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CO4509 Computer Security

WidgetsInc has contracted Benny Vandergast Inc to develop their new webbased store. Benny Vandergast Inc has provided a VMware virtual machine for testing. WidgetsInc have decided to give you the job of evaluating the security of the system provided by Benny Vandergast Inc.

You should perform a security evaluation on the provided virtual machine image. You have not been supplied with either the IP address of the system or any usernames and passwords, you have have to discover these as part of your investigation.


Your report should include:

  • A description of how you investigated the security of the system.

– include fully cited information on tools and techniques you used.

  • A description of the results obtained.
  • A proposal on how to secure the system.

– you should address each of the security issues you find.

Propose and justify suitable security for a networked computer system.

Use a range of security-related tools.

Critically evaluate tools and techniques for system security.

Research and report on a security-related topic, using appropriate literature.



Initiation of the protection process begins with the identification of the issues that are present in the platform where the data if the client are stored. After identifying the issues that are present in the platform the major concern of the project completion is the planning of the risk mitigation techniques. In order to mitigate the risks that are present the plans that are evaluated re deployed on the platform of the data storage and information center. VMware is one of the leading brand that takes place in the processing of data management. The algorithms data are used during the performing of the task helps in proper processing of the data management and keeps the operating system protected and mitigates the risks. Due to the fact that there has been a major growth in the process of the data management and the introduction of digital platform will lead to the fact that the data management is done efficiently. This is also another reason that will proclaim the fact that the data management is performed with much higher robustness. This report will discuss about the processing of the investing terminologies that will be implemented to take into consideration the processing of the data management. This report will also provide us with the brief description of the data that is obtained in the processing of the data management with the help of the VMware system. This report will also take into consideration the fact that the data management regarding security if the platform is taken into consideration and proper security techniques will be provided in the report.

Steps of investigating the project

Widgets Inc is one of the leading organization which has been dealing with the terminologies that collaborates with Benny Vandergast Incorporation. This is the major reason that the processing of data management will be processed with the help of web based stores. Main purpose of the collaboration is that Benny Vandergast was capable to design a platform that helps in testing the security issues that are present in the operating system. Hence he was the one who came up with the VMware ideology to test the proceeding of the project. Major concern of this testing platform is to ensure the security and data testing of the clients leading to projection of customer security

VMware runs with the help of the Ubuntu, dealing with the fact t

hat the data management is performed with the tools that are present in the operating system of Ubuntu. Initially the VMware needs to be downloaded for processing of the entire security check purpose. This leads to the fact that the installation of the entire downloaded data regarding the VMware software is to be done for accessing the portal and the security indices that are performed for the completion of the task. After installation of VMware the major questionnaire that it asks for the processing of the project is that the requirement of the log in id and the user password will be required for the initiation of the project. After implementation of the user name and the password, the major issue that comes into vision is the dilemma of selecting either Ubuntu or the recovery mode of Ubuntu. It is recommended to choose the recovery mode of Ubuntu. After logging into the processing of the recovery mode of Ubuntu, root option is taken into consideration. Dropping of root shell prompt is done in this section.

In the root widget, the code “whoami” is taken into consideration. After the completion of the task, second code “cd/home” is used. After using both the codes, ‘ls’ command name is applied to it. This leads to the fact that user name of the system will get displayed.

After completion of the command line of the code, the user name that is widgets gets displayed.

The code that is searched and used in the processing of the project is as follows: -

Run Level Command

  • Shutdown: init 0. Shutdown –h now.-a: Use file

/etc/shutdown.allow. –c: Cancel scheduled

shutdown. Halt –p. –p. Turn power off after

shutdown. poweroff.

  • Reboot: init 6.shutdown –r now. Reboot
  • Renter single user mode: init 1.
  • Check current runlevel: runlevel

Password that is initially set must be changed with the help of the command named ‘mount –n –o remount, rw /’. This command is required for entering the UNIX system and altering the password. This leads to the fact that the data user can take entry in the server and use the server as a platform in order to gain access to the platform and reset the password. After the password is given a text pops up saying that password is updated successfully.

Test case

After successful change in the password, the UNIX system is booted in the normal mode, leading to the fact that the normal mode gets booted. After performing proper booting, OK button is clicked for completion of the task.

After completion of this process, the user can log in the server and the details of the server is displayed in the display screen of the project

For checking the IP address of projecting the data management will include the data processing with respect to the IP addressing feature of the portal. ‘ifconfig’ is the command used for checking the credentialed of the project collaboration with the IP address. This command will not only help in understanding the collaboration of the server with the IP address but also will ensure that the detailing of the Internet protocol addressing is processed in the terminology of the project of UNIX system.

In case of using the virtual machine, the data that is provided will ensure the fact that the data management regarding connectivity of the server with regards to internet facility will be checked and the data that will be generated during the course of testing will ensure that the data that are evaluated acts as the reference for the processing of the internet facility. This will show whether the internet facility is available or not.

PING command will ensure the processing of the connectivity of the server. In case the server does not support connectivity, it lead to the fact that the data that are to be transacted to check the security of the project will fail and error statement will pop up. Packages that are present in the server starts reading the information that are stated through the server connectivity, leading to the fact that the data transaction is processed. Extra package installation leads to the processing of the data analysis in a more efficient way. This is the reason extra packages are installed.

Usage of nmap is done for the completion of detailed knowledge gaining of the availability of the ports. This leads to the fact that the data that are present in the ports are quantified as the open pots or closed ports. These informations are generally collected from the UNIX server. The requirements that are estimated are used for the processing of the installation of the UNIX system. ‘sudo apt-get install nmap’ code is used for the installation of nmap.

`After the installation of nmap, manual IP address is provided, leading to the fact that the data processing and checking of the data management. After manual processing of the data management, the successful updating of the IP address is done.

Injection in SQL

Injection related to the processing of the data management will lead to the fact that the data that re sored in the processing of the data management will require security alerts regarding the structured Query Language. This leads to the fact that the related input box will procure the terminologies related to the admission gaining of the resource that will make change in the processing of data termination.

Major disadvantage of data processing in case of injection of structured query language is that the malicious code is injected in the processing, validating the data that is present in the data base of the system. This leads ti the fact that corruption in the data base occurs. This is the main reason that organizations need to stay protected from the SQL injections. This also leads to the fact that the organization stat suffer from SQL injection will lead to data corruption and the data that are required for the processing of the tasks in the organization and the data that is corrupted in this process might not get recovered ever by the organization. Another advantage of this process is that in case the organization themselves apply SQL injection, the data that are present in the data base of the data base system will stay protected and the data management will be done with the help of SQL injection. This leads to the fact that the data that are present in the data center of the organization stays protected from the imposters and the imposters cannot gain access to the data that are present in the data center.

Testing of the widgets are performed in 2 stages. The 1st stage being the stage that is completely dependent on the testing of the Ubuntu terminal testing. This is the major test that is performed in the processing of the data center in order to test the processing of the robustness of the project. This is the main reason that leads to the processing of the terminology of the project and the data that are stored in the data center of the organization. The password and the username is provided in accord to the process that the data center of the UNIX server that is present in the data base if the organization. Usage of RDBMS is also the major fact that ensures that the security of the data that is present in the information with highest robustness.

After completion of the SQL injection testing the major process that is taken into consideration is the data managing of the system with the help of the mkdir command in the processing of the security of the data system. mkdir command is used for creation of the new directory, leading to the fact that ted at base gets more allocating space.

Git repository terminology is used in the processing of the project. This is due to the fact that the processing of the data management can be done with the help of installation of packages and connecting the SQL map with the command that is present in the git.

One port testing

The main function of port 22, the major fact is that the projection of securing the SSH log in system. Port number 80 finds its main advantage in the term of usage of the system ting for testing the in terms of nmap system. nmap and WebDAV are the major terminologies that are used for completion of the testing procedure.

Installation of the nmap, MySQL and apache is done in the system in order to complete the projection of the job.

‘nmap –T4 –p80 –script=http-iis-webdav-vuln’ code is the code that is used for the processing of the testing of the project. Vulnerability of p80 is seen with regards to the WebDAV. Port 22 is tested with the command ‘nmap –T4 –p22 –script=http-iis-webdav-vuln’. The test of port 22 proves that the vulnerability of the port is very high and the robustness of the platform is comparatively low. . WebDAV also constitutes the fact that the vulnerability of the ports are very low. The test that is conducted, uses the login.html code file. Http queries are used by the processing of the data center of the organization. This leads to the fact that the data that are generated in the terminology gets tested using the GET method.

Another major disadvantage is that the history of the surfing data center can be accessed through this technology. This leads to the fact that the data that are very secretive in nature must not be used and searched through this server as the data that are present in the search history of the project can affect the genuine client in cas4 the imposter gains access to the processing of data management

Another major issue is that the data that are being transcript, leads to the detection of the password and the user id. This leads to the fact that the data transmission is not at all secured in this server. User name and password revelation is also one of the major reason that leads to the lack of robustness in the processing of the data management. Even the URL link that is generated in the process, leads to the exposure if the user id of the client.

Security Measures

Vulnerability that are present in the process that are found in the processing of the project

The results that are generated in the processing if the data management of the UNIX server can be checked with the help of the widget README file that is present in the processing of the data management. The major flaws are as follows: -

  • Enhancement of Security

From the above testing report it can be stated that the data management of the data security is very low and the robustness of the platform is under test (Pathak, 2015). The security of the entire system is very less in compared to the processing of the required security measures that are required for maintaining the robustness of the platform for keeping the data secured. Security enhancement is required for the processing of the data management (Howard, Malkhi and Spiegelman, 2017). This leads to the fact that the processing of the entire project is completed with privacy and secrecy. This is the reason that the data management is very essential in the completion of the project efficiently.

  • Firewall implementation

Firewall installation can be acting as the major protection layer. On implementation of the firewall the major advantage as protection layer that the firewall provides is very robust in nature and the data that are stored in the platform are protected with the barrier that the fire wall provides. This is the major reasons that the data management can be done in a better way and the imposters’ fails to gain access to data that are present in the data base of the organization (Shirinbab, Lundberg and Ilie, 2014). User id and the user password can be fetched with the data management can be processed due to the multiple layer protection that the firewall provides. The presence of the UFW adds strengths to the firewall and the robustness of the entire database increases.

The fact that the port number 22 is an open source, it acts as the major concern for the security managers of the organization. Implementation of SSH helps in securing the project and data management.

  • Malware detection

 Malware detection includes the fact that the data that are present in the database of the organization can get adversely affected due to the processing of the entire data and the introduction of the malware will include the process of corrupting the data are stored the data base of the organization (Eriksson and Hedlund, 2016). This is also one of the reason that malware protection software are used for the protection of the data management. This leads to the fact that the data that are present in the data base stays protected in terms of the business management of the data base of the organization.

  • Thin provisioning

 Thin provisioning includes the fact that the data that are stored in the Virtual machine are mostly unstructured in nature, hence when the data is stored in the Virtual machine, in time of installation gets large and unaligned in nature. This leads to decrease in robustness of the framework of the platform. In order to decrease this excess loss in the robustness thin provisioning is used for completion of the project in a structure way (Hogan and Epping, 2016).

  • 2 factor security

Two factor security is also one of the best ways to complete the security process. In this case the usage of security methodology that acts as the 2 factor methodology, the imposters cannot gain access ti the data that are store in the virtual machine data base (Burke, la Quiante and Moore, 2017). This is due to the fact that the data that are stored stays protected.


The above performed examination is providing a many information which is indicating lots of vulnerability in the provided virtual machine. The total number of issues is increasing when the investigation process is going deeper. All the vulnerabilities which are detected in this system can be explained by the use of mitigation methods. The mitigation method is the approach of reducing the risks related with a project. By this method total probability of the risk occurrence can be reduced. The mitigation method can affect various types of risks and several number of risks. By implementing a proper mitigation method most of the vulnerabilities issues related with this project can be solved. From the investigation process the main vulnerabilities founded are the security issues and the firewall issue. The security setup of the virtual machine is much lower than the expectations. Hence, the security system of this experimented system must be improved. With a improve security system the machine can defend itself from various types of malicious attacks and from hackings. This project also consists a webpage which is used for the online payment system. Hence, it is very much important to protect the payment information and the customer information from the hackers. It only can be achieved by implementing a strong secure network. The virtual machine filter all the request through its filter. So, an updated firewall can help the system to identify the malicious requests, thus it can block those requests. When a firewall is constructed with a UFW system then it is easy to implement the IPV4 firewall. Thus, the UFW system must be activated in the system. Also, the communication ports must be secured because the open ports can create many vulnerabilities in the system. So, it is also required to secure the ports. Thus all the experiments are reflecting that this system is a good example for security testing purpose in the Linux environment also the solutions of the respective issues are provided in this paper.


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