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Chapter 1: Introduction 

1.1 An Introduction to Urban Tourism

1.2 Background

1.3 Case study

1.4 Outline of the report 

1.4.1 Aim/Objectives

To understand the main reason for visiting tourist historic city Cambridge

To assess visitors experience and satisfaction level at Cambridge

To assess visitors profile and their spending power at Cambridge

To provide findings and recommendations

1.4.2 Research questions

Why tourists visits Cambridge?

How satisfied/unsatisfied tourists are with their experience in Cambridge?

What kind of tourists visit Cambridge and what is their spending power?

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Main body

2.2.1 Definition of urban tourism

2.2.2 The Demand and supply of urban tourism

2.2.3 Current data bases

2.2.4 Introduction to case study: Cambridge

2.2.5 Motivation and experience of tourists in historical cities 

Why tourists would visit whu would experience motivational theories linked to historical cities

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

Research methodology is one of the significant part in the project as it helps to establish research tool, a questionnaire which benefits to establish data collection.

A deductive approach has been used in this research project, as it starts with the current theories and hypothesis that was already developed by the researches and authors, following their discussions, findings and hypothesis, while an inductive approach starts with the observations and theories are expressed at the end of the research project. That gives a freedom for the researcher to explore the project then link it to authors and theories or create new theories, rather following previous authors work.

Qualitative data approaches in a form of narration, this form data can be collected through the open type questions in the survey questionnaire, these type of questions requires code words and interpretation to analyse the data. Other sources of this data would be physical observations, such as structured, semi- structured interviews. These type of research method is also effective way to collect data, however in this case study is not appropriate as requires, pre booked place, specific time, and number of visitors to attend to interviews, also more time as it is based on a communicational method and it is hard to manage the interview process and it takes more time to analyse it and provide findings, from the other hand, the information would be more accurate than in a quantitate approach, as requires to provide visitors opinion, rather than provided convenient answer.  However, semi-structured interview would be more convenient method to collect data from local people, shop owner etc.

Quantitative data approaches in a form of numbers, the answers of the questionnaire are being coded in a form of numbers and conducted in order to receive the research information.

For this project a qualitative and quantitative approach has been applied, in a survey questionnaire form, in order to collect and analyse data of tourist motivation at Cambridge.  

The advantage of the survey questionnaire is a time saver, easier to manage and for the group of researchers easier to spread randomly in a different locations. The disadvantage of the survey may be, that due to time and random selection of surveyors the information may not be accurate, as different selection may assess expectations, satisfaction level within the city.

3.2 Fieldwork

A questionnaire survey have been used for this project, as it is one of the most effective approach to collect the primary data about visitor’s motivation in Cambridge. This method has been chosen as it helps to focus at the group of people at the same time and allows to collect and evaluate visitor’s opinion and gain understanding in terms of visitor experience and satisfaction level.

Trip to Cambridge were taking place on Wednesday 10/05/17. Meeting point has been selected at the front of the Cambridge Visitor Centre at 11.30 am.

3.2.1Population/Sampling methods

Non-profitability sampling method has been used in place, as respondents have been chosen randomly, eighteen years old and English speakers. There was the convenience sampling as well, as all respondents were at the town centre, market place, and park.

There was a plan to spread one hundred questionnaires, however only eighty four we were able to analyse, as some of them had no sense or were incomplete and were not able to analyse.

3.2.2 Data analysis/presentation

A Microsoft Excel programme have been used in this project to analyse selected data from the respondents in Cambridge. Both statistical for the quantitative and graphic tools for the qualitative data have been used to analyse findings. For the better visual quality data have been presented in a form of tables and charts accompanied by the explanations underneath.

3.3 Ethics/Limitations 

Throughout the process of data collection, presentation and overall project the confidentiality, integrity and honesty have been maintained. Data were collected from the randomly selected visitors will be kept safe and confidential up to three months after project deadline date, in case of, some of the information may be requested by the lecture or other group members or for further studies.

Harvard reference system have been used throughout the work, in order to explore better understanding of the previous authors and researchers remaining work about the visitors motivation and expectations and satisfaction in tourist historic city Cambridge.

In this chapter all of the important stages of research activities are included, that helps to asses a current research design, and framework of how data were collected and analysed in a group. Next chapter will provide visual findings followed by explanation.

Chapter 4: Findings/ Discussion


The purpose of this research was to understand what motivates tourists to visit Cambridge, and to understand their satisfaction level within city. The findings and discussion have be followed by analysis and relevant link to literature review, to evaluate the theories supports or contrasts the information selected in Cambridge.  

4.2 Explanation/ Key Findings/Discussion

A survey questionnaire have been released in Cambridge for one hundred respondents, however only eighty four were able to analyse why visitors visit the Cambridge?  

The results gathered from the survey questionnaire are provided in this chapter in different sections.

4.2.1 Tourism motivation

4.2.2 Tourist experience

4.2.3 Tourist satisfaction

4.2.4 Tourist profile 

Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.1 Objectives

To understand the main reason for visiting tourist historic city Cambridge

To assess visitors experience and satisfaction level at Cambridge

To assess visitors profile and their spending power at Cambridge

To provide findings and recommendations


Chapter 1 

1.1 Introduction to Urban tourism

The tourism is an activity which involves travelling for different purposed like business or for pleasure. The tourism can be at both levels domestically or internationally. Earlier, people used to travel rural areas for tourism purpose so that they can visit historical and cultural sites. While in recent times, the trend of urban tourism has increased to a great level.  The Urban tourism includes the multiple tourism activities where the chief destination remains city areas (Ashworth and Page, 2011). The growth in tourism related to urban areas has increased after 80s because of advancements in various infrastructures like road, transportation and similar facilities. These have encouraged people to move forward towards tourism in urban areas. To travel in city areas have become a lot more easier as compared to rural areas. Besides this, it presents a cheaper option to travel in urban areas with more comfort and advanced amenities.

1.2 Background

The trend of Urban tourism came into highlight after 80s and 90s before which there was less number of people who were interested in travelling. Gradually, there was a trend of high developments in the city areas which encouraged people to visit different locations for leisure and adventure purposes (González, 2011). Besides this, the government also made an intervention to develop these areas because of which tourism was enhanced and there was an improvement in the economical conditions as well. City has many products that can be offered to the tourists like museums, art galleries, entertainment services, shopping malls, religious places, sightseeing,, leisure places etc.  Thus, it can be said that Urban tourism has great importance in present day that is beneficial for tourists as well as for country.

1.3 Case study

Cambridge is a University city located in England that is visited by a large number of tourists each year. The city has also developed a number of locations that can attract the visitors and draw their attention (Nunkoo and Ramkissoon, 2010). There are many beautiful places that can easily enhance interest of tourists towards it. There are many special places in the city which are able to bind the interest of visitors for whole day. There are University buildings at city centre, along with mesmerizing museums, pubs, delicious street food and many ancient colleges. Apart from this, there is a beautiful scene near riverside with large open and lush green space where tourists can relax and take pleasure of nature closely.  Some of the famous attraction sites in Cambridge are Fitzwilliam museum, River cam for tours, King’s college Chapel, The round Church, Wandlebury country park and many more (Albalate and Bel, 2010). All of these sites are visited by thousands of touris
ts every year with immense interest.

1.4 Outline of report

The outlining of report has been scaled by setting concrete aims and objectives which will aid in studying deeply about Urban tourism in Cambridge city. The aim of the present research is ‘To analyse motivation, experience and satisfaction level of tourists in Urban areas: A case analysis of Cambridge city’.  On this basis, several objectives have been determined which are as follows:

  • To understand the main reason for visiting tourist historic city Cambridge
  • To assess visitors experience and satisfaction level at Cambridge
  • To assess visitors profile and their spending power at Cambridge
  • To provide findings and recommendations

1.5 Research questions

On the basis of aims and objectives of research some questions have been developed which are enlisted below:

  • Why tourists visit Cambridge?
  • How satisfied/unsatisfied tourists are with their experience in Cambridge?
  • What kind of tourists visits Cambridge and what is their spending power?


The present section has given an outline of the report and it is evident that the present research will be based on addressing Urban tourism and motivational factors for such tourism. The selected location for this is Cambridge city of England and the report will make a thorough study by collecting relevant information and application of research methods.

Chapter 2 Literature Review 

2.1 Introduction

The literature review section in the research report makes an attempt to research the topic with deeper analysis. In this part various researches done previously are referred along with a reference to different articles written by various laureates. Thus, a detailed observation is done on the topic for having a better understanding related to subject.

2.2 Definition of Urban tourism

The Urban tourism can be defined as tourist activities where the major destination for visiting is city area. The trips can be done for various purposes by the tourists that involve holidays, family tours, business related trips etc. The urban tourism has enhanced to a greater level in recent years as a result of development activities in this area. According to Spirou, (2011), the urban tourism is a great medium for the betterment of economical progress of a country. Tourism can give substantial benefits to a country’s economic condition. But, it is critical that the cities make varied and flexible arrangements for making tourism accessible for visitors easily. In addition to this, there must be policies and certain frameworks under which entire tourism related activities can be reviewed and controlled.

2.3 Demand and supply of urban tourism

The demand and supply in the field of Urban tourism depends on many factors which are necessary to be considered. According to Cook and Ward, (2011), the demand for tourism is highly dependent on geographical outlook which defines the demand of visitors to travel at that place. Besides this, the tourists wish to travel at a particular place on the basis of facilities that are available in that location. Some visitors take decision to travel according to distance of place from their residence. However, Maitland and Newman, (2014) state that demand of tourism products can be understood through the relationship variable between price and quantity. There is an inverse relationship between both the variables which attributes that with an increased price of tourism products, the demand in tourism sector tends to drop and vice versa. In addition to this, it has been forecasted that this change in character of demand in tourism will continue to be dynamic. It has been predicted by many experts that in due course of time, there will be a great deal of changes in the tourism industry which will have an impact on the role of market players. Different companies related to tourism sectors like tour operators, hotels, travel agents etc. will tend to provide customized packages for holidays and other trips which will aid in encouraging people for travelling (Richards, 2011). Apart from this, different organizations will attempt to have greater market specialization and segmentation so as to lay stress on active pass times.

In the views of Castillo-Manzano, López-Valpuesta and González-Laxe, (2011), there are many key elements that define the supply side of urban tourism. There are many actors who play an active role in tourism sector like tour operators, hotels, travel agencies, hire companies etc. To affect the supply of tourism in a particular area, it is essential to have the intervention of government and other similar parties who can aid in development of place. Thus, provisions related to maintenance, promotion, development of infrastructural facilities etc. must be developed so as to attract more number of people for travel and tourism purpose. As per Markusen and Gadwa, (2010),it is crucial to sink a considerable amount of capital in improvement of services related to tourism.  The supply side of the tourism defines the way in which different parties involve into a contractual term so as to supply goods and services related to tourism at diverse points. Thus, the supply side of tourism explains the way in which different elements of tourism products are kept at disposal of tourists.

2.4 Current databases 

The databases and records related to urban tourism state that there has been a relevant increase in the number of tourism activities in the city area. According to United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), UK has been the most frequently visited place in 2016. About 49.8% of international tourists arrived in UK for tourism purposes (Rogerson, 2013). The fascinating quality of natural landscapes of country attracted a large amount of visitors to choose this place for tourism purpose.

The below graph representing the percentage of tourism purpose clearly states that choice of people have shifted in the present days towards urban tourism. 35% of people visit different destinations for spending their vacations. Similarly, 21% people use to travel for tourism purpose or for visiting their friends and relatives. Remaining 23% of people use to travel different places for their business purposes (Zhang and et.al., 2011). The increase in number of tourism activities towards urban areas has resulted because of increasing awareness towards this direction. As a result, various programs and policies have been framed which encourage advancement of infrastructures, plans for easier and better travelling mediums at lower rates, improved facilities of accommodation and entertainment arrangements etc. Thus, the study shows positive results of development in tourism sector.

Illustration 1: Database of urban tourism

(Source: Ben-Dalia, Collins-Kreiner and Churchman, 2013)

2.4 Introduction to case study

The Cambridge is a beautiful city of England that presents a number of locations in urban areas that can be visited by tourists for leisure.  The city has developed infrastructural facilities and it is a well known place for various famous universities. The place offers natural beauties, museums, churches, University centres, riverside locations, etc. that are good enough for travellers to spend some days with pleasure.

2.5 Motivation and experience of tourists in historical sites

According to Rogerson and Rogerson, (2011), there are many people who are fond of visiting historical places and collect information about those places. One of the major reason for this is, the historical places are rare and they present a good evidence of past happenings which can be experienced by travellers at present. This also makes a good base for increasing knowledge as such locations are mainly visited by scholars and students for research and knowledge purpose. Thus, people get motivated to visit such historical sites of different places so that information can be collected. Besides this, the urge for visiting such sites can be related with Content theory of motivation. As per the views of Getz and Timur, (2012), the content theory basically attempts to focus on determining the factors that motivate a person for something. Thus, this theory tries to point out various needs that motivates for fulfilling those requirements.  Thus, in case of visiting historical sites, different people have different needs that motivate them. The people visiting Cambridge city mostly have the motive of seeing the oldest universities present there so as to witness the sites which are connected with some famous historical events (Ghimire, 2013).


The above section makes a literature review by referring different books and journals written by various authors. As per this, it has been found that people have different motives for visiting different places of cities. The trend of travelling urban areas have enhanced in present time because of development in various facilities provided to the tourists.

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

The research methodology forms a significant part of a research project which establishes a base for application of research tools. Through these tools, further studies are done to reach at a proper conclusion and get effective results (Nunkoo and Ramkissoon, 2011). In current research, the deductive approach of method has been used as theories and hypothesis which is already established has been followed. In case of Inductive approach, the observations are made on the selected topic so as to generalise theories at the end of study. Apart from this, the primary method of data collection has been adopted in where survey has been performed to gather responses of visitors. For the analysis of these collected data, qualitative method has been embraced where thematic interpretation of data will be done. The method used for data collection and analysis helps in saving time and managing research in more structured way (Mackey and Gass, 2015).

3.2 Fieldwork

The fieldwork was necessary in this project for collecting the responses of visitors and knowing their opinions about motivation to come in Cambridge. Through questionnaire survey, a better focus can be applied on a group of people for gaining the understanding about tourists’ opinion and their satisfaction level (Kuada, 2012). For this purpose, a trip to Cambridge was arranged on Wednesday 10/5/2017. Moreover, the meeting point was decided at the front of Cambridge visitor centre at 11.30am.

3.2.1 Sampling method

In present research, the non probability sampling method has been adopted where all the respondents have been chosen on random basis. The selected respondents were 18 years above and those who can understand English properly (Danping and Lee, 2011). In addition, there was also convenience sampling method as the all respondents were present at town centre, market place and park. Apart from this, it was planned to approach 100 respondents for filling questionnaire, however, only 84 of them were able to fill out the survey questionnaire properly.

3.2.2 Data analysis

In the present research, data analysis has been represented by using Microsoft excel programme. Thus, the collected data have been analysed by applying this tool. Along with this, the charts and graphs have been used for detailed analysis and interpretation purpose (Wahyuni, 2012). The tables and graphs will aid in presenting the data analysis part in much better way.

3.2.3 Ethics/ limitation

The ethics are necessary to be maintained while performing a research project so as to maintain credibility of study. Here also, data collection, presentation, confidentiality of the project with integrity and honesty has been maintained (Kuada, 2012). Apart from this, the Harvard referencing style has been adopted evince the studies and researches performed by previous authors.


The present section has given a description of all methods that have been applied for researching on selected topic. The section has talked about the tools that have been implemented for data collection and their analysis which has helped in getting knowledge about the motivational factors that encourage visitors to come in Cambridge.

Chapter 4 Findings and discussion

4.1 Introduction

The major objective of entire research was to get the knowledge about what are the factors that motivate tourists to visit Cambridge city. Besides this, by observing this study, the aim was set to know the satisfaction level and experience of travellers by visiting the city (González, 2011). Moreover, findings have been attempted to relate with literature reviews and evaluating theories to decide whether they support or contrast entire findings.

4.2 Key findings and discussion

The survey was planned to be released among 100 visitors, but only 84 of them were able to analyse and understand the questionnaire survey in proper manner. The results obtained from the questionnaire have been demonstrated in the Appendix section of this research report. However, major findings from the survey have been discussed in further headings of this section.

4.2.1 Motivation for tourism

As per the survey conducted on visitors came to Cambridge city, it was found that the highest number of travellers that is 23% people came to city for vacation purpose. While 21% of them were came to attend famous events of the city. Only 10% of people visited Cambridge for business and shopping purposes. Compared to this, 18% of them were people who came to city for educational purposes and 19%of them were fond of cultural and heritage sites due to which they travelled Cambridge city. This shows that each person has a motive and a need that drives them for travelling to different places of their interest. Here, the Content theory of motivation fits rightly that states that motivation rise within people as per their needs for something. Thus, the need for vacations, education, business and events has motivated different people to visit mentioned place.

4.2.2 Tourist experience

As per the data collection and its analysis, it has been found that tourists who visited Cambridge liked it. The results show that 80%of visitors agree that they would like to visit the city again. Among these people, 83% were really mesmerised by the beauty of city as they are definitely going to recommend other people for visiting this place. This shows that the Cambridge is a good city to travel for various purposes, as the travellers had a good experience of entire location. As per the literature review, it was discovered that city has many historical and cultural places along with delicious street food and some fascinating events that are able to keep tourists busy for several days. The data analysis reports also show that 30% of the visitors like beauty of this old city with various events and museums in the town. Similarly, 10% of visitors liked the taste of street food and various restaurants as well.  Thus, more than 50% of people are ready to spend above 200GBP in this city.

4.2.3 Tourist satisfaction

The satisfaction of tourists is highly related to meeting of their expectations in all phases from travelling to accommodation and different places of visiting. As per this, it was found from the literature reviews that the demand and supply of tourism is inversely related where prices of travelling increases, demands drop down. However, different players of this industry are trying to encourage visitors through different ways like providing cheaper packages for travelling and accommodations, better and improved infrastructures etc. The collected data and its analysis states that visitors liked Cambridge because of which 32% of tourists are ready to stay in the city for more than 2 days. Besides this, about 38% of visitors are staying at hotels which show the increased preference towards hotel. Moreover, 63% of people are aware of various events that are going to take place in the city which shows the level of interest among people for fascinating events of the city. Thus, the entire data analysis supports the literature review done in previous section.

4.2.4 Tourist profile

The profile of tourists who were approached for filling the survey questionnaires were selected on random basis. Among the respondents, 67% of the travellers were international tourists while 33% of them were domestic visitors. Similarly, the percentage of male tourists (58%) was higher as compared to females (42%). All the selected respondents were above the age of 18 years where the highest ratio of people (43%) was among the age of 25-34 years. While, only 5% of the travellers who were approached for giving responses for questionnaire were from age group of 45-54 years.

Chapter 5 

5.1 Objectives

The objectives set at the initial stage of research were aimed at understanding the main reasons of tourists for visiting historic city of Cambridge. This objective was evinced in the results obtained in data analysis as well where 19% of the travelers visited the city for witnessing the culture and heritage of Cambridge. Similarly, the 30% travelers liked beauty of old city. Thus, the fondness of tourists to see the historic places and culture closely motivates them to visit mentioned place (Spirou, 2011). The satisfaction level and experience of visitors show the positive results where it was found that 80% of people liked the city a lot as they would love to visit here again. Moreover, 83% people are ready to recommend this city to others as well for tourism purposes. The next objective of assessing spending power and visitors profile have also been demonstrated in the results obtained from data collection process. Most of the tourists were from fro foreign countries and belonged to the age of 25-34 years. The spending power of travelers is also about more than 200 GBP for the entire trip. As per this, it is apparent that Cambridge is a beautiful city for those travelers who have more interest towards historical places and attending various events.

5.2 Recommendations

As per the survey conducted to gain responses of travelers came to Cambridge city, some issues were found that must be resolved for encouraging more number of tourism. The major issue was found that 10% of people disliked the travelling throughout the city as it is a difficult task here. Similarly, 11% of the people admitted that the events organized in city are expensive. Thus, these issues are essential to be solved for giving more encouragement to people for travelling. Some recommendations for these issues are as follows:

  • Increasing the investment by government improving the infrastructures of city and making transportation easier and better. A separate bus or other modes of travelling can be started especially for tourists so that difficulties in travelling can be overcome.
  • In addition to this, events organized in the city can be arranged in association of some private and public sector interventions so that it can be made somewhat cheaper for the travelers.

5.3 Conclusion

The entire research suggests that Urban tourism has a great influence over visitors as there are many products that can be offered to travelers. Cambridge is a good city to visit as it has the blend of various historical and cultural places along with different events that are organized timely (Cook and Ward, 2011). This attracts a large number of people to visit the place and take pleasure of such events. Besides this, it is an educational hub where many well known universities are established. Thus, the number of people coming for educational purpose is high.


Books and Journals

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