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CHCMHS013 Implement trauma informed care

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Assessment Task 3: Workplace Project – Providing Trauma Informed Support


This task requires you to work in a trauma informed way to provide support to three people in the workplace. 

There are four parts to this task:

Part A: You must select three suitable clients, review their history and discuss their circumstances with your supervisor. You must also review your workplace policies and procedures and identify any pro-forma documents, information and resources that might be useful for working with each client.

Part B: In consultation with your supervisor, you must then arrange separate, one-on-one meetings with each of your clients. You must work collaboratively with each client to identify their strengths, resilience and a range of strategies used to cope with and manage trauma. Your assessor will observe you during one of these meetings. 

Part C: In consultation with your supervisor, arrange second meetings with each of your clients to develop support plans in collaboration with each client.

Part D: Finally, you must prepare a report on the work you have done in Parts A–C.



  • Your workplace supervisor
  • Your assessor
  • Three clients with specific trauma needs
  • Resources
  • Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required)
  • Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)
  • Access to a workplace environment (this may be a service for workplace placement purposes or your own workplace)
  • Access to service policy and procedures
  • Access to client records/documentation and associated storage systems


Your assessor will provide you with a time and place for your assessment. 


If your assessor identifies that you did not correctly or adequately demonstrate the skills and knowledge required of this task, you will be given feedback on areas for improvement.

Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to whether you need to: 

  • Redo the observation at a suitable time after you have considered their feedback ? Undertake further learning and redo the observation at a later date.

Your assessor will provide details about the date, time and location of reassessment. 


For this task, you are required to work with three clients of your service to provide trauma informed support and services. Complete the following tasks.

Part A – Assessing each person’s needs

Discuss the requirements of this task with your workplace supervisor to ensure you select three suitable clients. Review their history and discuss their circumstances with your supervisor and colleagues. Prepare a summary of each person’s history and circumstances.

Review your organisation’s policies, procedures and practices for providing trauma informed care and prepare a brief summary. Identify any policies, procedures or practices that could potentially contribute to traumatisation and re-traumatisation.

Identify any pro-forma documents, information and resources that might be useful for working with each client.

Part B – Gathering information

In consultation with your supervisor, arrange separate, one-on-one meetings with each of your clients so that you can establish a relationship based on safety, trust, choice and control. 

You must work collaboratively with each client to identify their strengths, resilience and a range of strategies used to cope with and manage trauma. 

Provide information to each client about the impact of trauma to people and work with each person to identify how trauma has contributed to the development of their mental health issues.

You must ensure that your assessor is available to observe at least one of the meetings. 

Did the candidate demonstrate the following skills to industry standards?

CHCMHS013 - Implement trauma informed care






Observation (if required)











? Demonstrate effective privacy and confidentiality principles

? Work safely

Gain informed consent

At the end of each meeting, make notes in the person’s file. Ensure that your file notes are in accordance with your organisation’s policies and procedures. Prepare a summary of your notes (ensuring that you protect the privacy of each person) and include a summary of how you met your organisation’s policy and procedures.

Analyse the outcomes of each meeting and identify, access and review additional information, documents and support/services that will be beneficial to providing trauma informed care. Summarise your decisions.

Part C – Developing a support plan

In consultation with your supervisor, arrange second meetings with each of your clients. 

The purpose of the second meetings is to develop a support plan in collaboration with each client.

You must ensure that your assessor is available to observe at least one of the meetings

Did the candidate demonstrate the following skills to industry standards?

CHCMHS013 - Implement trauma informed care






Observation (if required)












Continue to build on your established rapport


Use person-first, non-judgemental language


Be culturally safe


Listen actively


Work safely


Show empathy and sensitivity


Promote the belief that recovery is possible


Acknowledge and respond to disclosures of past and current trauma or abuse

Did the candidate demonstrate the following skills to industry standards?

CHCMHS013 - Implement trauma informed care






Observation (if required)











? Recognise and respond to the person’s signs of distress in ways that reflect effective trauma informed care, and which show sensitivity

? Communicate effectively with clients in distress

? Recognise and, where possible, prevent re-traumatisation

? Apply trauma informed care in a way which is respectful of gender issues

? Demonstrate effective privacy and confidentiality principles

? Work safely

? Confirm that consent is still relevant and in place

? Work collaboratively with the person to identify strategies to eliminate, minimise or manage potential triggers and re-traumatisation

? Work collaboratively with the person to identify specialist trauma services and support which will best meet their needs

? Provide information on a range of services and supports which will foster self-determination and informed decision making.

Work with the client to develop and document the support plan (including strategies for avoiding/minimising re-traumatisation and in a way which recognises the impact of trauma)

At the end of each meeting, make notes in the person’s file. Ensure that your file notes are in accordance with your organisation’s policies and procedures. Prepare a summary of your notes (ensuring that you protect the privacy of each person) and include a summary of how you met your organisation’s policy and procedures.

Submit the completed support plans to your assessor making sure to deidentify each plan first. 

Prepare a critical analysis of each meeting. What went well? What would you do differently next time?

Part D – Report

Prepare a report on the work you have done in Parts A–C. Your report must include:

  • A summary of each person’s history and circumstances which you developed in Part A
  • Ae review of your organisation’s relevant policies and procedures which you prepared in Part A
  • The list of proforma documents which you developed in Part A
  • A summary of your file notes which you prepared in Part B
  • A summary of the decisions which you prepared in Part B
  • A summary of your file notes which you prepared in Part C
  • The critical analysis which you prepared in Part C
  • A summary of how you managed the information to ensure that privacy and confidentiality was ensured (reference your organisation’s policy and procedures)
  • Your critical analysis

WHAT MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR TASK 3: ¨ Report including:

o Summary of each person’s history and circumstances

o Summary of available support plan options and resources

o Summary of available proforma documents and resources

o Part B file notes

o Summary of additional resources

o Part C file notes

o Part C critical analysis

o Summary of how you ensured privacy and confidentiality was protected ¨ Three complete support plans (deidentified)

Assessment Task 4: Workplace Project – Providing Trauma Informed Services and Resources


For this task you are required to document the work that you have done to identify and provide specialist supports and to provide information and resources to a client. 

Templates are provided below for you to fill out and submit. It is highly recommended that you read through each section of the template so you know what you need to address. It may also give you a better idea of which clients you can work with and write about – as some clients may not address all of the criteria in the template. 



  • Access to a client with specific trauma needs
  • Access to workplace personnel, such as colleagues and your supervisor


  • Access to your workplace
  • Access to any relevant workplace documentation to assist you with your work


  • Client Report template (SD Client Report)


  • You will need to complete this task in your workplace. You may fill out the templates provided in your own time or at work (where time allows).


If your assessor determines that you have not completed all parts of the template in sufficient detail or your supervisor has not signed it, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will only have to redo the entries in the template that are identified as having issues or obtain sign-off from your supervisor; however, you will need to resubmit the template. Your assessor will discuss an appropriate timeframe for resubmission with you when you are provided with the outcome for this task.


For this task you are required to document your experiences with one client for whom you have provided trauma informed care.

You may have worked directly with each client or been involved with supporting a senior staff member or supervisor. You may be employed at the service or be on a work placement. You might choose to report on one of the clients who you worked with in Assessment Task 3 or you might select a different client. 

For each client report, you should document the following: 

  • Providing specialist supports
  • Improving trauma informed practice
  • Communication
  • Your role
  • Promoting trauma informed care

Each section in the template provides guidance as to what you must discuss. Provide clear and detailed response to each item. 

Once you have completed your report, ask your supervisor to confirm that you supported this client in the manner described by asking them to sign the bottom of the report for each client.

Remember privacy and confidentiality principles when completing your report. Refer to clients using terms such as Client A, Client 1 and so on. Do not include any information in you report that could identify your client (such as location, their workplace, names of places frequented by the client, etc.).

Client Report

Student name

Assessment task

Supervisor name 

Date completed


Part A – Providing Specialist Supports 

Describe how you worked in collaboration with a client to identify and provide specialist supports. How did you identify the

client’s needs in relation to specialist support? What were the organisational policies and procedures which you followed to evaluate the options of bringing in specialist supports? How did you facilitate and support referral for specialist trauma services? How did you obtain the person’s consent for referral to specialist services? How did you follow up to ensure that the referrals made were meeting the needs of the client? What action (if any) did you take to adjust referrals?

Part B – Improving Trauma Informed Practice

Describe the actions which you took to improve your own trauma informed practice and the practices of your organisation. How did you reflect on the organisation’s current service practices and programs to identify areas for improvement? Describe the improvements which you identified. How did you work collaboratively with clients, service providers and others to identify areas for improvement in trauma informed practice? What improvements did they identify? How did you work collaboratively with a person with lived experience to identify improvements? What were the benefits to working with someone with lived experience?

What change strategies and plans for improvement did you put in place as a result of this work?

Part C – Communication

What were the communication strategies and trauma informed approaches to practice that you used when working with this client? How did you clarify issues, provide support and collaborate with the client? How did you explain confidentiality (and its limits) to the client? How did you seek and obtain the client’s informed consent? How did you ensure that you completed file notes in accordance with policy and procedures (reference your organisation’s policy and procedures)? Describe the conflict resolution strategies and negotiation skills which you used with the client and with service providers, specialists and others.

Supervisor signature: Date: 

Part D – Your Role

Reflect on your role and your professional practice. Describe the codes of conduct, practice standards and codes of practice which informed your work with this client. How did you ensure that you respected the client’s dignity of risk? How did you uphold your duty of care? What steps did you take to ensure your own safety and that of your colleagues and others while working with this client? How did you identify situations where you might require additional support as a result of your work (for example: debriefing, reflective practice etc)? How did you initiate these supports? What situations did you recognise as being outside of your scope of practice or experience? What steps did you take to refer people on in that situation?

Supervisor signature: Date: 

Part E – Promoting Trauma Informed Care

Describe how you promoted and supported trauma informed care within your organisation. How did you provide information and resources to your colleagues that promote trauma informed principles and practices? How did you explain the benefits of trauma informed care? How did you contribute to a reduction in vicarious trauma and participate in trauma informed supervision or peer supervision? Did you proactively review programs, services and plans in order to improve trauma informed care and services and reduce potential issues or incidents?

Unit (CHCMHS013) Competency Reflective Practice Journal

Reflect on your practice as a CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health student and identify how you have met this unit competency:

Students need to write down what tasks were carried out. What resources/equipment/aids that you found most useful. What students learned to meet the unit of competency? Please note your responses on the lines provided below.

A journal is a confidential record of your activities and reflections. When writing your journal, don’t be too concerned with neatness, grammar and punctuation, but rather focus on being spontaneous, open and honest in your reflections. Your journal entries should not just be lists of what you did each shift but how you felt, what you learned and how you could improve.

CHCMHS013 - Implement trauma informed care

Did the candidate demonstrate the following skills to industry standards?

CHCMHS013 - Implement trauma informed care






Observation (if required)











Apply the key principles and practices of trauma informed care in all work

Develop strong safe relationships and environments that promote a sense of safety, trust, choice and control

Empathically and sensitively, acknowledge and respond to disclosures of past and current trauma or abuse

Respond to current distress in ways that reflect an understanding of the impacts of trauma

Jointly identify the person's strengths, resilience and range of strategies used to cope with and manage the impact of trauma

Communicate information about the impact of trauma to people in a culturally and age sensitive way

Work with the person to identify the impact of trauma in the development of mental health issues

Collaboratively identify and develop strategies to eliminate, minimise and/or manage potential triggers to traumatisation and re-traumatisation in relation to service provision

Collaboratively record and complete required documentation in ways that minimise likelihood of re-traumatisation

Collaboratively identify a person s specific trauma needs

Determine capacity of the service to respond to people s trauma issues

Identify with the person, their need for specialist trauma services and support

Provide information on a range of services and available supports and foster choice and control for the person

Apply accepted procedures to evaluate the options of bringing in specialist support and/or appropriate referral

Facilitate and support referral for specialist trauma services for the person, with

Did the candidate demonstrate the following skills to industry standards?

CHCMHS013 - Implement trauma informed care






Observation (if required)












 Follow-up referral to ensure person s needs are being met

 Incorporate recognition of the impact of trauma in the development of individual support plans

Reflect on aspects of current service practice and programs to identify areas for improved trauma informed practice

Regularly gather feedback from the person and others to identify potential areas for improved trauma informed service practices

Identify service policies, procedures or practices that could potentially contribute to traumatisation and re-traumatisation

Develop change strategies and plans to strengthen trauma informed practice, in collaboration with a person with lived experience of trauma

 Provide information and resources to other workers that promotes trauma informed principles and practices in the workplace

Participate in trauma informed supervision or peer supervision

Contribute to the development of policies to reduce or minimise experiences of vicarious trauma

Take appropriate action to ensure safety

Acknowledge limits of own abilities and make referrals as appropriate

Proactively review programs, services and plans to minimise potential issues or incidents

Defuse, and de-escalate potential incidents by implementing individual plans or service procedures

Respond and communicate effectively and sensitively to people in distress

Resolve conflicts using conflict resolution and negotiation skills

 Identify emergency situations and seek assistance according the needs of all those involved

Implement self-care practices including reflection, supervision and debriefing


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