101557 The Individual In Society: Assessment Answers
Reflection: Learning Journal
This Learning Journal will be based on the following three tutorial topics:
1 - Self and Identity
2 - Prejudice and Discrimination
3 - Attraction and Close Relationships
In learning journal 1 author of the study stated that there no thing exist which is meaningless, everything is revealing some meaning which individuals mind needs to be perceived in their own way of perception. The learning reflection summarized as follows that the first part is explaining about the learning behavior of an individual that a process of learning acquires a proper perception of behavior and psychology that needs to be combined with social and environmental level so that the knowledge will be useful and we can get and enhanced proper meaning of learning (Passer, 2016). The learning is a key to understand about gather knowledge to get educated. The proper environment is also needed that concerned with the behavior and psychology and social attraction to increase learning stamina. Psychology is not only a scientific phenomenon it also gives knowledge about understanding others and reading their minds to judge their behavior regarding a particular thing. The author stated that after attending much session of course, made him realized that how learning and studying way his not so interactive the author realized that he needs lot of amendments to increase his learning power. The learning style was not too good but now the way of perceiving thing and learning style was changed, the feeling or seeing things and the behavior all are now on their turning point this is not other that but concerned with psychology. The preference of studying in a group is more authentic. The understanding of all those approaches let it to think more efficiently which identifies a way of thinking, feeling to learn effectively which increase enhancement of future learning. After studying the theories about psychology it gives the understanding about learning in a more proficient way (Smith, 2016).
Self & Identity
Self-identity is consist of four main specific areas including self-concept that what is my existence mean who I am basically what is my description and how I observes the things and every individual of society. The second are is self-esteem that is based on my own perception of evaluating things and how much they are worth full to me. The third are is about self-knowledge which is all about the prediction that how much I know about my-self what my areas of interest are and dis interest. The last are to be focused on is social self who means that what are my duties as a student, as a friend or being a part of family, what my social identity is and how quickly I get interconnected (Denros,2016).
Why Self-Concept
The reason for choosing self-concept is to focus about that how much an individual knows himself and what are the ways an individual perceives things. This concept is chosen to elaborate about an individual personality is independent or interdependent, how much a person knows about him/her-self and is this question is clear to them that who they are and what is the purpose of their existence and what they are catering to society. This concept will give the knowledge about the personality of individual that how much is the personality is embedded or not embedded. This is about the existence of individual and what his existence means to him or what is the reason of his existence and how he describes himself in society (Luwis,2016).
The self-concept is of two types that are independent and interdependent. The self-concept of independent identity is identified by personal preference that is a person gives priority to his own set objectives and goals whereas an interdependent person wants to be connect socially and liberty is more important to them, the focus on just “me” concept that personal fulfillment and achievements are more important to them rather of thinking about others whereas interdependent person wants to work as a team focusing on group goal, the liberties are all a point of matter to them, they basically disapproves from conformity they are egoistic in nature and their own self are important to them where as interdependent person is denied the concept of egotism, they support the individualistic culture and follow up the western style whereas interdependent person are collectivistic in nature and they want to be a part society and want to serve the society where as in independent person just focuses on his owe circumstance and way of living and they don’t want any type of interruption in their life (karazur, 2016).
Relevancy with social world
This is relevant to the social world of the person wants to be socialist. Rather than individualistic personality the person with outward personality are more relevant to the social world because they want to interact with the peoples, they want to work as a part of team, they want to share their ideas and want to gain some knowledge from other. The word egoistic is not a part of their dictionary and they want to work with collaborative interaction so that they will be representing as part of society. The topic is relevant to the social world if the persons know who he is and how person describes himself and don’t focus on liberalism (Hissam, 2016)
Prejudices and Discrimination
The behavior comes from attitude as discriminations come from prejudice, the both are interconnected. Prejudice is a negative approach, it is about showing a negative attitude for others, it is a biased view, and it is unjustified behavior and discrimination based on the negative perception that has been made towards an individual or a particular group. This is based on the negativity. A person shows a negative behavior towards a particular thing. It is about showing a negative attitude towards particular thing just because of complex or hearted. The prejudice and discrimination is all about negative behavior to others (luwis, 2016)
Why type of prejudice chooses
The reason for choosing this topic is to enhance learning about the concept of prejudice or discrimination, because it is important to find out what a person thinks about others. The author stated that we all are prejudice on some extent because being a part of social world we can have a complex, this complex is a sign of hatred. They are might be stereotypes that they have a complex that either people like them or not. This topic is significant to understand about some negative prejudice about other that what you feels and what they perceives. This topic is chosen to analyze about negative behavior, attitude and approach that someone show for others and little prejudice can be acceptable (Zincwik, 2016)
Prejudice and discrimination is all about showing negative behavior or attitudes towards individual or particular group. A negative judgment towards particular group is prejudice is a behavior it is basically aptitude whereas discrimination is a behavioral expression towards particular thing. And this overall judgment is considered as stereotypes, it is generalized view of judgments it is an overall expression towards particular group and on some extent we all are prejudice and we might have complex about some things and this complex is a sign of hatred. It is due to the basis of some particular factor it is happened on the basis of different races and culture that is not acceptable by them which creates a senses of negative attitude. The age is another factor that is the basis of being demonstrate the negative behavior. The physical and health issue is also being considered because a healthy status of an individual is not acceptable by others thus its resulted into negative approach. Prejudice and discrimination is negative attitude and behavior that is acceptable on little extent but too excisions my lead into hatred and negative aspect of thinking.
Relevancy with social world
The topic is definitely relevant to the social world; it is illustrated further with this example that a healthy status of an individual is not acceptable by some of the relatives and even friends. This creates a sense of negative approach or negative attitude they might possess for others. In social perspective along with goodness a bad impression is always present. If some peoples are happy for us this is not means that all will be happy, others may have some hatred exist in their heart for any individual or towards a particular thing or group (Denso, 2016).
Attraction and close relationship
Attraction means a care or love a person wants from other person which gives them a sense of accomplishment that they are value able in views of others. The sense of love and care is a source of attraction which gives the sense of recognition by others. The show empathy and love for others and this is only happened if the relationship is closet and people understand each and other. The get attracted by the way they share their love and care for other person. It is all about attraction and intimacy which means that liking and loving others one of the famous phycology author stated that the sense of recognitions is important to them and sense of ignorance is itchy thing to their heart. It is the attraction and validating that really matters and ignorance is not acceptable by them. For this afflation from others is really needed for keep in touch and for social gathering but on some extent it has found that the people wants to be isolated and they don’t want to be a part of society (Dendrom, 2016)
Why what lead to friendship and attraction
This topic is chosen to analyze for the reason that the friendship and attraction is the entire main needed component to lead a beautiful life. The friends are the most important part of one’s life because they are the one who are source of attraction to us, they gives as the sense of recognition. The shows love, care and empathy for us, they are always present for us and ready to serve us at any cost. The sense of love, caring and respect all leads to attraction and strong friendship. They share their love, care and respect with other which gives a sense of affiliation (luwais, 2016)
It is all about liking and loving others. This gives the sense of accomplishment that they are recognized by the society their love and respect for each other is a point of afflation. The will further be illustrated by the model of privacy regulation of affiliated behavior which states that along with all the desperate love and care they want privacy too. The desired level of contact varies according to time. This theory is further explaining that too much contact or too low contact both are not favorable to society because a low connection with people lead towards isolation and high connection requires a level of privacy but the actual desired contact is said to be a satisfactory match which is not too isolated are not required privacy (Dendrom, 2016)
Relevancy with social world
It is relevant to the social world because it gives us the sense of positivism which shows the positive feelings for one and other. It is all about friendship and liking each and other. It is about the lust, love and care which they possess which each and other. This is relevant to social world in way we attract with others because the attraction is most needed part which is highly focused this attraction is due to the proper recognitions and the love, care, and respect they share, the social attraction is very important because it gives you the sense of accomplishment of knowing each and other. The social attraction is a way that leads you to give the attraction that you are valuable to your friends (Hassim, 2016).
It has concluded with the concept of social thinking that how an individual perceive about himself or other, what are beliefs and judgment the make and what are the attitudes, what is the social influence which will be defined by culture, and how an individual describe himself and what is the effect of social relation includes prejudices and aggression, how the people attract towards particular thing or person, what is the rate of intimacy and how much they are willing to help to sort out issues and they are focusing to maintain the optimistic relationship in the society so that they cannot be isolated or thinking to have more privacy (MCgrow,2016).
Passer 2013, the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin pp. 11-12 & 23-25; 2010, pp. 4-5 & 18-20
Smith 2013, the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin pp. 11-12 & 23-25; 2010, pp. 4-5 & 18-20
Myers, DG & Hassim N 2016 “Behaviour and Attitude” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.147-186
Myers, DG & Luwis N 2016 “self -identity ” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.196-206
Myers, DG & Derson N 2016 “independent and interdependent” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp. 209-225
Myers, DG & Zenwick N 2016 “social-concpet” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.227-331
Myers, DG & Kararazr N 2016 “social-identity” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.332 337
Myers, DG & pressmore N 2016 “social-identity relevance to social world” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.338-345
Myers, DG & smith N 2016 “prejudice and discrimination” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.345-361
Myers, DG & Zenwick N 2016 “types of prjudice” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.361-372
Myers, DG & Denrome N 2016 “prejudice, discriminate, & stereotype ” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.374-375
Myers, DG & Hassim N 2016 “relevance of prejudice, discriminate” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.376-388
Myers, DG & Luwis N 2016 “embded to interdependence” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.389-390
Myers, DG & Zenwick N 2016 “Isolated behvaior” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.391-398
Myers, DG & Hassim N 2016 “Attraction Close realtionship” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.400-404
Myers, DG & Dendrom N 2016 “friends and attraction relevance to social world” in TG riffin (ed,) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, Austin in, pp.409-420
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