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Cis8500 Applied Research For Information Assessment Answers

Write requires you to convey as much as possible in as few words as possible. Abstract is written last. Please include the
following in the abstract:
What the research is about and aims to achieve
How the research intends to achieve its objectives.
What is the influence of social media information on online users
How can social media transfer trust in e-commerce for online users.
How does social media usage, information influences and trust transfer result in purchase intentions by online users.


Thus, the researcher in order to achieve the objectives of the study has clearly divided the entire report in different sections where each section focuses upon a particular aspect of the research studies. The different aspects include the introduction where the researcher has provided research background, purpose of the report and the scope of the report. In the following section, research questions have been formulated drawing inferences from the research purpose and it is followed by the conceptual framework that provides a clear picture of the ways in which different constructs of the present study are related to each other.

The next section is the literature review that provides the base of the study and it has been designed in a manner that provides a logical structure to the research questions and conceptual framework. Then comes the research methodology, the most important section of the study. In this section the researcher has clearly mentioned the detailed methodology that would be beneficial in conducting the study in an efficient manner. The research has adopted quantitative research approach and survey method that would be conducted with the help of the questionnaire targeted towards 200 managers from 40 retail organisations in Australia. The collected data would be analysed with the help of SPSS software and statistical tools and techniques like correlation, regression and ANOVA. The report provides a clear description and detailed information in context to the research limitations and the ways in which the researcher would strive towards maintaining the ethics of the research.

As study conducted by the Chaudhuri, Dayal, & Narasayya, (2011), said that in present year, information has become most significant assets for the business to treasure. Each year several organizations spend huge money to maintain the enterprise system that manage process and deliver information to management in decision making process. The fundament benefits of using enterprises software and system at workplace is to manage information and to permit organization to supervise, organize and operate organization function on the basis of accuracy as well as complete business knowledge.

According to the Elbashir, Collier, & Davern, (2008), Business intelligence is rigorous procedures of sharing data into organization’s function and then into actionable acquaintance. The collected information from several sources in the organization is transformed and converted into data and then knowledge through analysis and processing. The outcome knowledge offers the foundation for organization in strategic decision making procedures.

Green, Rutherford, & Turner, (2009), said that increase in the availability and accessibility and enhanced performance of portable devices such as mobile and smart phones system facilities flexibility of on information collection and evaluation, consequently extending BI to Smartphone devices. As studies conducted by the Solomon Negash, (2008), said that mobile BI is the system that helps the management to accelerate, assist and ease of decision making process through the data delivered by the system.

As per the data published by the statista, (2017), it is seen that total number of the mobile phone users in worldwide is increased from 2013 to 2017. In the year of 2013 4.01 billions users are using mobile devices whereas in the year of 2017 the numbers of the mobile phone users are reaching to 5.07 billion; that signifies that growth of the adoption of mobile devices is increasing fast manner.

Illustrated figure 1.1; shows that significant of the mobile devices in context to the organization size. Figure 1.1; further corroborate the developing trend between the larger organization and smaller organizations with respect to significant of mobile business intelligence as opposed to midsize business.

 From the above figure it is noted that smaller organization tend to more agile as well as more readily integrate with the new information technologies into their organization operations whereas the larger organizations tends to have more assets available to address emerging and new technologies.

The present study has been envisioned to investigative the impact of the Mobile Business intelligence for organization managerial decision making process. Drawing on the rich literature of managerial decision making procedures, Business intelligence and mobile computing and application on organization performance, this study future bring forward discussions on impact of mobile technology to managerial decision making process. In this section follow, scope of the research of this study is to be discussed.

Scope of the report

The present study is targeted only organization workers occupying managerial position in retail sectors in Australia. The respondents of the study were comprised only of experience consumers and users of BI on their portable devices such as tablets and mobile phones. The present study mainly empathized on the managerial usage behavior of mobile business intelligence. Managers of the organization were asked to analyze and evaluate their current utilizes of mobile business intelligence together with a prediction of upcoming utilizes of mobile business intelligence i.e. BI related with their employment task.

The encouragement behind delineating scope in such manner (i.e. by only asking questions within the managers who utilizes the mobile business intelligence and not all the other managers of the organization) is that, this stringent inclusion criterion improved the correctness and emphasized of the study. This would help the possibility to generalize the result back to the managerial population not only the Australia but also the entire nations.

The studies conducted by Antoniou et al., (2012) has revealed that it is not longer viable to make business decisions on the basis of intuition in the modern interconnected information economy that was a general trend in the earlier days. However, advancements in technology have led to the development of information era where the business organisations are facilitated with wide range of tools to support the decision makers. So, this has proved to be beneficial in meeting the unprecedented demand for consolidating data from various sources for efficiently analysing and understanding the business information and predicting the change.

Azvine et al., (2009) advocated the need for Business Intelligence (BI) solutions that are capable of providing agility, capability to asses and reinventing and adjusting the organisational changes. So, in this context, it has been proposed by Ben-Zvi, (2012) that Mobile Business Intelligence in the recent times has emerged as a form of technology that is capable of delivering the demanded solutions to the business organisations mainly because of its real time characteristics. Thus, it can be said that the advent of the mobile devices that include the smart phones and tablets together with the advent of better and enhanced telecommunication systems and easy availability of the cheaper connectivity rates has facilitated the modern day employees with the opportunity to be more mobile while they are away from their office desks.

It has also been advocated by Brodzinski et al., (2013) that the Mobile BI has proved to be beneficial in easily accessing the corporate information through the managers’ mobile devices. So, this relative flexibility has facilitated the business managers with the option and opportunity to perform their tasks efficiently while they are away from their office desk travelling or attending some important meetings or visiting different companies or visiting a client site. So, it can be said that the need on the part of the mobile workers to receive up to date BI information in real time so that they can make instantaneous decisions is of critical importance. In addition, contributing to the benefits Mobile BI, Hedgebeth, (2010) has opined that easy accessibility to the real time information has allowed the managers in performing their tasks easily and make the most of their decision making. Moreover, it has also enhanced the daily managerial tasks that include the supervising and coordinating functions together with the operational processes within the organisation.

Thus, drawing inference from the above discussions, it becomes evident that the Mobile BI mainly because of its ability to facilitate the managers with real time information has emerged as an important enabler of performance and value within the organisations. The opportunity on the part of the managers to have a real time access to the desired information has added value to the decision making process by making the reducing the time involved in decision making together with efficiency of decisions since they are based upon real time facts and information rather than upon intuitions (Green et al., 2009).

As has been opined by Davenport, (2012) that the managers within the organisations are responsible for executing critical decisions under complicated and unpredictable conditions on a regular basis. He also put forward the fact that in this process of decision making, the managers at times do not possess the conventional skills of decision making and problem solving that are crucial in making efficient decisions. So, this creates a demand for a decision support system that can provide tem support in their decision making endeavour. Thus, Mobile BI can be considered to be an important decision support system for supporting the decision making process of the managers.

However, analysis of the available literature revealed the fact that there exist little empirical evidence that demonstrate the usefulness and importance of Mobile BI in the decision making process of the managers. So, this encouraged the researcher to undertake the study on analysing the impact of Mobile BI on managerial decision making in organisations operating in the retail sector in Australia. The researcher in the present study has emphasised upon selecting the retail sector since in the retail business environment is considered as an ultracompetitive retailing world of today that makes it important for the business managers to gain an enhanced understanding of their customers and win them that in itself is a quite complicated task (Elbashir et al., 2008). Moreover, the business environment is also characterised with unpredictable changes in the tastes, preferences and trends in the buying behavior of the consumers that makes it necessary and important on the part of the managers to be quick and prompt in their decision making process with the help of the data that pours in from multiple systems, channels and regions around the clock. So, accessibility to real time information for managers is of great importance for the managers in the retail sector thereby encouraging the researcher to study the sector in his present study.

Te above aspects in context to the undertaken study has led the researcher to the following general and specific research questions to be investigated further with the progress of the study.

Conceptual Framework

Exiting literature in context to the user behaviour has led to the development of a base that proved to be beneficial for the researcher in establishing various factors that leads and encourage the users towards accepting various technologies. Thus, on the basis of the available literature, it has been observed that there are six important constructs that proved to be beneficial in developing the conceptual model of the present study. The important constructs include the perceived ease of use, the perceived value, the attitude towards use of Mobile BI, quality of information, corporate strategy and behavioural intention to use Mobile BI.

As per the study conducted by (Chaudhuri et al., 2011), perceived ease of use can be defined as the extent to which a technology is perceived as easy to use by the individuals. Thus, in context to the use of Mobile BI for managerial decision making, the technology might be perceived as difficult to learn, use and understand by the managers. So, it becomes important that the managers should be facilitated with all the desired information deemed important for taking decisions through Mobile BI should be presented in a manner that makes the technology easy to use and understand by the managers. This would prove to be influential in changing the attitude of the managers towards use of Mobile BI and change their perception towards Mobile BI by making them understand the value of using Mobile BI in accomplishing their tasks.

The studies conducted by Yeoh, & Koronios, (2010) has revealed that the users may not possess a reason for getting convinced for adopting Mobile BI until and unless, the technology is capable of generating new alternatives in situations where the mobility is of utmost importance. Thus, perceived usefulness can be replaced with the perceived value of Mobile BI. Value of Mobile BI can be established by providing clear description in context to the goals and objectives of adopting Mobile BI and these goals and objectives can be directly related to the existing problem that the manager is facing.

It has been opined by Yeoh, & Koronios, (2010) that managerial decision making process is dependent mainly upon the individual decision maker, the environment and the organisation in which the manager operates together with integrity and the quality of information at the manager’s disposal. The major issue that is faced by the manager in not about the doing the things in the right manner, rather the problem faced is accessibility of right information to gain an understanding of the right things to do and how to do. The studies conducted by Brodzinski et al., (2013) have put forward the fact that the delayed, inadequate and incomplete information is looked upon as a serious quality problem. So, in this context it can be said that the mobility aspect of Mobile BI tends to add a real time advantage to the system thereby facilitating the managers with easy accessibility of information anytime and anywhere. So, quality of information plays a major role in significantly influencing the construct to the usage behaviour.

As per the studies conducted by Lahrmann et al., (2011), it can be said that attitude towards innovation is considered as a dominant construct in taking decisions in context to adopting new innovation. So, attitude towards an information technology can be formulated as an evaluation criterion for the managers in context to developing an interest towards efficiently suing a particular technology. So, attitude towards a particular technology can be considered to be an important aspect in influencing the behavior of the managers towards using Mobile BI.

Sahay & Ranjan, (2008) opined that managers have the responsibility towards making decisions in order to drive the organisational strategic direction and implementing an organisation based control and coordination in the business operations. As per the studies conducted by Vercellis, (2011), the behavior of the users is influenced by the behavioural intention to use and so it can be said that the behavioural intention to use is important in predicting the usage behavior.

Sabherwal & Becerra-Fernandez, (2011) has opined that organisational decision making proves to be beneficial in developing the fundamental plans and policies that are important for successfully accomplishing the organisational goals and objectives. He also proposed that managers tend to play a major role in organisational decision making. The goals, strategies and objectives of the organisation are significantly influenced by the ways in which the managers strive towards making an effective use of the traditional information technologies that include Business Intelligence. Moreover, the decision makers within the organisation are aimed making decisions that are efficiently aligned with organisational objectives and goals (Bensberg, 2008). So, in context to the present study, managerial decision making can be considered to be crucial since it tends to influence the goals and objectives of the organisation which in turn has an impact on the performance and transformation of the organisation as a whole.


  • Perceived ease of use tends to positively influence use of Mobile BI for managerial decision making
  • Perceived value tends to positively influence use of Mobile BI for managerial decision making

 As said by the Cella, Golfarelli & Rizzi (2004), Business intelligence is one of the most effective research topic in information system, therefore example several definition of BI is available. The term of the business intelligence was first introduced by the Dressner in the year of 1989 as a unified manner for explaining a set of techniques, methods and constructs utilized to enhance organization discussion making process. Chen, Chiang, & Storey, (2012), reckons that BI is an analysis and integration of the information to offers the relevant data to the right person in the business. Chaudhuri, Dayal & Narasayya, (2011),.considered that Business intelligence as a construct that is build up a range of analytical solutions and systems for consolidating, collecting, offering and analyzing the data in such manner that allows the organization to enhance organization decision making.

As study conducted by the Yeoh, & Koronios, (2010), explain that business intelligence is the managerial tools and techniques that aids organizations refine and manage information with the purpose of making better decision making.

Emphasizing this study’s objective and purpose is to analyze and evaluate the impact of the mobile business intelligence on the respondents group i.e. managers, for objective of this study Chaudhuri, Dayal, & Narasayya, (2011),definition of BI was reckoned to as the most better explanation.

 In technology environment, Business intelligence is an invaluable resource because it aids decreases information technology infrastrure expenses by obtaining rid of excess information extraction process as well as duplication of the data stored in independent information pools with the business. As studies conducted by the Brodzinski et al., (2013) said that business intelligence allows management decision maker to enhance organization decision on the basis of processing, analyzing, consistent acquisitions, analysis and use of the data.

According to the Yeoh, & Koronios, (2010),then BI and aptitude of the data analysis are combine into the business process, this helps to decision being more measurable, consistent, it is easy to monitor then as well as more importantly they are truthful and accurate. As study conducted by the Cella, Golfarelli & Rizzi (2004), In order to transfer tactical procedures to strategic procedures, BI is a set of the key organization procedures and it involves information infrastrure procedures, Business and decision procedures and analytics procedures.

BI technologies offers the ability to analyze and evaluate organization information to facilitates and enhance management decision making all the way through a wide range of the organization process Brodzinski et al., (2013), On the other hand, mobility technology offers several advantage to the organization such as, flexibility (service can be easily accessed while needed) and pervasiveness (accessing of services anytime, anywhere). Moreover, mobile devices offer the benefit to immediate connectively as well as personalization. Moreover, going the Yeoh, & Koronios, (2010), BI definition, which says that business intelligence is the procedures of turning information into data and then into understanding (knowledge). This signifies that idea of the mobile business intelligence which comes into reality, when the concept of traditional as well as mobility BI are fused with each other become so an vital enabling technology of the organization’s managers. Moreover, within the organization distinguish managers have different requirements when it come into the decision making procedures.

According to the Brodzinski et al., (2013), mobile business intelligence has the potential benefits to support management effectively beyond the boundaries of the office with help of supporting curial real time data for decision making procedures.

Mobile business intelligence can be considered in several instances as organization workers who required relevant, accurate, real time business information, complete information to build an effective decision. These workers are mainly organization executives or business managers.

Green, Rutherford, & Turner, (2009) said that categories that management decision making procedures in business into two kinds of decision; strategic and operational decisions. Solomon Negash, (2008),said that strategic decision making process is more considered with the establishing organization overall policies and direction whereas operational decision making is more concerned about the daily executing of the organization. Both are viral for the development and survival of the business. mobile BI enhanced the knowledge sharing to support business cohesion and collaboration, improved workforce productivity and efficiency by deceasing time to accessing information and time to decision making process. Mobile business intelligence has an ability to act swiftly to emerging crises and mitigate risks that helps the organization to increase brand name and customers satisfaction through accurate discussion and timely. 

Technology acceptance models for mobile services suggests that perceived values deals with how customers perceive a mobile devices or services to be consistent and degree of control customers have over their personal data when utilizing servicers (Green, Rutherford, & Turner, 2009) In addition to this, from a mobile point of views, amongst the significant factors that impact acceptance is the perceived.

Therefore from the observation and findings it is observed that in technology society implementation of the mobile business intelligence not only helps the manager to build better decision making process but also helps to achieve higher profits.


The researcher in the present study would focus upon examining the impact of Mobile BI on managerial decision making in organisations. So, in this context, the researcher would strive towards constructing some theoretical knowledge on the basis of the available literature. Thus, the researcher would aim at deriving answers to the research questions in order to successfully achieve the research objectives. Thus, the researcher would require an approach that would be appropriate for explaining the complexity that is associated with what the study is aims to understand (Bernard, 2011). The researcher through the present study would not only aim at investigating an emerging discipline i.e. Mobile BI, but would also make an attempt of measuring the influence of Mobile BI on managerial decision making within the organisations operating in the retail sector in Australia. Thus, as per the nature and purpose of the study, quantitative approach would be suitable.

Moreover, in context to quantitative approach, the researcher would adopt the survey method. The survey would involve the managers of the retail industry in Australia. The survey method would be beneficial in making use of particular segment of a population group and generalising the outcomes back to the population (Hair and Money, 2011).

The survey would be conducted with the help of questionnaire to collect the responses of the managers. However, it would not be possible on the part of the researcher to collect the responses of all the managers of the retail sector due to time and financial constraints. Thus sampling would prove to be beneficial in conducting the survey on the selected sample representing the entire population. The sample section methods include probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling. Thus, in the present study, the researcher would adopt probabilistic sampling technique since it would prove to be beneficial in facilitating the managers with equal opportunity to participate in the survey (VanderStoep and Johnson, 2009). Thus, in order to conduct the survey, the researcher would strive towards targeting 200 managers from 40 retail organisations in Australia i.e. approximately 5 managers from each company.

Moreover, the researcher would impose some inclusion criteria for the sample that would include the fact that only those individuals who are in a managerial position in their respective department or business units within their organisation would be eligible to participate in the survey and the participants need to possess some knowledge of Business Intelligence and they should have been using mobile devices like smart phones and tablets to consume BI for making business decisions.

The survey design would be used in the present quantitative study and targeted sample for the study would be 200 managers. The targeted sample size has been decided for two reasons. It would be beneficial in ensuring high response rate and it would also prove to be beneficial in maximising the quality of data for deriving substantial information (Harrison and Reilly, 2011). So, this would be beneficial in explaining and addressing the primary research questions.

After collecting the data, the researcher in order to guarantee readability and completeness would verify individual questionnaire. This would also be beneficial in ensuring the accuracy and consistency together with preventing potential errors.

The collected data would then be captured in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Descriptive statistics would be used for testing each individual question and other statistical tools and techniques would also be used for analysing the collected data (Cooper and Schindler, 2010).

Correlation coefficient would be used for determining the degree to which two or more variables are related to each other thereby providing a direction of the considered relationship (Crowther and Lancaster, 2012).

Multiple regression would be used for specifying whether there exist any significant relationship between independent variables and dependent variables considered for the study together with analysing the strength of impact of the independent variables on the dependent variables (Saunders et al., 2009).

The entire research process can be summarised in the following table:

Research process

Approaches considered for the present study

Research design

Survey research design

Research method

Quantitative research approach

Methods of Data Collection

Questionnaire survey method

Data analysis

SPSS software and statistical tools and techniques like descriptive statistics,. Correlation, multiple regression and ANOVA


The present research study is entailed the impact of the mobile business intelligence on organizational managerial decision making procedures. The main motive behind conducting this research study is that to find out the effectiveness of the technologies (mobiles system) in business decision making procedures and how it helps the organization to sustain in competitive market. Moreover, in retail sectors customers purchasing behavior is dramatically changes, therefore conducting this study would helps the researcher to find out how mobile BI lets the customers perception real time data to mangers and provide information to change in trends and information immediately.

The main impact of this study is to help the manager of the organization to analyze the causes of the resistance or acceptance towards mobile business intelligence. Moreover, the present study helps the managers of the organization to attract new users with help of the identification of their needs and wants using mobile BI technology. As the study emphasized on the benefits of the mobile BI in management decision making process, so it would helps the management to increased collaboration and assess the organization resources from anywhere, anytime that aids them to accomplish organization set of objective in successful manner. Use of the mobile BI technology allows the organizations to stand out among the competitors and helps them to inverse profits with better customer’s satisfaction.

The present study mainly emphasized upon the effectiveness of the integrated of the mobile system and business intelligence in organization; thus the outcome of this study would contribute the other researcher to conduct their study in successful manner. The present study also focused on the Technology acceptance models for mobile services so that in future it helps the other researcher to find out the main factor that motivate users to accept the technology at workplace. A finding of the present study not only aids the researcher to conduct their studies in better manner but also helps the industry and government. Successful executing of this study finds out the relationship between the organizational managerial decision making procedures and mobile technologies, which is effectively associated with the company performance.

Limitations and Delimitations

As per the studies conducted by Saunders et al., (2009), it can be said that every research is bound to be characterised with some limitations and that is normal. However, the most important thing is to strive towards minimising the range of scope of limitations throughout the process of the research and also provide effective acknowledgment of the limitations in an honest manner. Thus, taking into consideration the present study that has been undertaken by the researcher to analyse the role and important of Mobile BI in managerial decision making within organisations - a case study of retail sector in Australia. So, in this context, it can be said that the first and foremost limitation that can be focused upon is the fact that the researcher in the present study has limited the scope the study to retail organisations in Australia.

Thus, the findings of the study cannot be implemented or generalised in other sectors in Australia. On the other hand, it is also the fact that fact that researcher has been found limiting his study to the geographical boundary i.e. within Australia. So, it can be said the results of the study cannot be generalised for firms and organisations operating in other nations. In this context, it can be said that taking into consideration the nature and purpose of the study, it would not be possible on the part of the researcher to conduct the study covering the different nations and different business sectors. Moreover, the study being cross sectional in nature is characterised with time constraint so it would be feasible to cover one sector within a specific region.

Moreover, it has also been observed that the researcher in the present study has targeted a sample size of 200 managers. However, it should be taken into consideration that the fact that managers tend to remain busy in their schedule and thus availability of the managers would be a major concern for the researcher to conduct the survey. Distance and travelling in order to conduct the survey would be a major limitation that would make the process expensive and time consuming thereby putting financial and time constraint in front of the researcher. However, the researcher in order to overcome the limitation time and financial aspect would strive towards conducting sending and receiving the questionnaire via email. Moreover, the researcher would also strive towards approaching the organisations where he has some personal connections or accessibility to easily conduct the process of survey via email.

In addition to the above aspects, it can also be said that mobile technology is becoming smarter day by day and everyday some or the other features are being introduced that prove to be beneficial for the beneficial in decision making within the organisation some way or the other. Thus, it can be said that by time the research would complete the study highlighting the ways in which Mobile BI assists the managers in making business decisions, some new features would be introduced capable of making the managerial decision making easy and efficient that would be left uncovered by the present study. So, in order to overcome the present limitation, the researcher would emphasise upon taking into considering the developments that have been introduced in the smart phones and tablets by the end of the year 2015.

Ethical Issues

Research ethics as per the studies conducted by (Cameron, 2009) has emerged as a cornerstone in order to conduct effective and meaningful research. The researcher in order to conduct the study in an efficient manner is bound to abide by the research ethics.

In context to research ethics, it becomes the responsibility of the researcher to protect the participants involved. Thus, in this context, it is important that the researcher protects the right and dignity of the participants and maintains a level of trust. So, the researcher in the present study would strive towards communicating the purpose of the research to the managers and the participation of the managers in the questionnaire survey would be left upon their willingness to participate and it would also be communicated clearly that the participants possess the right to quit the survey at any point of time (Lodico and Spaulding, 2010). It would not be mandatory for the participants to answer all the questions mentioned in the questionnaire and their response would depend upon their willingness to answer.

The researcher in order to conduct the study in an ethical manner would strive towards communicating the exact purpose and nature of the study to the participants on a prior basis. This would prove to be beneficial in providing a clear idea of the research to the participants and they can answer the questions in an efficient manner.

The researcher in the present study would also emphasise upon maintaining the anonymity of the participants and thus would request the managers i.e. the participants not to mention their names anywhere in the questionnaire. Moreover, in this process, utmost care would be taken by the researcher to maintain the confidentiality of the collected data and thus it would be stored in a password protected system with limited accessibility.

On the other hand, while interpreting the facts from the collected data i.e. the response of the managers, the researcher would take utmost care to refrain from adopting and practising manipulation of the collected data in any form (Bryman, 2006). Thus, it would be presented in a manner that is in perfect alignment with actual response of the managers. Thus the researcher would be involved in simply analysing the data and interpreting the facts and findings.

The researcher in order to maintain the research ethics would also emphasise upon using the data collected only for academic purpose and would not use the collected data for any commercial purpose. The collected data would also not be provided to any other party without the consent of the managers (Lancaster, 2012).

Moreover, the researcher in order to ensure the research ethics would efficiently acknowledge the work of others by efficiently in text referencing and end text referencing.


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