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Is to help learners to build on their knowledge of internet, e-commerce technology and the benefits of worldwide web. The assignment helps the learner to develop a fuller understanding of ranege of uses of internet and explore thetrends behind the use of internet and its benefits for businesses.

The use of technology allows you to manage information effectively. The internet and the connected computer technology has organisations to rapidly develop e-businesses and increase reach for more customers. Internet and technology are now the backbone of good communication systems within the organisation.

Task 1 (LO 1) P1 (Mindmap)

You’re required to create a mindmap that describes different types of business information that Asda will use when going through each stage of preparing a new Christmas Advert.

P1 - Explain different types of business information, their sources and purposes

Guidance to achieve P1,

You must describe the different types of information, their sources and their purposes. Think about:

The mind map must include

  • Types of information (verbal, written, on-screen, multi-media, web-based)
  • Purpose of information (update knowledge, inform future developments, strategic direction, SWOT analysis, offer competitive insight, communicate sales promotions, invite support for activities)
  • Sources of information (internal – financial, HR, marketing, purchasing, sales, manufacturing, admin; external – government, trade groupings, commercially provided, databases, research; reliability of data)

The information in your diagram is related back to  Asda. Think about how and why they need and use this information in relation to creating a new marketing campaign.

Task 2 (LO1) – M1 (Formal Email)

M1- Analyse different types of business information and their sources


The marketing director at Asda is unsure about the information you have talked about and asks you to analyse the different types of information and their sources. You need to explain how reliable they are based on the form that they are in and where they come from. Also think about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of information.

To achieve M1, the learner will need

  • Is the information a primary source?
  • Could there be any bias within the information?

Which information is most reliable and why?

Task 3 (D1) (Report)

D1 - Evaluate the appropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions.


Following on from your email, the marketing director asks you to create a report that evaluates the appropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions within Asda

To achieve D1, the learner is required

  • Look at the different types of information Asda uses
  • Look at financial accounts from 2014-2015 and evaluate how relevant they are in making a strategic decision. Explain why.

Also look at sales figures, competitor’s sales figures and viewing figures from previous adverts and evaluate their appropriateness in making strategic decisions.

Task 4 (P2) (Presentation)

P2 - Present complex internal business information using three different methods appropriate to the user’s needs.

Look at the Asda Christmas advert from 2015. Commercially, it was a very successful advert. Your task is to feedback to the rest of class explaining why the advert was so successful and popular. You need to provide this information in 3 ways:

Guidance to achieve P2,

  • Deliver a verbal presentation to the class explaining why the advert was so successful (evidence is required here, not just opinion)
  • Provide a detailed breakdown of the viewing figures of the advert and the popularity of the advert virally, via views and shares through sites like YouTube (this can be done using your choice of numerical charts)

Create a leaflet in which you put forward ideas for the new Christmas advert, focussing on the potential market and advert themes

Task 5 (LO2) (P3) (Poster)

P3- Produce corporate communications


Your task is to now create corporate communications for Asda. You are going to do this in the form of a poster advertising their Christmas campaign. On this poster you must:

In order to achieve P3, the learner has to

  • Include all the relevant information regarding Asda and their values
  • Include a strapline and their logo
  • Have the correct detail regarding the business and Christmas time
  • Use the correct colour schemes

Guidance to achieve P3, memo should include

The poster does not have to be artistically brilliant, but it must contain the correct information. When it has been printed, annotate it explaining each point of the poster and why you have chosen to do it in that way.

Task 6 (LO2) (P4) Report (250-300 words)

P4- Evaluate the external corporate communications of an existing product or service


One of the directors at your marketing firm has just left to join the board of high street supermarket Tesco. One of the new members of staff asks why Tesco would take your firm’s marketing director. You explain that Tesco has very good corporate communications and that your old marketing director is somebody who would fit well within their business

In order to achieve P4, the learner will have to

To further explain this to your colleague, evaluate the external corporate communications of Tesco. You will do this in the form of a written report.

Guidance to achieve P4, You must evaluate

  • Methods of communication
  • Mission statements
  • Advertising
  • Packaging
  • Livery
  • Straplines
  • Endorsements
  • Sponsorships

You need to explain how Tesco uses all the above to create excellent corporate communications.

Task 7 (LO2) (D2) (Report)

D2- Evaluate the effectiveness of business information and its communication as key contributors to the success of an organisation, using examples to illustrate your points

Create a report that evaluates the effectiveness of business information and its communication as key contributors to the success of an organisation,

Using the planning notes of M2, using examples to illustrate your points.

  • Select businesses that have excellent communication and information management systems.
  • Explain why these systems help the business to be successful
  • Make comparisons between businesses
  • Explain why excellent communication within a business and to it’s customers leads to success – use examples
  • Explain what would happen to businesses if they did not use information properly – use examples

Guidance to achieve D2,

Look at the indicative content in the unit specs for Learning outcome 2

Task 8 LO3 (P5) (Factsheet)

P5- Explain the legal and ethical issues in relation to the use of business information


Businesses need certain information to be able operate, e.g. financial figures and customer contact details. However, there are certain rules surrounding the use of information. You need to explain the legal and ethical issues in relation to the use of business information that Asda uses. Create an A4 factsheet explaining the different laws and policies that  Asda must follow when using information. Take into consideration:

In order to achieve P5, the learner will have to

  • Produce a A4 factsheet for the Asda taking into consideration

Guidance to achieve P5

  • Legal issues (relevant data protection legislation – Data Protection Act 1998, Freedom of Information Act 2000, Computer Misuse Act 1990)
  • Ethical issues (codes of practice – use of email, internet, ‘whistle-blowing’, organisational policies, information ownership)

Task 9 (LO3) (P6) Report

P6- Explain the operational issues in relation to the use of business information


Aside from ethical and legal issues that Asda must follow, there are also operational issues. Asda have asked you to create a step by step guide (Microsoft Word is probably best) of the operational issues their staff members must follow when dealing with business information. You must take into consideration:

In order to achieve P6, the learner will have to

  • Security of information, backups, health and safety, organisational policies, business continuance plans
  • Costs – additional resources required, cost of development, impact of increasing sophistication of systems (more trained personnel, more complex software)

Guidance to achieve P6

This piece of work will require research into Asda’s organisational policies. At the end of the guide, if you feel there are changes that Asda could make, feel free to add these in.

Task 10 (LO3) (M2) Report

M2- Analyse the legal, ethical and operational issues in relation to the use of business information, using appropriate examples


The HR Director at Asda  has asked you to send them an email that analyses the legal, ethical and operational issues that Asda faces in relation to the use of business information.

Following up for the task in P6, you are required to

  • The impact on Asda of having to follow legal policies (advantages and disadvantages with examples)
  • The impact on Asda of having to follow ethical policies (advantages and disadvantages with examples)
  • The impact on Asda of having to follow organisational policies (advantages and disadvantages with examples)

Think about benefits and drawbacks to the business and its customers

Task 11 (LO4) (P7) Report

P7- Outline electronic and non-electronic methods for communicating business information, using examples for different types of audience.


You have just been promoted to the role of Communications Director within Magic Marketing. To boost your profile, a trade magazine has asked you to write a report for them in which you outline different electronic and non-electronic methods for communicating business information, using examples for different types of audience. You decide to include:

In order to achieve P7, the learner will have to

  • Audience requirements
  • Methods of written communication
  • Methods of non-written communication
  • Technologies (computers, touch screens, digital broadcasting, DVD, mobile phones, the internet and WAP)

Communication skills – formal/informal, verbal/non-verbal, listening, understanding, seeking clarification, responsiveness, eye contact, facial expressiveness, body language, use of appropriate professional language, ability to adapt communication techniques to audience requirements, presentation skills, ability to invite commitment to shared goals


Task 1 (LO 1) P1 (Mindmap) 

Asda using types of information for Christmas Advert

Task 2 (LO1) – M1 (Formal Email)

Analyze different types of business information and their sources of Asda


Marketing Director (Asda)

Dear Sir,

There can be several types of business information which is based on the group of an organization. Verbal communication is the ways where the employees speak to each other and exchange their thoughts. In companies meeting is the best technique of verbal communication. The stakeholders can also use this communication process in an organization. The company can use this process in various important factors such as product launch, making plans and so on. There are some advantages of verbal communication, as the company can directly communicate with the employees regarding their business process without wasting any time. This communication also has some disadvantages like; all employees may do not know all kinds of languages thus the communication process can be wasted as well. there is another communication process in a company as written communication, here the employees as well as the company write document, report and provide important business information.

Task 3 (D1) (Report)

Different types of information Asda uses

Asda uses several kinds of information techniques such as verbal and writing in terms of making strategies. Basically, the company arranges meetings and in that meeting the shareholders of the company as well as the manager also participated and discuss about the strategies properly. After that the company makes a document or report for analyzing the right information for adopting effective strategies. They also provide that document to other stakeholders of the company in terms of giving information.

Financial accounts from 2014-2015 and evaluating how relevant they are in making a strategic decision.

In 2014 the company faced some issues in their business process and their profit was decreased by .1%. on the other hand, in the next year 2015, the company has got successful to increase their profit margin again. Thus it can be said that the company is making their strategy in a proper way. As they have got successful to overcome their issues which they faced in 2014.

Sales figures, competitor’s sales figures and viewing figures from previous advert and evaluate their appropriateness in making strategic decisions.

The sales figures of the company Asda can be helpful to understand that they are increasing their sales day by day also they are increasing their customers’ relationship as well as customers. Their competitors also give tough competition to sale their products but in terms of selling Asda are more developed than their rivals. Thus the company makes their strategic decisions in a well manner as they are well communicated in terms of making strategies thus the can get overall information about the company and make strategies.

Task 6 (LO2) (P4) Report

Methods of communication

External communication is the thing which can be related to the advertising. With the help of this communication method the company Tesco can provide information about the business process and their products also. Thus, the company Tesco mainly uses advertising process as their external communication.  

Mission statements

The mission of the company Tesco is to provide all relevant information about their products as well as services among their customers. Another mission of the company is to increase and develop their sales.


Tesco is an online company thus in terms of advertising process the company Tesco mainly uses internet services. However, along with the internet services they also use TV, newspaper for their ads.


Tesco uses innovative packaging in their products as they want to keep fresh the foods. On the other hand, the company also know how valuable their customers thus they want to provide fresh products among their customers.   


In terms of the company Tesco it can be seen that they only focus on their profit, for that they adopts several marketing process as well as communication process. The company communicates with their customers and makes the livery according to the demands to customers.

Strap line

The strap line of Tesco can be identified as “Every Little Helps”. With the help of this line the company wants to gain the trust of the customers and that can increase their sales also.  


There are some celebrities who have endorsements with the company Tesco. Thus for marketing purpose the company takes the helps of several celebrities.


The company has various social responsibilities thus they sponsor various kinds of charities in terms of helping poor people. Sometimes the company sponsor football matches as well as several local bikes also.  

Task 7 (LO2) (D2) (Report)

Excellent communication and information management systems.

The companies Tesco and Asda have improved communication and information management systems.

Explain why these systems help the business to be successful

Both of these companies have verbal communication process, and to run a business this communication process is very important otherwise companies can face various challenges. On the other hand, in the case of information management systems they use written communication process. When the information can be written down they can keep safe and the companies can use the information later as well.

Make comparisons between businesses

In terms of pricing strategy Asda is cheaper than Tesco. On the other hand, Tesco provides a loyalty card to their customers Asda does not have any loyalty card.

Excellent communication within a business and to its customers leads to success

A good communication can be helpful for the companies to understand the overall business process in terms of making new strategies. As the companies make well strategy or products the customers can have the services according to their needs it can satisfy the. For example, Asda always communicate with their customers to analyze their needs and feedbacks about the products thus they can improve their products thus the customers also get satisfied after getting the right products.

What would happen to businesses if they did not use information properly

If a company did not use the information properly then they cannot make useful strategies which can help them to develop their business. For example, if a company uses the information which they have gathered through communication with the customers about their services in that situation they may not be get successful to satisfy their customers and develop their sales as well.  

Task 8 LO3 (P5) (Factsheet)

Legal issues

Data protection act 1998 – it is the United Kingdom act of parliament. At least six conditions need to be follow by the company Asda in terms of their legal issues.

  • Processing is required such that performance of a contract can be done
  • Under legal obligation another process is required
  • In order that vital interest can be protected of the data subject processing is necessary
  • For carrying out any functions for public; processing is important.
  • Personal data cannot be carries outside the European country
  • In terms of unauthorised processing technical and organisational measure need to be done.

Freedom of information act 2000- Company Asda need to follow this freedom of information act 2000. It is the act which create public right to access information. Under this act Asda follows two exemptions.

Absolute exemptions

  • Information which relate to the security matters
  • Information which contains court record

Qualified exemptions

  • First need to identify whether this information is covered by exemptions
  • Then if covered need to disclose the information.

Computer Misuse Act 1990

Under this act company Asda need to take care of unauthorized access to the computer. As per this act unauthorized access to the data is the crime. They need not to obtaining, supplying or accessing anything which is unauthorized.

Ethical issues- 

Company Asda need to follow work health and safety laws.

  1. The person’s data is stored need to take permission from him
  2. The need to correct use email and internet securely so that data can’t be stolen from the organisation.  Asda need to concern what their employee need to do or need not do with the internet.
  3. Behave properly with the employees
  4. Need to take care of the employee’s problem and solve it.
  5. They need to follow whistle blowing rule, like one person need to attention to the wrong doing which is happen within the organisation. Supervisor, general inspection can do this.
  6. Asda can have many organisational policies so with the help of this they need to manage information for better marketing proposes.
  7. Asda is the owner of their information. So they need to protect the information in a proper way.

Task 9 (LO3) (P6) Report 

Behind the legal and ethical issues Asda need to follow some operational issues.

  • They need to take care of the information what they receive it is correct or not
  • It is also need to notified whether the appropriate staff receive the information or not

To maintain these two; company Asda need to follow operational policies such as

  • Security of information- Asda needs to do information security training to their employees. This can be helpful for them. They should aware of the risk of using information technology systems.
  • Backups- they need to have a back up in terms of their information technology system
  • Health and safety- they need to follow all health and safety rule as per the health and safety act 1992. This can be helpful for company Asda.
  • organisational policies-
  • Business continuance plans- company Asda need to survive in worst case scenario like they can store their centrally rather that e hard disk.

Cost- to follows above Policies Company Asda needs to invest more money.

Additional resources needed – company Asda need to watch out additional resource required or not like buying new thing or employ new staff.

Cost of development: then they need to identify if the solution available then it is done by themselves or not

Increasing sophistication – technology is improving day by day so company Asda need to trained their employees more and more so that employees are able to use it properly.

Task 10 (LO3) (M2) Report 

  • The impact on Asda of having to follow legal policies


  1. Company Asda need to follow data protection act 1998. With the help of this customer can trust the company
  2. Database can be easily accessible. Asda can easily access the data.
  3. The customer doesn’t have worry about their information. In the company Asda customer also no need to worry about their information
  4. They have the right knowledge about the computer misuse and internet. In the company Asda employees also have the right knowledge about this


  1. The customer information and data can be misused in the company Asda.
  2. Asda has lots of customer so they to need to have more storage to keep this
  3. If the data is easily acceptable that can be harmful for the company Asda.
  4. To trained employees for all this company Asda need to invest more.

Ethical policies


  1. Every employees gain respect in the company asda
  2. Conflict management. which is very helpful for asda
  3. Fast processing of data, this can be also happen in the company Asda.


  1. It can create negative effect among the employees, Asda faced this
  2. It can effect on employees performance also. in the company Asda it also effects on the employee performance
  3. Manager can lose respect from the employees. This also happen in the company Asda.

Operational policies


  1. It can logical framework to the business operations, which can be useful in company Asda.
  2. It can also making the decision making process simple, it is main reason why company Asda take right decision.


  1. It can only have limited framework in the decision making process, which can create negative effect in Asda.
  2. Every operational issue may not be solved with the help of this; in the case of company Asda it is same.
  3. The limitation of rules system can be a disadvantage of this. In the company Asda limitation of rules system can create negative impact towards them.

Task 11 (LO4) (P7) Report

Audience requirements

Different audience can be shareholders, employees and stakeholders. It is need to identify what types of communication method is appropriate for different audience. Whether face to face or electronic communication.

Methods of written communication

Methods for the purpose written communication can be report, letter, flow chart, verbal communication among the employees within the organization. Now days for the technology improvement this communication is not very popular as it was earlier.

Methods of non-written communication

Non written communication means communication with the use of electronic such as mobile, laptop etc. it can be done via video conferencing, chatting on social media websites etc. it is cost effective but the information is easily transferable. Now this form of communication is very popular.


With the help of technologies like touch screens, computers, the internet, DVD, digital broadcasting, mobile phones and WAP communication can be very easily. This is known as electronic communication. Company Asda is following this method of communication to improve their business communication.

Communication skills 

Employees of the Asda Company need to have good communication skill which can be very useful for the company. They need to have the non-verbal or non-verbal, informal or format, listening, and understanding, responsiveness, seeking clarification, eye contact,  body language, facial expressiveness, use of appropriate professional language, presentation skills, ability to adapt communication techniques to audience requirements, and ability to invite commitment to shared goals. This is can help the company to achieve their goals.




www.businesslink.gov.uk Business Link site providing advice on e-commerce

www.culture.gov.uk/images/publications/ Link to download a Government produced report

digital_britain_interimreportjan09.pdf on Digital Britain

www.davechaffey.com Website of the e-business author which has useful

links and resources

www.deloitte.co.uk Link to download a report from Deloitte’s on

Technology Predictions

www.electronic-payments.co.uk Site which provides advice for businesses on secure

online payment systems

www.isoc.org The Internet Society

www.oft.gov.uk Office of Fair Trading for a download on legal aspects

of e-commerce

www.statistics.gov.uk Government statistics site from which the e-commerce and business change trends can be downloaded

www.w3.org The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)                 

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