Visitors Operation Management Sample Assignment
The concerned assignment is regarding the management of attraction of visitors shall discuss the distinguished aspects of an individual’s understanding development with respect to attractions of visitors, tourist motivational theories and impacts , types of visitors, management techniques and affecting factors in the developmental processes and lastly the influences derived from the aforementioned regarding sustainability. Visitor attractions requires scope and purpose estimation and understanding and the associated derived significances, getting to know the types of visitors, motivation of tourists theories and impacts, the factors taken under consideration should be understood for influencing the developmental processes in management of visitor attraction and application of management techniques should be assessed for deriving the sustainability influences.
In this assignment the organization of VisitBritain is taken under consideration, it is the name taken up by the Tourist Authority of Britain, the board of tourists of Great Britain inculcated through the Tourism Development Act of 1969. This organization was founded and created in the year 2003 during the month of April for promoting and marketing Britain globally for development and promotion of England’s economy regarding tourism and visitors. It was initially formulated out of the merger in between the English Tourism Council and the British Tourist Authority and it us a public body of non departmental nature that is responsible for the departments of media, culture and sport.
Task 1
1.1 Discuss how some visitor attraction overlap into two or more classifications.
For contextual clarifications, the tourists attraction to be considered are the Greenwich Park, National Maritime museum and the Queen’s house. Greenwich in London resides the leading museum of the maritime sector of the UK and one of the largest museums of the world in its kind, which is the National Maritime Museum (NMM). The available buildings with a historical perspective leads way to its possibility of being a World Heritage Site and it includes the Queen’s House which is of 17th Century origin and the Royal Observatory. The Queen of Britain, Her Majesty, approved of the title Royal Museums Greenwich as an aggregated name for all of the Queen’s House, National Maritime museum, the Royal Observatory and the Cutty Sark (Xu et al., 2018). This museum is a public body of non departmental nature that is being sponsored through the departments of media, culture and sport. Unlike the other public funding national museums of UK, the NMM doesn't impose any charges for admission. However, mostly all the exhibitions held temporarily incurs a certain charge for admission. The NMM (National Maritime Museum) is a residence of objects relating to seafaring which can be aggregated as more than 2 million. The entire museum consists of three floors which are responsible for conduction of changing exhibitions and the permanent ones (Ballantyne et al., 2018). These include mainly certain precious and valuable holdings of the world through the sea history of Britain, these involves both Dutch and British cartography, maritime art, ship models, manuscripts.
Admission to the Queen's House, National Maritime museum and the astronomy centre of the Royal Observatory Of Greenwich are free of cost. Charges may be applied to certain special exhibitions, events and planetarium shows. Charges are also applied on admission of adults in the Meridian Courtyard at the Greenwich Royal Observatory (Lee and Yuan, 2018). The Royal Observatory of Greenwich is a crucial name and it had impacted on the navigational and astronomical history and it is most popularly known for the determination of the prime meridian location and hence the name evolves Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). However, it can be thus inferred that in spite of the contributions the Royal Observatory of Greenwich has extended towards the World in terms of navigational and astronomical advances along with the prime meridian location determination, still it remains a prime attraction destination of visitors (Farmaki and Farmakis, 2018). Along with this, the National Maritime Museum being one the largest museums in the UK as well as in the world, also supports and conducts several educational tours and workshops for the students of the same concern. Thus it can be said that apart from being a visitor’s and tourist’s attraction it provides much of educational opportunities and contributions to different studies conducted around the world.
On the other hand, the Queen’s house being the epitome of royalty in Britain is also opened up for the visitors, so that they can get a clearer idea about the evolution the royal family has gone through and their livelihood and living standards are also exhibited (Mustelier-Puig et al., 2018). This exhibits culture and heritage of the royal family.
1.2 Analyse the importance of different visitor attractions
For the analysis of the importance of the tourist attraction, National Maritime Museum, Queen’s House, the Royal Observatory of Greenwich and the Greenwich park is to be taken into account as per the assignment process. The benefits these may incur are as follows:
Being a part of the Greenwich Royal Museums, the NMM (National Maritime Museum) is accounted as the largest museum of maritime across the World. It is a residence of historically important holding at sea of Britain aggregated over 2.5 million objects which includes cartography, maritime art, Scientifics, ship models and instruments equipped for navigational purposes. The museum also holds certain important documentary manuscripts and has the largest reference library related to Maritime in the World. This museum’s library and archives collection acts as both internationally and nationally important source of resources (Kim et al., 2018). This is a diversified library with ranges from log books, diaries, letters, rare books and manuscripts, charts and maps. Designated as a depositing place through the National archives, the archive collection also has public records of supreme importance including Board of Amiralty issued in-letters, Navy Board logs through Lieutenants and certificates and lists of the crew of Service and Competency of the seamen and shipping registrar general (Russell et al., 2018). This museum also holds certain workshops and educational tours which generates educational opportunities for the students of the concerned subject. Hence the National Maritime Museum holds a prime importance in both educational and tourism sectors of the society as a whole.
Considering the Royal Observatory of Greenwich, which is again a part of the Royal Museums of Greenwich, is an important contribution in its own to the World. The Royal Observatory is the source, with historic importance, of the World's Prime Meridian since the time of late 19th Century. The longitude of the Prime Meridian is accounted as 0°0’0" and this meridian is important in its own as it is the distinguishing line between the Western and the Eastern hemispheres (Payangan and Munir, 2018). Before the determination of the Prime Meridian almost every part and every town possible in the whole world had their own strategies and processes of keeping their time of a local front. There was no conception of international or national time measuring conventions (Carballo and León, 2018). However, it became imperative to set a standard international time with an expansion so vast in terms of communications and railway networking during the time spam from 1850 to 1860. Hence, the Meridian of Greenwich had been chosen as the World’s Prime Meridian in the year 1884. A meeting was conducted in Washington DC where delegates counted to be 41 of 25 nations origin, regarding the Conference of International Meridian. The result of the conference was, thus, the Greenwich Meridian was determined as the Prime Meridian with an assigned longitude of 0° and hence the Greenwich Mean Time was evolved to be a standard for International time (Nguyen et al., 2018). Hence, it can observed that the Royal Observatory of Greenwich is an important name in the pages of history and thus attracts many visitors due to its historical context as well as numerous students studying about the same and the associated subjects.
Task 2
2.1 Evaluate the needs and motivations of different visitor types
The assignment regarding management of visitor attractions discusses the different outlooks of developmental understanding of individuals in order to understand the attractions by visitors, different kinds of visitor, does impact in such a way that the theories of motivation and factors, keeps affecting the procedure of developmental techniques of the management and also it influences their sustainability. It is important to understand the requirement of scope and simultaneously the significantly the attraction of the visitors and understanding therefore the visitor impacts, types along with the theories of motivation of the tourist, it is important to understand the factors those influences the developmental processes in order to understand management of visitors attraction along with understanding the techniques of application and their influences regarding the sustainability process (Lee and Kim, 2018). While understanding management of visitor attraction it is important to consider natural characteristics or locations, man-made or object constructions that have some special attraction towards their tourists to understand well the local residents. Towards various locations /destinations, particularly attractions performs a vital role of motivation such that there are significantly pulling factors in order to let the tourists choose their choice of destination. Taking this picture into account the fact where they are considered to be the most signified element in the tourism management. The majorly motivating factors in respect to the trips allocated by the tourists are the organizational product of the tourism industry. While absconding the management process of tourism, there could be no need for other services in the tourism industry (Das, 2018). Therefore, it is quite rightly written that states without the attraction presence, there could not exist the tourism industry.
2.2 Evaluate impacts of tourism on visitor attractions
The tourism management has both negative and positive effects that results due to the tourism itself. It positively enhances employment while economically it enables the preservation of valuable resources that re-strengthens the migratory tendencies into the house population and also their social and cultural education. The tourism management also encourages the support of these local commercials which results in to the free exchange of customs, ideas and also sensitization of topics concerning the eco-friendly environment (Chen, 2018). The decrease in working hours, always depicts the danger of unemployment that leads to technological advancement also to the process of globalization enabling the tourism management to provide the stimulating and interesting intensive alternative. Significantly the results of the rising cost, the water energy and the natural resources gets deployed. The detoriation of the landscapes with land renovation, increase in the levels of alterations in the ecosystems, also the resource, and the extinction of species i.e. of the rare animals and plants, also the loss in the traditional values adding more to the increasing levels of prostitution i.e. sex tourism. The narcotics trade, fires, forests all together in the increasing cost of realty. There are increase in levels of CO2 and also the other destructive gases which are released from the increasing frequencies of aeroplanes with ozone depletion and also the acid rain (Gholitabar et al., 2018). The main problem due this exploitation is the ecosystems are getting affected. Some countries have plenty of golf course that are cultivated with plenty of pesticides and other harmful and environment unfriendly things. The tourism industry has almost captured the whole of the world and hardly there are any places not affected by its impact. The tourism industry has an impact of globalization and very sensitive to the results.
2.3 Analyse the effect of different theories of tourist motivation on the management of visitor attractions
To analyse the importance according to the attraction of the visitor for example the Greenwich Park is taken into the consideration. There are different ways through which the local surroundings can take the benefit from the attraction by the visitors which can be taken into account by taking Greenwich Park as an example to elaborate the rest. Greenwich park has been considered as one of the most eco friendly park which is living its priority in respect to those public uses and activities and also that these venues are used for the lectures, degree ceremonies and even concerts and also for many other events as such (Suhartanto et al., 2018). Greenwich park can also play a vital role in making a contribution to its locality or surroundings or local area through providing some positive economic along with some important social impacts.
Task 3
3.1 Discuss processes and potential issues involved in the development of visitor attractions
In a tourism system visitor’s attraction play a very important role. It is these attraction that draw tourists and visitors from around the world to one particular place. These attractions might include man-made creations or naturally occurring scenario or natural beauty. These act as a magnet when it comes to attracting tourists. It is the beauty of these attractions that place a particular destination on the top most rank on a tourists list and thus act as a major factor for the existence of tourism. Thus it might be concluded that without these attraction tourism cannot survive and so can't the various services in connection to it. To further clarify the subject, we would take St. Paul's Cathedral into consideration. It is regarded as one of the major tourist attractions in London apart from the beautiful mosaic that catches the person's eyes at once and worldwide popular tomb which calls upon all the visitors from around the globe St (Manna and Palumbo, 2018). Paul's Cathedral is casing some masterpieces of art which is worth all the appreciation and the time. The marvellous interior of the place leave the tourists in wonder and extreme amounts of joy. As they step inside this place they can also indulge themselves in surveying the crypt. Exploring the tombs and experiencing the acoustic oddities of the great Whispering Gallery and can climb up the golden gallery to see the unforgettable view throughout London is among the common favourites of the visitors here. It views the heritage, racial strand and the circle's life of this place that it is helping and establishing every day. In spite of the fact that a Cathedral serves as a place of worship for Christian worship it is not limited to just them. In fact it opens the door for the non-Catholic visitors on a regular basis (Timothy, 2018). St. Paul's Cathedral thus serves as a major attraction for religious people with its aesthetic environment and saintly vibes. It undeniably is one of the ancient buildings which is regularly used in its domain. For understanding the significance of a visitors attraction, Saint. Paul's Cathedral might be taken as a specimen for analysis. Saint Paul's Cathedral is among those very few ancient buildings that are allowed to be used by the locals for different events that range from musical entertainment, speeches, degree ceremonies and so on. It also welcomes students from different schools for tours and workshops which give the students a deeper understanding on a range of subjects. It serves as an education group not only for children but also for adults which help them become tour guide and help them polish their skills under guidance (Korstanje and George, 2018). It provides an uncommon education experience to all age groups by helping in maintaining the tradition of the English chorus. It also provides employment opportunities to local craftsman which include stone masons and carpenters. They also include specialists of stained glass. Apart from these it also makes a positive social and economic impact on the local zone (Stone et al., 2018). These are some of the common benefits which the local zones may enjoy due to the presence of a visitor attraction. It is important for the tourism industry to ensure that the employees working in the management keeps their visitor’s preferences to the first priority so that it’s easier to understand the commercial goals set up by the industry. Adding to the management of tourism it is sometimes considered that it is conveying a spirituality and also the sacredness between the visitors those are visiting the cathedral even when those might be not of Christian faith. Though, the fundamental Process of the cathedral is a place where Christians worships and also the most of it’s time the old buildings i.e. continuously used and is significant to according to the heritage and cultural aspect and also the communal life that is serving (Inkson and Minnaert, 2018). To analyse the importance of the attraction of the visitors we have to take in account the Saint Paul’s Cathedral. And therefore, it is very rightly written that without the attractions present there would have been no tourist existence resulting in a flop tourism industry. This above discussed points could said be the process and the procedures needed for the tourism industry to increase their visitor’s attractions.
4.1 Analyse different visitor management strategies
In spite of having many industries that sell products that have a great deal of experience, it is observed that there is an industry that is more dependent on the customer experience. Thus, for tourism planning materials for opportunities creation for targeting experience in accordance to particular desires, specific needs and expectations of specific market segments, it is crucial to understand the destination and the market associated in a good manner (Nolan et al., 2018). The tourist experience can be distinguished into four phases that are listed below:
1st phase: Travel Dreams: Anticipations regarding holidays and destination informational researches are conducted by the tourists.
2nd phase: Choice of Destination: The choice of destinations can get influenced by various factors such as, packaging, costs, environment and atmosphere (Hall and Ram, 2018).
3rd phase: Trip taking: Here, the travellers undergo certain experiences ranging from satisfaction, sensations to dissatisfaction and transformational feelings.
4th phase: Review of the trip: The last phase of the tourist experience is accounted post the trip where the tourists share their stories and photos with friends, family and relatives and involves reviewing of the destination and associated recommendations (Pérez Guilarte and Lois González, 2018).
For designing the strategies to make an attractive tourist destination to attract the visitor, first and foremost it is crucial to get accustomed to the nature of the visitor. A visitor’s profile includes different kinds of features applicable to a specific tourist. This profile of the tourist includes demographical information, unique expenditure patterns and psychographs related to a specific tourist or a group of tourists (Georgoula and Terkenli, 2018).
4.2 Evaluate management techniques in relation to sustainability
The most important thing is to ensure that the tourism industry has some impact that’s sustainable so that the destination and local areas which gets affected. To this regard simultaneously with the capability of understanding market demand and supply of tourism, it is therefore very important to understand the perception of the tourism between the community members. The residential individual are the ones those feels the primary impact of the tourism industry and therefore they are the most vital stakeholders those whose views needed to be realized regarding the tourism industry. Therefore when the tourism is conducted in the right way then this leads to the wealthy generation and thus helps in the preservation of natural and cultural resources (Bui et al., 2018). Therefore this is possible for many local population to get benefitted by the visitors. Thus residential survey to this regards and provides the base line about the information used towards the attitudes of the residential that could be used due to the monitoring purpose and also the information management that is related to the development of the tourism industry. There are several indicators those measures the residential survey which can serve like the red flags of the vulnerable population that might be aligned due to the tourism activities. This result of the survey can be used for ensuring the development of tourism resulting in improving social, economic and environmental terms that are related to the tourism industry. This survey of information could also be utilized to educate most of the community about the benefits and risks in association with the tourism and sometimes also to make them pride taking into their heritage (Garrod, 2018). In the tourism management visitor’s main attractions plays an important or vital role for the industry to be a success. It is this attraction that draws visitors and tourists attraction from different parts of the world to the destination/the pre-determined place. This attractions may include either man-made resources or natural occurring scenarios or nature's beauty.
The above mentioned discussion infers that a number of elements and factors are of influential nature and these attract tourists and visitors towards a specific destination. Accordingly, various theories of providing motivation to the tourists and visitors for visiting or travelling to a specific destination, are employed for understanding these associated factors. These factors should be studied with accuracy as the formulated motivational theories end up influencing the choices of destination trends as exhibited by the visitors or tourists. As per the third task, discussions are conducted regarding the issues affecting the processes of development of a specific visitor destination and the fund generating methodologies associated in this context are also discussed. Lastly, the fourth task is responsible for discussing the strategies of the management that can effectively increase the attractive power of a specific destination and its resultant associated affects of the factors on the sustainability of the attractiveness of the specific destination.
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