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7521Qca Design Thinking: Reflective Writing Assessment Answers

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It is my week 9 of design it workshop where I totally came to observation and understanding that if you have to solve a problem in design it you need to first collect the exact data and define the problem and empathize and ideate it and after all this procedure a prototype should be developed which helps to give better results in end solution. Prototype helps us to increase the quality of our business idea.

There are different types of prototypes like 2D and 3D and different techniques like sketching, story boarding, wireframing, physical and paper prototyping which needed to be selected according to our design tools and techniques which we are using in our business idea. After creating a prototype, we need to test it so that it can increase our visualization thoughts and our approach towards the idea and the flaws can be neglected either which can improve the end day results.

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Reflective Report

This reflective report will provide an overview of reflective writing through application of new ideas, past experiences and knowledge. It is a summary of all my weekly reflections and learning throughout my journey in design it workshop module. In the very first class of this workshop, I got an outline of design thinking (here in after referred as DT) process about which I was completely unknown. I read introduction about DT workshop in the Moodle and also main concepts within this unit.

After overview part, we all were given a short break for tea and refreshment and then workshop continued. After break we all members of the workshop got divided into groups containing 3-4 members. Total around 10 groups were formed in this group making event. Moreover, I was assigned a duty to distribute blank white papers to all of the groups and take them back. Those blank sheets were given to write outline and key concepts and design it unit’s basic definition. What I wrote on that paper was the design it definition in my own words. According to me it was an execution of a requisite design fulfilling a specified purpose. After writing definition exercise, we all were instructed to draw a design following the written definition on that paper (Liedtka, Ogilvie, & Brozenske, 2014). Now, in this drawing activity, I wriggled to draw it, because I was not having any prior idea regarding design it drawing, then my professor gave me a hint about the same. After getting superficial idea, I drew a rough design after thinking about design definition. Additionally, when all groups were successfully completed in sketching rough designs of their thinking definition then interactive session about sharing those ideas and sketching took place. We all were suggested to give feedback on all available opinions. During the end of the class, I myself concluded the session for my self-learning. The session was comprised of main five steps containing in the design thinking process, those are: Empathizing, Defining, Ideate, Prototyping and Testing (Hobcraft, 2017).

During my second week of the module, I learnt DT as a Deep dive methodology. According to me DT is someone’s own creative thoughts aiming to solve complex problems with a group of people through application of deep dive method. Additionally, deep dive methodology helps critical role in thinking creatively. When we see DT as a Deep dive method, then it is a team work process and it assists in refining the product’s quality accurately. The team persons should belong to diverse departments so that new as well as innovative ideas can be clubbed together (Dunne & Martin, 2006). A query regarding deep dive approach was raised during an activity that it is a linear or non-linear process. DT is a simple and linear process as all interacted people are real facing real situations. I learnt that base of DT is innovation and entrepreneurship (Drucker, 2014). It is a managerial decision making tool applied to produce best business oriented results within the market. According to DT process, the very first and important step in solving a problem is correct finding of the problem. Moreover, I concluded that each problem solving comprises of three major parts of Thinking about it, Acting on it and sensing it. As the visualization plays key role in defining what exactly need to be done (Kimbell, 2011). Moreover, after testing of the product, assumption testing is needed to execute services and products in a broader context.

During my third workshop of design it and I learnt DT theories, tools and concepts. I got to know that DT can be re-defined as understanding the problem and situation for a desired value by using design it tools and resources for the end result. I also learnt the theory of divergent thinking and convergent thinking (Kirzner, 2015). In DT process, the solution or desired value can be obtained by resolving the main problem which contains what and how of the situation. According to my acquired learning from second week of DT workshop, we can achieve success if we will not constraint our mind-set into business minded comfort zone and will have an open minded attitude towards learning (Lundvall, 2010). My design it workshop was having three assessments include: assessment-I: Poster making, assessment-II: Research report and presentation making, assessment-III: self-assessment and reflective report writing. I also learnt that designers’ mind-set and main values comprise of qualities like, peripheral vision, open-mindedness and clear communication (Dorst, 2011).

During the week-5, topic is about identification of the problems in the DT and solving them using the correct datasets and path. I got know that for solving problem through DT, the research data ought to be collected in a way that it is never contradictory (de Andrés Martínez, 2012). Additionally, after collecting of data it should not be changed until solution is obtained. Moreover, the problem is possible to be solved after finding the actual problem (Brown & Wyatt, 2010). One more aspect of problem solving is that it should be empathized first so that better solution in the favour of human being or the user can be obtained ( Fanguy, 2018). The topic of that workshop was design problems; with the outline include problem solving and problem finding, visualization as a DT tool and Persona DT tool. I got a detailed knowledge about DT principles like human centric viewpoint, observation, prototyping, active learning through experimentation, visualization, and mind-set of a beginner (Kuratko, 2005). I learnt one more thing that DT more than solving business problems as we can use this tool to find actual problems and their innovative solutions. Thus, my knowledge base after week-5 about design thinking was that if I need to solve a DT problem then I can consider each and everything as a DT problem and while doing that I must try to grab the obvious things and issues. I found a link from the tutor to solve a DT problem within our group’s assessment-2. Later then, I got to know some knowledge about persona as a DT tool, through visualising any persona activity (Martin, 2009).

After spending some weeks in the classes of DT workshop, I came to know that there is always a solution for each and every problem, which was needed to be resolved. My built up definition for the problem solving was that firstly we need to define and find the problem and handle it according to the situation and secondly we need to analyse the whole problem thoroughly and then find out appropriate resources so that the perfect solution of the problem can be acquired (Nelson, 2013). Additionally, I learnt that when dataset is not complete, contradictory or fluctuating then it will become difficult or the problem even cannot be resolved. At the end proper execution will play a major role in DT problem-solving. Later then the above process will be done, brainstorming and reverse brainstorming must be done in order to remove or avoid flaws. As we were already divided into groups for conducting activities purpose so an activity proceeded. In that activity, a set of circles was given to each of the group and we all were asked to solve it. Thus, for an example in 1-group, we got one circle as a balloon while others got a car wheel. Another group got football and coconut, and we asked to combine all of the group’s innovative ideas into a sole idea through analysing the given situation (Ortlipp, 2008).

Now that it was my ninth week of design it workshop, I learnt prototyping which was subdivided into two kinds of it as early prototyping and later prototyping. I got to know that Prototypes helps in increasing the efficiency, value and quality of any business idea. According to our business ides, we should select the correct prototyping tool. Because there were many types of prototypes such as 2-D and 3-D and their techniques like story boarding, sketching, wire framing, paper prototyping (Shamah, 2013). I understood that after creating that prototype, our group need to test it with the help of assumption testing in order to improve our visualization and approach towards the business idea ( Reynolds, 2018). By doing this step-by-step process one can execute his or her novel business idea effectively and improve it before real launching of the product according to the customer needs and wants. If I will summarize my experience for prototyping class then in my thinking, company build these to attract customers for buying the product but for doing so there are a lot of directional efforts needed ( Rosenø, 2018).

Later then, completing prototyping, I learnt Learning Launch which is a pre-step of the Real Launch. In my way, it is a way to effectively and timely connected with the customers by the company. Whenever an organization launches their product in the market during its initial phase of real launching, it is called learning launch ( Naiman, 2017). Learning launch’s purpose was very clear to all of us that a company need to sure about if their products and services are fulfilling the consumer’s needs and giving full satisfaction to them or not. For learning launch, concrete preparation, full proof planning and invitees participation is very much essential (Shamah, 2013).

After completing class about assumption testing and learning launch, our tutor suggested to all of us abut preparing presentation as well as a research report on the DT problem which we had chosen (Scarborough, 2016). He also told us the importance of the report writing and good presentation skills. I got to know that during the next week, we all will be presenting our business idea with our group members and queries related to our idea will be asked to all of us (Nelson, 2013).

During next week in DT workshop module, there were presentations scheduled by the tutor. Our group was one of them, and my team’s number was 3rd among the all scheduled presentations. In the beginning of the class, tutor told us that there is also a process of presentation delivering by the distance students; they will also be needed to discuss their idea through effective presentation with the unit coordinator. I observed each and every one while presenting their idea in the class, all teams presented very well. When I was observing them, I was also watching their hand movements and English, communication skills and the whole way of communicating with all of us. As our number was 3rd so we all were a bit nervous about queries part, though we all were prepared with full strong research base formed. Our presentation also went very smooth, all team members did well. During this week, I got to know an important flaw of mine, as in the beginning when I was about to start the introduction and overview part which was assigned to me I got blank because of the stage fear and nervousness ( Dubey, 2018). Later then, when I started with flow I delivered my presentation in a fabulous interactive way. After ours presentation all other groups presented their DT and business idea innovation. Being an entrepreneur, one should apply open minded innovation and creativity in business idea implementation I order to achieve correct problem solving and consumer’s happiness as well as long term satisfaction (Scarborough, 2016).

Moreover, after presentations got completed we all instructed to assess our own presentations as well as we were supposed to give feedbacks on others presentations. Additionally, tutor told us that now the assessment-III, will going to be submitted in the next two weeks so we all need to submit reflective report as well as self and peer-review assignment.

At the end of the week of the design workshop, the last module was containing designing of the designer’s views and thinking. Summary, application, practical aspects, feedbacks and reflection, above all about the workshop were discussed in the closing session of DT workshop (Drucker, 2014). Moreover, applicability of Design thinking process, growth design, design consistency, industry re-designing, strategies designing, tools like mind-set mapping, journey mapping and deep-dive thinking these all tools were covered within the workshop module ( Claes, 2017).

Thus, my interpretation abut whole DT workshop module was that without innovation there cannot be any business survived (Becker, Kugeler, & Rosemann, 2013). If any company need to sustain in the market and also want to build good image within the marketplace while struggling with competitors then innovation and business need to be combined through Design thinking process, tools and techniques. This approach is customer oriented as well as innovation based rather than completely business and revenue oriented (Asheim, 2007). I got to know that interactions with consumers is perfect way of doing great business as it tells about the changes company should amend in their services to attract maximum good customers in the market. I learnt the significance of ethical approach in each and every activity of our life. Ethics are very much important in daily, personal as well as professional life. If our approach for the business will be ethical then there will be no barriers in the path of achieving success in the marketplace. Journey mapping and empathy mapping are not only helpful in the management field but also they have a wider application in daily life. Journey mapping is helpful in each and every activity of our regular schedule, it is away through which we can manage any task and problem in set-by-step easy process. On the other hand, empathy mapping will allow me to know other feelings, ideas and viewpoints about me and my work ( Claes, 2017).

As the Design thinking workshop module is so useful in management field as well as business processes yet it is not bounded within the business area. This concept can be applied to any real-life problem solving, analytical processes and practical problem solving. Thus, I will further utilize this concept in my project management task within the next six months. Additionally, I will practice a real-time survey in any FMCG company to apply these above tools of DT and see their real applicability. Self and peer-assessment, that is a part of assessment-III, will help in improving my social skills and enhancing self-practice. This will be my future action plan in next six months in order to learn best knowledge and develop my personality through design thinking process. I will also apply reflective learning method for future personal development as well as professional development.


Claes, G. (2017, October 3). When, which … Design Thinking, Lean, Design Sprint, Agile? Retrieved from medium.com: https://medium.com/@geertwlclaes/when-which-design-thinking-lean-design-sprint-agile-a4614fa778b9

Dubey, A. (2018, February 18). 10 Amazing Leadership Lessons From Design Thinking. Retrieved from addicted2success.com: https://addicted2success.com/success-advice/10-amazing-leadership-lessons-from-design-thinking/

Fanguy, W. (2018, jun 1). Why the world needs more design thinking. Retrieved from www.invisionapp.com: https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/world-needs-more-design-thinking

Naiman, L. (2017, April 21). Why Your HR Department Should Embrace Design Thinking. Retrieved from www.inc.com: https://www.inc.com/linda-naiman/6-ways-hr-applies-design-thinking-to-deliver-engaging-employee-experiences.html

Reynolds, G. (2018). Ethics in Information Technology (6th ed.). Boston, USA: Cengage Learning. Retrieved September 18, 2018

Rosenø, A. (2018, February 12). Design Thinking - More Than Just a Method. Retrieved from Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/design-thinking-more-than-just-method-axel-rosen%C3%B8/

Asheim, B. (2007). Differentiated knowledge bases and varieties of regional innovation systems. Innovation, 20(3), 223-241.

Becker, J., Kugeler, M., & Rosemann, M. (2013). Process management: a guide for the design of business processes. London: Springer Science & Business Media.

Brown, T., & Wyatt, J. (2010). Design thinking for social innovation. Development Outreach, 12(1), 29-43.

de Andrés Martínez, C. (2012). Developing metacognition at a distance: sharing students’ learning strategies on a reflective blog. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25(2), 199-212.

Dorst, K. (2011). The core of ‘design thinking’and its application. Design studies, 32(6), 521-532.

Drucker, P. (2014). Innovation and entrepreneurship (1 ed.). London: Routledge.

Dunne, D., & Martin, R. (2006). Design thinking and how it will change management education: An interview and discussion. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 5(4), 512-523.

Hobcraft, P. (2017, August 17). An introduction to Design Thinking for Innovation Managers. Retrieved from blog.hypeinnovation.com: https://blog.hypeinnovation.com/an-introduction-to-design-thinking-for-innovation-managers

Kimbell, L. (2011). Rethinking design thinking: Part I. Design and Culture, 3(3), 285-306.

Kirzner, I. M. (2015). Competition and entrepreneurship (Vol. 1). Chicago: University of Chicago press.

Kuratko, D. F. (2005). The emergence of entrepreneurship education: Development, trends, and challenges. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 29(5), 577-597.

Liedtka, J., Ogilvie, T., & Brozenske, R. (2014). The designing for growth field book: A step-by-step project guide (1 ed.). New York: Columbia University Press,.

Lundvall, B. A. (2010). National systems of innovation: Toward a theory of innovation and interactive learning (Vol. 2). London: Anthem press.

Martin, R. L. (2009). The design of business: Why design thinking is the next competitive advantage. (1 ed.). Boston: Harvard Business Press.

Nelson, R. R. (2013). National Innovation Systems: It is. In Regional Innovation And Global, 1(1), 19-34.

Ortlipp, M. (2008). Keeping and using reflective journals in the qualitative research process. The qualitative report, 13(4), 695-705.

Scarborough, N. M. (2016). Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management (Vol. 1). London: Pearson.

Shamah, R. (2013). Measuring and building lean thinking for value creation in supply chains. International Journal of Lean, 4(1), 17-35.

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