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6201ENG Air Quality Monitoring: Air Pollution Control Technology

Lead is usually found naturally as a sulfide ore containing small amounts of copper, iron, zinc and other trace elements. Processing involves three major steps - sintering, reduction and refining. Lead reduction is carried out in a blast furnace. 

The main parameters of the exhaust gas:

Temperature of exhaust gas stream- 110°C
Flow rate - 23,000m3/h
Concentration of particles: 1.2 g/m3
SOx: 0.023 g/m3
Particle size distribution: 
Cumu!atare concentration, %

You are asked to design and construct a suitable air pollution control technology to prevent the emission of particulate pollutant to the atmosphere. The final document must include:

1. Introduction (description of the main process and air pollution sources).

2. Literature review (description of relevant various alternative air pollution control technologies, their advantages and disadvantages and analysis of the possibility of utilisation for the particular process).

3. Main chapter (design and costing of the air pollution control technology: calculations, diagrams, sketches, etc). Two devices (for preliminary and final purification) must be designed and their drawings along with the entire technology layout must be presented.

4. Conclusions and recommendations.

Local Emission Standards (maximum allowed emissions) : CO- 0.04 W m3; NOx— 0.05 g/ m3; SOx— 0.03 g/ m3; Particles— 0.02 W m3; Others —0.05 g/ na3 



It is one of the considerable incongruities of the twentieth century that we ought to be undermined by a billow of contamination made by our own mechanical advance and we are tested to utilize our resourcefulness to wipe out the creation of contamination that obliterate property, harm vegetation, imperil human well being, and deny us of our delight of characteristic magnificence in our urban territories. Lamentably, the activity of control is not a simple one. There is the same number of potential wellsprings of air contamination as there are fabricating operations, engine vehicles (Brady D, 2007), home radiators, control plants, and incinerators, to show a few of the significant sources. One of the prerequisites of this demonstration is that the Division of Well being, Training, and Welfare create and distribute data on procedures for anticipating and controlling air contamination, including the cost effectiveness of option techniques Reports on control of particular toxins are to be distributed simultaneously with the Office's air quality criteria portraying the impact of these poisons on individuals and on property. The main reports on sulfur oxides and particulates are relied upon to be distributed and will be thrilled by covers carbon monoxide and different toxins. Because of the need to grow new and more productive techniques for combating contamination from a large number of sources (Commission, 2003), the National Place for Air Contamination Control has extended innovative work in its own particular offices and in those of other government offices and offices. Yet, more altogether, the Inside will use the innovative assets of the whole country. Private industry is particularly fitting for adding to the scan for pragmatic answers to the different specialized issues engaged with controlling air contamination; the government program is as of now moving toward this path. The dialect of the Air Quality Act plainly uncovers the plan of Congress that there should be the nearest sort of participation, not just between the Middle and state, city, and region's governments in control programs for upholding directions on contamination control, yet additionally between the central government and all portions of the private segment to help, both actually and fiscally, in the advancement of new or enhanced innovation (Council, 2007).

Sources of air pollution

Natural Sources

Moreover the industrial engines, vehicles are the main part of earth contamination; there are imperative regular wellsprings of "contamination" also. Fire in jungle, clean tempests, and volcanic action likewise are responsible for gasses and are highly engaged to our climate (Environment C. f., 2008).

Agricultural Sources

Rural operations, those that raise creatures and develop crops, can produce outflows of gasses and particulate issue. For instance, creatures bound to a horse shelter or confined territory (instead of field eating), deliver a lot of compost. Compost transmits different gasses, especially smelling salts into the air. This alkali can be produced from the creature houses, fertilizer stockpiling regions, or from the land after the excrement are connected. In edit creation, the misapplication of composts, herbicides, and pesticides can conceivably bring about ethereal float of these materials and mischief might be caused (Inc, 2007).

Mobile and other important Sources

Now there are different sources without agricultural sources. They are also most powerful sources for the air contamination. More over portable sources like engines street vehicle autos are also responsible for that More over these issues are highly responsible for the pollution of earth (al, 2012), like aero planes , water crafts etc. Now if we consider one single element it mainly does not cause huge impact but the whole elements cause a huge impact on the environment. The emission of polluted gas from the engines and the burnings in wood are the important mobile sources. Now one type of source like dry lake beds, destroyed tree s emits methane so it causes air pollution. (Council, 2007)

Literature Review

Now if we think about this day, air pollution is gradually increasing. So we have to prevent this natural calamity to save our earth. We have to invent such type of technology which saves earth from air pollution. There will very much technologies. Every technology has many advantages and disadvantages.

The different types of air pollution controlling system and devices

Pulse jet Bag house

This was created by Mikro Pul and was intended to permit more air per given range of bag house, which implied higher air-to-material proportions. It is formed in 5-6:1 air-to-fabric proportion. This requires littler lodging, making it more affordable to develop. Channel sacks hang vertically inside the unit and are solidly held set up by clasps, snap groups or hold-downs and the pack bottoms are encased. In this sort of framework, the sacks are bolstered inside by wire confines. Clean loaded gas enters the framework through the gulf and is sifting through the pack, storing dust outwardly surface of the sack. Amid cleaning, the tide is evacuated by an impact of compacted air infused into the highest point of the opening of the channel sacks. The air is provided from a blowpipe which bolsters into centuries, situated over the channel stack. The impact of high weight air stops the ordinary stream of air however the channel. A 85 - 100 PSI of air is prescribed per blast. The air impact makes a stun wave that makes the sack flex as the wireless transmission goes down the length of the channel pack (Mainwaring, 2011). As the sack flexes, the cake breaks and particulate is discharged into the container beneath. In most bag house outlines, a Venturi situated at the highest point of each sack is utilized to build air speed, keeping in mind the end goal to make a sufficiently expansive heartbeat to go down and move down the channel pack (al, 2012).


  • Works at high temperatures (uncommon sacks required)
  • Greatest filtration can be achieved by choosing particular things, for example, sack, sort, can speed, authority shape and game plan
  • Steel inward pen bolsters are utilized to keep the pack frame
  • No apparatuses are required to expel the packs
  • Speedy cinches hold the packs set up
  • Standard enclosures and sacks are effectively accessible on the advertise
  • Huge is stacking limit
  • Heartbeat cleans sticky and stringy materials effortlessly
  • Opposes concoction items
  • Opposes stickiness
  • Stable weight differential
  • Vitality recuperation
  • Most extreme proficiency
  • Customizable heartbeat stream cycle
  • Side access


  1. Collection efficiencies of these are normally lower than those of customary texture channels, so run of the mill emanating focuses from beat fly channels might be altogether more prominent than those feasible with inert gas and shake/empty sack houses. All things being equal, beat stream pack houses can be intended to work well inside current government models for coal-terminated procedures(BASF, 2011).
  2. High filtration speeds related to heartbeat stream channels have been appearing to contribute to higher entrance, as well as to higher weight drop than happens in regular channels.
  3. There has a tendency to be a dispersal of vitality from the high-weight beat as it goes down a sack. Thus, the highest point of the pack might be cleaned superior to the base, of the sack, and the size of the sack that can be utilized is restricted(Kolmetz K, 2007).

Mercury Control Technology

The matter is examined that the water is soluble in oxidized mercury and along these lines can be expelled from the vent gas by the nearness of a w-FGD. Nonetheless, for w- fgd purposes, the mercury contains oxygen, enters with in scrubber, it is decreased which is not dissolvable, bringing about low grade hg ,catch productivity and expanded stack emanations. These marvel has been authored hg Re-outflow and is characterized as an expansion in basic hg over the scrubber. Mercury is found in coal, with its fixation changing generally by coal soot and even inside coal sorts (Environment C. f., 2008). The mercury is discharged amid ignition and progresses toward becoming entrained in a power plant's pipe gas in one of three structures; molecule bound mercury, vaporous essential mercury, and vaporous ionic mercury. It has been utilized to catch mercury by adequately transferring into different of the vaporous ionic mercury that is caught in a downstream particulate issue control gadget, for example, an ESP or texture channel by this strategy (Dr. Aaradhana Salpekar, 2007). This is exceptionally successful at expelling mercury with the exception of coals containing high sulfur are utilized. Sulfur dioxide meddles with a mercury catch by this technique; in any case, upstream catch of that gas, on the off chance that one is set up, should empower to be more successful at catching mercury. Fortunately, the majority of the introduced limit of boilers terminating high sulfur powers is scoured and may not require this strategy.


  • Low capital cost with a little impression.
  • Have reliably beaded aggressive advancements.
  • Develops effectiveness of mercury evacuation through this technology without trading off such process.
  • Gives adaptability to changes in different process which controls the fuel quality that causes outflow of Hg.
  • The substances which are added by liquid causes improvement, dissemination, and control.
  • Depending nearby conditions, can dispose of the requirement for extra control innovations.


  1. The database plainly shows that Hg outflow controls for low-rank (sub bituminous and lignite) Cole-let go boilers are more troublesome than for bituminous-let go boilers. Further, a lot of low-rank coal is right now being utilized by the electric utility industry, and this utilization is relied upon to increment later on. As needs be, it is vital to participate in centered RD&D endeavors went for creating emanation controls for low-rank coal-terminated boilers.
  1. Expecting adequate advancement and exhibits are done, ACI with an ESP can possibly accomplish seventy percent Hg control. ACI with an ESP and a retrofit texture channel, or a texture channel alone, can possibly accomplish 90% Hg decrease. Legitimate outline and thought of operational and buildup impacts should be consolidated into the exertion.

Electrostatic precepator

Electrostatic Precepator is a very useful and important technology. It controls the air pollution by his electrostatic forces which is produced by electricity. With the power of electricity he stops the emitted polluted gas. It is quite different from wet scrubber which removes pollution by liquid medium . The most essential precipitate contains a line vitality, specifically, and took after by a heap of vast level metal plates situated vertically, with the plates ordinarily divided around 1 cm to 18 cm separated, contingent upon the applicant (Environment B. C., 2011). The air stream streams on a level plane of the plates of precepator. A voltage of maximum voltage is connected amongst the precepator. In the event that the connected voltage is sufficiently high, an electric crown release ionizes the air around the anodes, which at that point ionizes the particles noticeable all around the stream. The ionized particles, because of the electrostatic power. This develop on the accumulation joints and are expelled from the stream. A two-arrange configuration (isolate charging area in front of gathering segment) has the advantage of limiting ozone creation, which would antagonistically influence the strength of staff working in enclosed spaces. For shipboard motor rooms where gear boxes produce an oil fog, two-arrange ESP's are utilized to clean the air (Sapkal PN, 2010), enhancing the working conditions and anticipating development of combustible oil haze aggregations. Gathered oil is coming back to the apparatus greasing up framework (al, 2012).


By and large most basic issue with high resistivity clean is expanded electrical starting. At the point when the starting rate surpasses the "set start rate restrain," the programmed controllers constrain the working voltage of the field. This causes decreased molecule charging and diminished relocation speeds toward the accumulation terminal. High resistivity can for the most part be lessened by doing the accompanying (Inc, 2007):

  1. Adjusting the temperature;
  2. Increasing dampness content;
  3. Adding molding operators to the gas stream;
  4. Increasing the accumulation surface region; and
  5. Using hot-side precipitators (once in a while and with foresight of sodium exhaustion.
  6. This is more powerful to evacuate small sized pollutants less than 10 micron. .If it is evaluated very nicely it gives positive result. With the assistance of mechanical separators and wet scrubbers, can not examine the particles of 10 micron, But it is accessible when extra water is present. . For this conditions, this is exceptionally compelling(Environment B. C., 2011).
  7. This is additionally best for upper sized polluted gas of hundred to hundred fifty grams.
  8. The operation is very simple.
  9. In fume, All pollutants are precepated so that it is easily examined it is wet or dry.


  1. The ac voltage is not easily connected with the precepated plate, is important to change over the alteration of voltages. But more over the cost of operation is very high consider to 1000 kg of induced creating data.
  2. The maintenance costs are likewise very high as compared to energy required for charging is impressively huge(Sapkal PN, 2010).
  3. The wet frame work takes less space than the precepator.
  4. Proficiency of the authority is not kept up to access so that for which the plant is outlined. The clean conveyed with the gasses increments with an expansion of gas speed(Kolmetz K, 2007).
  5. It is important to shield the whole gatherer from starting by giving a fine work . This is vital on the grounds that even a little bit of paper may cause starting when it would be conveyed crosswise over nearby plates or wires(FEMA, 2008).


According to condition here we use semi dry scrubber

Semi Dry Scrubber

The pipe gas from the incinerator enters the highest point of the semi-dry scrubber through stream tubes. In each stream, tube, calcium hydroxide alongside a little measure of actuated carbon for dioxin and mercury control is presented through a double liquid spout in a finely atomized fluid frame. The calcium hydroxide blends with the vent gas and responds with the corrosive gasses to frame strong particulate (EMEP, 20010). As the pipe gas and response items stream descending in the scrubber, the response items are totally dry. In spite of the fact that a portion of the particulate drops into the container under the semi-dry scrubber, the majority of the particulate is conveyed to the texture channel where it is expelled from the gas stream. The outline of the semi-dry scrubber for this procedure requires the fulfillment of two noteworthy criteria. In the first place, the reagent slurry must be atomized to deliver a bead range that accommodates the ideal corrosive gas ingestion and response. Second, the vessel must be designed to guarantee that the beads dissipate and the response items delivered dry before achieving the mass of the vessel or leaving the vesse (Mainwaring, 2011)l. This averts developments which would hinder the operation of the framework. The overall geometry of the scrubber vessel is very much necessary. The unit should likewise be planned such that, considering the direction of any expansive beads, no substantial drops achieve any divider surface before drying. The pipe gas exit from the vessel is orchestrated so the gas is turned out of the vessel without irritating the gas stream designs in the vessel and without the utilization of any interior turning gadgets which would make a state of development for solids (European Commission, 2007).

Chemical preparation and delivery

A basic piece of the framework configuration is the conveyance slurry, weakening water, and compacted air for fluid atomization. The slurry must be ready, put away, and conveyed in a way that stays away from the run of the mill working and upkeep issues that are related with slurry taking care of and conveyance. Slurry from the capacity tanks is conveyed to the scrubber vessel through a progression of pumps. The principal pumps convey slurry to the atomic level of the scrubber. Most of the slurry pumped is recycled back to the lime slurry stockpiling tank. This permits for a slurry speed of roughly four to seven ft/Sec in the channeling which stays away from disintegration from high speed or settling from low speed. Excess pumps and distribution circles were given to guarantee the capacity to constantly convey slurry to the scrubbers. Slurry is conveyed to the vessel by stomach sort pumps. The speed of these pumps is variable and controlled by a flag from the corrosive gas screen. This guarantees that the correct and ideal measure of slurry is constantly conveyed to the scrubber (EPA, 2009). 

Jet fabric Filter

This jet fabric filter with doors sages get to entryways was chosen for this office. The utilization of full doors takes into account simple openness and an extensive zone for capacity whenever support or sift sack change through is required. Pipe gas enters every module in the container range where a manual damper is accommodated protection. A progression of vanes turns the gasses up toward the channel packs. Gas is drawn through the channel packs, expelling particulate and gave a surface to auxiliary evacuation of corrosive gasses. The clean gas leaves the module through a poppet valve which is utilized for module seclusion amid disconnected cleaning or module upkeep. Packed air for cleaning the channel sacks is given through pulse funnels situated over the channel packs. Cleaning the air is controlled by Goyen valves situated on each pulse pipe (Environment C. f., 2008).

System Performance

In 1996, This office was first set into operation. In 1997 Office acknowledgment testing was performed. To date, operation of the air contamination control framework has been fantastic. The scrubber has worked with no issues, aside from for some minor issues with the strainers and slurry hoses. There is no proof of developments inside the vessel and there have been a few interior assessments amid blackouts for evaporator related issues. The texture channel has worked dependably, with weight drops normally extending from five crawls to six inches. The first formal emanations testing from the office indicated phenomenal execution, with outflows well beneath the allowed levels (Inc, 2007).

Design and Calculations

X= SO2 , the number of moles present in the liquid

X’= HSO3- , the number of moles in the liquid

L= mass flow of liquid trackling down

V= mass flow of vapor upward

H= height of scrubbers

The enter and exit values should be noted

Yin= inlet at bottom

Yout = exit at top

Here we choose a certain level in a fume of the chamber so that it is out in the environment. Now The efficiency of removal

?= 1-Yout/Yin

Here Y(out) value is set at first. To determine the fume composition

Y(out)= (1-?) Yin

Now here the terms come chemical equilibrium, Here So2 and HSO3- are both should be equalized.

Now consider the two concentrations

X’= cX

Now the coefficient c may be called conversion factor. So

X+X’= (1+e) X

Here the 6 to 15 times should calcium added.

Now, the important relations should be performed to gain on the value of mass balance of both compounds.


The amount of entering sulfur should be equal to the going out at steady operation.


VY+L(Xm+X’in)=VYout +L(X+X’)

since X(in)= 0 then

Y=Yout +(1+c)L/V X

Now, the maximum possible value of Xout= 1/m Yin

It is occurred when the liquid flow rate is L is at minimum value,

Lmin= m/(1+c)(1-Y(out)/Y(in))V= m/1+c ?V

Now we consider the contact area,

A as the surface area taking volume of packing on ft^2 then dad is equal to at times of the volume of the scrubber


a= 3.14 d^2/4 is the cross sectional area of outlet dia d

Then contact area will be

dAc= aAdz


V dy=+KaA(Y-mX)dz

(1+c) L dx= +K a A(Y-mX)dz

Or, we take the form of differential equation,

d y/d z= K a A/V(Y-mX)

d x/d z= k a A/(1+c)L(Y-mX)


We have to design the system according to the following result,

Temperature- 110 degree

Flow rate – 2300 m^3/hr

Concentration of particles- 1.2g/m^3

SO3- 0.02g/m^3

According to result we get the result


According to the result preliminary purification is achieved from the above equation, equals to

?= 72%

And the efficiency of the final purification will be 96%.

So that it removes 96% of pollutants in air.

It can also be derived with the help of diameter of scrubber and different aspects of air cloth ratio.

Fig 2 Atomization and mixing

Fig 2 Typical Drying Profile

Fig 3- slurry and Carbon Preparation

Fig-4 Filtering Module

Fig 5- Full air pollution control System

Costing of the system


In the territory of control of contamination from stationary sources, real research and Advancement is currently focused on the control of sulfur oxides. Later on there will be extended projects for different poisons, particularly nitrogen oxides. Significant accentuation on control of discharges from engine vehicles is presently centered around decrease of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Future endeavors will concentrate on control of nitrogen oxides and particulates and on unusual vehicles, with low contamination potential, for example, electric-controlled and steam-fueled autos. Strategies and instruments are presently accessible for measuring numerous poisons, particularly inorganic gasses, yet there is a requirement for robotized, (Pani, 2007)littler estimated instruments, both for stationary testing stations and for airborne inspecting of the air (Mainwaring, 2011) (Pani, 2007). There is likewise a requirement for remote-sort screens fit for measuring stack discharges from a separation. In the region of meteorology, various urban dispersion models and an air contamination potential conjecture program are presently operational; enhanced models and quantitative gauging strategies are being worked on (Jeremy Elson, 2004).


  1. We should take arrangements to control all the air pollution. To control we should reduce the sources of this calamity. Because if we reduce sources then also we reduce the contamination .More over the sources of oxide elements, sulfur, mercury containing elements are should be minimized to think the worse effect of mercury.
  2. It ought to accomplish this goal by a fitting blend of a few or the greater part of the manuals:
  • High effective equalization of vitality;
  • Less usage of petroleum derivatives;
  • The utilization of fresher and ecologically more kindhearted ignition innovations;
  • Stricter control of air poison emanations;
  1. Ought to create a user friendly interference system on a local premieres, and co-ordinate universally discharge principles for different classifications of pollutants viable and proficient methods for decreasing emanation plans.
  2. Ought to effectively support universally co-ordinated innovative work went for a superior comprehension of climatic procedures and impacts of air contamination on man and the earth, and at enhancing advancements for petroleum derivative ignition and control of poisonous emanations;
  3. Should co-work to enhance the accessibility and nature of information on air toxin discharges from various classifications of polluters;
  4. Should allude to the managing standards set out underneath, which frame a basic piece of the Suggestion, in assisting them air contamination control strategies.


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European Commission. (2007). Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Manufacture of Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals. Ammonia, Acids and Fertilisers. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) , 446.

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Jeremy , L. G. (2004). EMSTAR: Development with high system visiblity. IEEE Wireless Communications , 70-77.

Kolmetz K, Z. T. (2007). Design Guidelines for Ethylene Quench Towers. AIChE Spring Meeting , 8-69.

Mainwaring, A. M. (2011). Wireless sensor networks for Habitat Monitoring,Proceedings of ACM International workshop. Wireless sensor networks and applications , 44-56.

Pani, B. (2007). Sources of Air Pollution,” in Air Pollution. Text book of Environmental chemistry , 197-198.

Sapkal PN, B. P. (2010). To Optimise Air Preheater Design for Better Performance. Conference Proceedings of New Aspects of Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Environment , 60-69.

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