Accm4200-Financial Accounting And Reporting Assessment Answers
1.Difference between Depreciation, Impairment and Revaluation
Revaluation of asset refers to change in fair value or value in use of the asset. The revaluation is asset results in matching of the carrying amount of the asset with its fair value. Revaluation may be done upwards or downwards, that is, the fair value may be increased or decreased. (Australian Accounting Standards Board)
2.Impact of these on the profitability of the company
current year. Though there is no actual cash flow, the profit of the company declines due to depreciation.
Impairment loss any should be immediate recognised in the profit and loss stamen. The difference between the carrying amount and recoverable amount of an asset, should be transferred to the profit and loss statement as impairment loss towards asset, this will decline the profits of the company. Such losses are to be shown as a separate line item in profit and loss.
As discussed, revaluation may lead to increase or decrease in the carrying amount of the asset. When the value of the asset increases, then a revaluation reserve of the same amount is created this is shown as a part of the equity in balance sheet. Balance in such reserve is transferred to surplus profits directly on sale on such assets. If the value of the asset declines due to revaluation, then such losses is charges to profit and loss, except in cases when there exists previously created revaluation reserve in connection with such assets. In such cases, the revaluation loss is first written off with revalued loss and remaining amount is then charged to the profit and loss statement. For example, say there is a machine which was earlier revalued from $25000 to $35000, creating a revaluation surplus of $10000. Now the same machine has been revalued downwards by $12000. In this case the revaluation loss will first be written off form the surplus, and remaining amount $2000 will be charged to the profit and loss statement.
All the above create a charge on the profit of the company. Depreciation, impairment and revaluation losses are all written off in the profit and loss statement, decreasing the profit of the year.
3.Need for changes required for depreciation, impairment and revaluation
It is important to have the assets checked for impairment so that correct value of the assets can be recognised in the books of accounts. Also, if there is any sudden decline in the recoverable amount of the asset, then recording impairment loss will help the management appropriate sufficient funds for the replacement of the new asset.
Revaluation of the asset is done in order to present the assets at the fair value in the books of the accounts. Revaluation helps the users of the financial statement understand the actual financial position of the company. It is also done in order to meet with regulatory requirements.
It is necessary that the companies comply with the regulatory requirements of recognition and disclosure of the above; else it may attract nonpliance penalties
4.Disclosures required for depreciation, Impairment and Revaluation
Pepper Limited
Fixed Asset schedule as on ………….
Description Asset Accumulated depreciation Net Book Value
Opening Value Addition Disposal Closing Value Opening Value Addition Disposal Closing Value
In cases of revaluation of asset the company is required to report the date of revaluation, if any registered value was involved, the amount of the block if cost model was continues, revaluation surplus, restriction on use of revaluation surplus and any use of funds from revaluation surplus.
5.Performance reporting methods
For example: if the Profits of the company were $5000 with revenue of $50000, the profit margin was 10%, in the previous year. In the current year the company earns a profit of $6000 with revenue of $65000, the profit margin is 9.23%. Therefore, we see that even though the profit increased the efficiency has declined.
Assets form a very important part of the organisation. It is necessary that they are properly recorded and valued in the books of accounts. Not accounting the assets properly may affect the profitability and productivity of the company. The assets recorded should be properly valued and depreciated, and should be timely checked for impairment. Though these may affect the profit of the company, but it would help the management in provide for the future assets.
Australian Accounting Standards Board. (n.d.). Property, Plant and Equipment. Retrieved from
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