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7001Eng Research Methods - Sem Assessment Answers

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Aim: To write a comprehensive research paper with a research plan based on extending the research outlined in the journal paper you have selected at the start of the course.

In undertaking this exercise, you must demonstrate the following:

  • Technical knowledge of the research topic
  • A review of the previous work in the field 
  • A research plan including § a research hypothesis,
  • an outline of the planned methods to be used,
  • the method of gaining and analysing the data,
  • the statistical methods needed to prove your hypothesis,
  • follow up research plan
  • plots, figures, equations, flow charts, maps, etc.


SEM Analysis during Conventional Treatment of CMP Process Wastewater


Nanoscale materials are some major impurities emerging from engineering processes and disposed in waste waters which become a major source of toxicity. Nanotechnology has led to the increase in the rate of production of nanoscale materials. The increased rate of production has an equivalent effect in increasing the rate of pollution. For this effect to be dealt with, the producing companies have to put in place rules and regulations that have to be adhered to. Waste water treatment procedures have been put in place in order to determine the amount of nenoscale materials present.

Scanning electron microscopy was used in the determination of whether nanoscare electrons are available in waste water. This process will determine the rate of pollution caused by nanoscale elements. The nanoscale electrons are determined to contain silicon and aluminum electrons which are highly harmful to the environment if disposed inappropriately. The main sources of this electrons are the industries which release their untreated waste into waste water systems and end up in water bodies or to the dry land and as a result cause harm.

Metal oxide present in the nanoscale electrons has been identified to have a great negative impact on aquatic animals. This occurs as a result of its affinity in dissolving in water and as a resort the aquatic animals easily absorb it into their bodies. This metal oxide then causes death of the aquatic animals and also leads to drying up of aquatic plants. Different government agencies in collaboration have implemented regulations to help in the regulation of these materials. Such regulations will help in the reduction of the possible effects of nanoscale electrons to human health. 

Nanoscale electrons also have an impact in the general human activities such as waste water treatment process. The availability of the electrons in waste water will require additional procedures to be implemented in the water treatment procedures. These additional procedures lead to additional costs which affect the general performance of human activities. Most of the water treatment procedures include natural methods such as siltation and decantation which do not require complex procedures and equipment to be performed.

Experimental materials and methods

The experimental materials are meant for the procedural waste water treatment which contains the nanoscale electrons. The system is divided into two major sub-systems. One of the systems contains waste water which contains acidic slurry while the other contains the general waste water slurry. The slurry first accommodated in the solid waste tank whereby the liquid waste overflows to the adjacent tank. The waste water is then passed through the first filter which removes particle sediments. The filter is referred to as polyester bad filter. The waste water is then passed through another which is made of carbon canister which helps in the removal of organic materials in the waste water. The third filter removes copper and it is made of cation-exchange resin canister. The fourth filter is made of a plastic drum which contain fine sieve and its purpose is to remove fine particles that may be remaining in the water.

After the various water treatment procedures, effluents are thereafter combined in one tank and all the filters that were used in the filtration process are emptied manually. After the combination of the effluents, pH neutralization of performed to reduce the acidity or alkalinity of the water before it is disposed of to various water bodies or the appropriate place of disposal. After waste water treatment, the water can be recycled back to the industries of companies for reuse as it is save and free from harmful substances. 


This is a waste water treatment procedure which is facilitated by the forces of gravity. Heavy sediments settle at the base of septic tanks and allow effluent to flow. The advantage of this treatment procedure is that when it is performed on non-toxic slurry, the recovered residue cab be used for a more useful purpose. The residue can be used for agricultural purposes in making fertilizers as well as manure. This improves the soil fertility of a given piece of land and result improved on yields. This method does not require technical know-how since it is facilitated by the force of gravity [11]. Sedimentation eases the process of waste water treatment since it facilitates the decantation of possibly all the solid particles available in the waste water.


Oxidation significantly reduces the biochemical oxygen demand by waste water. This helps in the reduction of the waste water toxicity. Once the waste water is oxidized it becomes less harmful to the environment upon which it is being released. This procedure is performed to all waste water in the early stages of water treatment. Oxidation is done in two different methods. Biochemical oxidation entails the dissolving of colloidal organic compounds into the waste water. The main purpose for this oxidation is to remove organic compounds that are useful in the ecosystem. This type of oxidation is mostly performed in sewages [12]. Chemical oxidation on the other hand helps in the eradication of persistent organic pollutant. Additionally, it helps in killing of bacteria and pathogens available in waste water that are harmful to the environment.

Removal of ammonia from CMP process

Ammonia is one of the most harmful substances when released in to the environment. It leads to death of aquatic animals once the waste water is released into streams. Ammonium hydroxide is mainly used in the planarization process as an extractor of oxide. After the process it is then removed from the waste water using Ovivo system. This system has an added advantage of extracting pure water which can be recycled. The ammonia retrieved from this process can also be reused in the extraction of oxide in a concurrent purification process [10].

Importance of Ovivo systems in wastewater treatment

It helps in the control of silicon to avoid clogging of the system. This makes the water treatment process effective and fast due to reduced clogging which would stop the water treatment process. Additionally, it is a chemical free process which is more recommendable for water treatment since there is no addition of water contaminants into the waste water during the treatment process. Moreover, it contains a robust membrane which is strong and treatment process which reduces the cost of purification hence low cost of operation. Water reclaimed from this process is effective for reuse or can be safely disposed into water bodies without causing any effects to aquatic or human life.

Importance of wastewater treatment

Restoring water supply is one of the major importances of water treatment. A company needs a lot of water to facilitate its normal operations. Most machines in companies need water to cool down their temperatures as well as to enhance their functioning. Water after being used in the industries becomes wastewater which needs to be treated before it is disposed. A company can implement its own internal water treatment procedures and use the treated water through the recycling process back in the operations. This would help in saving the cost of getting water from external sources.

Additionally, protecting the environment and the planet as a whole is an important aspect. Waste water is a major source of environmental pollution. Treatment of wastewater would help in the improvement of the general outlook of our planet. The Nano electrons found in waste water have a major negative impact towards the drying up of vegetation. Once waste water is treated, these harmful substances will not be released in to the environment and as a result environmental pollution will be reduced. Water pollution also leads to the reduction of water volumes available in water sources. This happens as a result of the sediments available in waste water settling at the base of water sources making them to dry up.

Challenges facing the treatment of wastewater

High energy consumption is a major challenge in the treatment of waste water. This energy is consumed by the machines that are used in the process of water purification. The energy used ads up to 3% of the overall energy produced in a country. Through the use of upcoming technologies, scientists are creating mew methodologies that can be used in water treatment without much energy consumption. Upcoming technologies are providing alternative methods to be used as a source of energy to be used in the water purification process.

Additionally, staffing is a problem in the treatment of wastewater. This is because wastewater treatment requires qualifies staff that are capable of performing the expected duties according to the required procedures. They have to possess the technical knowhow of running of machines and performing of other procedures. The cost of containing such qualified staff is high and which becomes a major hindrance in water treatment. This problem can be well sorted through the adoption of new technologies whereby a small number of personnel is needed in the running of these machines [8]. It also helps in saving time and facilitating efficient and effective performance of duty. Imposing an in-house water treatment plant in a company would be highly beneficial as there would be no need to employ new staff for the waste water treatment. The available staff only needs additional training on the performance of the duties.

Moreover, insufficient infrastructure has been a major hindrance in the smooth running of water treatment processes. These infrastructures include pipelines, septic tanks, tunnels, dams as well as treatment facilities. These infrastructures facilitate the treatment of wastewater to enhance the removal of all harmful substances before disposal. To deal with this limitation, the government in each country should take responsibility to ensure that there is sufficient infrastructure in the sewerage sector. Finances are also a major limitation in the water treatment process. The machines need adequate finances for the initial purchase and continued maintenance. The high cost of spare parts of machines pose a great challenge to water treatment. This leads to the disposal of untreated waste water in water bodies or on dry land leading to environmental pollution.


Prior identification of waste water containing nanoscale electrons would help in the determination of the appropriate water treatment method to be used. Waste water containing other slurry can be isolated and purified using a lesser expensive method. This will help in reducing the cost of cleaning waste water using the purifying machines which need a lot of energy. The implementation of rules and regulations by the government in each country concerning the treatment and disposal of waste water will improve on the environmental well-being. Environmental conservation will help in the preservation of the rare species especially in marine life for the sake of future generation. Disposal of contaminated waste water will therefore hinder the achievement of this specific goal. The rules will help in offering guidance to all the existing industries and upcoming ones on the precautions to take before indulging in waste water disposal and the possible consequences.

Additionally, public education is a major opportunity which is focused on the appropriate methods to be used in waste water treatment. This can be imposed in different learning institutions as well as done on open day public education forums. Education may entail the appropriate water treatment machines that are cost friendly, effective and efficient for the treatment of waste water. The public can also be educated on natural ways of treating water which does not contain toxic materials which need complex procedures to deal with .

Preferably, environmental and release fate forms the essential areas for the further research in due course. There is wide application of silver nanoparticles in line with the overall wastewater treatment unit. The nanoparticles often transform into the parametric silver sulfide and the result in sludge. The concept mainly viewed as a new concept in line with sliver life cycle nanoparticles. The overall analogy mainly used in the further investigation into the environmental impact. Silver has been utilized as an antimicrobial specialist for centuries, and the expanded surface region offered by the nanoparticle type of the metal offers more noteworthy germ-executing limit. Today, makers add silver nanoparticles to many shopper items, including sustenance stockpiling compartments, dress, PC consoles, beauty care products, pads, phones, and therapeutic machines. Silver is water solvent, so contact with dampness, for example, a shower or a turn in the clothes washer washes some out and sends it into wastewater frameworks. "We needed to realize what type of silver enters the earth after it goes down the deplete and goes through sewage treatment plants," says Michael Hochella, a geochemist at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and chief of common and accidental nanoparticles for the multi-organize Center for the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology. Muck from sewage treatment offices can wind up as landfill or soil changes in agrarian manures or it very well may be singed in incinerators. In 2006 and 2007 the U.S. Ecological Protection Agency (EPA) investigated sewage slop tests from 74 civil wastewater treatment offices across the country and tried for 28 metals, including silver (which was distinguished in all the samples).Through the EPA, Hochella and postdoctoral individual Bojeong Kim acquired solidified examples of muck from a Midwest office. They presumed it would contain the nanosilver particles presently utilized in buyer items despite the fact that the EPA's objective in testing was just to acquire national evaluations of the centralizations of chose analyses, not recognize nanoparticles .

Discussion and Results

Nanoparticles Distribution in Wastewater Treatment Unit

The distribution of the particles in the wastewater treatment is not only important but also essential in the meantime [5]. In fact, the analysis on the distribution as far as the study is concerned mainly grounded on the investigation of the TiO2 as well as ZnO. The overall evaluation and the treatment procedure adopted in the examination often described via the application of the treatment unit as indicated in the diagram below

Figure Showing the Distribution of the Nanoparticles in the Treatment Unit

The statistical data analysis as far as the study is concerned mainly summarized as indicated in the table below .

The results reports a wide range of variance as well as the denoted reduction in their occurrence as far as the statistically fundamental results are concerned. Additionally, the particles often prepared in the situ state in which the dying concept was applied and this mainly aimed at reducing the prevalent particles which exists the overall sampling particles. This aims at reducing the makeable surface layer impacts in the long run. The application of the SEM imaging facilitated the observations of the overall nanoparticles which could not have been attained via the application of the necked eyes in the long run. Furthermore, the analysis established that the particles often tend to be present in the overall process even in the parametric weir box. In essence, the weir box is the prevalent and the final point from which the municipal wastewater tends to be discharged to the stream. The particle mean value established from the analysis indicated an overall diameter of at least 54 nm with the overall standard deviation marked as (SD ± 18 nm). Subsequently, the spherical shaped also denoted the average similar size as well as shape in comparison to the ones recorded for the CMP slurries samples in the preferred processes. Size distribution for the overall particles gathered from the analysis mainly illustrated as indicated in the figure below. The data mainly grounded on the EDX data analogy in the meantime. 

Figure showing both the comparison between the nanoparticle diameters as well as the cumulative percentage recorded .

The figure above mainly used in the overall sizing approach for the nanoparticles in line with the weir box. The samples used in the process mainly drawn from the overall weir box results gathered for each week. The first graph shown the size ranges for the particles recorded for each week. On the other hand, the plot below indicates the cumulative ratios recorded for each particle in line with normalized size denoted as 100% in line with data for each week.

Interactions between Engineered Nanoparticles and Sludge Particulates: Uptake Mode

First and foremost, there is a study on the interaction which tends to exist between the makeable sludge particles in line with the nano-TiO2 alongside nano-ZnO.in essence, this study reported that there is an existing interaction often denoted in the meantime and this preferably results in the larger sedimentations which are marked by the ENP capture. The particles mainly reported as the vital norms and they tend to settle as the demarcated sludge particulates. Also, there is the application of the preferential sedimentation method due course and this leads to the development of the laboratory concept often marked as the free nanoparticles mass and they tend to have ENP and sludge particulates. Notably, the results gathered can be used to analyze the overall effects in the finite form in line with the adsorption isotherms. The overall process of uptaking the ENP in line with the sludge particulates mainly described via the application of the Fruendlich adsorption isotherms. The equation for the process mainly expressed as q = kC1/n, and in this expression the parameters essentially denoted as q, k, C as well as n are the adsorption density, constant, equilibrium free concentration of ENP, and exponential constant, respectively. Furthermore, the overall concept in line with the parametric linearized Fruendlich adsorption illustrated as summarized in the table below

Furthermore, the results for the overall analysis mainly illustrated as shown in the graphical analysis below

Interactions between Engineered Nanoparticles and Sludge Particulates Graphical Analysis

Expected Outcomes

Preferably, there is a wide application when it comes to the nanotechnology utilizations and the usage often ranges from the industrial, agricultural as well as environmental sectors. In essence, the nanotechnology in line with the wastewater treatment has got the utilization which incorporates the microbial array chips as well as the molecular fabrication assemblies. Furthermore, the norm not only have the vital advantages in line with its application in the current set up but also have significant disadvantages which cannot go unnoticed. Some of the disadvantages impacts in different areas such the air, water, soil as well as environmental compartments and the effects of this affects human health either directly or indirect. Subsequently, the effects mainly results from the action of the common metals on the environment. The effects of the nanoparticles in the wastewater treatment mainly depicted in line with the in line with the consequential hazards grounded on the size and the shape. Furthermore, the nanomaterial mainly believed to results from both the industrial as well as the household commodities. The nanomaterial mainly introduced in the system via the waste disposal routes and then they move through the various actions into the wastewater treatment facticity as well as end in the wastewater sludge in the long run. If not proper controlled and managed, the actions of the nanoparticles tend to result in the contamination of the soil as well as the overall aquatic environment. Therefore, the overall understanding of the undulation and the concept of the wastewater as well as the makeable particles in line with the impacts, behavior as well as the presence of the particles in the system is not only important in the due course but also essential in the long run. furthermore, various studies have indicated that nontechnology have got a wider application in line with the overall toxicity wastewater as well as in the overall content of the wastewater sludge in the long run.


Water treatment is an important aspect in the promotion of a healthy environment. This occurs as a result of reduced environmental pollution that happens as a result of disposal of waste water in water bodies or dry land. Disposal of waste water in water bodies lead to death of both aquatic plants and animals and as a result the normal ecosystem is affected. This happens as a result of the harmful substances available in waste water. Companies should implement procedures to ensure that all their waste water is safely treated before being released into the environment or being reused. Water treatment entails the removal of harmful substances such as nanostatic electrons, ammonium and other contaminants


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