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Cis8008 Business Intelligence For Graphic Assessment Answers


1. apply knowledge of people, markets, finances, technology and management in a global context of business intelligence practice (data warehousing and big data architecture, data mining process, data visualisation and performance management) and resulting organisational change and understand how these apply to the implementation of business intelligence in organisation systems and business processes

2. identify and solve complex organisational problems creatively and practically through the use of business intelligence and critically reflect on how evidence based decision making and sustainable business performance management can effectively
address real-world problems

3. comprehend and address complex ethical dilemmas that arise from evidence based decision making and business performance management

4. communicate effectively in a clear and concise manner in written report style for senior management with the correct and appropriate acknowledgment of the main ideas presented and discussed.



Most organizations are wildly curating and utilizing data to enhance business execution and advancement. Be that as it may, while the race is on to advance with enormous information, a huge piece of an organization's data resources are unreportable on corporate asset reports (Laney, 2017).

At the end of the day, in spite of data apparently meeting the formal criteria of what constitutes an advantage, the managers of the "benefit burn" keep up the old-fashioned thought that data isn't a benefit (Laney, 2013). This incongruence has perplexed legitimate frameworks around the world (is information property or not?), and hampers the heightening undertaking basic to oversee data with an indistinguishable train from recognized resources.

The issue originates from bygone and arcane bookkeeping rehearses that forbid the capitalization of data resources and make enormous information's extensive and quickly developing swath of corporate esteem unaccounted for on an endeavor's books (Garifova, 2015). What's more, since data isn't represented as a benefit, the protection business declines to remember it as property.

Measuring the potential versus acknowledged estimation of data value are quite recently the initial step – though a major advance – that few organizations have taken. Shutting this hole requests that data is regarded with an indistinguishable teach from other set up resources, for instance, budgetary, material and certain intangibles (Regazzi, 2013).

Notwithstanding strong, set up data administration and information administration rehearses, data chiefs, modelers strategists still have an awesome arrangement to gain from the way their partners in different divisions oversee conventional corporate resources (Frisendal, 2012). Ideas, for example, stock administration, arranged/unplanned support, store network administration, portfolio administration, and even hierarchical methodologies all offer something beyond pieces of standards and practices in resource administration that can and ought to be connected to data resource administration (Blasiak, 2016).

The administration of data assets through infonomics is an advancing order and, not at all like the administration of physical what's more, money related resources and even human capital, best practice has not yet achieved the corporate 'intuition level' (Laney, 2017). So now in the development of data asset valuation, associations likewise need to screen nearly the development of their data administration advancement at a vital level. They have to know where they are, the place they are planning to get to and how to quantify that they are moving morally justified course.

Intrinsic value estimation of data:

This model doesn't "consider the business esteem by any stretch of the imagination," Laney (2013) stated, however concentrates rather on the information's characteristic esteem. The model evaluates information quality by breaking it into attributes, for example, precision, openness and fulfillment. Every trademark is appraised and afterward counted for a last score. Garifova (2015), who collaborated with Gartner's Ted Friedman to evaluate twelve information quality attributes, incorporates shortage in the condition. "Information that is more interesting to your association and not accessible to your rivals or the bigger commercial center, we accept, can possibly give more an incentive to you," Regazzi (2013) said. Similarly as with any of the six models, this one can be custom fitted to the organization, which could, for instance, "allocate weighting factors" to every trademark, (Blasiak, 2016)./

Performance value estimation of data.

This model is "significantly more exact in nature" since it quantifies the information's effect on at least one key execution pointers (KPIs) after some time, Laney (2017) said. Take the business office, for instance. "On the off chance that your sales representatives approached contender evaluating information, how much faster would they be able to bring deals to a close?" Laney (2013) said. Organizations can run a test by contrasting how a control gathering and no entrance to contender valuing information performs against a trial gathering. Or, on the other hand, if organizations have neither the time nor the capacity to run an investigation, they can substitute intermediary information for control bunch information, as mentioned by (Regazzi, 2013).

Desktop Research

The previous two decades have seen a gigantic rate of advancement in the way that information is utilized. The advantages of this development hold enormous guarantee for our economy and to help the lives of people. Individuals are utilizing an incredible number of Internet associated gadgets to deal with this information and the applications that utilization the information. We allude to this range of gadgets (e.g., PCs, portable workstations, tablets, cell phones, associated TVs, and so forth.) as the Register Continuum (Kuner, 2013). The utilization of these associated gadgets, and the various applications which keep running on them is changing the way we work, mingle, and invest energy with our families. Be that as it may, alongside these advantages come worries of protection and security. It is basic we address these worries, so people keep on having trust in their utilization of innovation (Oderkirk, Ronchi and Klazinga, 2013).

Additionally, the significance of information security experts has enormously expanded amid the most recent quite a long while. We have seen both the number and multifaceted nature of dangers increment. Pernicious online assaults have transformed from insidious programmers to complex criminal associations expectation on taking protected innovation, harming framework and getting delicate individual data (Tricker and Tricker, 2015). Accordingly, many organizations now utilize expansive quantities of digital security experts.

In this condition, BHP Bilton, strives to make confide in the utilization of new advances. They are putting fundamentally in creating imaginative security advancements which pick up the advantage of working in both equipment and programming (Scott, et al. 2017). They are likewise working with other partners to decide better approaches to share risk and powerlessness data, and to utilize that data to better secure the computerized foundation (Sivathaasan, 2016). Last, however not slightest, they are focused on being a responsible association. BHP Bilton uses Privacy by Design and the Secure Development Lifecycle to create items with both protection and security in mind. Intel likewise attempts to instruct shoppers about the significance of online information security, what's more, it is a glad establishing patron of Data Privacy Day.


The data privacy was based on a guideline of "openness," empowering a situation set apart by the free stream of information crosswise over fringes and a design permitting inventive new advances and thoughts to be propelled all around. A noteworthy hazard to the proceeded with development of the data privacy is stopping it by permitting innovation or system fracture, which can block people from taking an interest in the worldwide system (BHP Billiton, 2017).


BH Bilton advances the incorporation of a responsibility rule in any new enactment. Accountability has been compressed as "the commitment or potentially ability to illustrate what's more, assume liability for execution in light of settled upon desires" and as going "past duty by committing an association to be responsible for its actions (BHP Billiton, 2017). Accountability devices ought to be included furthermore, the general framework ought to be utilized as a part of a more intelligible, fit, and unsurprising mold. Exhibit of accountability ought to likewise give advantages, for example, in the range of universal information exchanges and lessening of regulatory weights.

Confide in Innovation:

Building trust by means of outlining in protection and security is presently a fundamental piece of Intel's whole advancement pipeline, from idea to item. At BHP Bilton, they are currently captivating with "white cap" groups, endeavoring to remain one stage ahead of a raising danger display, and doing key research on novel put stock in systems (BHP Billiton, 2017).

Progressively they are presenting new equipment based cryptographic components that can shield information from assaults, for example, keyboard logging.

Trust Policy:

BHP Bilton has built up an exhaustive arrangement of procedures, devices, and approaches to give security and protection. To better show responsibility on an approach level, Intel has made authoritative structures concentrated on bringing security and protection aptitude to singular item audits (BHP Billiton, 2017).

The organisation has built up a structure and forms which can draw upon equipment security planners, system and data security engineers, protection consistence masters, and security/protection legal advisors (BHP Billiton, 2017). In addition, they have a few inside procedures to encourage this attention on security and protection—for illustration, Intel workers are required to finish both protection and security related preparing custom fitted to their activity positions.

Predicting Credit Risk

Exploratory data analysis

Creditworthiness of any applicant is judged on the basis of his or her ability to repay the credit amount as well as interest related to the credit amount within the given period of time. The assessment of creditworthiness includes investigations of factors that can significantly influence the duly repayment of credit. The in-depth study about these factors do not herm the financial status of the applicants and thus, it is essential for lender to understand which are the factors that needs to be taken care off while assessing the creditworthiness of the loan applicants (Pawlowsky?Glahn et al. 2015).

Here also, the analyst has targeted 600 loan applicants information available as “creditrisk.csv” dataset and conducted an exploratory data analysis to find out top five contributing factors of credit risk out of seven listed in the given data set. 
While minimum and maximum values are indicating the range; the average value is giving an idea about its contribution. However, at this moment it is not clear enough to say which five variables are the major predictor of credit risk of any applicant. Thus, the analyst has drawn scatter plot of all seven variables with respect to credit risk. 

Decision Tree model for predicting the credit risk

Once the variables are selected, the next step was to build a decision tree using these five variables to get fair idea how these variables are contributing in understanding credit risk. The decision tree was built in rapid miner with the help of decision tree operator (Roiger, 2017). Prior to do that the analyst used a set role operator and select attributes operator in the decision tree process. The select attributes operator helped the analyst to filter the chosen five variables. 

Logistic Regression model for predicting the credit rating

The analyst built another model named logistic regression model similar to decision tree model to understand how these selected five predictors behaved to understand the creditworthiness of a loan applicant. In rapid miner, the process was built with the help of, select attributes, set role and W-Logistic operator (Ronowicz et al. 2015). As mentioned above, the select attributes operator helped the analyst to filter chosen five variables. On the other hand, the set role operator helped the analyst to make credit risk variable as label. 

Validation of Final Decision Tree Model and Final Logistic Regression Model

In this part, the analyst has validated both the decision tree model as well as logistic model using validation operator. This was done to compare the accuracy of both the models designed in above stage (Kotu and Deshpande, 2014). The first step was to build the process using validation operator, apply model and performance operator. 

Rationale for the graphic design and functionality

Building a compelling dashboard as indicated by best practices for dashboard configuration is the perfection of an exhaustive BI process that would ordinarily incorporate get-together prerequisites, characterizing KPIs and making an information show (Kerzner, 2017). Notwithstanding, the significance of legitimate dashboard configuration ought not be downplayed – inadequately composed dashboards could neglect to pass on helpful data and bits of knowledge and even make the information less understandable than it was initially.

A decent BI dashboard configuration is one that –

Makes the complex figure simple through dash boarding:

We to have loads of data, bunches of information that progressions constantly and diverse scientific needs and inquiries. We need to take this multifaceted nature and make it straightforward.

Depicts a clear picture:

We need to have the capacity to associate information to its setting in the business and to answer the watcher's inquiries (Verbert, 2016). This is the place the visual design of a dashboard assumes an essential part.

Communicates the significance of the information: the picked information representations need to effectively speak to the information, and the data you need to separate from it. 

While every datum dashboard has its own necessities, impediments, and objectives, there are sure rules that are quite often significant for dashboard creation. We will continue to display four of these standards, and how you can begin applying them to your dashboards at the present time.

The 5 Second Rule

The first and foremost rational of design ought to have the capacity to answer the most as often as possible asked business inquiries initially. This implies in case when anybody is checking for the data for quite a long time, this could demonstrate an issue with the dashboard's visual design.

When outlining a dashboard, it is necessary to attempt to take after the five-second rule – this is the measure of time or the pertinent partner should need to discover the data one is searching for after analyzing the dashboard. Obviously, specially appointed examination will clearly take longer; yet the most essential measurements, the ones that are most as often as possible required for the dashboard client amid her workday, ought to quickly 'fly' from the screen (Charleer et al. 2016).

Coherent Layout: The Inverted Pyramid

The second rational is to show the most noteworthy bits of knowledge on the best piece of the dashboard, drifts in the center, and granular points of interest in the base.

When planning a dashboard it's imperative to take after some sort of arranging standard. A standout amongst the most valuable ones is the transformed pyramid (see picture). This idea started from the universe of news coverage, and essentially separates the substance of a news report into three, arranged by reducing noteworthiness: the most imperative and considerable data is at the best, trailed by the huge points of interest that assistance them (Charleer et al. 2016); and at the base you have general and foundation data, which will contain substantially more detail and enable the pursuer or watcher to plunge further (think about the feature, subheading and body of a news story).

Moderation: Less is More

Every dashboard ought to contain close to 5-9 representations.

Some dashboard creators want to pack whatever number points of interest as could be expected under the circumstances into their dashboard with an end goal to give a more full picture. While this may sound great in principle, intellectual brain science discloses to us that the human mind can just understand around 7+-2 out of one time – and this is the measure of things they need in their dashboard. More than that just converts into mess and visual clamor that diverts and diminishes the dashboard's proposed reason.

Picking the correct information representation

Select the fitting kind of information perception as per its motivation.

Analyst has composed before about approaches to envision information so won't broadly expound here – get the job done to state that information representation are planned to be more than insignificant gorgeous sight – they should fill a particular need and pass on particular actualities in a more powerful manner than the essential unthinkable configuration (Charleer et al. 2016).

Before picking a perception, consider which sort of data you are attempting to transfer:

  • Relationship – association between at least two factors.
  • Comparison – look at least two factors next to each other.
  • Composition – breaking information into particular segments.
  • Distribution – range and gathering of qualities inside information.


BHP Billiton. (2017). BHP Billiton | Privacy Policy. [online] Available at: https://www.bhp.com/info/privacy-policy [Accessed 1 Oct. 2017].

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Kerzner, H., 2017. Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley & Sons.

Kotu, V. and Deshpande, B., 2014. Predictive analytics and data mining: concepts and practice with rapidminer. Morgan Kaufmann.

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Laney, D.B., 2017. Infonomics: How to Monetize, Manage, and Measure Information as an Asset for Competitive Advantage. Routledge.

Oderkirk, J., Ronchi, E. and Klazinga, N., 2013. International comparisons of health system performance among OECD countries: opportunities and data privacy protection challenges. Health Policy, 112(1), pp.9-18.

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Roiger, R.J., 2017. Data mining: a tutorial-based primer. CRC Press.

Ronowicz, J., Thommes, M., Kleinebudde, P. and Krysi?ski, J., 2015. A data mining approach to optimize pellets manufacturing process based on a decision tree algorithm. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 73, pp.44-48.

Scott, P.J., Rigby, M., Ammenwerth, E., McNair, J.B., Georgiou, A., Hyppönen, H., de Keizer, N., Magrabi, F., Nykänen, P., Gude, W.T. and Hackl, W., 2017. Evaluation Considerations for Secondary Uses of Clinical Data: Principles for an Evidence-based Approach to Policy and Implementation of Secondary Analysis. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 26(01), pp.59-67.

Sivathaasan, N., 2016. Corporate governance and leverage in Australia: A pitch. Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 15(4), pp.819-825.

Tricker, R.B. and Tricker, R.I., 2015. Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA.

Verbert, K., 2016, September. Creating Effective Learning Analytics Dashboards: Lessons Learnt. In Adaptive and Adaptable Learning: 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2016, Lyon, France, September 13-16, 2016, Proceedings (Vol. 9891, p. 42). Springer.

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