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A Report On The Bim Assessment Answer

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  • Conclusion: 
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  • Develop a technical report on the BIM applications and practices regarding the different aspects of built environment.


    A building information modelling is a process which contain digital representation of physical and functional of the management functional characteristics at one place. The building information modelling is a process which creates and manage information about the construction project across the project lifecycle. One of the important output from the BIM is that it extract digital description of the each aspect of the built strength. The model developed on the information assembled and updated at the principle stage of the project. Through the building information system the creator able to interact with modelling and deliver optimize solution which contain greater life value for the asset. The Building information modelling system bring together all the relevant information about the building component at one place. BIM make platform that anyone can operate or access the information for various purpose e.g. to assess the different parameter of construction, to participate different aspect of the design and how to develop design more effectively. This will helps to reduce the cost of construction and reduce risk for construction as well. The BIM data can be useful for demonstrate entire building life cycle, from frame to frame, from beginning of design to demolition, also useful for material recycle and reuse. The area, system, production and arrangement can be demonstrate in relative scale to each other and that can be demonstrate in relation to entire project. The BIM system prevents errors at the various stages of the development and construction. 


    To study about Building information modelling for construction project management. 

    BIM objectives: 

    • That contain various information about the product and product can define through that information. 
    • BIM contain product properties such as thermal performance. 
    • The Geometry representing the product’s physical characteristics. 
    • The BIM system can provide functional data e.g. detection zones which help to positioned object and behave in the same method as the product itself. 

    BIM and construction project management practices: 

    The construction project management involves the maximum use of allocated fund, control the scope of work, effective project planning, reduce unnecessary wastage of time, enhance construction project design, and enhance quality of construction and maximum flexible in contracting and procurement. Traditional concept of construction project management was time consuming, tedious and consume more human effort. (Azhar, S., Carlton, 2015) That require periodic meeting, reports, work scheduling and require co-ordination of the construction process with the specific information. However prepare design, prepare work schedule and demonstrate information to associate human resource consume considerable time. There are certain constraint as well while using traditional method for construction and project management when complex project need to handle. On the other hands, the developments in technology which create platform to demonstrate idea and execute more accurate design of construction, additionally the information technology allow to provide quality work as well within specific time constrain. Designer can place accurate planning about the when can possible to start project and ending project as well. The BIM system allow to monitor construction process more effectively compare to traditional method of construction.
    The development of information technology affect the construction project management roles and responsibilities and needs to change according to requirement of construction management. The information technology used in current construction management system. One of the great example of the current technology used in construction is Building Information Modelling. The latest information technology product is Building information modelling which execute physical and functional characteristic through digital representation. Through the building Information Modelling the different facility can built, analysed, documentation and evaluation through iterative process in order to obtain optimum results. 
    BIM system is not creating and developing 3D representation of building, but It also contain huge database which have considerable amount of information for the basic construction planning such as cost estimation, scheduling, ordering etc. so the BIM system is really helpful for the real simulation of the actual project before assign construction and start construction. Still, there are uncertainty of the construction management body of knowledge and BIM. The computer system needs high speed and accuracy for the construction project management services. Technology are useful in order to take part numbers of person at same platform that will be done through web system and services. The web technology play important role to improved access to information, communication between two different parties and overall service from BIM system.
    The fundamental practices of construction management include the use of computer tools. All project necessary formalities such as budget, schedule, quality control, constructability, risk etc. can be execute before the actual project have started and monitor during the construction process through computer device. This computer device allows the construction management to perform their roles with accuracy and efficiently.( Hartmann, T., et. Al. 2014) The construction project managements are known with traditional practices which involve basic computer technology, but it is necessary to get familiar with the building information modelling. 
    The objective of the report and study is to investigate whether there is necessary to update the current construction project management system with respect to developing BIM technology, so the project manager needs to take action as per the company objective for the construction. 

    Construction project management and building information modelling 

    Project management: 

    The project management cover all operational aspect of the project such as project delivery, formulation, developing, installing, administration, co-ordination and other necessary elements from the starting of design to the ending of the project. The construction project management team are responsible to co-ordinate as team and achieving common goal. The BIM system play important role in order to identify crucial decision, time duration of construction, constrain and emerging error during project. (Kim, H.et. al. 2011) The BIM system used to determine which one is most suitable method for construction and project sequence, also how to monitor construction progress as well. The BIM system also helpful for visual representations and integration technology such as that can support large management system and enhance the understanding of the project status. The computer based 3 dimensional model can enhance performance and control the system which enable construction management to display full picture of the project by applying numbers of project data sets to the 3D model components. The 3D design and images allow people to get imaginary picture of construction and work according to that 3D frame i.e. It is easy to guide someone which are responsible for construction and more guidance may helpful to construct according to objective. 

    Quality Management: 

    The quality management ensure the project progress will satisfy the requirement for which was consider while planning. Consider all activity which find the quality policy, objectives and roles and responsibility and apply according to quality schedule, quality assurance standard, and quality control and quality improvement. Since the basic parameters of BIM system is develop 3D modelling, the project manager and design engineer have consider first preference about the quality of production or service through the 3D modelling. With the help of 3D modelling the design engineer and project manager can change or replace any component according to client requirement that will save times, save man power and material. Compare the BIM system with traditional methodology, it is difficult to change once construction project design is finalized. In case, more complex design and that design suitable for the project associate project can be difficult to assure, if well experience designer may not associate with that project.( Lee, G.et.al. 2012) The BIM modelling system allow to raise conflict and easy to rectify that conflict through co-ordination and meeting. 
    Therefore, the quality of construction project can be enhance considerably before actual construction have started. During the construction process, quality can be maintain with the conventional method, which will be benchmarking process against quality standards. Example like practical with the automatic construction site image extract from the computer technologies. In order to obtain dimensional accuracy the laser technology used which extract image from computer software in 2 dimension mode, the result obtained through laser cutting will 100% accurate. That technique enhance the total performance of the project and provide quality output. Through the BIM system, the project quality can enhance at remarkable position. 

    Risk Management: 

    In construction project, there are always presence of risk. It must be consider while project design, planning and finalized. Risk management should be cover all types of risks, which include static and dynamic which directly associate with the team management and project management. Risk management has traditionally applied in area of safety, cost, contract management, and time and contract management in construction projects.( Porwal, A, 2013) The construction management use BIM system to reduce the safety risk which consider from starting point of project till the end of project completion. The BIM system utilise in order to improve site location safety issue, that will resolved by connecting safety issue more close to the construction planning. The BIM modelling system provide more layout and suggest safety plan in order to reduce total risk of the project. BIM system useful for managing and visualization plant and site condition, also support safety communication in various condition.( Sacks, R et. Al . 2016) The construction management use BIM system to not reduce safety and risk buy also reduce risk associate with the project cost, quality and time duration. 

    Safety Management: 

    The construction is one most affected through hazardous and issue associate with hazardous, that occur due to unique nature of work, exposure to weather conditions, the hazardous occur in construction sector due to unskilled labour and unexperienced engineer in various department. It is necessary that project manager assure about the safety work location and take preventive action before major hazardous occur such as accident in machinery, property damage. The accidents and their consequences are the major concern about the project objective. An effect of accident damage the human life and suffering additional cost of project, also addition time waste of the production of project. According to survey and result, the researcher conclude that number of accident occur in construction project, still there are not serious action till this day. If consider traditional safety management, that was done through project meeting and short out serious issue about the accident. In case, employees are associate with safety training and safety equipment still hazardous and accident cannot complete avoid. In case, virtualization of the project before the actual construction action plan allow safety engineers and construction management to simulate their safety protection and short out safety issues. (Schlueter, et. Al. 2013) A The BIM procedure useful for the safety issue at the construction project. E.g. a 3D plant allow to perform dynamic behaviour and observe any damage or collision occur at the suspected area of hazardous. In case, collision occur then how much collision occur and what is impact for the project point of view. That exercise helps to provide prevention before hazardous occur. The BIM system visualization technologies a main role in the training. That define a rule-based hazard identification model through BIM model which analyse and anticipate unsafe situation. The proposed BIM models incorporate with safety related procedure into construction procedure. The 3D analysis and visualization reveals potential threats which associate with safety issue. 

    Budget management: 

    The budget management contain all cost associate with the construction project. The construction project has liable to confirm cost of the project, additionally, they needs to track, report and validate the all budget cost from the initial estimate to the final accounting. The well planned budget about the project prepare by construction project manager before approval for project design phase. That will require to approve from the contractor as well. That will become construction phase budget. As the construction proceeds, amount pay to contractors and budget details are accept to accountant that is complete one phase of the one project. In case, new project, then complete cycle need to repeat from starting to end. Therefore it require that project cost estimation should start as early as possible. 

    The cost and budget management are the important parameters of any of the project. The budget management means to estimate cost which include estimation of material cost and include resources require for complete project activities. BIM models are useful for the cost estimation and useful to create a bill of material as well as bill of quantities. There is also establish relation between BIM models and estimating program. This can be ultimate solution for extract any of the product or material cost. Any known person may enter quantity or weight that will display cost of product or material. Once the software developed or programming perform then BIM model are automatically extract through the complete estimating cycle. Since there are manage relation between BIM model and cost estimate, the construction management can obtain cost expenditure and evaluate cost related activity. The cost budgeting include the allocation of total cost estimate to individual work activities and cost controlling which varies the project budget. The BIM model are interconnection with the construction design, time management and cost effectively. There are certain software and computer aided design and modelling system have develop in order to extract effective budget management. The construction project developed information system which include other things such as budget information, monitoring and evaluation. According to research and survey BIM model are effective for budget management. (Volk, R., 2014) 

    Value Management: 

    Value management associate with the project cost and the project value. The value management have three component such as Designability, Constructability and Contractibility. The designabillity concern about the value of the overall project design. The building information modelling permit to designers to create design of construction project with consideration of required specifications. BIM have virtual material library and that have sufficient information about conventional construction project. That libraries makes virtual model more conventional. 
    Further constructability concern with the value of construction materials, technology, methods, details etc. the building information modelling allow designer to review about the conflict occur in the project and solve that conflict at the time of project meeting. The conventional BIM software find the conflict and enhance the total performance of constructability. The contractibility concern value to the contracting options, contractual works and contraction procedures. The construction management is expected to deliver maximum value for the owner 

    Resource Management: 

    The resource management contain the source of human and physical. The resource management includes the selection resource, manage resource, guide resource and use of project resources. The construction management sent system to all department such design, management, contractor and services which need to co-ordinate with project manager in order to discuss about how, when and why use resources. That will require team work as well, but the BIM system can establish same platform in order to use resource within surveillance of authority. The practical example like integrate ERP system with BIM software and co –ordinate data through equal department. The BIM technique is used for visualization purposes by majority of construction professionals. Many researcher suggested the integration of construction resource management with BIM model. Other researcher suggested that BIM based system integrates dynamic resource management and useful for decision support management. 

    Schedule Management: 

    The project schedule planned through different strategy, the construction project planned through convention method such as critical path method, network analysis and bar charts which demonstrate the proposal of the project schedule. The conventional strategic method is not enough for complex problem and information about the complexities of the project components. Therefore it is require to extract the spatial aspect of the project. The planned must be interested for the 2D drawing and associate component with the relative activities. (Zhang, S, 2012 ) 
    The working procedure contain the information about the cost and resources of the project but the theoretical strategies such as CPM may not connect activity of the project schedule. The 4D model merge with the 3D geometry with the fourth dimension. Any design of the construction building component in a 4D model contains geometric characteristics which express its 3D design, the design contain time attributes which express staring and finishing time of the construction element. The 4D model of the construction building used graphical simulate sequence of the construction operation, which provide ideas of operator with virtual and visual knowledge about the construction process. The 4D visualization of model can be used through large variety of the project contribution at the different level of the skills and express suggestion. Some researcher suggest the integrated system which can schedule projects with the fundamental of BIM software. E.g. Developed 3D virtual construction model which needs to construct for construction which express decision support system for the construction planning. Another researcher suggest about to develop and implement a 4D site management model for construction management. Develop 4D or 3D model for project life cycle management. 


    The technology developed at the worldwide, each and every people may associate with technology directly or indirectly. So the technology play important role for all types of business sector. In this report, focus about the information technology and modelling play key role for the construction project management. The project manager can develop equal platform in order to achieve objective of the respective project. That can be possible through Building information modelling procedure.
    From this report and research about the building information modelling, the future of the design and construction will absolutely use this technology. Through this technology, BIM expected to construction project reach certain height. The demonstration of BIM in area of construction and design practice has taken along with new roles and responsibility for construction manager. As discuss in project, that the BIM is more effective in each and every phase of the project lifecycle and deal with most critical phase of the project. Still, current system of BIM needs improvement and develop technology for 4D and 5D BIM models which reduces total work load and provide effectively project output. The development in 4D and 5D BIM modelling can helps to determine overall performance of the project and that performance index useful for future planning. 
    The BIM system and procedure interpreted to reduce cost, provide strategic about used technology for reduce total processing time which consume for construction. BIM useful for accurate resource management and effectiveness about use of physical and material resource. The BIM system suggest and helps to create hazardous free environment with improving safety. So the BIM system effective for the entire team of the construction project and management team as well. 


    Azhar, S., Carlton, W., Olsen, D. and Ahmad, I. (2018). Building information modeling for sustainable design and LEED® rating analysis.
    Hartmann, T., van Meerveld, H., Vossebeld, N. and Adriaanse, A. (2018). Aligning building information model tools and construction management methods.
    Kim, H., Anderson, K., Lee, S. and Hildreth, J. (2018). Generating construction schedules through automatic data extraction using open BIM (building information modeling) technology.
    Lee, G., Sacks, R. and Eastman, C. (2018). Specifying parametric building object behavior (BOB) for a building information modeling system.
    Porwal, A. and Hewage, K. (2018). Building Information Modeling (BIM) partnering framework for public construction projects.
    Sacks, R., Radosavljevic, M. and Barak, R. (2018). Requirements for building information modeling based lean production management systems for construction.
    Schlueter, A. and Thesseling, F. (2018). Building information model based energy/exergy performance assessment in early design stages.
    Search.proquest.com. (2018). Building Information Modeling - ProQuest. [online] Available at: https://search.proquest.com/openview/d807ed97d6ce3c3bfbaa8198a83f7cfc/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=41118 [Accessed 26 Mar. 2018].
    Volk, R., Stengel, J. and Schultmann, F. (2018). Building Information Modeling (BIM) for existing buildings — Literature review and future needs.
    Zhang, S., Teizer, J., Lee, J., Eastman, C. and Venugopal, M. (2018). Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Safety: Automatic Safety Checking of Construction Models and Schedules.

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