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Aaa5002 Research Methods |Communication And Assessment Answers

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Talk about these artical for assignment.
1.Warner-Soderholm, Bertsch, Bertsch, Lee, Wolfe, Meyer, Engel, Fatilua (2018)

2.Watson (2018)

3.sutcliffe, Binder and Dunbar (2018)

4.Lee (2018)

5.Lee, Shin and Hong (2018)


Article no. 1

Warner-Soderholm, Bertsch, Bertsch, Lee, Wolfe, Meyer, Engel, Fatilua (2018)

What is the paper’s reference in the IEEE style?

Warner-S0derholm, A., Bertsch, E. Sawe, D. Lee, T. Wolfe, J. Meyer, J. Engel and U.N Fatilua, “Who trusts social media?. 2018”. Computers in Human Behavior, 81, pp.303-315.

How did you find the paper? If applicable, write a list of the search terms you used.

I have got the article during searching for the social media and it impacts related articles in the Google scholar.

The search term which has been used by me are social media, human perception, and impact.

Was the paper peer-reviewed? Explain how you found out.

This is a peer-reviewed article. I have found this article with page number, volume and abstract. The structure indicates that, it is a peer-reviewed article and I have got it from Google scholar.

Does the author(s) work in a university or a government-funded research institute? If so, which university or research institute? If not, where do they work?

Name of the authors is Gillian Warner-Soderholm, Andy Bertsch and Annika Soderholm. All of them are the faculty members of The Bl Norwegian Business school. In the year 1969 with the support of the government.

What does this tell you about their expertise? Are they an expert in the topic area?

After analysing the entire article this can be said that the authors are experts in their areas. The authors have focused on the international culture, communication and behaviour of human. From the other articles this has been identified that the main focus of the authors is in these areas.

What was the paper about?

In this article it has been identified that the trust is being considered as the foundation in every communication process. This has also been identified by the author that trust is being influenced due to the psychological understanding. According to the author in the current business scenario, people have become highly connected with the digital media. Availability of newsfeed and all kind of information have become easier for people to get from the digital network. As its result, the human psychology and behaviour are getting conned with the social media. Due to the excessive uses of social media in daily life, people have become dependent on it. As its result the social media has grain the trust of people. Whatever they see in social media, have started trusting on it. In this study, the author has identified the different level of trusting behaviour of people, which are being influenced by the social media. In this article, it has been identified that the younger and women users highly expect the authenticity of the information they get from the social media.

Is this paper similar to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

This article is similar to the articles published by the same author named “Data on social media use related to age, gender and trust constructs of integrity, competence, concern, benevolence and identification”. In this articles the author has tried to shed light on the connection of trust with age and gender.

Is this paper different to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

During searching for the appropriate article, I have read various articles. After reading the articles I have analysed that the "Data on social media use related to age, gender and trust constructs of integrity, competence, concern, benevolence and identification" article has little similarity with the discussed article. In both the articles the impact of social media and its influence to gain the trust of the customers has been discussed. Both the article has focused on the digital networking and its impact on age and gender.

What do these similarities and differences suggest? What are your observations? Do you have any new ideas? Do you have any conclusions?

The major similarities are both the studied have focused on analysing the psychological changes due to excessive uses of digital networking in human life. On the other hand, the study has also focused on the healthcare, CSR and economics. This can be said that this has not only focused on the Social media. Here the trust of human in different sectors has been highlighted.

After analysing these two articles this can be said that these ideas can be used in the case of analysing the communication and behaviour.

How do you envisage this reading contributing to your group’s research paper?

As the article has focused on how the trust of human is getting influenced by social media, therefore through this project I will be able to incorporate the communication and behavioural skill of human and its changing trends with the current situation.

How do you envisage this reading contributing to your group’s research paper?

Article no. 2

Watson (2018)

What is the paper’s reference in the IEEE style?

  1. Watson and R. Rodrigues, “Bringing privacy into the fold: Considerations for the use of social media in crisis management”, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 2018. 26(1), pp.89-98.

How did you find the paper? If applicable, write a list of the search terms you used.

During searching for the relationship between stakeholders and social media and its uses related articles from Google Scholar.

I have used key terms like social media, management, Uses.

Was the paper peer-reviewed? Explain how you found out.

It has been identified by me that it is a peer-reviewed article. In this article the page number, volume and abstract have been clearly mentioned. I have got the article from Google scholar.

Does the author(s) work in a university or a government-funded research institute? If so, which university or research institute? If not, where do they work?

Hayley Watson and Rowena Rodrigues are the authors of this article. Both of them are involved in the trilateral research. Hayley Watson is the sales and content manager and Rowena Rodrigues is research manager in UK. .

What does this tell you about their expertise? Are they an expert in the topic area?

Both the authors have good experience about the recent market situation. The authors have focused on the crisis of social media management in the current business industry. 

What was the paper about?

In this article it has been identified that the social media has a higher level of contribution to the crisis management in the European industry. This has also been mentioned by the author that various challenges regarding the inherent privacy have impacted on this management crisis. According to the author in the current business scenario, the social media is not being able to maintain the privacy of the customers effectively. It has become an important issue in the current business industry. In the study, it has also been mentioned that processing and collection of sensitive personal information. By highlighting the European legal provisions, the study has introduced various data protection regulations in the organization. The aim of the article to identify the issues which are interrupting in the data protection and find some effective solution for dealing with the situation.

Is this paper similar to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

I have identified the similar article named "Batch-based active learning: Application to social media data for crisis management" by Daniela Pohl. Here the author has also tried to find out an effective way to bring the crisis management.

Is this paper different to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

This paper is different from other papers because it has clearly identified the challenges which are responsible for privacy crisis.

What do these similarities and differences suggest? What are your observations? Do you have any new ideas? Do you have any conclusions?

The major similarity of both the topics is here the crisis management is social media has been highlighted.

The major differences are the first one has discussed challenges which have been created in managing the personal data and information of people in social media. On the other hand, the second document has discussed the importance if learning database for analysing the crisis management.

It can be concluded that if the challenges are not being handled properly, this will impact on maintaining the privacy of the customers.

How do you envisage this reading contributing to your group’s research paper?

With the help of these articles, I will be able to conduct a research project where I will be able to deal with the challenges, which has produced the privacy crisis

Article no. 3

Sutcliffe, Binder and Dunbar (2018)

What is the paper’s reference in the IEEE style?

Sutcliffe AG, Binder JF, Dunbar RI. Activity in social media and intimacy in social relationships. Computers in Human Behavior. 2018 Aug 1;85:227-35.

How did you find the paper? If applicable, write a list of the search terms you used.

I have found this paper in Google scholar. In order to search this article I have searched the terms like the social relationship, use of social media, social satisfaction.

Was the paper peer-reviewed? Explain how you found out.

Yes. This paper is peer review article with page and volume number.

Does the author(s) work in a university or a government-funded research institute? If so, which university or research institute? If not, where do they work?

Alistair G.Sutcliffe works in Manchester business school. The second author named Jens F.Binder is the faculty member in Nottingham Trent University and the third author named Robin I.M.Dunbar is the faculty member in Oxford University.

What does this tell you about their expertise? Are they an expert in the topic area?

All the three authors have the knowledge about the uses of social media in the current business industry.

What was the paper about?

In the article, it has been analysed that the uses of social media have a higher level of impact in the case of influencing the network size. In this study, the associations between the offline and online socialising of the social ties are being postulated by Social Brain Hypothesis. In order to conduct the research, the author has done a survey, where it has been identified that social satisfaction and loneliness are interconnected with each other. Therefore this can be said that the social media is positively associated with the social satisfaction and the network size.

Is this paper similar to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

I have identified the similar article named “Social media use, personality characteristics, and social isolation among young adults in the United States” written by Erin O.Whaite, ArielShensa Jaime E.Sidani, Jason B.Colditz and Brian A.Primack. In this article the authors have also focused on the uses of social media and its impact on the personality development.

Is this paper different to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

This paper is different from other papers because here social media and its higher level of impact in influencing the human characteristics has been discussed.

What do these similarities and differences suggest? What are your observations? Do you have any new ideas? Do you have any conclusions?

The major similarities between these two papers are here the influence of social media on human life has been discussed. In the first article it has discussed human satisfaction and the second article has discussed social isolation. This can be analysed that both the articles are helpful in the case of analysing the impact of social media.

How do you envisage this reading contributing to your group’s research paper?

After analysing the study, this can be said that this article will be helping in the case of getting secondary data about social media uses in the current business industry.

Article no. 4

Lee (2018)

What is the paper’s reference in the IEEE style?

Lee D, Hosanagar K, Nair HS. Advertising content and consumer engagement on social media: evidence from Facebook. Management Science. 2018 Jan 18.

How did you find the paper? If applicable, write a list of the search terms you used.

From Google scholar, I have got this article. For searching this article I have searched the terms like consumer engagement; social media; advertising content; marketing communication; natural language processing; selection; News Feed algorithm

Was the paper peer-reviewed? Explain how you found out.

No. This paper is not peer-reviewed article because here the volume number is missing.

Does the author(s) work in a university or a government-funded research institute? If so, which university or research institute? If not, where do they work?

Dokyun Lee works in Tepper School of business, Kartik Hosanagar works in The Wharton School and Harikesh S. Nair works in Stanford Graduate School of Business.

What does this tell you about their expertise? Are they an expert in the topic area?

All the three authors are experts in the field of business, social science and human psychology.

What was the paper about?

It has been identified that the uses of social media in the human life influences the customer engagement in social networking. The research has been conduction depending on the primary data. In order to conduct the research, the large number of media marketing contents have been used. This can be said that depending on the advertising content, the brand popularity of an organization is being influenced.

Is this paper similar to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

I have read an article named “Default structured search queries on online social networks" which was quite similar to this article. In this paper the social graph and popularity of nodes have been discussed.

Is this paper different to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

The major uniqueness of this paper is it has done totally based on the primary survey. Therefore this can be said that it is more authentic than the other articles.

What do these similarities and differences suggest? What are your observations? Do you have any new ideas? Do you have any conclusions?

The major similarities between these two articles are here social media and branding have been interconnected by the authors. The major differences are in the first article it has been identified that the human satisfaction and perception is connected with social media. On the other hand, the second article has discussed social graph and popularity of nodes

How do you envisage this reading contributing to your group’s research paper?

After analysing the study, this can be said that this article will help in the case of identifying the relationship between social media and brand popularity.

Article no. 5

Lee, Shin and Hong (2018)

What is the paper’s reference in the IEEE style?

Baek MY, Ahn HK, Park KR, Park HS, Kang SM, Park I, Kim YS, Hong J, Sym SJ, Park J, Lee JH. Epidermal growth factor receptor mutation and pattern of brain metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. The Korean journal of internal medicine. 2018 Jan;33(1):168.

How did you find the paper? If applicable, write a list of the search terms you used.

From Google scholar I have got this article. For searching this article I have used the terms like epidermal growth factor; Carcinoma, Receptor, non-small-cell lung

Was the paper peer-reviewed? Explain how you found out.

This paper is peer review article with page and volume number.

Does the author(s) work in a university or a government-funded research institute? If so, which university or research institute? If not, where do they work?

All the authors are involved in the government authorized international medical board. All of them are from oncology department.

What does this tell you about their expertise? Are they an expert in the topic area?

All the three authors are experts in the medical science and have strong medical experiences..

What was the paper about?

The article has developed for investigating the time, which is required for analysing the non-small cell lung cancer and the development of brain metastases. Various diagnosis practices have been mentioned in this article. In order to conduct the research, the secondary and primary both the information have been collected. This can be said that this was one kind of experiment on the human body.

Is this paper similar to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

I have not read any similar article as this was totally new invention by the authors.

Is this paper different to other papers you have read for this assignment? If so, which papers and why?

This paper is totally different from other papers, as in this paper innovation has been discussed, which has not developed in the medical industry.

What do these similarities and differences suggest? What are your observations? Do you have any new ideas? Do you have any conclusions?

The major differences of the article from others that here the non-small cell lung cancer has been used as the development practices of brain metastases. This can be said that it will bring the huge changes in the medical science. By using this research technique, in the long run rate cancer can be reduced.

How do you envisage this reading contributing to your group’s research paper?

After analysing the study, this can be said that this article will help in developing new technologies in the medical fields.

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