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9001Smgt Subject Outline Management Assessment Answers

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Global project management communication, collaboration and management across borders.

project management professional exam study guide.

Project management toolbox tools and techniques for the practicing project manager.

Exploring the value of project management International journal of project management.



The project management plan is a crucial factor for ensuring the successful closure of the project. A project final report is initiated by the use of the proper analysis of the business case, identification of the objectives, and understanding of the project scope statement. The project case study of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization has been considered for ensuring the formation of the complete project management plan. The analysis of the better project forming can be implied for listing the project schedule, work breakdown structure, project Gantt chart, cost management, quality management, risk management, and final closure of the project.

Organization Description and Project Environment

The project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization has considered the use of the retail organization for the forming of the final project report. The retail organization has been considering the use of the proper and efficient using of the functions. The alignment of the emerce strategies for listing the improvement of the functions would result in listing the probable alignment of the functional forming. The implication and forming would also be assistive for using of the smart forming of the cloud computing functions. The listing of the cloud computing technology has assisted the better functions in the organization.

Project Environment

The project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization is formed for listing the using of the probable and efficient improvement of the functions. The assistive environment would align the implication and forming factors. The project closure can be efficiently assigned for assisting the improvement of the functions of successive better functions. The closure of the project would tend to involve the using of the functions implying the cloud forming. The assist and forming can be aligned for listing the wireless information transfer and forming. The probable innovation would assist in forming efficient implication model for the execution of the project.

Project Objectives and Project Importance

Objectives of Project

The project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization is formed for making sure that the closure of the project can be assigned for listing the improvement of the functions in retail organization. The objectives for the project are,

  • To form cloud computing system for the retail organization by following a specific improvement aim of the organization
  • To execute the project in the estimated time and budget along with the using of the possible solution
  • To improve the functions of the retail organization and align the use of the probable forming process
  • To form the complete documentation for the execution of the smart project forming

Importance of Project

The project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization is formed for assisting the implication of the better communication and forming. The retail organization has been considering the use of the proper and efficient using of the functions. The alignment of the emerce strategies for listing the improvement of the functions would result in listing the probable alignment of the functional forming. The implication and forming would also be assistive for using of the smart forming of the cloud computing functions. The listing of the cloud computing technology has assisted the better functions in the organization.

Scope Statement, Project Priorities, and Work Breakdown Structure

Project Scope Statement

The project had been formed for implementing the using of the smart and efficient closure of the innovation technologies. The scope statement for the project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization is given below,

“Cloud Computing technology can be helpful for listing the probable implication forming and using of the innovative technology for easing the implication of the cloud computing technology in retail organization and assisting the implication of the efficient management functions.”

Project Priorities

The project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization has the following priorities to be achieved,

  • Forming cloud computing system for the retail organization by following a specific improvement aim of the organization
  • Closure of the project in the estimated time and budget along with the using of the possible solution
  • Improvement of the functions of the retail organization and align the use of the probable forming process
  • Complete documentation for the execution of the smart project forming and closure process

Work Breakdown Structure 

The following diagram would show the work break down for the project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization,

Figure 1: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the project

(Source: Created by the author)

Project Management Plan

Purpose of Project Management Plan

The main purpose of forming the project management plan of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization is the inclusion of the smart and efficient formation of the functions listing the using of the project closure. The forming of the project management plan can be helpful for ensuring the successive involvement of the functions listing the better communication forming. The improvement of the project management plan would allow the formation of the functions. The using of the innovation technology would help in easing the formation of the functions for listing efficient project closure. The benefit of using the efficient and smart project management plan can be helpful for ensuring the forming of the factors.


The basic assumptions for the project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization are,

Accumulation of the required materials: The accumulation of the required materials is the most successful method of closure of the project. It is assumed that the project can be formed for easing the formation of the successful implication and forming.

Closure of the project in estimated time: the closure of the project functions is one of the most successful formings of the functions. The closure of the project can be another major benefit of closure of the project in timed duration.

The constraints of the project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization are,

Time: The time exhaustion is another major constraint for the closure of the project and the using of the better functional. The limitation of the time would result in failure of the project successful closure.

Budget: The resource exhaustion is another major constraint for the closure of the project and the using of the better functional. The limitation of the budget would result in failure of the project successful closure.

Quality: The functional functions of the project result in forming the closure of the project. The quality problems can result in failure of the project successful closure.

Scope Management

In scope: Project plan, forming of integrated system, cloud computing selection, and operation forming are the in scope items of project.

Out of scope: Transportation requirements and forming of cloud vendor procurement are the out of scope items of project.

Schedule/Time Management

The project schedule had been formed using the agile methodology for executing the functions and alignment of the functions assisting the using of the efficient operation formation. The time management is a crucial aspect of implying the using of the profitable function formation. The project plan is iterative model and it would comprise of more than one activities running simultaneously. The formation of the project schedule has divided the project plan in 4 phases of initiation, planning, execution, and closing. The project planning has comprised of listing the possible solutions of the project planning and executing the functions in more signified way. The explanation of project phases are given below,

Initialization: The initialization of the project is done in this phase by using proper initialization documentation. The analysis of the project closure can be efficient for using the implication of the functions listing the probable influence modification. The activities included in this phase are business case formation, feasibility study, formation of project charter, and resource accumulation and hiring. These activities must be completed for ensuring that the project can be initiated and the milestone for the project is ‘Project Kick off’.

Planning: The planning is the second method of using the possible and efficient implication formation. The planning phase would involve the use of the proper and efficient scheduling of the activities. The formation of proper project plan involves the formation of the activities and aligning the significant planning the project plan. The activities included in this phase are activity scheduling, resource management plan, risk management plan, cost management plan, acceptance criteria is identified, quality management plan, communication planning, and procurement functions. The closure of these phases would involve the using of the proper and efficient implication formation for the organization. The milestone for this phase of the project is plans approval.

Execution: The execution of the project plan formation is assistive of implying the using of the successive formation and formation. It is the most crucial form of functions and almost all activities and functions are executed in this phase. The involvement of the probable inclusion forming can be more efficient for implying the successful formation of project execution. The activities of execution are business analysis, cloud function selection, function are customized, migrating data, infrastructure is formed, checking the options, executing change management, transfer of knowledge, project management functions are tested, integration of functions, testing for user acceptance, and system formed. The formation can be helpful for implementing the functions and listing the probable execution of the project.

Closure: It is the final phase of the project forming and it would result in forming the final documentation for the project. The activities of closure are review of cloud function, sign off documentation, go-live of the cloud implementation, and closed. The closure can be helpful for listing the possible execution of listing the information forming.


The milestones of the project are efficiently deployed for marking the final closure of the project functions. The possible forming of the project plan is marked at the end points or termination points by milestones. The project milestones can be efficiently deployed for evaluating the formation of the successive and better functional forming The probable milestones of the project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization are given in the table below,


Milestone Name






Kick off

The kick off marks the closure of the initialization phase and it would also mark the closure of the initialization documentation and charter documentation.

0 days

Tue 9/25/18

Tue 9/25/18


Plans Approval

Project Plan has been approved in this milestone. The resource management plan, risk management plan, cost management plan, acceptance criteria is identified, quality management plan, communication planning, and procurement functions are completed in this milestone.

0 days

Wed 10/10/18

Wed 10/10/18


System Formed

The cloud computing technology is being formed and installed after closure of this phase. The closure of the cloud computing forming can be assisted by this milestone.

0 days

Fri 11/9/18

Fri 11/9/18



All the activities are terminated in this phase and the closure of the project is eased.

0 days

Mon 11/19/18

Mon 11/19/18

Project Schedule

The project schedule is formed for easing the using of the proper and efficient using of the functions. The project schedule had been formed using the agile methodology for executing the functions and alignment of the functions assisting the using of the efficient operation formation. The time management is a crucial aspect of implying the using of the profitable function formation. The project plan is iterative model and it would comprise of more than one activities running simultaneously. The formation of the project schedule has divided the project plan in 4 phases of initiation, planning, execution, and closing. The Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization project schedule is shown in table below,


Resource Accumulation and Hiring

5 days

Wed 9/19/18

Tue 9/25/18


Task Name





Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization

51 days

Mon 9/10/18

Mon 11/19/18



12 days

Mon 9/10/18

Tue 9/25/18


Business Case Development

3 days

Mon 9/10/18

Wed 9/12/18


Feasibility Study

3 days

Thu 9/13/18

Mon 9/17/18


Development of Project Charter

4 days

Thu 9/13/18

Tue 9/18/18


Kick off

0 days

Tue 9/25/18

Tue 9/25/18



11 days

Wed 9/26/18

Wed 10/10/18


Activity Scheduling

3 days

Wed 9/26/18

Fri 9/28/18


Resource Management Plan

4 days

Wed 9/26/18

Mon 10/1/18


Cost Management Plan

3 days

Wed 9/26/18

Fri 9/28/18


Quality Management Plan

4 days

Tue 10/2/18

Fri 10/5/18


Risk Management Plan

4 days

Wed 9/26/18

Mon 10/1/18


Acceptance Criteria is identified

3 days

Mon 10/1/18

Wed 10/3/18


Communication Planning

3 days

Mon 10/8/18

Wed 10/10/18


Procurement Operations

4 days

Thu 10/4/18

Tue 10/9/18


Plans Approval

0 days

Wed 10/10/18

Wed 10/10/18



39 days

Tue 9/18/18

Fri 11/9/18


Business Analysis

4 days

Tue 9/18/18

Fri 9/21/18


Cloud Function Selection

2 days

Thu 10/11/18

Fri 10/12/18


Function are customized

6 days

Mon 10/15/18

Mon 10/22/18


Migrating data

3 days

Tue 10/23/18

Thu 10/25/18


Infrastructure is developed

10 days

Mon 9/24/18

Fri 10/5/18


Checking the options

2 days

Mon 9/24/18

Tue 9/25/18


Executing change management

2 days

Tue 10/23/18

Wed 10/24/18


Transfer of knowledge

3 days

Fri 10/26/18

Tue 10/30/18


Project Management functions are tested

4 days

Thu 10/25/18

Tue 10/30/18


Integration of operations

8 days

Tue 10/23/18

Thu 11/1/18


Testing for user acceptance

6 days

Fri 11/2/18

Fri 11/9/18


System Developed

0 days

Fri 11/9/18

Fri 11/9/18



6 days

Mon 11/12/18

Mon 11/19/18


Review of cloud function

2 days

Mon 11/12/18

Tue 11/13/18


Sign off documentation

2 days

Wed 11/14/18

Thu 11/15/18


Go-live of the cloud implementation

2 days

Fri 11/16/18

Mon 11/19/18



0 days

Mon 11/19/18

Mon 11/19/18

The Gantt chart for the project has assisted in understanding the relation of the project activities and the time required for the completion of the project operations. The following is the Gantt chart for the project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization,

Figure 2: Gantt chart of the project

(Source: Created by the author)

Cost/Budget Management

The cost and budget management is a crucial factor for understanding the efficient and better functional forming. The resource management is very helpful for ensuring that the proper and better management of the overall cost can be done. The resource required for the project can be managed and their usage can be done efficiently for ensuring that the project can be completed in the allocated budget. A budgetary amount of $60,000 has been useful for the listing the formation and forming of activities. The overall cost estimation for the project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization is shown below,

Resource Name



Standard Rate


Project manager


104 hrs



Project planner


24 hrs



Database manager


24 hrs





40 hrs



Human resource manager


88 hrs



Risk analyst


32 hrs



Financial manager


24 hrs





80 hrs



Technical engineer


224 hrs





120 hrs





32 hrs



Construction Cost





Total Budget


A time phased budget for the project is made for checking the expenses and ensuring that the effective and smart project completion can be achieved. The time phase budget is the smart analysis of listing the innovative and smart technology execution for the project of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization. The diagram has been shown below,

Figure 3: Time Phased Budget for the project

(Source: Created by the author)

Human Resource Management

The human resource management is a crucial factor for aligning with the inclusion of the successive and efficient alignment of the functions and listing them for taking care of the activities of the project. The human resources for the project are

The following is the human resource usage plan for the project,

Resource Name



Project manager


104 hrs

Project planner


24 hrs

Database manager


24 hrs



40 hrs

Human resource manager


88 hrs

Risk analyst


32 hrs

Financial manager


24 hrs



80 hrs

Technical engineer


224 hrs



120 hrs



32 hrs

Construction Cost



Communication Matrix



Project Manager

Project team


Inmaking to be transferred

Project Requirement

Project Scope and Quality Activities

Progress of the project

Supply of the material

Communication Media

Reports, Board meetings

Face to face talk, Report

Documentation, Messages

Messages, Talk







Project Manager

Project Team

Project Manager


Risk Matrix

Risk Name

Over budget

Delay in Completion

Technical Issues

Human Errors






















The project final report is initiated by the use of the proper analysis of the business case, identification of the objectives, and understanding of the project scope statement. The project case study of Cloud Implementation in Retail Organization had been considered for ensuring the formation of the complete project management plan. The analysis of the improved project development had been implied for listing the project schedule, work breakdown structure, project Gantt chart, cost management, quality management, risk management, and final closure of the project.


Binder, J., 2016. Global project management: communication, collaboration and management across borders. Routledge.

Heagney, J., 2016. Fundamentals of project management. Amacom.

Heldman, K., 2018. PMP: project management professional exam study guide. John Wiley & Sons.

Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Larson, E.W., Gray, C.F., Danlin, U., Honig, B. and Bacarini, D., 2014. Project management: The managerial process (Vol. 6). Grandview Heights, OH: McGraw-Hill Education.

Lock, D., 2017. The essentials of project management. Routledge.

Marchewka, J.T., 2014. Information technology project management. John Wiley & Sons.

Meredith, J.R., Mantel, S.J., Shafer, S.M. and Sutton, M.M., 2014. Project management in practice. Wiley.

Martinelli, R.J. and Milosevic, D.Z., 2016. Project management toolbox: tools and techniques for the practicing project manager. John Wiley & Sons.

Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A.H., 2014. Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success. International journal of project management, 32(2), pp.202-217.

Nicholas, J.M. and Steyn, H., 2017. Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge.

Verzuh, E., 2015. The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley & Sons.

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