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7002ICT Assignment 1 Project Management

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You have been contracted by a company to develop an information system for $50,000. During this assignment, you will provide a project management plan for the proposed system.

The business that you design the information system for is of your own choosing. Preferably develop a system for an area that you are interested in, have had prior experience, or perhaps for a company you work for.

You cannot design the system for the same company that another student has chosen, nor can you reproduce a design for an existing well-known company. The information system you chose should be of small to medium size/complexity.

  1. Identify the Problem – Provide a one-page system vision document that outlines the problem description, system capabilities, and the expected business benefits.
  2. Quantify Project Approval Factors – Complete the following tasks :
  3. Provide a table with a breakdown of the estimated time for project completion using Excel or a similar program.
  4. Provide a table with a summary of the development costs for the project and system using Excel or a similar program (use Australian dollars).
  5. Provide a table with a summary of the estimated annual operating costs using Excel or a similar program (use Australian dollars).
  6. Undertake a cost/benefit analysis:
  7. Describe the anticipated benefits from the deployment of the new system (outline tangible and intangible benefits).
  8. Provide a table with a summary of estimated annual benefits.
  9. Perform a Risk and Feasibility Analysis – Complete the following tasks:
  10. Determine organisational risks and feasibility.
  11. Evaluate technological risks and feasibility.
  12. Assess resource risks and feasibility.
  13. Identify schedule risks and feasibility


Identify the problem

The report is concerned with the project of development of an information system for the ABC organization. The report includes the details of the development of the project and the different type of feasibility study that would justify the project.

Problem Description

The ABC company which is being considered is a car inventory business who sells tools and parts of the cars for rectifying them. All the process of storing the details of the finances and client details are done in the organization manually in the current situation. Hence the process of serving the clients and maintain efficiency in the business procedures are hampered to a great extent.

System Capabilities

The system which is to be designed would be able to perform the tasks of automating the process of the business of the organization. The system should be able to perform the tasks of storing the details of the inventory system into a database so that the staffs of the organization can easily update their customers about the product and also make an efficient financial structure with much of a fuss.

Expected Business benefits

After the implementation of the system the organization would be able to speed up their procedures and reduce the overall response time for their customers. The system would also benefit the organization financially and help them to achieve a higher level of customer satisfaction.

Quantify project approval factors

Project Schedule

The Schedule of the project is provided below:

Task Name




Inventory Storage System

47 days

Mon 03-09-18

Tue 06-11-18

Project Initiation

5 days

Mon 03-09-18

Fri 07-09-18

Meeting with the clients

1 day

Mon 03-09-18

Mon 03-09-18

Present process Analysis

2 days

Tue 04-09-18

Wed 05-09-18

Identification of the areas for improvement

1 day

Thu 06-09-18

Thu 06-09-18

Requirement Analysis

1 day

Fri 07-09-18

Fri 07-09-18

Project Planning

2 days

Mon 10-09-18

Tue 11-09-18

project schedule

1 day

Mon 10-09-18

Mon 10-09-18

Budget Allocation

1 day

Tue 11-09-18

Tue 11-09-18

Project Design

7 days

Wed 12-09-18

Thu 20-09-18

Hardware and Software Procurement

2 days

Wed 12-09-18

Thu 13-09-18

Hardware and Software Set Up

3 days

Fri 14-09-18

Tue 18-09-18

Wireframe designs

2 days

Wed 19-09-18

Thu 20-09-18

Project Implementation

21 days

Fri 21-09-18

Fri 19-10-18

Database Setup

5 days

Fri 21-09-18

Thu 27-09-18

Front end designing

7 days

Fri 28-09-18

Mon 08-10-18

Back end Design

5 days

Tue 09-10-18

Mon 15-10-18

Project Integration

4 days

Tue 16-10-18

Fri 19-10-18

Project Testing

6 days

Mon 22-10-18

Mon 29-10-18

System Testing

2 days

Mon 22-10-18

Tue 23-10-18

Upgrade the system

4 days

Wed 24-10-18

Mon 29-10-18

Project Delivery

4 days

Tue 30-10-18

Fri 02-11-18

Preparation of Project Manual

2 days

Tue 30-10-18

Wed 31-10-18

Delivery of the Project Documentation

1 day

Thu 01-11-18

Thu 01-11-18

Uploading the project on the domain of the Organization

1 day

Fri 02-11-18

Fri 02-11-18


2 days

Mon 05-11-18

Tue 06-11-18

Assignment of the personnel to the project

1 day

Mon 05-11-18

Mon 05-11-18

Scheduling project maintenance

1 day

Tue 06-11-18

Tue 06-11-18

Development cost of the project

The development cost of the project is provided below:

Task Name


Inventory Storage System


Project Initiation


Meeting with the clients


Present process Analysis


Identification of the areas for improvement


Requirement Analysis


Project Planning


project schedule


Budget Allocation


Project Design


Hardware and Software Procurement


Hardware and Software Set Up


Wireframe designs


Project Implementation


Database Setup


Front end designing


Back end Design


Project Integration


Project Testing


System Testing


Upgrade the system


Project Delivery


Preparation of Project Manual


Delivery of the Project Documentation


Uploading the project on the domain of the Organization




Assignment of the personnel to the project


Scheduling project maintenance


Annual Operating cost of the project

The Annual Operating Cost of the project is around $2000 dollars. The detail of the resource Sheet is provided below:

Resource Name


Material Label



Max. Units

Std. Rate

Project Manager







System analyst







Database Designer







Server machine






System Developer







Software Platform






System Designer







Cost benefit Analysis

The Cost benefit analysis of the project is provided below:

Cost benefit analysis for Infromation System


Year 0

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Annual benefits







Development cost







Annual Operating Cost







Net benefit/costs







Net cash flow







Discount factors


Discount rate



Year Index







Discount factor







Discounted flows






























Net present value






Payback Analysis








Payback Period in Years



Estimated Annual Benefits

The annual benefits from the project is estimated at $10,000. These benefits are obtained from the staff’s salaries and the increased sales rate for the organization. A detailed report is provided below:

Estimated Annual Benefits


 Annual Income

Benefits of the increased sales

 $ 6,t000.00

Employees Salary Benefits

 $ 4,000.00


 $ 10,000.00

Perform a Risk and Feasibility Analysis

Organizational Risks and Feasibility

The organization deals with a car parts business, and hence the organization requires an efficient storage system that would be helpful for them in storing the major details of the product catalogues and the information about the incomes and expenses of the business. The current procedures in the organization requires the work to be done manually. And this takes up a lot of time. Hence, the introduction of the information system for the organization is very beneficial for the business of the ABC Organization. However, there is risk involved with the introduction of the system to the organization and that is their employees would be losing out on their position if the procedures in the organization arte automated. However, on the other side this would be reducing the costs of the organization and the organization would an overall benefit from the system hence the project is feasible for the organization.

Technological risks and feasibility

The introduction of the inventory system would be technically feasible for the o0regnication as this would help the organization to speed up their processes and reduce the response time for their clients to a great extent. The procedures within the organization would be automated with the help of the IT services. However, there is chance of employees facing difficulty in performing their tasks in the system, although this can be mitigated easily by providing proper training to the employees and also submitting the documentation and the manual of the project to the office so that the employees can understand the details of project and work efficiently on the system.

Resource Risks and Feasibility

The main risk with the resources is that the project does not follow the iterative model and hence the risk of the resources falling short can take place. This affect the progress of the project and stall the further progress of the project. There might be situations where are the project has to be stopped due to lack of resources. Additionally, there can be situation where the resource allocated are more than abundant for the project then there is chance of unnecessary expenses for the organization. However, this can be mitigated with proper planning and budget analysis and according to the cost benefit analysis and project schedule the project is economically feasible and hence, the risks regarding the resources can also be addressed easily.

Schedule Risks and Feasibility

The project schedule is created according to the plan for the implementation. One of the risk involved with the schedule of the project is that the project has been estimated to be completed in around 47 days and if the project takes longer than 47 days then the cost estimation done with respect to the schedule of the project, and hence any alteration in the schedule would also change the estimation in budget of the project. However efficient planning would result in the feasibility of the schedule of the project.

Establish the Project Environment

Planning and Monitoring activities

The details of the hardware and the software required for the development of the system has been described in the tables provide below. The table below provides the details of the hardware for the system:

Hardware Requirement for the system


Computer Name or Hardware Description



CPU speed


Hard Drive Size

Serial Number

Replacement Cost



Project Manager

Needs the system for assigning the tasks


Compaq 6200







Monitoring the systems












Compaq dx7400

2.33 GHz





System Developer



Compaq dx7400

2.33 GHz





Database Designer



Compaq dx7400

2.33 GHz





System Analyst



Compaq dx7400

2.33 GHz







Server Room

Sever administrator


Compaq Proliant ML350






Server Room

Database Administrator


Compaq Proliant ML350










Breakroom LaserJet


LaserJet 2055dn




Hardware Total



The details of the software requirements for the development of the system is provided below:

Software Requirement of the development of the system




Operating System


Number of Licenses

Replacement Cost


All Servers


Small Business


2003 - Premium


 $ 24,300.00

All Workstations


Small Business




 $ 2,000.00


All Workstations


Office Standard




 $ 168.00


Software Total


 $ 26,468.00

Work Environment

The working environment of the project should be very efficient and all the team members should be co-operative with the project manager and also make an effort in maintenance of all the responsibilities of the team members. In addition to this, the information system installation in the office would help the staffs of the organization to perform their task better with an increased level of efficiency. In addition to this, the safety measures of the employees and the data of the organization are to be kept safe from any type harmful activities. The machines installation is to be protected with a suitable barricade and also it is to be seen that no other employee except the administrator has access to systems. In addition to this, the access control for the access to the information system is to be maintained and the administrator should see to it that no other staffs or employees are granted permission without proper reasoning to access the main severs of the system. This would help in maintaining the workplace safety and free the employees from any type of hazards. In addition to this, the safety in the data access control for the systems would also help the organization in maintaining the confidentiality of their data which would safeguard them from any type of external intrusion of the system and prevent any type of data mismanagement and data deletion.

Process and the Procedures to be used

For the development of the system the Visual Studios are to be used and the front end development is to be done on the GUI of the Visual Studio Interface and in Addition to this, the Microsoft Sql Server is to be used for the development of the database for the system.

Work Breakdown Structure

The Work breakdown structure is an important aspect for any type of development and any type of project. The WBS (work breakdown structure) breaks a complex, unclear, confusing cluster of interdependent work-to-do into smaller, clear and clearly arranged form. Based on this structure, we can assign, manage, control the resources we need to complete for each of the work-packages - not only the human resources, material and underlying time and costs needed, but we can use this structure for assigning the project-discussion and attached project-files as well. The Work Breakdown Structure for the project with which the report is concerned in here is provided below:

The main processes of the design of the information system for the organization are project initiation, project planning, project design, project implementation, project testing, project delivery and maintenance. The main summary task of the project is the Inventory Storage system.

Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart is an important tool which is to be considered for the development of any type project and useful in measuring the critical path of the project for any type of system development. A Gantt Chart is a pretty handy thing for planning a project, especially when it is used along with very rigorous application of the Critical Path Method (CPM). Without CPM, it is still a Gantt Chart, but also is just a collection of unconnected bars and its usefulness is greatly diminished. The Gantt Chart of the project that is being concerned with this report is provided below:

The above defined project consists of 25 activities which is to be completed in 47 days. In addition to this, the Gantt chart also displays the CPM for the project easily and it can be seen easily that the project consists of a single critical path and hence, it can be concluded that the project development is done in a waterfall model.


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