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you are required to define separate functions of your own to calculate individually and return the statistical measures of mean, minimum and maximum. In other words, you are not allowed to use any built-in, library or any other third-party functions to accomplish the task.


Analysis and Design:

The project is a Socket Programming (Network Programming) in python which demonstrate the client-server architecture of the project

In this project there are two components: SERVER and CLIENT.

Server program runs first and it waits for clients to get connected. Once a client get connected it displays the client IP address and port number of client. The server program then authenticate the user name and password which is entered in the client program, by checking the users.txt file which stores the record of all the user. If the user name and password is available, and authentication is successful, it sends the message “Logged in successfully” to the client where this message is displayed. And if the authentication failed then it displays the message “Username not available” if the inputted user name is not available in the user.txt file or “User already logged in” if the user is already to the server. The server keeps a list of all the logged user for this purpose where once the user is logged in successfully, the username of that user is stored in the logged user list.

Pseudocode for login :

    1. Input usrname and paswd in client program
    2. Send usrname and paswd to server program
    3. Read “users.txt” file and load all users in userlist
    4. For usr in userlist
      1. Check if usrname is present in loggeduser list
        1. If found set msg = “User already logged in”
        2. Exit for loop and go to step 5
      2. Check usrname and paswd present in userlist
        1. If found set msg = “Logged in successfully”
        2. Exit for loop and go to step 5
      3. Else set msg = “Username not available” and exit loop
    5. Send msg to client program
    6. Display the msg    

Server code for login procedure: 

Client code for login procedure :   

Once the client have logged in successfully, it displays a menu with six options :

    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit 

In option 1, we input the organization name, which is sent to the server. In the server program, it execute a method where it iterate the list of organization records and checks if the organization name is there in the record. If the name exist, it sends back the domain name and IP address of that record back to the client program. If the organization name is not available in the organization list, it send back a message that “Orgnaizartion name is unknown”, which is displayed in the client program 

Pseudocode for option 1 :

    1. Input orgname in client program
    2. Send orgname to server program
    3. For org in orglist
      1. Check if orgname in org
        1. Set outdata = domname  + “  “  + ip
        2. Send outdata to client program
    • Exit loop and go to step 4
    1. Else
      1. Set outdata = “organization is unknown”
      2. Go to step 1
    2. Receive outdata from server
    3. Print outdata 

The server and client part of coding for this option 1 :

Server code :    

Client code :    

In option 2, the Server program executes methods calcminimum(), calcmaximum() and calcmean() to calculate and find the minimum, maximum and mean value of the time from the organization list and send back these three values to the client program where they are displayed on the screen.

Pseudocode for option 2 :

    1. Call method calcminimum() in server to find the minimum value of minutes
      1. For org in orglist
        1. Add minutes field to minminutes list
      2. Set mindata = minminutes[0]
        1. For x = 0 to len(minminutes)
          1. If minminutes[x] < mindata
            1. Set mindata = minminutes[x]
          2. Return mindata
        2. Call method calcmaximum in server to find the maximum values of minutes
          1. For org in orglist
            1. Add minutes field to maxminutes list
          2. Set maxdata = maxminutes[0]
            1. For x = 0 to len(maxminutes)
              1. If maxminutes[x] > maxdata
                1. Set maxdata = maxminutes[x]
              2. Return maxdata
            2. Call method calcmean() in server to find the mean value of minutes
              1. For org in orglist
                1. Add minutes field to meanminutes list
              2. Set total = 0
              3. For x = 0 to len(meanminutes)
                1. Total = total + meanminutes[x]
              4. Mean =  total / len(meanminutes)
              5. Return mean
            3. Send mindata, maxdata, mean to client
            4. Receive mindata, maxdata and mean from server
            5. Print mindata, maxdata and mean values 

The server and client code for this option 2 :

Server code :   

Client Code :    

In option 3, the organization list is sorted either on the basis of organization name is ascending order or on the basis of time in minutes in descending order.

Pseudocode for option 3 :

    1. Input sorting order choice in client (1 or 2)
    2. Send the sort choice to server
    3. If choice = 1
      1. Sort orglist in ascending order of organization name
      2. For org in orglist
        1. Concatenate the organization data to outdata variable
        2. Send the outdata to client program
      3. If choice = 2
        1. Sort orglist in descending ord
          er of minutes
        2. For org in orglist
          1. Concatenate the organization data to outdata variable
          2. Send the outdata to client program
        3. Receive outdata value from server
        4. Print outdata    

The server and client code for option 3 :

Server Code :  

Client code :   

In option 4, we are able to store the record of new organization in the organization.txt file. In this option, first we enter organization name, domain name, IP address and time in minutes in the client side. This information is then sent to the server program. In the server program, first we check whether the organization name is already available in the organization list. If the organization name is not there in the organization list, then this new record is added to the organization list which also get updated in the organization.txt file and message is send to the client program “Organization data saved successfully” and if the organization name is available in the organization list, then it displays the message “Organization already exists”. The user is able to enter the new organization record for 3 times and after that the program terminates if the existing organization name is entered 3 times

Pseudocode for option 4 :

    1. Input orgname, domname, ipadr, minu in client
    2. Send orgname, domname, ipadr, minu to server
    3. For org in orglist
      1. Check if orgname in org
      2. Set status = true
        1. Exit for loop
      3. Set status = false
        1. Exit for loop
      4. If status = false
        1. add organization data to orglist
        2. open “organizations.txt” file for writing
        3. update the file with new record
        4. close file
      5. send status to client
      6. receive status from server
      7. if status = true
        1. print “organization data save successfully
        2. exit
      8. else
        1. print “organization already exist”
        2. go to step 1  

The server and client code for this option 4 :

Server code :

Client code :

In option 5, we are able to remove the record of organization from the organizations.txt file. First we input the name of the organization name in the client part, the organization name is then send to the server program, where it checks whether the organization name is available in the organization list. If name is available it removes the organization record from the list and also update the organizations.txt file by removing the organization record from the file. On the contrary if the organization name is not available in the organization list, the server program send back a message “Organization does not exists” which is displayed in the client program.

Pseudocode for option 5 :

    1. Input organization name, orgname in client program
    2. Send orgname to server program
    3. Set status = false
    4. For org in orglist
      1. Check if orgname is present in org
        1. If found, remove org from orglist
        2. Set status = true
    • Exit for loop
    1. If status = true
      1. Open “organizations.txt” file for writing
      2. Update the file with updated orglist and removing the deleted organization record
      3. Close file
    2. Send status to client program
    3. Receive status from server program
    4. If status is true
      1. Print “Organization removed successfully”
    5. Else if status is false
      1. Print “Organization does not exists”

The server and client code for option 5 :

Server code :

Client code :

The option 6 is used to terminate the program by displaying a message




Program Coding and Output Screens :


import socket   # import the socket package to create server and client sockets

import sys

loggedusr = []   # list of the logged user

users = []      #list of all the users

orglist = []   # list of the organization records

domain = ''

ip = ''

q = 0

minminutes = []    # list to minutes to find the minimum, maximum and mean value respectively

maxminutes = []

meanminutes = []

def getkeyname(namelist):

    return namelist[0]

def getkeysize(sizelist):

    return sizelist[3]

def calcminimum():    # method to find the minimum of the minutes    

    for org in orglist:     # loop the organization list

        fields = org.strip().split(' ')  # split the record

        minminutes.append(int(fields[3])) # store the minutes value in minminutes list

    mindata = minminutes[0]   # store the minutes of index 0 to mindata

    for x in range(0, len(minminutes)):  # loop through the minminutes list

        if minminutes[x] < mindata:    # check if the current minminutes value is < mindata

            mindata = minminutes[x]    # if true store the current value to mindata

    return str(mindata)              # return back the mindata

def calcmaximum():    # method to find the maximum of the minutes

    for org in orglist:      # loop the organization list

        fields = org.strip().split(' ')  # split the record

        maxminutes.append(int(fields[3]))  # store the minutes value in maxminutes list

    maxdata = maxminutes[0]   # store the minutes of index 0 to maxdata

    for x in range(0, len(maxminutes)): # loop through the maxminutes list

        if maxminutes[x] > maxdata:  # check if the current value is > maxdata

            maxdata = maxminutes[x]  # if true store the current value to maxdata

    return str(maxdata)     # return back the maxdata

def calcmean():   # method to find the mean value of the minutes

    for org in orglist:   #loop through the organization list

        fields = org.strip().split(' ')  # split the record

        meanminutes.append(int(fields[3])) # store the minutes value to meanminutes list

    total = 0     # initialize the total variable to 0

    for x in range(0, len(meanminutes)):   # loop through the meanminutes list

        total = total + meanminutes[x]    # add all the minutes to total variable

    avg =  int(total / len(meanminutes))  # find the mean value by dividing the total by the length of meanmiutes list

    return str(avg)  # return back the mean value

def loadorg():   # method to read the organizations.txt file and store the organization record to orglist

    fr1 = open('organisations.txt', 'r')  # open file for reading

    lines = fr1.readlines()  # read all the records/lines and store it in lines list

    for l in lines:   # loop through all the lines

        orglist.append(l)  # store each organization record to orglist

    fr1.close()  # close the file

def domainip(orgname):     # method to find the domain name and ip address of the given organization name

    fields =[]

    q = 0   

    for org in orglist:  # loop through the organisation list

        if orgname in org:  #check if the orgname is there in the current organisation record

            fields = org.strip().split(' ')   # if true, split the record

            global domain

            global ip

            domain = fields[1]   # store the domain value

            ip = fields[2]       # store the ip address value

            q  = 1       


    return q

def loggeduser(usrname, pswd):   # method to check whether the user is already logged in or not

    found = False

    for usr in loggedusr:   # loop through the logged user list

        if usrname + ' ' + pswd in usr:  # check if the given username and password is there in current record

            found = True   # if true set found to true


    return found  # return back the found value

def login(usrname, pswd):   # method to login the user with given username and password to the program

    fr = open('users.txt', 'r')  # open users.txt file for reading

    users = fr.readlines()  # read all the records of users and store it in users list

    found = False

    msg = ''

    for user in users:  # loop through the users list

        status = loggeduser(usrname, pswd)   # call the loggeduser method to check whether the user is already logged in or not

        if status == True:   # if status is true, then it means the user is already logged in

            found = True

            msg = 'User already logged in'



            if usrname + ' ' + pswd in user:    #check if the username and password is there in users list

                loggedusr.append(user)   # if true, add the user to the loggedusr list

                found = True   

                msg = 'Logged in successfully'  # display the message that login is success


    if found == False:

        msg = 'Username not available'  # if user name and password not found in the users list, the display the message username not available

    fr.close() # close the file

    return msg  

def main():

    loadorg()  # call the loadorg method to load all the organization record to orglist


        ssocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)  # create the server socket

    except socket.error:      # if error creating socket  call the exception

        print('socket creation failed')    


    hostname = socket.gethostname()   # store the local machine name

    sport = 5678   # port of the server

    ssocket.bind((hostname, sport))   # bind the host name and port

    ssocket.listen(5)   # setup the socket for multiple connections

    csocket, address = ssocket.accept()    # set the server socket to receive the connection from client

    print('Connected from %s' % (str(address)))  # once client connect display client ip address and portnumber

    while True:

        uname = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')    # receive username and password value from client

        passwd = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

        status = login(uname, passwd)   # call the login method        

        csocket.send(status.encode('ascii')) # send the status of login back to client


    while True:

        choice = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # receive the choice of option selected from menu in client

        csocket.send(choice.encode('ascii'))   # send the choice back to client for acknowledgement

        if choice == '1':   

            organame = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')   # receive the organization name from client

            status = domainip(organame)  # call the domainip method and get the status

            if status == 1:     # if status if 1 then domain name and IP address is available

                global domain

                global ip

                outdata = domain + ' ' + ip + 'n' # store the domain and ip value in variable

                csocket.send(outdata.encode('ascii')) # send the data back to client


                csocket.send('Organisation is unknown'.encode('ascii')) # send the organization is unknown to client


        elif choice == '2':

            minval = calcminimum()   # call the calcminimum method to find the minimum value of minutes

            maxval = calcmaximum()  # call the calcmaximum method to find the maximum value of minutes

            meanval = calcmean()    # call the calcmean method to find the mean value of minutes

            # send the minval, maxval and meanval to client





        elif choice == '3':

            ch = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii') # receive the sorting choice from client

            outdata = ''        

            if ch == '1': # if choice is 1, sort the organisation list in ascending order of organization name

                orglist.sort(reverse=False, key=getkeyname)  # sort the organisation list

                for org in orglist:

                    fields = org.strip().split(' ')

                    outdata = outdata + fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1] + ' ' + fields[2] + ' ' + fields[3] + 'n'

            elif ch == '2':  # if choice is 2, sort the organisation list in descending order of minutes

                sortlist = []

                for org in orglist:

                    fields = org.strip().split(' ')

                    outdata = fields[0] + ',' + fields[1] + ',' + fields[2] + ',' + fields[3] + 'n'


                outdata = ''    

                sortlist.sort(reverse=True, key=getkeysize)  # sort the list

                for org1 in sortlist:

                    fields = org1.strip().split(',')

                    outdata = outdata + fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1] + ' ' + fields[2] + ' ' + fields[3] + 'n'

            csocket.send(outdata.encode('ascii'))  # send the sorted list back to client


        elif choice == '4':

            # receive data of new organization name, domain name, ip address and minutes from client

            oname = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            dname = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            iadd = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            minu = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            found = False

            for org in orglist:  #loop through the orglist

                if oname in org:  # check if new inputted organisation name is there in orglist

                    found = True  


            if found == False: # if orglist does not have the new organisation name, add the new record to orglist

                indata = oname + ' ' + dname + ' ' + iadd + ' ' + minu + 'n'


                fw = open('organisations.txt', 'w') # update the organizations.txt file to record the new organization record

                for org in orglist:

                    fields = org.strip().split(' ')

                    fw.writelines('%s %s %s %sn' % (fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3])) # write the record to file

                fw.close() # close the file                   

                status = 'True'


                status = 'False'

            csocket.send(status.encode('ascii')) # send the status of adding record back to client


        elif choice == '5':

            oname = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # receive the organizaion name from client

            found = False

            for org in orglist:  # loop through the orglist to check if the given orgnasation name is there in orglist

                if oname in org:   # if organization name is available, then remove it

                    orglist.remove(org)  # remove the organzation record from orglist

                    found = True


            if found == False:

                status = 'False'


                status = 'True'

            fw1 = open('organisations.txt', 'w')  # open the organisations.txt file to update after removing the organzation record

            for org in orglist:

                fields = org.strip().split(' ')

                fw1.writelines('%s %s %s %sn' % (fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3])) #write the record to file


            csocket.send(status.encode('ascii')) # send the status of the removing record to client


        elif choice == '6':

            print('Good Bye !! Have a nice day!!! ')



            print('Wrong choice. choose between 1 - 6 only ')


    ssocket.close()   # close the server socket

main()  # call the main() function  


import socket   # import the socket package

import sys 

def main():

    csocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)  # create the client socket

    hostname = socket.gethostname()  # get the host name of local machine

    cport = 5678  # set the port where client connects

    csocket.connect((hostname,cport))  # connect the client to server

    count = 0

    while count < 3:

        username = input('Enter user name : ')    # input user name and password for login

        password = input('Enter password  : ')

        csocket.send(username.encode('ascii'))   # send the username and password to server for login


        msg = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # get the message from server after login

        count = count + 1

        if msg == 'Logged in successfully':



            if count < 3:

                print(msg)   # is login failed display the error message




    print(msg) # display the success login message

    while True:

        # display the menu options




        print('             MENU             ')




        print('1. Get Domain Name and IP')

        print('2. Get Statistics')

        print('3. Sort Data')

        print('4. Add Organisation')

        print('5. Remove Organisation')

        print('6. Quit')

        choice = input('Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : ')  # get the user choice

        csocket.send(choice.encode('ascii'))  # send the choice to server for acknowledgement

        msg = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')   # receive the acknowlegment from server

        print('Choice %s selected ' % (str(msg)))  # display the message from server 

        if choice == '1':

            orgname = input('Enter organisation name : ')  # input the organisation name

            csocket.send(orgname.encode('ascii'))  # send the organisation name to server

            data = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # receive the data from server

            if data != 'Organisation is unknown':   

                indata = data.strip().split(' ')

               # display domain name and ip address

                print('Domain Name : %s ' % (indata[0]))

                print('IP Address  : %s ' % (indata[1]))


                print(data)  # print the error message received from server



        elif choice == '2':

            # receive the minimum, maximum and mean value of minutes from server

            minvalue = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            maxvalue = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            meanvalue = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            #display the values

            print('Minimum number of minutes : %s' % (minvalue))

            print('Maximum number of minutes : %s' % (maxvalue))

            print('Mean number of minutes    : %s' % (meanvalue))



        elif choice == '3':

            count = 0

            while True:

                ch = input('1. sort by name, 2 sort by size : ')  # input the sorting choice

                if ch == '1' or ch == '2' :

                    csocket.send(ch.encode('ascii')) # send the choice to server to perform the sorting



                    count = count + 1  # if choice is not 1 or 2 ask to enter the choice for 3 times

                    if count == 3:

                        sys.exit(0)  # terminate after 3 unsuccessful attempts



            data = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # receive the sorted data from server

            print(data)  # display the sorted data



        elif choice == '4':

            count = 0

            while True:

                # input organization name, domain name, ip address and minutes

                orgname = input('Enter Organisation name : ')

                domname = input('Enter Domain Name       : ')

                ipadd = input('Enter IP Address        : ')

                minutes = input('Enter minutes           : ')

                # send these inputted values to server





                # receive the status of adding record from server

                status = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

                count = count + 1

                if status == 'True':  # if status is true, record saved successfully

                    print('Organisation data saved successfully')


                else:   # else organization name exists

                    print('Organisation already exists')

                    if count <= 3:







        elif choice == '5':

            count = 0

            while True:

                orgname = input('Enter Organisation Name : ') # input the organisation name for removing

                csocket.send(orgname.encode('ascii'))  # send the oranisation name to server for removing

                status = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii') # get the status of removal from server

                count = count + 1

                if status == 'False':   # if status is false, the organisation name does not exist so no removal possible

                    print('Organisation does not exist')

                    if count <= 3:






                    print('Organisation record removed successfully')



        elif choice == '6':   # exit the program

            print('Good Bye!! Have a nice day')




            print('Wrong choice. Try again !!!!')


    csocket.close()   # close the client socket



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Enter user name : user8

Enter password  : gsd

Logged in successfully



    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 3

Choice 3 selected

    1. sort by name, 2 sort by size : 1

Athens www.athens.org.gr 6789

Chandigarh www.cuniv.edu.in 1234

Computerpark www.computerpark.com 400

Delhi www.jnu.edu.in 9876

Istanbul www.istanbul.com.tr 2980

London www.london.com.en 7893

Mumbai www.iit.edu.in 6432

Melbourne www.melbourne.edu.au 1245

Newyork www.nyit.com 5643

Wipro www.wipro.com 6544

    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 1

Choice 1 selected

Enter organisation name : Wipro

Domain Name : www.wipro.com

IP Address  :

    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 2

Choice 2 selected

Minimum number of minutes : 400

Maximum number of minutes : 9876

Mean number of minutes    : 4903

Get Domain Name and IP

    1. Get Statistics
    2. Sort Data
    3. Add Organisation
    4. Remove Organisation
    5. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 4

Choice 4 selected

Enter Organisation name : Tata

Enter Domain Name       : www.tata.com

Enter IP Address        :

Enter minutes           : 6302

Organisation data saved successfully

    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 5

Choice 5 selected

Enter Organisation Name : jhgf

Organisation does not exist

Enter Organisation Name : Tata

Organisation record removed successfully

    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 6

Good Bye !! Have a nice day.

Analysis and Design:

The project is a Socket Programming (Network Programming) in python which demonstrate the client-server architecture of the project

In this project there are two components: SERVER and CLIENT.

Server program runs first and it waits for clients to get connected. Once a client get connected it displays the client IP address and port number of client. The server program then authenticate the user name and password which is entered in the client program, by checking the users.txt file which stores the record of all the user. If the user name and password is available, and authentication is successful, it sends the message “Logged in successfully” to the client where this message is displayed. And if the authentication failed then it displays the message “Username not available” if the inputted user name is not available in the user.txt file or “User already logged in” if the user is already to the server. The server keeps a list of all the logged user for this purpose where once the user is logged in successfully, the username of that user is stored in the logged user list.

Pseudocode for login :

    1. Input usrname and paswd in client program
    2. Send usrname and paswd to server program
    3. Read “users.txt” file and load all users in userlist
    4. For usr in userlist
      1. Check if usrname is present in loggeduser list
        1. If found set msg = “User already logged in”
        2. Exit for loop and go to step 5
      2. Check usrname and paswd present in userlist
        1. If found set msg = “Logged in successfully”
        2. Exit for loop and go to step 5
      3. Else set msg = “Username not available” and exit loop
    5. Send msg to client program
    6. Display the msg

Server code for login procedure:



Client code for login procedure :

Once the client have logged in successfully, it displays a menu with six options :

    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

In option 1, we input the organization name, which is sent to the server. In the server program, it execute a method where it iterate the list of organization records and checks if the organization name is there in the record. If the name exist, it sends back the domain name and IP address of that record back to the client program. If the organization name is not available in the organization list, it send back a message that “Orgnaizartion name is unknown”, which is displayed in the client program

Pseudocode for option 1 :

    1. Input orgname in client program
    2. Send orgname to server program
    3. For org in orglist
      1. Check if orgname in org
        1. Set outdata = domname  + “  “  + ip
        2. Send outdata to client program
    • Exit loop and go to step 4
    1. Else
      1. Set outdata = “organization is unknown”
      2. Go to step 1
    2. Receive outdata from server
    3. Print outdata

The server and client part of coding for this option 1 :

Server code :

Client code :

In option 2, the Server program executes methods calcminimum(), calcmaximum() and calcmean() to calculate and find the minimum, maximum and mean value of the time from the organization list and send back these three values to the client program where they are displayed on the screen.

Pseudocode for option 2 :

    1. Call method calcminimum() in server to find the minimum value of minutes
      1. For org in orglist
        1. Add minutes field to minminutes list
      2. Set mindata = minminutes[0]
        1. For x = 0 to len(minminutes)
          1. If minminutes[x] < mindata
            1. Set mindata = minminutes[x]
          2. Return mindata
        2. Call method calcmaximum in server to find the maximum values of minutes
          1. For org in orglist
            1. Add minutes field to maxminutes list
          2. Set maxdata = maxminutes[0]
            1. For x = 0 to len(maxminutes)
              1. If maxminutes[x] > maxdata
                1. Set maxdata = maxminutes[x]
              2. Return maxdata
            2. Call method calcmean() in server to find the mean value of minutes
              1. For org in orglist
                1. Add minutes field to meanminutes list
              2. Set total = 0
              3. For x = 0 to len(meanminutes)
                1. Total = total + meanminutes[x]
              4. Mean =  total / len(meanminutes)
              5. Return mean
            3. Send mindata, maxdata, mean to client
            4. Receive mindata, maxdata and mean from server
            5. Print mindata, maxdata and mean values

The server and client code for this option 2 :

Server code : 

Client Code : 

In option 3, the organization list is sorted either on the basis of organization name is ascending order or on the basis of time in minutes in descending order.

Pseudocode for option 3 :

    1. Input sorting order choice in client (1 or 2)
    2. Send the sort choice to server
    3. If choice = 1
      1. Sort orglist in ascending order of organization name
      2. For org in orglist
        1. Concatenate the organization data to outdata variable
        2. Send the outdata to client program
      3. If choice = 2
        1. Sort orglist in descending order of minutes
        2. For org in orglist
          1. Concatenate the organization data to outdata variable
          2. Send the outdata to client program
        3. Receive outdata value from server
        4. Print outdata

The server and client code for option 3 :

Server Code :   

Client code : 

In option 4, we are able to store the record of new organization in the organization.txt file. In this option, first we enter organization name, domain name, IP address and time in minutes in the client side. This information is then sent to the server program. In the server program, first we check whether the organization name is already available in the organization list. If the organization name is not there in the organization list, then this new record is added to the organization list which also get updated in the organization.txt file and message is send to the client program “Organization data saved successfully” and if the organization name is available in the organization list, then it displays the message “Organization already exists”. The user is able to enter the new organization record for 3 times and after that the program terminates if the existing organization name is entered 3 times

Pseudocode for option 4 :

    1. Input orgname, domname, ipadr, minu in client
    2. Send orgname, domname, ipadr, minu to server
    3. For org in orglist
      1. Check if orgname in org
      2. Set status = true
        1. Exit for loop
      3. Set status = false
        1. Exit for loop
      4. If status = false
        1. add organization data to orglist
        2. open “organizations.txt” file for writing
        3. update the file with new record
        4. close file
      5. send status to client
      6. receive status from server
      7. if status = true
        1. print “organization data save successfully
        2. exit
      8. else
        1. print “organization already exist”
        2. go to step 1   

The server and client code for this option 4 :

Server code :  

Client code : 

In option 5, we are able to remove the record of organization from the organizations.txt file. First we input the name of the organization name in the client part, the organization name is then send to the server program, where it checks whether the organization name is available in the organization list. If name is available it removes the organization record from the list and also update the organizations.txt file by removing the organization record from the file. On the contrary if the organization name is not available in the organization list, the server program send back a message “Organization does not exists” which is displayed in the client program.

Pseudocode for option 5 :

    1. Input organization name, orgname in client program
    2. Send orgname to server program
    3. Set status = false
    4. For org in orglist
      1. Check if orgname is present in org
        1. If found, remove org from orglist
        2. Set status = true
    • Exit for loop
    1. If status = true
      1. Open “organizations.txt” file for writing
      2. Update the file with updated orglist and removing the deleted organization record
      3. Close file
    2. Send status to client program
    3. Receive status from server program
    4. If status is true
      1. Print “Organization removed successfully”
    5. Else if status is false
      1. Print “Organization does not exists” 

The server and client code for option 5 :

Server code : 

Program Coding and Output Screens :


import socket   # import the socket package to create server and client sockets

import sys

loggedusr = []   # list of the logged user

users = []      #list of all the users

orglist = []   # list of the organization records

domain = ''

ip = ''

q = 0

minminutes = []    # list to minutes to find the minimum, maximum and mean value respectively

maxminutes = []

meanminutes = []

def getkeyname(namelist):

    return namelist[0]

def getkeysize(sizelist):

    return sizelist[3]

def calcminimum():    # method to find the minimum of the minutes    

    for org in orglist:     # loop the organization list

        fields = org.strip().split(' ')  # split the record

        minminutes.append(int(fields[3])) # store the minutes value in minminutes list

    mindata = minminutes[0]   # store the minutes of index 0 to mindata

    for x in range(0, len(minminutes)):  # loop through the minminutes list

        if minminutes[x] < mindata:    # check if the current minminutes value is < mindata

            mindata = minminutes[x]    # if true store the current value to mindata

    return str(mindata)              # return back the mindata

def calcmaximum():    # method to find the maximum of the minutes

    for org in orglist:      # loop the organization list

        fields = org.strip().split(' ')  # split the record

        maxminutes.append(int(fields[3]))  # store the minutes value in maxminutes list

    maxdata = maxminutes[0]   # store the minutes of index 0 to maxdata

    for x in range(0, len(maxminutes)): # loop through the maxminutes list

        if maxminutes[x] > maxdata:  # check if the current value is > maxdata

            maxdata = maxminutes[x]  # if true store the current value to maxdata

    return str(maxdata)     # return back the maxdata

def calcmean():   # method to find the mean value of the minutes

    for org in orglist:   #loop through the organization list

        fields = org.strip().split(' ')  # split the record

        meanminutes.append(int(fields[3])) # store the minutes value to meanminutes list

    total = 0     # initialize the total variable to 0

    for x in range(0, len(meanminutes)):   # loop through the meanminutes list

        total = total + meanminutes[x]    # add all the minutes to total variable

    avg =  int(total / len(meanminutes))  # find the mean value by dividing the total by the length of meanmiutes list

    return str(avg)  # return back the mean value

def loadorg():   # method to read the organizations.txt file and store the organization record to orglist

    fr1 = open('organisations.txt', 'r')  # open file for reading

    lines = fr1.readlines()  # read all the records/lines and store it in lines list

    for l in lines:   # loop through all the lines

        orglist.append(l)  # store each organization record to orglist

    fr1.close()  # close the file

def domainip(orgname):     # method to find the domain name and ip address of the given organization name

    fields =[]

    q = 0   

    for org in orglist:  # loop through the organisation list

        if orgname in org:  #check if the orgname is there in the current organisation record

            fields = org.strip().split(' ')   # if true, split the record

            global domain

            global ip

            domain = fields[1]   # store the domain value

            ip = fields[2]       # store the ip address value

            q  = 1       


    return q

def loggeduser(usrname, pswd):   # method to check whether the user is already logged in or not

    found = False

    for usr in loggedusr:   # loop through the logged user list

        if usrname + ' ' + pswd in usr:  # check if the given username and password is there in current record

            found = True   # if true set found to true


    return found  # return back the found value

def login(usrname, pswd):   # method to login the user with given username and password to the program

    fr = open('users.txt', 'r')  # open users.txt file for reading

    users = fr.readlines()  # read all the records of users and store it in users list

    found = False

    msg = ''

    for user in users:  # loop through the users list

        status = loggeduser(usrname, pswd)   # call the loggeduser method to check whether the user is already logged in or not

        if status == True:   # if status is true, then it means the user is already logged in

            found = True

            msg = 'User already logged in'



            if usrname + ' ' + pswd in user:    #check if the username and password is there in users list

                loggedusr.append(user)   # if true, add the user to the loggedusr list

                found = True   

                msg = 'Logged in successfully'  # display the message that login is success


    if found == False:

        msg = 'Username not available'  # if user name and password not found in the users list, the display the message username not available

    fr.close() # close the file

    return msg  

def main():

    loadorg()  # call the loadorg method to load all the organization record to orglist


        ssocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)  # create the server socket

    except socket.error:      # if error creating socket  call the exception

        print('socket creation failed')    


    hostname = socket.gethostname()   # store the local machine name

    sport = 5678   # port of the server

    ssocket.bind((hostname, sport))   # bind the host name and port

    ssocket.listen(5)   # setup the socket for multiple connections

    csocket, address = ssocket.accept()    # set the server socket to receive the connection from client

    print('Connected from %s' % (str(address)))  # once client connect display client ip address and portnumber

    while True:

        uname = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')    # receive username and password value from client

        passwd = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

        status = login(uname, passwd)   # call the login method        

        csocket.send(status.encode('ascii')) # send the status of login back to client


    while True:

        choice = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # receive the choice of option selected from menu in client

        csocket.send(choice.encode('ascii'))   # send the choice back to client for acknowledgement

        if choice == '1':   

            organame = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')   # receive the organization name from client

            status = domainip(organame)  # call the domainip method and get the status

            if status == 1:     # if status if 1 then domain name and IP address is available

                global domain

                global ip

                outdata = domain + ' ' + ip + 'n' # store the domain and ip value in variable

                csocket.send(outdata.encode('ascii')) # send the data back to client


                csocket.send('Organisation is unknown'.encode('ascii')) # send the organization is unknown to client


        elif choice == '2':

            minval = calcminimum()   # call the calcminimum method to find the minimum value of minutes

            maxval = calcmaximum()  # call the calcmaximum method to find the maximum value of minutes

            meanval = calcmean()    # call the calcmean method to find the mean value of minutes

            # send the minval, maxval and meanval to client





        elif choice == '3':

            ch = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii') # receive the sorting choice from client

            outdata = ''        

            if ch == '1': # if choice is 1, sort the organisation list in ascending order of organization name

                orglist.sort(reverse=False, key=getkeyname)  # sort the organisation list

                for org in orglist:

                    fields = org.strip().split(' ')

                    outdata = outdata + fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1] + ' ' + fields[2] + ' ' + fields[3] + 'n'

            elif ch == '2':  # if choice is 2, sort the organisation list in descending order of minutes

                sortlist = []

                for org in orglist:

                    fields = org.strip().split(' ')

                    outdata = fields[0] + ',' + fields[1] + ',' + fields[2] + ',' + fields[3] + 'n'


                outdata = ''    

                sortlist.sort(reverse=True, key=getkeysize)  # sort the list

                for org1 in sortlist:

                    fields = org1.strip().split(',')

                    outdata = outdata + fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1] + ' ' + fields[2] + ' ' + fields[3] + 'n'

            csocket.send(outdata.encode('ascii'))  # send the sorted list back to client


        elif choice == '4':

            # receive data of new organization name, domain name, ip address and minutes from client

            oname = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            dname = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            iadd = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            minu = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            found = False

            for org in orglist:  #loop through the orglist

                if oname in org:  # check if new inputted organisation name is there in orglist

                    found = True  


            if found == False: # if orglist does not have the new organisation name, add the new record to orglist

                indata = oname + ' ' + dname + ' ' + iadd + ' ' + minu + 'n'


                fw = open('organisations.txt', 'w') # update the organizations.txt file to record the new organization record

                for org in orglist:

                    fields = org.strip().split(' ')

                    fw.writelines('%s %s %s %sn' % (fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3])) # write the record to file

                fw.close() # close the file                   

                status = 'True'


                status = 'False'

            csocket.send(status.encode('ascii')) # send the status of adding record back to client


        elif choice == '5':

            oname = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # receive the organizaion name from client

            found = False

            for org in orglist:  # loop through the orglist to check if the given orgnasation name is there in orglist

                if oname in org:   # if organization name is available, then remove it

                    orglist.remove(org)  # remove the organzation record from orglist

                    found = True


            if found == False:

                status = 'False'


                status = 'True'

            fw1 = open('organisations.txt', 'w')  # open the organisations.txt file to update after removing the organzation record

            for org in orglist:

                fields = org.strip().split(' ')

                fw1.writelines('%s %s %s %sn' % (fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3])) #write the record to file


            csocket.send(status.encode('ascii')) # send the status of the removing record to client



        elif choice == '6':

            print('Good Bye !! Have a nice day!!! ')



            print('Wrong choice. choose between 1 - 6 only ')


    ssocket.close()   # close the server socket


main()  # call the main() function 

import socket   # import the socket package

import sys 

def main():

    csocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)  # create the client socket

    hostname = socket.gethostname()  # get the host name of local machine

    cport = 5678  # set the port where client connects

    csocket.connect((hostname,cport))  # connect the client to server

    count = 0

    while count < 3:

        username = input('Enter user name : ')    # input user name and password for login

        password = input('Enter password  : ')

        csocket.send(username.encode('ascii'))   # send the username and password to server for login


        msg = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # get the message from server after login

        count = count + 1

        if msg == 'Logged in successfully':



            if count < 3:

                print(msg)   # is login failed display the error message




    print(msg) # display the success login message

    while True:

        # display the menu options




        print('             MENU             ')




        print('1. Get Domain Name and IP')

        print('2. Get Statistics')

        print('3. Sort Data')

        print('4. Add Organisation')

        print('5. Remove Organisation')

        print('6. Quit')

        choice = input('Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : ')  # get the user choice

        csocket.send(choice.encode('ascii'))  # send the choice to server for acknowledgement

        msg = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')   # receive the acknowlegment from server

        print('Choice %s selected ' % (str(msg)))  # display the message from server


        if choice == '1':

            orgname = input('Enter organisation name : ')  # input the organisation name

            csocket.send(orgname.encode('ascii'))  # send the organisation name to server

            data = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # receive the data from server

            if data != 'Organisation is unknown':   

                indata = data.strip().split(' ')

               # display domain name and ip address

                print('Domain Name : %s ' % (indata[0]))

                print('IP Address  : %s ' % (indata[1]))


                print(data)  # print the error message received from server



        elif choice == '2':

            # receive the minimum, maximum and mean value of minutes from server

            minvalue = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            maxvalue = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            meanvalue = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

            #display the values

            print('Minimum number of minutes : %s' % (minvalue))

            print('Maximum number of minutes : %s' % (maxvalue))

            print('Mean number of minutes    : %s' % (meanvalue))


        elif choice == '3':

            count = 0

            while True:

                ch = input('1. sort by name, 2 sort by size : ')  # input the sorting choice

                if ch == '1' or ch == '2' :

                    csocket.send(ch.encode('ascii')) # send the choice to server to perform the sorting



                    count = count + 1  # if choice is not 1 or 2 ask to enter the choice for 3 times

                    if count == 3:

                        sys.exit(0)  # terminate after 3 unsuccessful attempts



            data = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')  # receive the sorted data from server

            print(data)  # display the sorted data



        elif choice == '4':

            count = 0

            while True:

                # input organization name, domain name, ip address and minutes

                orgname = input('Enter Organisation name : ')

                domname = input('Enter Domain Name       : ')

                ipadd = input('Enter IP Address        : ')

                minutes = input('Enter minutes           : ')

                # send these inputted values to server





                # receive the status of adding record from server

                status = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii')

                count = count + 1

                if status == 'True':  # if status is true, record saved successfully

                    print('Organisation data saved successfully')


                else:   # else organization name exists

                    print('Organisation already exists')

                    if count <= 3:






        elif choice == '5':

            count = 0

            while True:

                orgname = input('Enter Organisation Name : ') # input the organisation name for removing

                csocket.send(orgname.encode('ascii'))  # send the oranisation name to server for removing

                status = csocket.recv(4096).decode('ascii') # get the status of removal from server

                count = count + 1

                if status == 'False':   # if status is false, the organisation name does not exist so no removal possible

                    print('Organisation does not exist')

                    if count <= 3:






                    print('Organisation record removed successfully')



        elif choice == '6':   # exit the program

            print('Good Bye!! Have a nice day')



            print('Wrong choice. Try again !!!!')


    csocket.close()   # close the client socket



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Enter user name : user8

Enter password  : gsd

Logged in successfully




    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 3

Choice 3 selected

    1. sort by name, 2 sort by size : 1

Athens www.athens.org.gr 6789

Chandigarh www.cuniv.edu.in 1234

Computerpark www.computerpark.com 400

Delhi www.jnu.edu.in 9876

Istanbul www.istanbul.com.tr 2980

London www.london.com.en 7893

Mumbai www.iit.edu.in 6432

Melbourne www.melbourne.edu.au 1245

Newyork www.nyit.com 5643

Wipro www.wipro.com 6544






    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 1

Choice 1 selected

Enter organisation name : Wipro

Domain Name : www.wipro.com

IP Address  : 




    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 2

Choice 2 selected

Minimum number of minutes : 400

Maximum number of minutes : 9876

Mean number of minutes    : 4903 




    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 4

Choice 4 selected

Enter Organisation name : Tata

Enter Domain Name       : www.tata.com

Enter IP Address        :

Enter minutes           : 6302

Organisation data saved successfully




    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit

Enter your choice (1,2,3,4,5, or 6) : 5

Choice 5 selected

Enter Organisation Name : jhgf

Organisation does not exist

Enter Organisation Name : Tata

Organisation record removed successfully 




    1. Get Domain Name and IP
    2. Get Statistics
    3. Sort Data
    4. Add Organisation
    5. Remove Organisation
    6. Quit
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