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Astronomy Review Sheet

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Astronomy Review Sheet



  • Home planet
  • Consists of oceans, jungles, volcanoes

The Moon

  • Earth’s nearest neighbor
  • Mass is only 1/80 that of Earth’s
  • Unable to retain an atmosphere
  • Little to no erosion
  • Unable to retain heat
  • Has changed very little over the course of time

The Planets

  • Sister bodies of Earth
  • Move slowly against the pattern of background stars because of their orbital motion
  • Named after gods and goddesses


Inner Planets

  • Mercury: Made up of craters; airless
  • Venus: Dense; extremely high temperatures
  • Earth: Made up of oceans, volcanoes, jungles, deserts
  • Mars: Made up of canyons and deserts; cold temperatures

Outer Planets

  • Jupiter: storms that have lasted centuries
  • Saturn: Rings made up of icy fragments
  • Uranus: Spin is tipped
  • Neptune: Methane clouds fill the atmosphere

The properties of other planets allow us to better understand Earth:

  • Atmospheres and circulation features
  • The amount of volcanic activity
  • The strength of their magnetic field
  • The amount of water present and what forms it is in

Order of Astronomical Objects closest and farthest from the Sun

  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Asteroid Belt
  • Jupiter
  • Icy Dwarf Planets

The Sun

  • About 5 billion years old, estimated to last 5 billion more years
  • Generates energy in the core by nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen into helium
  • Energy flows out into space, illuminating and warming the planets

The Solar System

    • Asteroid: objects too small to have pulled themselves into a round shape
    • Asteroid Belt: region between Mars and Jupiter in which asteroids orbit the sun
  • Kuiper Belt: realm in which uncounted icy bodies, large and small, reside
  • Astronomical Sizes

    • Astronomical Unit (AU): the average distance from the Earth to the Sun
    • Lightyear (Ly): The distance light travels in a year

    The Milky Way

    • A cloud of several billion stars with a flattened shape like the Solar System
    • Stars intermingle with immense clouds of gas and dust
    • Stars are the site of stellar birth and death

    Galaxy Clusters and the Universe

    • Galaxies assemble themselves into what is known as a galaxy cluster
    • Local Group: a cluster of galaxies in which the Milky Way belongs

    Basic Order: Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Local Group

    Forces and Matter

    • Gravity: A universal force of attraction between ALL objects


    • Composed of submicroscopic particles called atoms
    • Nucleus: The central core of an atom made up of electrons (-), protons (+), and neutrons (equal number of electrons and protons)
    • Quarks: basic particles that make up electrons and protons
    • Quarks are attracted to each other by the strong force

    Electromagnetic Force

    • Can either attract or repel
    • Opposites attract
    • Like charges repel

    Dark Matter

    • Everything unknown, increased by dark energy

    Scientific Method

    • Propose an idea
    • Test out the idea


    • Cyclic behavior in the sky implies that events predictable

    The Celestial Sphere

    • Horizon: A dome in which the sky meets the ground
    • Celestial Sphere: An imaginary sphere surrounding Earth that represents the sky
    • When standing on Earth, the ground blocks the bottom half of the celestial sphere
    • The celestial sphere represents a way of thinking about the motion and the location of the stars in the sky

    Constellations: Fixed patterns in the sky that bear resemblance to certain animals

    • Stars move through Space
    • As seen from Earth, these motions are extremely slow
    • We are seeing the same sky that ancient people saw
    • Constellations were used as mnemonic for keeping track of the seasons and navigation

    Motions of the Sun and Stars

    • Stars rise along the east and set in the west

    North and South Celestial Poles: Two points on the celestial sphere that do not move

    • Lie exactly above the north and south poles of Earth
    • The Celestial sphere rotates around the celestial poles
    • Stars appear to circle the north celestial pole in a counterclockwise direction in Earth’s northern hemisphere

    Motion of The Earth

    • Earth orbits in the same direction that it spins
    • Earth’s spin causes the daily motion of the sky and stars
    • Earth orbital motion changes what we see in the sky over the course of a year
    • Earth’s motion allows us to see stars previously hidden. These movements are called annual motions.

    Elliptic and Zodiac

    Elliptic: A line that runs around the celestial sphere

    • An eclipse can occur when the new or full moon is on this line

    Zodiac: A belt shaped region of the sky surrounding the elliptical, contains 12 constellations

    The Seasons

    • Seasons are caused by the Earth’s rotation on its axis
    • A surface facing directly toward a source of radiation is heated more when tilted
    • The tilt of Earth’s axis causes the eliptic to be tilted with respect to the celestial equator
    • The axis remains oriented in the same direction as the Earth orbits the sun

    Equinoxes and Solstices

    • Lag of the seasons: The result of the oceans and land being slow to warm up and cool down
    • Equinox: The time period in which the Sun is on the equator and there is an equal amount of length in days and nights
    • Spring (Vernal) Equinox: near March 20th
    • Fall (Autumnal) Equinox: near Sept. 22
    • Solstice: Time period in which the Sun is in the celestial equator and the longest and shortest nights occur
    • Summer Solstice: June 21
    • Winter Solstice: December 21- Earth’s tilt is closest to the Sun

    The Sun’s Changing Position

    • Zenith: The point in the sky straight overhead
    • The sun rises due east and sets due west when on the celestial equator
    • During the Vernal Equinox the sun rises due east and sets due west
    • From the Vernal Equinox up to the Summer Solstice, the sun’s rising and setting points shift north each day

    The Moon

    • Goes through lunar phases that take approximately 29.5 days
    • Waxes: grows
    • Wanes: shrinks
    • Cycles of the Moon against the stars is caused by the Moon’s orbit around the Earth
    • Half of the moon is always lit by the sun


    • Lunar Eclipse: occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon and casts its shadow on the Moon
    • Total Solar Eclipse: occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth and blocks our view of the Sun
    • Solar eclipses happen very rarely in different locations once every century
    • Can only occur during a new or full moon
    • Can only be seen within a narrow path
    • Do not occur every lunar month because the Moon’s orbit is tilted with respect to Earth’s orbit
    • Annular Eclipse: Sun is only partly covered


    Shape of The Earth


    • Presented arguments of Earth’s round shape through the spherical phases of the moon
    • A traveler who moves south will see the stars disappearing below the horizon

    Sizes of the Moon and Sun


    • Used geometric methods to estimate the relative sizes of the Moon, Sun, and Earth, and the relative distances to the Moon and Sun
    • Angular Size: Apparent size of an object
    • If distance and diameter are equal, and if the Sun’s rays were parallel, the diameters of the Earth and Moon would be the same
    • Argued that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the Universe
    • Parallax: apparent shift of objects against distant backgrounds
    • Smaller distances create larger parallax, vice versa
    • Other astronomers assumed that stars were much closer to the Earth than they actually were, leading to measurements that were not precise


    • Succeeded in making the first measurement of Earth’s size
    • Because the Sun is far away from Earth and much larger, its light travels in nearly parallel rays towards the Earth

    Motion of the Planets

    • Planets move against the background stars because of a combination of Earth’s and their orbital motion around the Sun
    • Retrograde Motion: the reversal of planetary motion in the opposite direction (west to east)
    • Geocentric Model: All celestial objects orbit the Earth, Earth is the center of the Universe


    • Created a better model that predicted the planetary motions with better accuracy
    • Fashioned a model in which each planet moved in epicycles, each planet moved in a small circle
    • Retrograde motion occurs when epicycles carry planets in the opposite direction


    • Presented the ability of the heliocentric model to explain retrograde motion
    • An inner planet on a smaller orbit moves faster and overtakes an outer planet that is moving more slowly on a larger orbit
    • An observer on an inner planet, it appears as though the outer planet has reversed its motion against the night sky
    • Copernicus applied geometry to measure the radius of each planet’s orbit

    The Renaissance

    • The Catholic Church regarded heliocentrism as heresy

    Scientists were skeptical of the heliocentric model as it did not:

    • Answer the parallax problem
    • No physical sensations on Earth could be detected
    • Sky still moved around Earth


    • Observed the “exploding star” or Supernova
    • Found no evidence of stellar parallax


    • Used Brahe’s measurements to depict that Mars followed an elliptical orbit rather than a circular orbit
    • Assigned semi-major axis, half the long dimension of an ellipse, as a measure of distance from the sun
    • Compared orbital sizes with orbital periods and deduced laws of planetary motion

    Kepler’s Laws

    • Planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun at one focus of the ellipse
    • The orbital speed of a planet varies so that a line joining the Sun and the planet will sweep over equal areas in equal time intervals
    • When a planet is near the sun, it moves more rapidly than when it is far away
    • The amount of time a planet takes to orbit the Sun is related to its orbit’s size, such that the period, P, squared is proportional to the semimajor axis, a, cubed
    • A planet far from the Sun has a longer orbital period than a planet closer to the Sun
    • P2 = a3

    Kepler’s laws:

    • Method of comparing motions of different planets
    • Measurement of orbital period yields distance from Sun
    • Provides insight into the nature of the force (gravity) holding planets in their orbits


    • First person to use a telescope
    • Observed how bodies move and fall
    • Deduced the first laws of motion


    • Invented calculus
    • Developed 3 laws of motion
    • Developed the universal law of gravitation


    Gravity: A universal force that acts on all objects

    • Gravity holds astronomical bodies together
    • Controls the motions of astronomical bodies

    Inertia: The tendency of a body to remain at rest or in motion to keep moving in a straight line at constant speed

    • In the absence of a force, inertia keeps an object moving at constant speed
    • The more inertia, the more mass

    Motion: Change in an object’s position

    Acceleration: Change in an object’s speed or direction due to a force

    • An object traveling on a curved path will travel at constant speed and accelerate

    Velocity: An object’s speed in a given direction

    Newton’s Laws

    • An object at rest will remain at rest, or an object in motion will continue moving in a straight line unless a force acts upon the object
    • Net Force: Total of all forces acting on a body
    • Balanced forces lead to no change in motion
    • The acceleration of a body is proportional to the net force exerted on it, but is inversely proportional to the mass of the body
    • When two objects interact, they create equal and opposite forces on each other
    • The resulting magnitude of the acceleration is not necessarily the same
    • A heavier or larger object will accelerate more than an object that is lighter

    Law of Gravity

    • Every mass exerts a force of attraction on every other mass
    • The strength of the force is directly proportional to the product of the masses divided by the square of their separation
    • If the masses of either object increases and the other factors remain the same, the force increases
    • If the distance between the two masses increase, the force decreases

    Orbital Motion

    • The masses of orbiting objects determine the gravitational force between them
    • Centripetal force must be applied to any object moving in a circle
    • The centripetal force, FC, depends on the mass and speed at which an object swings in a circle as well as the object’s distance from the center of the circle

    Surface Gravity

    • In a vacuum all objects accelerate downward at the same rate by a force called surface gravity
    • Gives a measure of the gravitational attraction at a planet or star’s surface
    • This acceleration determines not only how fast objects fall, but also indicates what a mass weighs
    • Influences shape of celestial object and whether it can sustain an atmosphere

    Escape Velocity

    • To overcome a planet’s gravitational force, a rocket must achieve a critical speed known as escape velocity
    • The faster an object is thrown upwards, the higher it goes, and the longer it takes to fall back
    • Escape velocity is the speed it must achieve to NEVER fall back
    • A larger mass will have a larger escape velocity, vice versa
    • An object with a smaller radius will have a larger escape velocity


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