IPv6 has less connection failure comparative to IPv4.

I found this article useful because it explains about differences of IPv6 and IPv4 in details based on performance measurement. It also explains about positively and negatively effects of IPv6 in the future.

Week 5

WannaCry and NotPetya were two of the most significant malware attacks of 2017. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how ONE of these pieces of malware work. Note that the resource should focus on ONE of these, NOT both.

Title and Reference:

Understanding the latest cyber attack

Yao, P 2018, Understanding the latest cyber-attack, viewed 21 September 


This article describes about the NotPetya attacks in 2017. I chose this article because it includes many details about WannaCry and NotPetya ransomware.

In this article, as per author, NotPetya is not a malware; it is a mix of many types of malware tools. It was similar to Petya. In the case of NotPetya, it accesses the files of different computer system of a network and infects all files with the help of an infected code. After that, they were demanding ransom in term of bitcoin.

First time it hacked a tax software program. Email phishing is also used for this attack.

In addition, there are so many ways to secure systems from this type of attacks, such as always backup of your system files, always installed patched files in systems, and always alert for cyber-attacks.

Companies already encrypt the data so if anyone try to encrypt that data it will be not possible to them. Access controls also helpful for protecting data wherever it lives.

I found this article useful because it explain about NotPetya malware and WannaCry ransomware and how safe data from these types of attacks. It is also provide useful information to safe data from these types of attacks in the future.

Week 6

OpenFlow is a protocol that enables Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how OpenFlow works and/or how it enables SDN.

Title and Reference:

Software-Defined Networking (SDN), What Is It and How Does It Work

Stibbards, A 2013, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), What Is It and How Does It Work, viewed 21 


This article is described about Software-Defined Networking (SDN) architecture. I chose this source because it provides information about SDN as well as about its connectivity with OpenFlow.

SDN is used to handle traffic in the network by using control plane. Network operating system is behaving like control plane. Administrator is controlling traffic with help of OpenFlow protocol.

OpenFlow protocol gathered information from different devices and according to that manage traffic with the help of softwares.

SDN is divides the flow of data and control functions of network devices, such as switch, hub, routers, Layer -3 switches, and packet switches with an application programming interfaces (referred as API’s) between the different networks. This is used in huge enterprise networks for controlling both data and control functions.

Data flow is increasing day by day so managing all these things use Server virtualization. It makes possible to partition a single system into multiple, autonomous systems. It is a central system in dealing with big data applications and in implementing cloud services. SDN architecture has a central controller, which perform many difficult functions, including security attacks, routing algorithms, network policy declaration, and naming.DN domains provide scalability, privacy and incremental deployment. The SDN controllers implemented in different ways, first it is require an identical logical switch function and second, it needs a safe and a standard protocol between network devices and SDN controller.

I found this article useful for learning of SDN architecture and networking fundamentals for future use.

Week 7

Historically, organisations have been able to improve business processes by implementing Information Systems. However, as these systems age they can negatively impact on organisational agility and can ultimately prove problematic. Such systems are broadly referred to as Legacy Systems. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses the impacts of legacy systems on organisations. The resource and your summary should clearly identify problems with maintaining legacy systems.

Title and Reference:How High-Risk Legacy Systems are Hurting Your Business

Globalscape, 2018, How High-Risk Legacy Systems are Hurting Your Business, viewed 26 

This article describes about the High-risk legacy systems and how legacy system hurting business. I chose this article because it explains how legacy systems are barrier to business betterment of organizations.

In the article, the author describes about boosting of annual revenue from the uses of IT systems.

In addition to IT systems, many of organization start modernization, which directly shows in growth rate of company.

Legacy systems are having out-dated IT infrastructure. Therefore, they are not providing productivity, security, and reliability as compare to IT Infrastructure.

There are many advantages of digital transformation, such as new platform for data storage, security level is increase, which is highly required now a days. There are so many issues are related to legacy technologies, such as obsolete technology, inaccurate, unreliable system, and lack of documentation, not support to new patches.

There are lot of issues in legacy system and they directly affect business of an organization. In case of digital transformation era, legacy systems do not compete, their competitor with their legacy systems. It is so difficult to survive in market with old technologies and systems.

I found this article useful because it explains advantages of IT modernization over the legacy systems.

Week 8

With the advent of mass data collection and storage has come the use of these datasets for data mining and analysis. Recently, Cambridge Analytica and Facebook have come under intense scrutiny for their use of user data, allegedly in order to influence the US 2016 election. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what Cambridge Analytica did and why their services were so controversial.

Title and Reference:

Cambridge Analytica and Facebook: The Scandal and the Fallout So Far

Ingram, D 2018, Factbox: Who is Cambridge Analytica and what did it do?, viewed 21 


This article describes about the scandal of personal data uses without permission. I chose this article because it provides enough details about US election 2016 campaigns.

Cambridge Analytica is a British data analytics firm. It is centre of controversy in the campaign of US 2016. Cambridge Analytica was facing a search of their office, and questions from government authorities of united states.

It is an offshoot of SCL group. SCL group is a military contractor.

In the article, the author describes about link of Cambridge Analytica with US election 2016. Cambridge suspended chief executive Mr. Alexander Nix, after a video released by a British television channel in which he accepted that the company had used bribery and seduction to influence elections.

After Trump won in the US election held in 2016, Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica went to more clients. They design psychological profiles for customers and voters. It was for research purpose according to Facebook. They lacked 50 million Facebook users’ personal data.

After this incident, Facebook also changed their privacy settings to share their data. They provide controls to user for sharing information.

I found this article useful because it provides all details about roll of Cambridge Analytica in the US election held in 2016, which is related to Trump campaigns. 

Week 9

Load (or performance) testing is a critical step in the information systems development process. The purpose of this testing is to simulate the peak expected load on a system to ensure both hardware and software can operate effectively and meet key metrics. To do this, specialised performance testing tools are used. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE such tool. The resource (and your summary) should include information on the principle uses and features of the tool.

Title and Reference:

What’s New in JMeter 5.0?

Fedorov, A 2018, What’s New in JMeter 5.0?, viewed 26 September 

This article describes about the new JMeter 5.0 and major changes in JMeter.

I chose this article because it describes impactful changes in JMeter.

In JMeter 5.0, many changes occurred, such as HTTP request changes, search methods, flow action control, easy way for threadGroupName, and result tree.

In previous version of JMeter, HTTP request method is reset from SSL state. HTTP state depends on the SSL state and connection certificates. In JMeter 5.0, TCP connection has less round trip time and it save time and traffic in the network.

This version is supporting two kinds of request from user, such as GET, POST, and PUT. It is also remove different bugs from website, such as bug 62248, bug 43612.

It supports multipart requests for sending files for PUT and DELETE. Previous version was supported only POST approach.

In addition to the previous version of JMeter, it easily handled JSON format with the help of application server for communicating.

JMeter also improve user interface and it is so useful for users to request and response different thread in a single time.

I found this article useful because it describes about new features of JMeter 5.0 and it is a provide advance facilities, such as remove bugs, request and response, and others.

Week 10

While information systems and technology deliver many benefits to society, there is a high incidence of failure in attempting to implement them. These IS/IT implementation project failures frequently result in substantial financial losses. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE example of an Australian IT/IS project that has failed. Note that the resource should focus on ONE single example and it and your summary should clearly explain the cause(s) of the failure.

Title and Reference:

Australian IT project failures spark new ICT governance standard

Clarke, T 2014, Australian IT project failures spark new ICT governance standard, viewed 21 


In this resource, describe about Australian IT project failures. This resource also explains about new ICT governance standards. I chose this article because it provides reasons of Queensland Health Department Payroll system failures.

According to Dr. Bronwyn Evans, boards and senior business executives are responsible for failures of IT project. There are lot of reasons for IT project failure but overall governance of the organization was responsible for it.

There are lot of examples of IT projects failures due to lack of budgets and deadlines. Queensland health department pay four times of original payment of that project. They are failed in calculation of requirement analysis.

In 2010, new standards are set to acquire cloud services with the proper guidance. They make new governance framework for success of a project. Leadership is also requiring at high level to take responsibility of success of project.

IT projects fails in 65 to 85 precent cases to fulfil their objectives. Only 70 precent IT projects is successful in the last stage, rest of the 30 % projects are cancelled due to deadline and budgets issues with the vendors.

I found this article useful for future big IT projects, they can learn from this type of disasters in the field of IT industry. This resource is also providing data for IT projects successes and failures in term of percentage bases.


Auster, M 2013, OpenFlow-enabled, viewed 21 September 2018

Clarke, T 2018, Australian IT project failures spark new ICT governance standard, viewed 21 

Confessore, N 2018, Cambridge Analytica and Facebook: The Scandal and the Fallout So Far, viewed 

Fedorov, A 2018, What’s New in JMeter 5.0?, viewed 26 September 2018,

Fraenkel, B 2017, For Machine Learning, It's All About GPUs, viewed 26

Globalscape, 2017, How High-Risk Legacy Systems are Hurting Your Business, viewed 21 

Huston, G 2018, Examining IPv6 Performance, viewed 21 

Ingram, D 2018, Factbox: Who is Cambridge Analytica and what did it do?, viewed 21 

Ismail, N 2017, Legacy technology is biggest barrier to digital transformation, viewed 

Leoni, K 2016, How AWS and Azure differ, viewed 26 September.

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