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AK1045 Marketing : Innovation Process Ad Increase

The assessment is asking you to analyse a range of organisational operational contexts to design innovation contributions and organisational changes which could be made to produce future innovative capacity and capability. 
Task 1 In task one you are being asked to identify areas or contexts in which you can make contributions to innovation to ensure future innovative capacity and capaty 1 Identify at least one (1) organisational operational context (operations, accounting, sales/marketing, HR, and risk management) where you consider innovation could be applied to enable future business capacity or capability. Using this chosen context:
a. Describe at least three (3) types of innovation opportunities to the business.
b. Outline the scope and framework of innovation 
Task 2 you are being asked to identify areas or contexts in which you can make contributions to organisational change to ensure future innovative capacity and capability. 1. Identify at least one (1) organisational operational context (operations, accounting, sales/marketing, HR, and risk management) you feel you can contribute towards for business organisational change. Using this chosen organisational change: 
a. Identify at least two ( 2) types of change opportunities to the business. 
b. Explain the processes involved in implementing organisational change.
c. Outline at least two (2) change management models suitable in implementing organisational change.
d. Describe at least three (3) benefits to the organisation if change was put into place in terms of how it will promote the achievement of the entity's operational objectives.
e. Apply at least one (1) change management strategy to implement each of the three (3) change opportunities. 



In the present times, the innovation capability is critical in the growth of the organization. All the multinational and large business organizations rely on the innovation to deal with the ever-changing marketplace. Innovation refers to any novel change in technology or operations which can benefit the organization. Sparks is a telecommunication technology which provides communication services to the customers. The organization has established communication infrastructure all across New Zealand. In the telecommunication industry, the profits are low; therefore, it is important that the organization implements innovative strategies to enhance the innovation process. However, the integration of new technology or methods requires a radical change in the operations of the organization which is resisted by the employees. Therefore, an appropriate change model is required for the change process. The report discusses the innovation capability of the organization and its implementation within the organization.

Outcome 1

Task 1

(a).There are several areas in a business organization, which can benefit from the innovation process ad increase their capacity and capability. Spark New Zealand is a telecommunication organization which provides telecommunication and networking facility throughout the country. The organization can utilize innovation in operations and marketing. It can increase the overall efficiency of the business. Spark can increase its innovation capacity to enhance its operations. It can improve the telecommunication and transmission network with the help of new approaches and technologies. Innovation will also be beneficial for the marketing of business enterprises in New Zealand. The telecommunication network has wide range of customers who are located in rural as well as urban areas. With a strong marketing strategy and channel, the company can create a strong customer base. The business organization can also implement a strong and better contingency plan with the help of innovation methods. Innovation can help in identifying new techniques or approaches of handling hazardous situations. Identification of cost-effective or more efficient methods of handling hazards will be very beneficial for the organization (Kanter, 2000).

(b). The scope refers to the extent of applicability of the innovation. If the organization foster innovation, it will be beneficial for it in the long run. The innovation can be further enhanced by further research programs. There are several departments of an organization. The innovation developed for one program will be beneficial for it. The linear innovation framework will be utilized to build innovation capabilities of the organization. As per this model, the organization identifies a need and designs an innovation to spot it.

c). There are various approaches and processes essential in implementation of innovation in an organization. The organization will use development of new ideas to foster the growth of the organization. Another strategy which can be ued by the organizations to foster innovation is idenmtification of the customers’ need and addressing them. The innovation process can be achieved through stratrgic thinking. Innovation can begun with the strategic intent of the organization so that it can provide strategic advantage the organization. Another process of innovation is brainstorming. In this method, the employees throw different ideas which can lead address a given business issue.

d). The innovation in the operations of the organization can result in immense benefit to the organization. The innovation can assist the organization in achieving thhe operational objectives of the organization. The developments in the technical infrastructure can increase the profitability and productivity of the organization. The innovation in the operations can increase the efficiency of the organization.

e). In the present section, a plan has been proposed to manage the innovation process of an organization.

Management of Innovation Process: The organization should manage the innovation process with the help of model. According to this model, the technical chsnges appear in a linear fashion. There are three stages in the innovation process, namely, invention, innovation and diffusion.

Communication plan: There are several staholders in the innovation process of the organization. For instance, the research and developmet team, marketing team and management and operations team. It is important that the employees and various stakeholders are informed regarding the changes in the technology and the operations of the organization. The company should develop a strategy to regularly communicate with the different stakeholders and the managers of the organization. All the major chnges in the oeration as well as new technical developments should be regulatrly communicated with the stakeholders. It is also important that the organization should develop a transparent culture within the organization.

f). The organizationsl considerations, climate, culture and operational conditions can significantly impact on the innovation capabilities of the organization. The organization should create a positive, transparent and competent culture to enhance the innovation capabilities of the organization. The current opertions and the transparency in the organization enhance the innovation capability of a businesss organization. The human resources should be given enough flexibility so that they can devise new methods to work. The more beneficial methods can be used to enhance the efficiency of the organization.

(a). The innovation in technical infrastructure can improve the capabilities of the organization. The improvement in the technical infrastructure will increase the efficiency of the ortgrganization. There will be less instances of call drops and the overall access of the company will increase. The innovation will be focused on developing thr technical capabilities of the organization. It will be the scope of the organization.

b). There are several benefits of the innovation process for an organization. Spark New Zealand can benefit in as it will have enhanced efficiency, better brand image and business operations.

Outcome 2


Marketing basically refers to the process of building a relationship between companies, its product with the target customers. Every company tries to build an efficient marketing strategy in order to maintain existing customer base and attract new customers towards them (Smilansky, 2017).

There are many opportunities present in the external environment but it’s not an easy task for all the entrepreneurs to grasp them. Only those numbers of individuals who keep proper records of the market and keep themselves updated towards the threats as well as opportunities are able to attain success (Lee &Kotler, 2015). Apart from this a successful businessmen is considered the one who is flexible enough changes as per the changes in the market.

There are 4ps of marketing mix which are- product, price, place, and promotion (Patil& Bach, 2017). Product is something which is tangible in nature and the customer desires to purchase it by paying specific amount of money after its promotion, as there are many competitors in the market to in order to win over all its essential that an entrepreneur should develop a suitable strategy by using the all the marketing tools. The marketing mix is the proposition of a business towards the customers. It is a combination of various factors which are used to attract the customers towards the business. The business enterprises use the marketing mix to differentiate themselves from the competitors. These strategies will help the businessmen to win over the competitors and establish their strong footing in the market.

a). There are many different departments with the organization such as marketing, human resource, accounting, finance and many more. With the period its essential to develop each and every department in order to excel in maintain the position of the organization in the market.

Opportunities basically refer to the positive chance or the good luck that comes that does not come every time in the life of business. Every business possesses wide range of opportunities. There is just a need of an entrepreneur to build an eagle eye to identify and grasp them before the rivalry does.

Human resource is considered as the asset of the organization. Even the success of the business depends upon them so in order to avail their services it’s important for the enterprise to nurture them by organizing workshops so that time to time they can brush up their existing skills and develop many new skills in them. This will not only help them to develop their personality but will also help the organization to take the benefit of their skilled employees in near future. Two main type of business opportunity are-

Mobile Internet and big data– by upgrading the technology being a telecom industry Spark will be able to enjoy many benefits. Both the thing will help the organization in providing fast and good quality services to its customers.

Franchising and business expansion– every businessman wants to expand its branches outside the geographical areas but because of the lack of resources specially financial and human resource they stop their plans. If the organization expands their human resource by inviting more people living in the different part of the country to join the organization and conduct spark business in their country then will help the organization in business expansion. Franchising is a convenient option to expand in the foreign countries. In this the franchiser gives its brand name to the local business and in lieu takes a fee.

b) It involves 6 major steps-

Changes should be well defined throughout the organization so that concern departments know what they have to do in order to help the Spark in attain all its goals on time. Clear determination should be done regarding all the changes that are going to affect the organization so that in advance all the strategies can be built so, that employees can deal with them in an effectively.

Proper communication strategy should be developed with the clear outlines that what should be communicated to whom along with the proper framework to get the feedback within specific period (Lister, 2005). Proper training should be provided so that all the changes can prove to be beneficial to for the Spark.

Every individual working within the organization needs support after the certain point so; proper support structure should be built by the experts.

Time to time several measures should be taken to make changes in the process.

c) Lewin’s model- it is one of the most popular model which helps in understanding overall organizational structure and its changes. This model was created by Kurt lewin in the year 1950. It involve three stages- Unfreeze, Change and Refreeze. First stage, at this stage organization prepares itself for the change and focus only on its core strengths (Smith &Haslam, 2017) .

ADKAR model – it is a goal oriented tool which has major focus on the management changes. This model is widely used to provide the support the employees so that they can easily go through the change process and identify resistance power of employees (Saulnier, 2017).

d) If the changes are made within the organization they it will help the Spark to attain new heights with the increase in profitability and number of employees working within the (Chelladurai&Kerwin, 2017) By making change in the human resource department such as, such as providing them training on time, organizing workshops so that that they can improve will help all the departments in several ways which will further results in overall attainability of operational objectives. In the present times, change is an important aspect of the lives. Every organization has its operational objectives and agenda; however, it is really difficult to achieve these aims without these methods (?kinci, 2014). Every organization has its own business process or operations. The employees are reluctant to adopt new strategies; however, with the present knowledge, it is presumed that no special job is present for you. Therefore, it is important took beyond these faces. Operational objectives are basically the short term goals that will help the enterprise in attaining its overall organizational goal.

Spark will be able to adopt new technologies as the workforce is well trained to understand how to use it. This will help the organization in completing all their responsibilities towards its target customers well on time. Over all this will build the goodwill in the market and keep the firm above its competitors (Figliomeni, 2011). If the efficient employees are working in the organization then it will become easy for the organization to expand its business with the support and corporation of employees. Being a biggest digital company with the aim of maintain good culture and opting best performance for its employees.

Mental health of the employees will be improving especially there will be a positive impact on the youth that is working in the organization. Further company wills be able to build strong friendly type of relations. Due to the good relations employees will be willing to work for the extra time whenever the firm is in need.

Increase in the employee base will help the organization to attain its biggest goal that is to become largest supplier of phones lines and internet services. This will help the Spark in increasing its customer base over 700,000.

e). Lewin’s model is one of the best-known models for implementation of change. It can be used to attain the three change opportunities as discussed above. There are three stages in this model, unfreeze, introduction of change and refreeze (Akdeniz, 2016). In the unfreeze step, the organizations takes actions so that the current operations or the business processes can be terminated. It is important that the management of the organization communicate to the audience the need and the steps of change to prevent chaos (Asl, 2015). There are three change opportunities for the company, embracing new technologies in innovation, increasing the employee satisfaction and increasing the number of employees. In the first case, the current employees will be required to be given training for the new technology. In the second case, the organization will need to change the HR policies and strategies. The third case also requires that the organization will change its HR policies. The foremost step in the introduction of any of the change is to communicate the requirements for the he change. Then after, training should be given to all the employees so that they can work on new technology easily. The organization should make its policies more flexible and increase the work-life balance to recruit new employees within the organization.

2. (a). In the present change process, I can contribute in initiating the training session for the employees. The development of the training programs is a significantly challenging process and requires thorough research. After the plan to introduce new technology, the company has to research the training requirements and the skill gap. Afterwards, the company has to design the training modules and the curriculum. I can participate in the research process of the organization.

b). There are several benefits of research process in the training programs. The researchers can efficiently design the training programs with the help of the research process. The organization can also identify the needs of the trainees or the employees with the help of the research process (Agon, 2016). With the help of research, the participant can be more involved in the research process. They will also have more grasp over the objective of the training. In the present times, training can be considered as the most crucial process in organization development. It is an effective method to bridge the gap between skill present and skills required. In the present competitive and technological environment, the technology is currently changing (Tidd, Bessant & Pavitt, 2005).

Therefore, it is important that the organization implements training programs so that the employees can learn new skills. It is also not feasible to recruit new employees in the organization, as it will increase the overhead cost to the organization. The business organization would also be able to develop and retain a set of loyal employees with this strategy.


It can be concluded that innovation is one of the most significant competitive advantage in the present times. The innovation capabilities of the organization can drive its future growth. Spark Telecommunication is a telecommunication network organization. The profitability in this industry is quite low and the competition is intense. Therefore, it is important that the organization foster innovation capabilities in the organization.

The innovation can be fostered with the help of research and development department. The research department can analyzes the needs of the market and propose innovation design accordingly. Several departments such as accounts, human resource and operations are integral part of the organization. The innovation capabilities of the organization can contribute to each and every one of this department. A change management model has been proposed to implement the change process within the organization. The business organization should also focus on developing and designing the training module. I believe that I am perfect candidate for the process of the as I am interested in the research process.


Agon, T. (2016). The human key condensed. Lulu.com.

Akdeniz, C. (2016). Change Management Explained. Can Akdeniz.

Asl, G. (2015). Organizational Change Management Strategies in Modern Business. IGI Global.

Chelladurai, P., &Kerwin, S. (2017). Human resource management in sport and recreation.Human Kinetics.

Figliomeni, C. (2011). Change Management Process For Information Technology. Xlibris Corporation.

?kinci, S. S. (2014). Organizational Change: Importance of Leadership Style and Training. Management and Organizational Studies, 1(2), 122-132.

Kneer, C. (2013). Change Management. GRIN Verlag.

Lee, N. R., &Kotler, P. (2015).Social marketing: Changing behaviors for good.Sage Publications.

Lister, E.J. (2005). Successful Change Management. Lister Management Inc.

Patil, D. D., & Bach, C. (2017). Marketing-Mix For Strategy Building. Marketing, 4(4).

Saulnier, L. (2017). The Essential Role of Pharmacy Leaders in Guiding Change.The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy, 70(3), 256.

Smilansky, S. (2017). Experiential marketing: A practical guide to interactive brand experiences. Kogan Page Publishers.

Smith, J. R., &Haslam, S. A. (Eds.). (2017). Social psychology: Revisiting the classic studies. Sage.

Tidd, J., Bessant, J., & Pavitt, K. (2005). Managing innovation integrating technological, market and organizational change. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

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