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Analysis Of Council On The Assessment Answer

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BUSN104 S1 2018 Assignment instructions 2 

You must form a group of 3 – 4 students from your own workshop. If you are unable to find a group, contact your lecturer before the end of week 4--your lecturer will assign you to a group. You CANNOT complete this assignment without being in a group. If you submit your assignment without being in a group, you will receive zero for your submission. 

As a group, you must choose a council from the state lists included in Appendix 1. Melbourne students are to choose from the list of councils in Victoria; Sydney students are to choose from the list of councils in NSW and Brisbane students are to choose a council from the QLD list of councils. You have until the end of week 4 to notify your lecturer which council you have chosen. You cannot choose a council that has already been chosen by another group. If you have your lecturer will advise you to choose another. If you do not advise your lecturer of your chosen council, and you choose a council that has been approved to another student, you will receive zero for your submission.

Once your group and council have been established, each member of the group must write an essay that answers ONE of the questions below. You cannot all answer the same question. 

1. What is your council doing to ensure sustainable economic growth while promoting jobs and stronger economies?
2. What is your council doing to ensure the health of the land, air and local waterways in its catchment?
3. Is your council involved in any innovative economic sustainability applications that could assist its local catchment?
4. Following your review of your council’s current sustainability plan, what are the main economic impediments to your council becoming a sustainable council? What are some ideas of potential sustainable economic solutions that it does not currently do?
5. Explain, in economic terms, any features or issues associated with your Council’s urban environment that could affect the sustainability of its non-urban environment and vice versa. That is, also explain any features or your council’s non-urban environment that could affect the urban environment. 


In this essay, the evaluation of the performance of the council on sustainable economic growth has been discussed. Besides this, the work of the council has been linked with the annual report of Moreland city and certain reviews and graphs are presented in the following essay. Numerous plans and strategies for the business are also represented. The annual report of 2016, 2017 and 2018 are presented in the essay. A council of Bayside has been taken from the country of Victoria. Here certain progressive and developmental works are carrying on mainly improving the infrastructure of the business, the standard of living of people in this council.The detailed facts and information of this council are presented in the following essay.

Analysis of the work of council on the sustainable economic growth in promoting jobs and stronger economies

Goals and visions

The main purpose of the council is to improve the economic, cultural and social condition of the people. As a result, it will help to promote jobs in the areas. Therefore, the infrastructure and financial performance of the business can be improved. In Moreland city, their main goal is to improve the process and system of food strategy. If the infrastructure of the food system develops, then the council can enable the good and upright system in the process of the food. Therefore, the health of people can be improved. They can ensure nutritious as well as healthful to the people of Moreland city.People think if the health system of food is improved, then, the economic and social conditions of the city can be improved. It will also reinvigorate the environment of the city (Sidali, Kastenholz, and Bianchi, 2015). 

The councils of Victoria have established certain scopes and opportunities for the improvement of the business. It will develop the urban and local planning of the city. Therefore, people will get an opportunity to buy foods in the market. It will increase the tendency of selling and producing in the market. Therefore, the financial condition of the market can be improved. It will also ensure the necessities and amenities to the people if an emergency occurs in the city. On the other hand, it will also develop the communication among the members of the city.It will increase the cultural aspects of the city. Therefore, people want that the food should be grown locally in the Moreland city.

They consider that improving the conditions of local food play an active role in developing the food chains in the economy (Linnerooth-Bayer and Mechler, 2015).
The administration of the Victorian city is planning to sign several strategies and plans mainly to improve the basic conditions of the local food system. In the year of 2017, Moreland city has become the seventh administration in the city of Victoria. This pact may increase an opportunity to develop the local food strategy in the city of Moreland. The parliament has declared that is the most important liberty of the citizens to develop the local food strategy. They have also launched certain plans such as legal actions to improve the standard of living, charitable organisations, organisations, prioritizing the work culture in the environment, safeguards in health and food security, programmes of increasing awareness and concerns in the environmental strategy (MacRae et al., 2016).0

It is considered that this is the first planning in the city of Moreland city. It enables good and upright economic conditions in the city of Moreland. It will increase employment and the council can ensure strong and hard community in the city. This goal will improve the standard of living of the people. It will increase the collaboration and coordination among the members of the community. Therefore, agood community will develop which will ensure sustainable development in the economy (Horlings and Marsden, 2014).
Results and consequences of the planning of the local food system

According to the report of 2020, the Moreland city will ensure fair and good sustainable growth in the city of Moreland. They think that it will decrease unemployment, the flow of good work, development of local business, improved communication among the members of the community, cooperation, and collaboration will increase the financial conditions of the city, ensuring healthy and nourished strategy of local food, develop small and medium enterprises. It will improve the nature of investment, improved method of the budget system, developing the psychological conditions of the people. Moreover, it will improve the opportunities and scopes of growing local food in the city of Moreland (Rogerson, 2018). 

The people of the Moreland city are planning to improve the local food strategy because the land in this city is fertile. Therefore, foods are grown here. The safeguard and security in the food can be ensured in the city of Moreland. People in the Moreland city have good abilities and skills in growing nutritious food. Therefore, the supply and production can be increased. The financial condition can also be increased.The most important fact is that it has upright and fair ability to make the strategy of local food in a more developed manner (Forssell and Lankoski, 2015).
Principles and plans to make the strategy better

Numerous plans and strategies have initiated to make the local food system more advanced and better. The council has planned to work with the community in a collaborative manner. This will increase the cooperation and communication among the members of the community. Besides this, certain programmes and plans have launched in order to increase the participation of the members of the society. It will also attempt to fulfill the requirements and needs of the people as (Papargyropoulou et al., 2014).
The council of Victoria has developed the rules and regulations of the program in order to implement the plans and strategies on the local food system. They will also make certain innovative participation in order to overcome the obstacles and pillars of the problems of the society. Council of Victoria is planning to fell impact on the administration of other countries with regard to the development and improvement of its plans and performance in the city of Moreland. It will increase the investment and capital in the city (Loopstra et al., 2015).

Issues occur in the nonlocal process and methods of food

In this case, the present condition of the environment is not good and fair. Therefore, the problem arises in the methods and processing of local food. This is mainly due to the problem of distribution, consumption and supply chain of the nonlocal food strategy. Planning is also not well developed. Therefore, the distribution of food is not developing. There is also lack of communication among the workers of the community, lack of ingredients in the local foods system, the problem of transport and communication in the local food strategy (Brons and Hospes, 2016).

There is no controlling authority in the production of food in the nonlocal food system. Good quality of fertilisers is not used in the local food strategy. The members of the community are unable to control the prices in the local food strategy. The distribution and supply chain in the non-local food strategy is not good and upright. Therefore, the head and nutritious food cannot be ensured. As a result, the economic condition of the city of Moreland will be increased. Another problem is that the people of the city are too much faithful to the non-local food strategy, therefore movement of cash flowing are increasing in the city. The food-grown area are located in the isolated region, therefore, the people are not well linked with the region and most of the foods are squandered and misused. The taste of the foods is also deteriorating day by day. It fell impact on the extraction of carbon dioxide. Therefore, members of the community are not interested to use those wasted foods. As a result, the economic condition of the city declines (Roberto et al., 2015).

Advantages from the local food system

In the recent years, more developed and advanced plans are made in order to improve the plans of the local food strategy. It can be developed with the help of cooperation and coordination with the members of the community.Therefore, benefits and advantages of the local food system strategy can be obtained. The company has certain purposes that are it to develop the health as well as economic conditions of the city (Sigala, 2017).

The most important fact is that if the foods are grown in the place of location, then the quantum amount of energy and carbon footprint are consumed. It results in a less destruction in the food chain of the city of Moreland.

If the foods are grown in the local area, then foods can be consumed more easily. The distance will be favorable and the scope of cooking food will be increased. On the other hand, there will be less wastage of food and the financial condition of the city will be increased. If the foods are disposed of in the local market, then the cash outflow can be controlled. Here people also fewer chemicals ion the local food. Therefore, food fresh foods can be grown in the local market (McCubbin, Smit and Pearce, 2015).
Safeguard in the local food system are necessary as it increases an opportunity and scopes in producing healthier food. It will help them to advocate a good and upright life in the future. The flow of capital and investment can be controlled. It will help to improve the supply chain of food, develop the scheme of food relief of emergency. 

Sustainability can be achieved with the help of integration, cooperation, coordination by the members of the local community, councils, company. Strategy is the most important factor that can help the council to promote employment and increase the financial objectives of the local area. Leadership also plays an active role in guiding principles in the production of local food. Good leadership helps the embers to develop certain plans and strategies (Carfagna et al., 2014).

Certain policies and schemes are initiated to launch the human rights of the individuals, developing communication among the members of the community, advancing the green space for the promotion of nutritious food in the local food regions, decreasing the usefulness of food, developing the economy of the local area etc. In the policy of human rights commission, the needs and requirements of the future can be improved. The council has also made plans to increase the green and vegetation in the year 2020 (Candel, 2014).
In the scheme of Waste and litter of 2014-2017 states the decreasing of wastage of food in the local food regions. Then it has also planned to use the composites in the growth of vegetation. The supply of local food increase the market segmentation, positioning and targeting in the local area. As a result, the local food strategy will gain more capital and it increases the investment in the future.It will also increase the capability of producing more food in the local region. The scheme of advanced waste management and controlling resources are also planned in order to improve the local food strategy. Awareness of participating in the local food programme can be increased to increase the production capacity in the local area (Agarwal, 2014).

Good planning in the management of urban can be increased. It will also help the workers to develop the community environment park. This scheme will help the community to display the farming practices, development of green technology, schemes and projects of urban agriculture and many more. It will also increase the awareness in training and educate the local people to grow food in the local regions. There is a food swap in the local community. This swap helps to exchange local food among the members of the community (Rogerson, 2018).

The annual report of the Moreland city represents good and upright financial conditions. There is control in the population and birth is in the city. In the report, it has stated about the educational and employment opportunities of the members of the community. New schemes of local housing and families are initiated. Certain challenges and achievements are made in order to improve the infrastructure of the business. Every year, the auditing reports are published in order to prevent the fraudulent activities in the city. In the year of 2017, the financial statement has progressive performance. The net amount has increased than the previous years. In 2017, the cost of inventories is $179 whereas, in 2016, the cost of inventories is less.Recently, community food hubs and centers are developed mainly to promote safeguard in the local food, increases employment and develop plans of financial inclusion in the region (Linnerooth-Bayer and Mechler, 2015).


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the analysis of the local food system are discussed and it is evaluated with the help of the annual report. Certain advantages and scopes of the local food strategy are discussed.


Agarwal, B., (2014). Food sovereignty, food security and democratic choice: Critical contradictions, difficult conciliations. Journal of Peasant Studies, 41(6), pp.1247-1268.
Brons, A. and Hospes, O., (2016). Food system governance: A systematic literature review. In Food systems governance(pp. 13-42). Routledge.
Candel, J.J., (2014). Food security governance: a systematic literature review. Food Security, 6(4), pp.585-601.
Carfagna, L.B., Dubois, E.A., Fitzmaurice, C., Ouimette, M.Y., Schor, J.B., Willis, M. and Laidley, T., (2014). An emerging eco-habitus: The reconfiguration of high cultural capital practices among ethical consumers. Journal of Consumer Culture, 14(2), pp.158-178.
Forssell, S. and Lankoski, L., (2015). The sustainability promise of alternative food networks: an examination through “alternative” characteristics. Agriculture and human values, 32(1), pp.63-75.
Horlings, L.G. and Marsden, T.K., (2014). Exploring the ‘New Rural Paradigm’in Europe: Eco-economic strategies as a counterforce to the global competitiveness agenda. European Urban and Regional Studies, 21(1), pp.4-20.
Linnerooth-Bayer, J. and Mechler, R., (2015). Insurance for assisting adaptation to climate change in developing countries: a proposed strategy. In Climate Change and Insurance (pp. 29-44). Routledge.
Loopstra, R., Reeves, A., Taylor-Robinson, D., Barr, B., McKee, M. and Stuckler, D., (2015). Austerity, sanctions, and the rise of food banks in the UK. BMJ (Clinical research ed), 350, p.h1775.
MacRae, R., Gallant, E., Patel, S., Michalak, M., Bunch, M. and Schaffner, S., (2016). Could Toronto provide 10% of its fresh vegetable requirements from within its own boundaries? Matching consumption requirements with growing spaces. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 1(2), pp.105-127.
McCubbin, S., Smit, B. and Pearce, T., (2015). Where does climate fit? Vulnerability to climate change in the context of multiple stressors in Funafuti, Tuvalu. Global Environmental Change, 30, pp.43-55.
Papargyropoulou, E., Lozano, R., Steinberger, J.K., Wright, N. and bin Ujang, Z., (2014). The food waste hierarchy as a framework for the management of food surplus and food waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 76, pp.106-115.
Roberto, C.A., Swinburn, B., Hawkes, C., Huang, T.T., Costa, S.A., Ashe, M., Zwicker, L., Cawley, J.H. and Brownell, K.D., (2015). Patchy progress on obesity prevention: emerging examples, entrenched barriers, and new thinking. The Lancet, 385(9985), pp.2400-2409.
Rogerson, C.M., (2018). Towards pro-poor local economic development: the case for sectoral targeting in South Africa. In Local Economic Development in the Changing World (pp. 75-100). Routledge.
Sidali, K.L., Kastenholz, E. and Bianchi, R., (2015). Food tourism, niche markets and products in rural tourism: Combining the intimacy model and the experience economy as a rural development strategy. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(8-9), pp.1179-1197.
Sigala, M., (2017). Collaborative commerce in tourism: implications for research and industry. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(4), pp.346-355. 

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