Adted 506 Adult Education : Assessment Answers
This LASA is your opportunity to demonstrate how policies, procedures, and management and leadership styles must be adapted from time to time based on the assessment of a problem or problems. It is important that you clearly identify the problem (problem statement) and then use multivariate analysis to identify, isolate, and solve the problem or problems using a process paper to communicate the information that led to your recommendations, while differentiating between managing and leading in a correctional setting.
In your evaluation of the facility, you see an opportunity to make improvements. In order to change things, you must identify the risks associated with each change, as well as a plan for gaining the approval of the warden. What types of changes should be made, and what are some actions you will take to make the changes? What end results will be in place once your changes are implemented?
Identify and describe three management styles and provide a comparison of the three styles.
Identify and describe three leadership styles and provide a comparison of the three styles.
Select the management style and leadership style you will demonstrate as the associate warden of the Centervale Men's Prison and explain how and why you selected these two styles.
Examine three or four improvements that need to be made in the Centervale Men's Prison. Describe how your selected management style addresses the types of changes that should be made and explain how this style facilitates change.
Assess how your leadership style will drive your plan for gaining the approval of the warden. What end results will be in place once your changes are implemented?
Three styles of leadership are:
The procedures, guidelines and policies in relation to this kind of leadership is the natural addition made by an autocratic leader. Situation where autocratic leadership can be justified are very rare (Romager et al., 2017).
The most outstanding characteristic of this kind of leadership is that there is active upward and downward communication. This kind of leadership is one of the most preferred leadership according to statistics. Democratic leadership entails honesty, intelligence, courage, creativity competence and fairness (Amanchukwu, Stanley & Ololube, 2015).
Autocratic style is more authoritative but is not useful in enhancing the morale of the employees as they feel they will not be heard within the organization. On the other hand democratic leadership may raise the moral but not be as authoritative as autocratic style. Transformational style is a combination of both the above discussed styles aimed to achieve results.
Three types of management styles
Directing style:
In this kind of style the people are directed by the manager about what is to be done, how it is to be done and when it is to be done. Roles and responsibilities along with standards are set by the managers in this style. This management style involves communication, goal setting, decision making, monitoring performance and providing feedback and rewards and recognition of the employees (Hickson & Pugh, 2014).
This kind of management style can be effective if there is pressure on the managers in relation to what must be done and how it must be done. When the manager is merely a commander and executing orders this management can be effective. Lack of skills and limited experience in relation to the employees is also a criterion for selecting this style.
Discussing style
Relevant business issues are discussed by mangers using this kind of management technique. In this kind of style opinion and feedback are provided by people along with asking questions related to the issue. The managers in this style observe a facilitators role ensuring that decisions are taken correctly and everyone can contribute to the decisions. In this process two way communications ensured promoting round the table speaking. Goals here set using a participatory style which enhances commitment. Decision making is also collaborative and the feedback has a major impact on the others (Putnam, 2014).
Delegating style management
In this kind of management the managers provide the employees what is to be done and when it is to be done. However here how such things are to be accomplished are left to the people by the managers. The employees are provided with the duty and authority in relation to the work (Chan & Lau, 2014).
Each management style is unique having its own advantages and disadvantages. Delegation can reduce authority where as directing style may suppress other in addition discussion initiate paradox of plenty. Thus the styles have to be analyzed according to the situation in order to determine their effectiveness.
Style selection
The leadership and management style which have been selected to successfully address the issue at --- are transformational leadership and discussion style management respectively. The styles have been chosen because the Centervale Men's Prison requires active involvement of the inmates along with the workers in order to enhance the environment. Active involvement would increase commitment and raise accountability which would subsequently result in achieving the goals better.
Improvements needed
Risk- misuse of the rights
Goal- ensuring a healthy prison environment
Risk- increased liberty to the prisoners
Goal- making the inmates clam and collaborative.
Risks- Too many advices and disputes among the managers
Goal- o end autocracy and improve the morale of the mangers.
The chosen leadership and management styles would ensure that decisions within the prison are taken after considering the views of managers and inmates so that when polices are framed it would address the need of the majority. The transformational type of leadership would motivate the line staff and enable them to make extra effort towards enhancing the condition of the prison. The discussion style of management would ensure that the decisions are taken after considering the problems of the inmates which is making them aggressive. This would not only make the inmates feel better about the management but would also ensure informed decision making.
Approval of the warden and end results
As the warden is nearing retirement he has lost interest in his work as there is no motivation or challenges. Transformational leadership style would ensure that the warden understands the problems of Autocratic management and adopt a more democratic management style to enhance the condition of the prison. The discussion style would make the warden understand the short comings of his policies and he would provide approval for new polices.
The end result which is desired after the implementation of these policies are that the inmates would become calm and live with harmony. The line staff would take active participation in the management of the prison.
Amanchukwu, R. N., Stanley, G. J., & Ololube, N. P. (2015). A review of leadership theories, principles and styles and their relevance to educational management. Management, 5(1), 6-14.
Chan, J. C., Sit, E. N., & Lau, W. M. (2014). Conflict management styles, emotional intelligence and implicit theories of personality of nursing students: A cross-sectional study. Nurse education today, 34(6), 934-939.
Hickson, D. J., & Pugh, D. S. (2014). Management Worldwide: Distinctive Styles Among Globalization. Penguin UK.
Özer, F., & T?naztepe, C. (2014). Effect of strategic leadership styles on firm performance: A study in a Turkish SME. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 778-784.
Putnam, S. P. (2014). Management Styles in Relationship to Small Group Output: Let's Standardize Management Practices(Doctoral dissertation).
Romager, J., Hughes, K., Trimble, J., Verburg, M., Camp, J., & Jones, M. (2017). Influences of Authentic Leadership Styles and Challenges to Enduring Pervasive Leadership Models.
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