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Describe coherently in writing the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and through a personal written commentary on each one, explain how the concepts of 'self' and 'community' are interrelated.

Analyse and evaluate the principles of CST in order to write an argument that shows how issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the realisation of the common good may be addressed by you in your professional practice (ie. the degree program you are studying) now and in the future.


Often the concept of social good is defined in various broad perspectives by a number of different scholars and researchers. However, mostly it is explained as the notion which describes the sum of all the important conditions of the social lives that helps the social groups as well as the individual members in getting ready access for fulfillment (Grace et al., 2017). It mainly includes having social systems, environments as well as institutions on which all individuals depend as well as the society which in turn benefits everyone. Some of the examples that can be sued for proper understanding are accessible and affordable healthcare systems for the public, maintaining and effective system of public security and public safety, peace among the nations of the world, unpolluted natural environment and also just legal as well political systems (Mikkonen et al., 2015). Common goods look for the benefit of not only the individuals of the community but also the communities as a whole.

Nursing professionals have a huge role in the maintenance of the common good for the societies a s well as the individuals of the societies as they form the central foundation of the healthcare centers on whom the societies and the individual elements depend for their survivability. However while performing the different duties in caring and nurturing the ill patients, it is also seen that they often face a nursing issue that creates a barrier in application of the principles in nursing for the common good (Mallari, Grace & Joseph, 2016). In many cases it is seen that while maintaining beneficence as well as non maleficence in their practices to give the best care to the patients, they often face ethical and legal obligation due to breach in maintaining autonomy and dignity of patients.

Beneficence as well as non maleficence which are included in the nursing practice guides the nurses to provide a care to the patient which are not only safe but are the most evidence based care that assures to develop the best health for the patient and help him lead a quality life. However, many cases arise where the patient does not want or does not allow the nursing professionals to conduct tasks that are important for their health (Duncan & Nelson, 2015). Here, often arguments arise among critics who fail to establish the exact principle that the nurse should follow. Often this issue includes the nurse in legal obligation although the nurse’s main motive remains to help the community and the individual patients towards betterment.

Many patients are of the opinion that a nurse could not perform any activity without the permission of them. Many suggest that the main reason is often difference in culture, races and ethnicity that make them prevent practicing beneficence of the nurses. Many cultures prevent the blood transfusion procedure as they believe it to be against their social tradition (Griffith & Tengarh, 2017). However, a nurses’ duty is to save the life of the patient by blood transfusion where it becomes an ethical dilemma for her to choose between her own authority and responsibility and that between the patient’s dignity as well as autonomy.

Often nurses argues about the point of conflict expressing their views about the thical dilemmas they face and how such principle followed by them for the benefit of the common good actually takes away much of their power while thinking for the good of the patients. Even many developed nations have published a number of human rights which had given every citizen the power to express their wish and maintain their liberties and human rights. Although this initiative of the nation is for the common good of the communities as well of the individuals however it has created many issues for nurses while practicing their duties (Butts & Rich, 2015). This is because the nursing rights often face questions in front of the right of dignity and autonomy of patients and hence creates massive problems for both stakeholders.

Moreover, researchers have found that patients obstructing to different treatments done by nurses due to their own cultural as well as other factors often result in poor health of the patients only. Recently, Irish daily had picked up a case where the court permitted the doctors to decline the Congolese women’s plea of not performing blood transfusion on her as it was against her social norms. The court asked the healthcare to perform blood transfusion as her living life was much important for the benefit of her infant who had no one to look after. Therefore, it still raises concern “are all the nursing principle helping to serve common good”? The quest continues.


Butts, J., & Rich, K. (2015). Foundations of Ethical Nursing Practice. Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice, 117.

Duncan, R., & Nelson, L. (2015). Ethics and the role of the advanced nurse practitioner. Advanced Nursing Practice: Changing Healthcare in a Changing World, 212.

Grace, P. J. (2017). Nursing ethics and professional responsibility in advanced practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Griffith, R., & Tengnah, C. (2017). Law and professional issues in nursing. Learning Matters.

Mallari, M. S. N., Grace, M., & Joseph, D. (2016). Ethical Frameworks for Decision-Making in Nursing Practice and Research: An Integrative Review.

Mikkonen, K., Kyngäs, H., & Kääriäinen, M. (2015). Nursing students' experiences of the empathy of their teachers: a qualitative study. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 20(3).

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