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11174 Intro to Management: Organising and Managing Innovation

You are required to write a critical essay on “Organising and Managing Innovation”. To do this, please use the following organizations as a case study:


The purpose of this case-study based essay is to demonstrate your capacity to critically reflflect on business and organizational innovation in your chosen organization, applying the concepts and theories that have been discussed in the subject. Present your fifindings in the form of an essay backed by relevant research.


Organizing and Managing Innovation

With the dynamic change progress of civilization the business organizations tend to change their strategy and policy for the purpose of expansion. In order to expand the entire process of business in the international market the organizations have to render innovation techniques to achieve a different image and recognition. However, this very specific study has focused to evaluate on how various types of innovation technologies help an organization in expanding the entire process of business in multinational countries. The overarching concept of innovation strategy lies on the advancement of services by investing large amount of money for improving the entire service quality. In order to know the current trend of market the research and development experts usually tend to focus on conducting an effective research by making an effective communication with the customers. As a result, the organization gets to know the current needs and demands of the customers. In order to make an effective competitive advantage the organization focuses to implement different innovations within technology as well as service process. However, this very specific study has focused to make an in-depth evaluation on how Threadless has rendered innovation within the business services for expanding their entire process of business in different geographical boundaries. After making an effective evaluation from the case study Threadless it has been observed that this specific organization is hugely successful iconic consumer driven company. Headquartered in US this specific organization has rendered different fashionable t-shirts that have created a trademark for the organization.

  1. Strategic summary of organization:

Threadless is a Chicago based retail brand especially known for digitally print designs and colorful garments for men, women as well as children (threadless. 2017). In order to give a constant market threat Threadless always tends to apply new strategy and policy to draw the attention of customers. Threadless has always remained as one of the most prestigious retail chains occupying a predominant place in the realm of supermarket industry. With the effective service effort of large number of employees this specific organization has been considered as World’s familiar retail brand especially worthy for young generations. People belonging to different geographical boundaries are interest in purchasing their products and services of Threadless due to the implementation of technological innovation along with innovation in its service process. As per the point of view of Schiederig, Tietze and Herstatt (2012), the primary purpose of implementing innovation strategy is to win the attention of customers belonging to different geographical boundaries as well as attitudes.

Before launching the products in the market the research and development team of Threadless has collected feedback from the customers in order to know the current market demands. After conducting an effective market review it has been observed that customers are interested not only on the product design but also in the product features (Bucherer, Eisert and Gassmann 2012). The emergence of Threadless has rendered a new taste in wearing fashionable clothes. In addition, Threadless has rendered innovation in the business leadership as well so that internal employees can perform well for maintaining the product as well as service quality. This very specific study has focused to make an effective evaluation on how Threadless renders innovation method in the leadership style as well. As per the point of view of Volberda, Van Den Bosch and Hei (2013), a specific form of leadership style within the organization may not help the business experts to get best performances from the employees. The business leaders of Threadless believe the same. As per organizational structure and ethical beliefs of Threadless the business leaders never intend to follow a specific form of leadership style at the workplace. 

The decision that the business leaders of this organization intends to take is based on the situation. Generally, the business leaders of Threadless intend to follow participative form of leadership style at the workplace. Employees are not forced to follow a specific rule at the workplace. Managers tend to give flexibility to the employees for showing their own point of view regarding the business goal (Brentani and Reid 2012). As a result, employees intend to provide their best endeavor for rendering the success of business. On the other hand, the business experts sometimes have to face innumerable difficulties in handling the sudden crisis. However, in order to overcome this kind of business crisis the leaders have to take immediate decision without informing the employees (Candelin-Palmqvist, Sandberg and Mylly 2012). This very specific study has focused to make an in-depth evaluation on how the transformation form of leadership can help the business experts of Threadless for handling the sudden crisis of business coming on behalf of customers as well as employees.

  1. What makes this organization innovative in the marketplace?

Visual merchandise is one of the most innovative features of Threadless due to which the organization has created a major impression in the mind of global customers (Tidd and Bessant 2014). The overarching concept of visual merchandise implies that retail organizations in order to attract the attention of customers intend to develop the floor plans as well as dimensional display for maximizing the rate of sales. Implementation of visual merchandise helped Threadless to highlight their goods and services both. In addition, Threadless has rendered a department of refurbishment for handling the customers complaints in a better way. However, in order to overcome this particular crisis Threadless business experts have decided to launch an additional department of refurbishment. After receiving the complaints’ the quality analysts tend to verify the authenticity of that particular complaint. If the quality analysts feel a genuine issue highlighted by the customers the experts are ready to repair the product defect (Laperche and Picard 2013). As a result, customers do not trust their faith on the brand even after receiving defective products. However, after receiving a major threat from its competitors, the business experts of Threadless have also rendered some innovative strategies and policies within the services that made them different from other brands. 

Atalay, Anafarta and Sarvan (2013) stated that the primary objective of research and development team is to gather necessary feedback from the customers. After gathering necessary feedback the business quality analysts tend to identify why most of the target customers are getting dissatisfied in the product as well as service process. However, this very specific study focuses to make an in-depth evaluation on how the business experts of Threadless have implemented integrated innovation system within the business policy. The primary purpose of this very specific strategy aims to communicate with the external stakeholders to collect their feedback (Nagano, Stefanovitz and Vick 2014). This particular assembly helps the business experts in getting an effective solution from customers’ end as well. It has been observed that customers do not get the scope to directly communicate with the business experts. As a result, the customers intend to give their effective feedback with the help of new media, digital media and so on. However, this very specific initiative helps the organization immensely in making a direct feedback from the customers. As a result, the business experts as well get the scope in reforming their business strategy and policy (Vishnevskiy, Karasev and Meissner 2015). Customers would like to pay their interest in purchasing new products and services from Threadless.

Collaborative community is primarily governed by social norms. In order to get good performances from the business employees the managers of Threadless have decided to render the concept of agile work environment to make the employees free from heavy work pressure. Threadless has recruited employees from different geographical and cultural backgrounds and attitudes (Kasemsap 2014). Therefore, the managers have to face innumerable barriers such as linguistic barriers, cultural barriers and psychological barriers and so on. Agile work environment enables the employees to make their sitting arrangement in a flexible manner. An individual employee can sit beside a person with whom that individual employee is flexible.

  1. What type of innovation is dominant in this organization?

Innovation is primarily constituted with six major types that include service innovation, open innovation, social innovation, user innovation and business model innovation. Service innovation implies using innovative service delivery process in order to draw the attention of customers (Martín-de Castro 2015). While dealing with the entire process of business Threadless has decided to change their service design. The employees of customer service system are from different geographical backgrounds and attitudes. As a result, Threadless has decided to recruit those employees who are having various cultural attributes. As a result, the customers from different religion do not face hesitated in using the service process of Threadless. Social innovation is the systematic initiative that the business experts intend to follow innovative social activities for rendering the organizational image and goodwill.

Threadless business experts have taken ample of environmental activities after being associated with the government. These kinds of corporate social innovation helped the brand in reaching the doorstep of international customers (Bernardo 2014). Social innovation is one of the most effective strategies and policies that Threadless business experts have implemented for drawing the attention of global customers. Open innovation is the paradigm that ensures that firms can use advancement of technology in exposing the external ideas as well as internal ideas. Threadless being one of the most prestigious brands in the US market the business experts have already achieved immense recognition for their advancement off technology.

Business model innovation is all about creating new concepts and ideas within the organization with the help of which people belonging to different geographical markets get attracted for using the services (Akintoye, Goulding and Zawdie 2012).

However, after evaluating several types of innovation strategies used by Threadless it can be concluded that social innovation is one of the most effective business strategies that Threadless intends to follow for gaining organizational goodwill (Vasconcellos and Morel 2012). Maintaining community relationship, using diversity management at the workplace, implementation of environmental activities along with the government are the several initiatives that the business experts of Threadless has already taken for drawing the attention of customers from international backgrounds.

  1. How does this organization organize and manage the implementation of innovation

In order to implement the mentioned innovation strategies Threadless follows some of the major strategies and policies. Gathering information is one of the most effective strategies and policies that the business experts tend to focus. After gathering effective information about the current needs and demands of market the business experts of Threadless focuses on implementing innovation. Research and development team takes major initiatives in communicating with the customers. As a result, the business experts get to know which kinds of strategies the executives should follow. While gathering information the research and development team was facing innumerable communication barriers while interacting with the customers (Bogers and West 2012). However, after facing these kinds of difficulties the experts have decided to attend an effective training and development session with the help of which the employees can develop their communication skill. After gathering information the business experts intend to evaluate whether the organization is having the capability of implementing this innovation plan. In many cases, it has been observed that Threadless in order to compete with other competitors decided to render integrated innovation strategy with the business process for communicating with the customers directly. After gathering feedback the business experts evaluate whether organization has the capability of implementing business strategy or not.

Evaluating competitive advantage is one of the most effective ways of implementing plans (Tidd and Bessant 2014). With the help of analyzing competitive advantage the business experts have collected data regarding the strategies and market demand of other organization as well. Threadless while making environmental activities has drawn the attention of international customers. The target consumers belonging to other geographical boundaries showed their interest in purchasing products of Threadless. Therefore, making innovation strategy within the business process is highly important to create different market value amidst large number of competitors. Threadless has introduced a tight quality control with the help of which people belonging to different psychology can give an approach for refurbishing the product. Refurbishment department with the help of tight quality control system is playing an effective role (Atalay, Anafarta and Sarvan 2013). The primary objective of this specific department is to resolve the customers’ issues. After receiving the complaints the employees intend to make a research and development process. Customers after getting effective services from the quality control team tend to show their positive approach in using the products of Threadless. Implementation of tight quality control system is highly effective for maintaining business reputation of Threadless.

Designing an environment for customers’ hang out is most effective strategy that has been implemented within the business process. After achieving a huge response large number of customers especially young generation wishes to visit Threadless store for viewing the products and its visual merchandise rather than purchasing it. Threadless stores are flexible enough in allowing the outsiders for observing their products (Tidd and Bessant 2014). As a result, the customers without any hesitation can enter inside the store. This kind of hang out system is very much innovative for expanding its brand image beyond going the regional backgrounds and areas.

In order to maintain business sustainability amidst the huge market threat organizations intend to apply innovation strategy for creating a continuous market demand. This specific study has provided deep insight on how the business experts of Threadless after rendering innovation in their products as well as services have expanded their recognition in the global market. Threadless is considered as one of the most prestigious brands occupying a predominant place in the retail industry all over the World. The customer of Threadless is surrounded with different geographical boundaries due to its innovative product features as well as delivery process.

By implementing integration system the business experts of Threadless has focused to make a direct communication with the customers. As a result, customers get a scope in sowing their own point of view regarding the products as well as services. The study focuses to make a critical discussion on the different kinds of innovation strategies and policies. Different eminent scholars have expressed their own opinion regarding the pros and cons of various innovations. The business experts of Threadless like to follow specific strategy for implementing those innovations. The essay has focused to make critical evaluation on how the innovations are applied within the business process.

Reference List:

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Atalay, M., Anafarta, N. and Sarvan, F., 2013. The relationship between innovation and firm performance: An empirical evidence from Turkish automotive supplier industry. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 75, pp.226-235.

Bernardo, M., 2014. Integration of management systems as an innovation: a proposal for a new model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 82, pp.132-142.

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Bucherer, E., Eisert, U. and Gassmann, O., 2012. Towards systematic business model innovation: lessons from product innovation management. Creativity and Innovation Management, 21(2), pp.183-198.

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Schiederig, T., Tietze, F. and Herstatt, C., 2012. Green innovation in technology and innovation management–an exploratory literature review. R&d Management, 42(2), pp.180-192.

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Vasconcellos, A.G. and Morel, C.M., 2012. Enabling policy planning and innovation management through patent information and co-authorship network analyses: a study of tuberculosis in Brazil. PLoS One, 7(10), p.e45569.

Vishnevskiy, K., Karasev, O. and Meissner, D., 2015. Integrated roadmaps and corporate foresight as tools of innovation management: the case of Russian companies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, pp.433-443.

Volberda, H.W., Van Den Bosch, F.A. and Heij, C.V., 2013. Management innovation: Management as fertile ground for innovation. European Management Review, 10(1), pp.1-15.

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