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Advertising And Promotional Tools In Assessment Answers

Describe about the Advertising and Promotional Tools in Marketing.



Chan Hinky founded Polar Puffs & Cakes Ltd Company in 1926, the first Polar Café was unique and attractive and it was located at 51 High Street. While projecting its growth in the Singapore market, the Café weathered during the world war 11, the growth of the company was as result of the modernization of relevant industries in the country. In 1986 Polar Café was moved to new premises at the Raffles Place, this was accompanied along with the opening of the factor at Leng Kee Road. After a decade, the company continues to grow, leading to the opening of the new outlet, this through the implementation segmentation business strategy. As the company increase in terms of economic development, and the increase in demand for the products produced the company was moved to the larger location in Woodlands. Polar Puffs & Cakes Ltd Company is considered as the exceptional company in the production of cakes.

According to the above introduction of the company, the company has striven toward improving their performance as well as increasing the sells volume of the products produced (Pieters, Elsen, & Wedel, 2016). Marketing approaches are discussed to be the company strategic approach, which has lead the company to realize its profits and achieving it relevant goals within a specified time framework (Kemp, 2016). Marketing is defined as the process, which the company used to identify and anticipate on the customer requirements, it involves the business strategies that the company is using to distribute their products to the respective client. Public relation also is the key concept of the marketing; it comprises how the company is presenting its products and services to the customers. The public relation in marketing is embraced to be the essential practices of managing the spread of relevant information between the customers and organization (Austin & Pinkleton, 2015).

However, adverting is also a key element of marketing, many companies uses advertising approach gathering for more customers, they use different logos to persuade customers. Any operating company has the mandate of ensuring that it uses relevant strategies to get more customers as well as increasing the sale volume (Ahmed, 2002). Advertising is considered as the key element of marketing since it covers significant information and characteristic of the company products (Mueller, 2014). Promotion is also the component of marketing (Babin & Zikmund, 2015); it involves the delivery of the company products based on customer requirement. Polar Puffs & Cakes Ltd Company has elaborate on the key aspects of marketing, adverting and promotional tools of marketing are used by the company to market its products to the customer (KotleR, Burton, & Armstrong, 2015).

Advertising and promotional tools in marketing at Polar Puff Ltd Company

Polar Puff Ltd Company is an operating company that involves in food production while implementing the essential process of accomplishing the strategic goals and objectives, the company management mandates to strategies on the substantial marketing approaches (Aaker & Biel, 2013). They have the responsibility of ensuring that, the company production process of constant and that they meet the customers’ needs and demand (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). The company has to consider specific marketing strategies that suit their production process for specific products (Wilson, Zeithaml, Bitner, & Grem, 2012).


Advertising is explained to be the primary aspect of marketing, its id defined to be an audio or the visual form of marketing communication, which employs on openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote, sell product or an idea. Product advertising converses the features as well as the benefits of the product to the customer and related prospect. Polar Puff Ltd Company embraces the essence of advertising by using to launch new products, announce the changes on the existing products (Aaker & Biel, 2013).

Customers are the main stakeholders of the company, according to this particular case, Polar Puff Ltd Company has embraced taking into consideration the interest of the customer in relation to the products produces (Daymon & Holloway, 2010). The management must focus on the consumers’ interest when the management considers the client interest they intend to win the customer trust and loyalty (KotleR, Burton, & Armstrong, 2015).

Corporate Advertising

Corporate advertising is the prime aspect of advertising; it plays a crucial role in the company operation. Polar Puff ltd Company embraces the functionality of corporate advertising by using it to increase its sales volume. The company product in Woodland is reflected to be the best in the region because of the commitment as well as exceptional strategies that are used by the management (Lau, 2015). This implies the strategies entailing corporate advertising to look for suppliers who can supply and deliver quality products and raw material to the company, allowing the company to supply quality products (McAlister & Srinivasan, 2016). Corporate advertising has helped the company to build confidence amongst the customers and prospects by communicating relevant information, it has also allowed the company to measure its market position against other competing companies in the market (Potter, 2012).

Financial Advertising

Financial advertising is an essential category of advertising. Polar Puff Ltd Company growth was determined by the financial strategies that were adopted to improve on the customer's satisfactions (Babin & Zikmund, 2015). The company development and growth is based on the financial advertising approaches adopted. Advertising in the financial, as well as the business section of the newspaper and magazines, has raised awareness of the company amongst stakeholders, investors who wish to invest in the company. Moreover, publishing the company financial performance in the commercial paper allowed the company to embrace its success to the shareholder, management, suppliers, and customers (Aaker & Biel, 2013).

Promotional marketing tools

Promotional marketing is a vital component and essential part of marketing that needs to be embraced by the organizational management while they perform their job functions. Cakes are the most loved foodstuff that most love eating, they are avoidable and having relevant nutrition content that contributes to the health of a person (Ahmed, 2002). Cakes need the company to primarily strategies and implement on essential marketing strategies that will ensure that the products produce are distributed to the market in good time, cake products are considered perishable, the company management needs to ensure that such products are distributed to the market before the specified time (Churchill & Iacobucci, 2006).

Polar Puff Ltd Company development and the economic growth were steered by the essential promotional tools that were implemented by the company management (Jefkins, 2016). Realizing the best technique and tools of the promotional market allows the company to increase in sale volume as well as getting long term based clients (Wilson, Zeithaml, Bitner, & Grem, 2012).

Contacting of local Businesses

Improvement of Polar Puff Ltd Company in terms of production and sales performance is determined by the how the company contacted the local business enterprises, wholesale and retail business organizations should be considered important by the company in order to increase in their sale volume (Austin & Pinkleton, 2015). Polar Puff Ltd Company produces large volume of cakes, embracing on the supply chain management and relevant channels enhance that the company is on the move towards achieving its strategic goals and objectives. The company needs to make profit by considering the relevance of wholesalers and retailers (Wilcox & Reber, 2016). Retails allows the company to increase in profit making by purchasing more products from the company, retailers give the company to realize the interest of consumer based on the produced products (Jefkins, 2016). The company has extent their promotional technique by contacting the local market planners; this will allow the company sale more products.

Build an Email List

Polar Puff Ltd Company needs have implemented on the essential promotional tools, the company has increased its profitability making because of the development of relevant strategies that enhance marketing goals are achieve. Creating an email list is seen to contribute minimal benefits to the company but it provides a broad success to the company, the company management ensured that they have all contact list of customers; by creating email list, the company is able to promote and communicate new products to the customers (Daymon & Holloway, 2010). The company marketing department has embraced in creating the email portals that will be used by the customers to access the company products.

Develop a Website

Many consumers get to know more about the company and its products, Polar Puff Ltd Company use website as a promotional tool, website allows the company to post new products that need to be known by the consumers (Lu, Ba, Huang, & Feng, 2013). The company attained it success of improving the designs and test of cakes produce since consumer give their comment regarding the products (Percy & Rosenbaum-Elliott, 2016). As the company anticipates to get positive attributes from the consumers, the company intends to improve in products designs and test as well as focusing on adding contents that contribute to healthy life. Polar Puff Ltd Company applied the use of website as their promotional tools since it is cheaper and it creates customer awareness.

Public Relations Tools

The public relation tools that are executed by the management specifically promote the success of Polar Puff Ltd Company, several promotional tools are tied to public relation and they play primary role in achieving the strategic goals (Pike, 2015). The company management invested in developing public relation strategies such as newsletters, press conferences, and press releases. The public relation tools that are implemented by the company executives were redirected to proactively promote existing cakes and newly launch products, as the country media industry was growing, the company also was using the opportunities to attained its goals and objectives (Potter, 2012). Public relation allowed the company to equally adapt with each stakeholder in the market, these aspects encourage the company to measure its marketing performance against the performance standards. Apparently, the success of the company was built by making decisions that are based on the public opinions.


Magazines are the primary aspects of promotional tools that are used by the company while marketing their products. The olive magazine is an example of the official magazine that was developed and published by the company, the main purpose of the magazine was to provide exceptional recipe procedure that could be used while baking cakes (KotleR, Burton, & Armstrong, 2015). The use of magazines by the company was seen to be fruitful since it targeted specific customers; the company used professional images and noble to persuade their customers.


Newspapers are also the primary marketing tools that are used by the organizations while performing their marketing business operation. In public relation newspaper are used to market company products with the purpose of reaching out to many customers. Company administration makes a decisive approach to ensuring that they invest in newspaper advertising, the use of newspapers in marketing allows the company to reach more client at the same time promoting ist reputation in public. The use of newspapers will allow the company to provide clear descriptions of the products as well as the geographic location of the company.


Communication is a complex and fundamental factor of marketing process in an organization. Communication refers to the exchange of information from one person to another. Company management plays a crucial role while implementing marketing strategies by communication the general objectives of marketing, communication in marketing also can be explained to the all the messages and the media strategies the company deploys to communicate about the marketing plan.
Polar Puff Ltd Company has embraced in taking the advantage of communication in marketing. Communication in the enterprise is considered to be a pertinent factor that allowed the company to achieve its objective within a prescribed period. Communication marketing is an element of the public relation activities that includes product reposition, branding and sales presentations.


Blogging is another low-cost promotional technique used by the company. According to the study, Polar Puff Ltd Company is comprehended to be posting new and relevant blogs that relate to the products produced. The company management invested on the promotional technique since it allowed the company to increase it sells volume (Babin & Zikmund, 2015). Blog posting allows the company to provide testimonial, special offers as well as the cakes portfolios.

Traditional marketing

Polar Puff Ltd Company success is derived by flashbacking to the inception period. Traditional media describes the success of the company since it was focus toward reaching out to many customers, the traditional promotional remained to be the prominent aspect of marketing approach that was utilized by company while they accomplish the company goal and objectives. After the company was formed (Daymon & Holloway, 2010)it realized the importance of using messages, presenting products through televisions, radio stations, newspapers, and magazines. Consequently, the company utilizes the use of billboards directories, aerial as well as point of purchase display, during the execution of the marketing.

Non-traditional marketing

Marketing operation of a company involves what the company is to offer to the customers. Non-traditional marketing strategies rely on the new unconventional marketing approaches. According to the Polar Puff Ltd Company, any marketing strategy that falls out of the traditional is considered non-tradition. The primary purpose of non-traditional marketing is to create striking marketing experiences that attract the interest of the customers through the creativity.

Street Marketing

Polar Puff Ltd Company placed huge cake sculptures of products on city streets; this approach was intended to persuade consumers about the products produces by the company. The intention of street marketing was to create awareness to the customers about the existing products of the company.

Stealth Marketing

Polar Puff Ltd Company used the stealth marketing approach as the non-traditional marketing approach. The stealth marketing refers to the construction of cake like structures around the city. The company painted young women holding cakes in both hands, the cakes represented the existing products of the company, while the woman represented customers who intends to purchase the company products.


Events are the described to be the non-traditional marketing strategies implemented by the company. According to the study, the company uses various events to market it products, events marketing is embrace as sponsoring several activities using the company name and facilities.

Recommendation and conclusion


Polar Puff Ltd Company involves the production of cakes, the company growth and development was determined by the implementation of the essential strategies. Cakes require the company management to ensure that they implement on the vital approaches that will encourage the accomplishment of goal and objectives.

Yellow Pages

Yellow pages is could be used as the alternative advertising approach. Polar Puff Ltd Company is encouraged to utilize the importance of yellow pages, it should allow the customer to take advantage of the directory telephone that will redirect them toward getting what they needs regarding the company production process as well as the products produced.

Posters and bulletin boards

Poster and bulletin can also be the best marketing model that can be used by the company while striving towards achieving it goals and objectives. Polar Puff Ltd Company is recommended to instrument on the essential strategies such as using the poster and bulletins, the use of bulletins and posters allows the customer of the company to view the new products produce, the company should use bulletin to reach out customer by explaining to the about price changes and new cake products and designs. The company is recommended to utilize the use to licensed municipalities; the company should invest in poster by ensuring that they pay the required taxes in order to be given permission to installed posters in different sections of the cities around Singapore and other regions in the market.

Annual reports

During the annual reporting, Polar Puff Ltd Company is required to ensure that it provides an over view of the produced product, the company management should ensure they decisively play their role by information the stakeholders about the new products, improvement of the existing products amongst other primary aspects.


In conclusion the paper has explained on the key concept and aspects of marketing. Marketing is explained to be the strategic approach that is used by the company management while they promote and communicate their products to the customer.

Adverting is higlited by the paper as the primary element of marketing that is mostly by the selected company, its id defined to be an audio or the visual form of marketing communication, which employs on openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote and sell product. The models of advertising comprise the financial advertising, developing email list, developing a websites that will hold the essence of the opinion driven from different stakeholders.

Promotional marketing tool is also considered to the foundation of effective marketing plan, organization that uses promotional marketing plan are comprehended to accomplish their marketing objectives within a normal and a specifies time. The Promotional tools are presented by the paper to be playing a vital role while implementing the marketing plan and related strategies. The Public Relation is explained by the paper as the fundamental element of the marketing operation, it forms the basis of the company success. It comprises the use of PR tools such as magazines, posting of blogs and using of traditional Medias; the decision that are made by the management based on the public relation represents the interest of every stakeholder in the organization. The recommendation provided by the paper should be well embrace by the management in order to achieve the strategic goal and objectives.


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