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Cna346 Transition To Professional Practice Assessment Answers

Demonstrates the qualities of a reflective practitioner by critically discussing own professional development needs and strategies to work with others.

Integrates ideas obtained from unit content, academic sources, and from PEP to develop strategies to support practice development as a graduate nurse.

Explores governance and regulatory frameworks in discussing autonomy, accountability, and practice as a graduate nurse.

Communicates in academic writing.



The new graduate nurses have to face a lot of hurdles that has an impact on their successful transition to that of practice. The health care environment is undergoing change at a rapid pace and the graduate nurses need to learn things quickly and be dynamic so that they can cope with the complex nursing environment in today’s world. There are different challenges that a graduate nurse like myself face as I move from the university environment to the stage of clinical practice. Time Management is an arena that needs further development because it is an important aspect in relation to quality nursing care and poses to be a challenge in the modern times. Novice nurses struggle to complete various tasks within a limited time frame and often find themselves struggling to handle everything while delivering good quality of work (Moorhead et al. 2014). Their work is of crucial importance as on their performance rely the health and well-being of the patients and monitoring every aspect related to the patient is integral for successful varying out the duties of a nurse.

Allocation of higher workload in relation to the number of nurses and a surge in the number of ailing people is a vital reason for the time management related problems that the novice nurse face. According to me, more emphasis is laid on the theoretical part in our university and that accounts to be a major reason for the novice nurses when they get into clinical practice. Time management related errors is predominant in the Australian hospitals and leads to complications in the health of the patient. The profession of nursing is rewarding but it also proves to be very stressful. Self-care is an important arena of nursing and adequate exercise and nutrition can help the mind of the novice nurse to stay fresh mentally and successfully carry out their responsibilities related to nursing (Cherry and Jacob 2016). I think the role of the mentor can be of significant importance for the novice nurse and can offer effective support to the graduate nurse regarding how one can be pro-active and handle time perfectly. I think setting the priorities is important for this kind of demanding profession that can help the graduate nurse in the arena of time management. A novice nurse has just left the safety net and it is expected that they will manage a large number of patients. In my opinion, being punctual can help to a great extent in successfully dissolving the duties of the nurse as it will leave the novice nurse with one more amount of time to carry out their responsibilities (Wolf, Stidham and Ross 2015). The duty of nurses revolves around ill and sick patience and it is of vital importance that things are carried out within a specified time frame so that the life of the patient is not jeopardized (Huber 2017). Proper Time management will enable the nurse to stay abreast of the events and carry out their job responsibility with a lot of diligence. Donna M. White has suggested that the following strategies can help in improving the time management related skills like establishing deadlines, avoiding multitasking, delegation rewarding oneself.

Practice of nursing can be distinguished by the virtue of intellect, commitment along with skill. Nursing profession has the capacity to bring about changes that are far-reaching within the health care system. New technologies are being made available in the field of nursing care like home dialysis equipment or that of new infusion pump that can significantly change the daily routine of the nursing staff. Electronic information system like that of electronic patient record can be made use of by the novice nurses to handle data and help in the process of time management. Most of the models related to nursing emerge from that of Diffusion of Innovation Theory of Rogers and on the basis of this model it can be said that the innovations should be introduced in a systematic manner in order to aid in time management and maximise success (Weiss and Tappen 2014). I think that in every kind of new situation one should analyse the determinants so that it can play an important role in designing a new innovation strategy and help in accelerating performance of the graduate nurses. Dysfunctional technologies along with bugs are the impeding determinants in relation to technology (Holloway and Galvin 2016). I think that the nurses being trained on the innovative technology will prove to be extremely beneficial for the time management related problems and will be a major step taken that can help the novice nurses in handling the problem of time management. Technology according to me will provide the perfect solution to the significant problem called “time management”. Technologies should be tested in the proper manner by the developers and piloted in organization before they are made use of by the graduate nurses (Mosadeghrad 2013).

As I undergo the process of reviewing the literature I find that delegation is important in relation to time management. A crucial aspect in regard to delegation is that of communication. In my opinion, if two nurses are working closely with each other then it is of great importance to maintain effective communication with them. This will help in the process of anticipation and planning things in a better manner (Parry and Grant 2016). Being conscious of the responsibilities of other nurses can also help as one can lend them a helping hand if they are unable to carry out the task. The other nurse in turn will also lend their support when the other person will need it.

My Professional Experience Placement (PEP) taught me that communicating clearly with that of physicians along with support staff can also lend extensive support in the process of time management. All the issues that require the attention of the physician need not necessarily be immediately addressed to the physician but one can develop the skills related to non-urgent sensitive needs and tackle these issues on their own. They can later on communicate it to the when the physician comes for the round (Edward et al. 2015). I have felt that going through the past medical history of the patients will prove to be important for coping with shortage of time and the graduate nurse should go through the concerns of the patients and go through the lab results before approaching the physician. According to me, this will help the novice nurse to let the facts be clear so that when the physician will recommend terms then it will be easier for the nurse to understand promptly what the physician is communicating and prevent any kind of confusion that may arise from not understanding what the physician is saying.

Nursing and Midwifery Board in Australia (NMBA) has provided fund to a project with the help of which the different communication approaches that can help in time management are brought in front of the nurses. The presence of NMBA in the expos of Australian College of Nursing was able to deliver knowledge about important issues like how the engagement with the patient can help in effective time management (Laneet al. 2017). The NMBA with the help of conferences and other meetings with the people working for the health care has been able to assist the novice nurses in the field of time management.

Prioritization of task is an important strategy that can be employed by the novice nurse as an effective strategy for time management. Four major questions should be asked by the nurse that can help the graduate nurse in effectively managing time and improve the quality of work at the hospital. The first question should revolve around which work should be done first and what is the reason behind it. The graduate nurse should ponder about the fact that which task is more important and should be accomplished immediately (Henderson et al. 2014). The novice nurse has to ruminate about what worse thing can happen if they did not do it at that point of time. The priority of the nurse should be the welfare of the patient and that should be the priority of the patient.

The life of a nurse is hectic and I think that it is important that they know how to balance the work with that of life. I think and I have felt during my PEP experience that accumulating more of organizational skills can prove to be of great help for the graduate nurse. Technology has to be made use of to a great extent so that things get done in the right manner and electronic medication administration record can be helpful for the profession of nursing. The arm band of the patient should be looked at the beginning of shift so that any confusion does not arise later on (Halcomb 2017). I have felt that one can think of other options to perform the same task if some activity makes them completely stressed out. Getting refreshed can help an individual and when they come back after the short break they would be able to perform the work with renewed vigour.

I have experienced that anticipating the needs of the patients can help in saving time and prove to be beneficial for the novice nurse. I should be able to bring the things at the first instance that would help me in cutting down on the unnecessary trips. The graduate nurse has a lot of responsibilities and has to confront stressful situations so by successfully managing the time the nurse can deal with multiple responsibilities.

As a student who is on the verge of registration, I should be able to be accountable for my actions and critical reasoning skills has to be displayed in effectively managing time. The student nurse who is on the bridge of transition to that of a registered nurse has to face many kinds of challenges. I think that role of mentor, setting priorities, learning innovative technology delegation and anticipation of the needs are the important strategies that can be made use of by the novice nurse for successfully managing the time.


Cherry, B. and Jacob, S.R., 2016. Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Edward, K.L., Warelow, P., Hemingway, S., Hercelinskyj, G., Welch, A., McAndrew, S. and Stephenson, J., 2015. Motivations of nursing students regarding their educational preparation for mental health nursing in Australia and the United Kingdom: a survey evaluation. BMC nursing, 14(1), p.29.

Halcomb, E., 2017. Nursing in general practice. An Introduction to Community and Primary Health Care, p.317.

Henderson, J., Koehne, K., Verrall, C., Gebbie, K. and Fuller, J., 2014. How is primary health care conceptualised in nursing in Australia? A review of the literature. Health & social care in the community, 22(4), pp.337-351.

Holloway, I. and Galvin, K., 2016. Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons.

Huber, D., 2017. Leadership and Nursing Care Management-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Lane, R., Halcomb, E., McKenna, L., Zwar, N., Naccarella, L., Davies, G.P. and Russell, G., 2017. Advancing general practice nursing in Australia: roles and responsibilities of primary healthcare organisations. Australian Health Review, 41(2), pp.127-132.

Moorhead, S., Johnson, M., Maas, M.L. and Swanson, E., 2014. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)-E-Book: Measurement of Health Outcomes. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Mosadeghrad, A.M., 2013. Occupational stress and turnover intention: implications for nursing management. International journal of health policy and management, 1(2), p.169.

Parry, Y. and Grant, J., 2016. Nursing in Australia. Understanding the Australian Health Care System, p.245.

Weiss, S.A. and Tappen, R.M., 2014. Essentials of nursing leadership and management. FA Davis.

Wolf, L., Stidham, A.W. and Ross, R., 2015. Predictors of stress and coping strategies of US accelerated vs. generic baccalaureate nursing students: An embedded mixed methods study. Nurse Education Today, 35(1), pp.201-205.

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