Javascript Homework Help

Javascript Homework Help

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Javascript is a high-level programming language that is object based as well as dynamic. It is also weakly typed and multi-paradigm language. Javascript is included in the three core technologies of the World Wide web content production along with HTML and CSS.

The main purpose of Javascript is to create interactive web pages for various online utilities or in the entertainment sector such as video games. In today’s world, most websites prefer using Javascript over any other language due to its ability to work without plug-ins by having a built-in Javascript engine. All Javascript engines are based on ECAMA script specification while many engines also support special features except ECMA.

Javascript supports functional and imperative styles of programming, making it even more versatile than other languages. You can also work with text, arrays, dates, expression in Javascript for javascrip homework help and javascript assigment help. It does not include any networking storage or graphic facilities and for these, you will have to depend upon the host web page in which it is embedded.

History of Javascript As per the Javascript Assignment Help Experts at urgenthomework

Javascript was originally developed under the name of Mocha in September 1995. Later, it was shipped under the official name of LiveScript before being finally renamed as Javascript. That was after it was deployed by the Netscape Navigator 2.0 in December. The name Javascript resulted in the perplexing ideas relating to the Java programming language and it is known to be a marketing strategy by Netscape for making it more popular among Java users. Since then, many developments have taken place in the course of Javascript and today it has become one of the most popular and used programming languages on the Web. Initially, many programmers were not in favor of this weakly typed, object oriented language. The Ajax brought back Javascript to the spotlight and the users recruited their attention towards it. It resulted in many changes and alterations in the detailed framework and functional libraries which improved Javascript as a web designing language.

Javascript Syntax As Discussed by Javascript Homework Helpers

Javascript uses a very simple syntax which allows you to create known as well as unknown variables and numerous functions. This means programs can be coded using pretty simple and recursive functions, one of basic being the ‘hello world’ program.

The language has no built-in input and output functions and the run time environments handle that department too. Also, there are specifications sheets which do not provide input or output of computed results.

Functions have been evolving lately and some known as immediately invoked function expression are often used to create modules and new programs in Javascript.

Advantages of Javascript Assignment Help what We Offer for Javascript Students at Urgenthomework

Javascript Assignment Help
  • The Javascript code is processed on the user’s system and not on the web server which saves bandwidth and prevents load on the web server.
  • Javascript is very easy to learn and apply owing to its simple and uncluttered syntax. Also, the DOM model which is used by Javascript provides many pre-written functions and objects for page making and solves custom purposes.
  • Since the code is processed on the user’s systems, the completion of the final output solely depends on the program which does not require procession on the website’s server and bandwidth.
  • Third party websites and applications can execute their web pages owing to Javascript’s extended functionality.
  • Javascript offers high-level customizability for making any program.
  • You can avail now Javascript Assignment Help here at from javascrip experts online.

Disadvantages of Javascript

  • The Javascript coding programs are executed on the user’s systems and then output finalizes on the website’s server. This raises security issues as the user’s computer can be exploited for unacceptable measures. There are particular precautions one need to take care of but codes can still be afflicted with unwanted attention from unknown sources.
  • The layout of the Javascript engines is entirely from other computer languages which may result in inaccuracy respective to functionality and system interface. The recent versions of Javascript showcase an effort to avoid these problems. However, a satisfactory solution hasn’t reached the users yet.
  • The code of a program can be viewed by anyone who uses Javascript and this does not prove to be quite healthy for the authenticity of your program.
  • Javascript users have complained a lot about the slow execution process of the programs comparatively with the programs created using other computer languages.

Applications of Javascript in Javascript Homework Help by The Experts Online

  • It is used a client-side scripting language. The user is supposed to write the HTML code for the browser to read and process it.
  • Highly responsive interfaces can be created using Javascript and processed. Almost all the user-friendly video games are dependent on the Javascript engines which process the codes.
  • Javascript is used to load documents on web pages and also for reloading websites.
  • Javascript is many times used to rectify browser errors and layout problems.
  • Javascript can still work on the user’s system even when the browser is offline. This is one of the prime features of Javascript.

Why you should learn Javascript to become profecient javascript developer

It is one of an essential technologies in the field of web development and interface. Therefore, you are planning to go towards web designing in future, it is vital for you to learn Javascript.

Apart from its utility, Javascript is known to be a fun-filled learning experience for those who are passionate about the internet and its contents.

In the upcoming era of online advancements, Javascript is predicted to play a momentous role and hence, users working with this object-oriented language are most likely to gain an upscale over the others.

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Sample of Javascript Homework Help Done and Solved by Javascript Expert

CCCS 310 Principles of Web Development
In this mini assignment, you will be modifying the HTML page you created for Mini 3 using Java Script.
It does not matter whether you completed Mini 3 fully to answer Mini 4. Please do the following:


The web page you created for Mini 3 has a menu bar: Home, About, Blog, Contact. Add an additional button, beside Contact, called Colour. The Colour button will call a JavaScript function called ChangeColour() that will act as a toggle. Your Mini 3 web page when it loads displays in a green colour theme. When the user presses the Colour button the green theme changes to a blue theme. You can select the colours for the blue theme. All the green shades must change to a blue shade. When the user presses the Colour button again, the web page returns to the green colour theme. Properly formed CSS will make this task easier.


Add a second button to the menu bar beside the Colour button, call it Pictures. Add, below the right sidebar, outside the grey-green-is box that surrounds the side bare, an HTML5 Canvas area that is the same width as the sidebar. Make the height the same as the width. The Pictures button calls a function called TriStateButton(). A tri-state button is a regular button except that when pressed it performs one of three different actions. The first time the button is pressed, it displays a stick figure house (the square with the triangle) on the canvas. The second time the button is pressed a sun is added (circle with 7 rays/lines). The third press of the button clears the canvas back to white. Pressing the button a fourth time cycles the tri-state displaying the house once again, etc. To do this properly, when adding the sun to the canvas, do not redraw the house. Just add the sun to the canvas without redrawing the house. FOR THE GLORY Make the rays of the sun move (shine!). WHAT TO HAND IN (ZIP all the files) • A single HTML page with the JavaScript embedded into the HTML file. • A README stating which browser you used.

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