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Stablishing Psychosocial Palliative Care

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Discuss About The Stablishing Psychosocial Palliative Care Standards.



The Amazon can be considered as of the Americas multinational E commerce organization. The main working which is related to the amazon is related to the different offering which is related to the cloud concept. The main two technologies which is related to the working of the organization are in the sector of the customer relationship management and information management to overall strategy of the business (Cameron et al., 2014). The main core working which is related to the concept would be in the sector is the Linux. The organization has been directly exposed to different type of problem in the human activity system and it directly needs improvement in the working which is involved into the concept.

The main consideration which is taken into aspect is the report is to implement a new information system for the Amazon Australia which would be directly beneficial for the organization. The main sector of emphasis which can be put into the sector is to bring competitive advantage to the working of the organization.

Overall analysis of the business of Amazon

The business model which is related to the Amazon can be considered as very much unique in the sector which directly reflects in the sector of the MIS. The main operation which is related to the organization have made a transition from a single sales strategy to that of multi-level e commerce strategy. It can be stated that taking into consideration the initial growth of the was directly favored with the aspect of the business to consumer model of business and selling to the business mode of operation information (Selviaridis, & Wynstra, 2015). The growth which is related to the recent development has directly enhanced the sector which is related to the enhancement of the interaction which is applicable between the business and the consumers which directly forced the organization to give more priority and customization to its IT solution and respect the different review of the customer as a part of the business operation. The sector which is related to the exclusion of the retailer can be in the sector of the sign of growth in the Amazon as it directly allows the customer to buy and sell the product through the platform of the amazon as a platform.

Strategy and operation of Amazon 

The main strategy which is related to the concept can be in the sector of the huge success which is received from the sector of high efficiency which is related to the management of the operation. The organization directly utilize the sector of the integrated business operation and the sector of the mass communication.

Integrated business operation: The operation which is related to the concept of the working of the amazon directly relies on the aspect of the strategy which can be related to the aspect of the integrated operation of business. The concept of the supply chain management can be stated to be one of the most important sector of the working which can be included into the concept the concept which can be applied to the aspect of proceeding to the
need of the organization information (Selviaridis, & Wynstra, 2015). The concept can be very much beneficial in the sector of the working of the organization so that there is different functionality of the organization can be taken into consideration.

Mass communication: The aspect which is related to the mass communication can be stated to be one of the important factor which is related to the working of the organization (Cameron et al., 2014). This is due to the factor that there is different sector of operation which can be included into the concept and on the other hand it can be stated that the relation between the customers are very much important in the sector of the operation of the business.

Organizational form of Amazon 

The Mintzberg framework directly states that an organization can be directly be differentiated along the three dimensions. The major parts into which the organization can be broken down into according to the framework are: 1) the main part of the organization which is involved into the success factor of the project 2) the prime coordinating mechanism which is related to the major methods which are related to the organization different types of activity and 3) the type of decentralization which is used in context of the working of the organization. The key parts in context of the Amazon relating to the Mintzberg are stated below:

  • The strategic Apex can be considered as the top management and its support staff. In the technological field the superintendent of the organization and the administrator is the main role in this context.
  • The operative care is the employee who actually work for the organization and carry out the different tasks. They actually conduct the overall working of the organization and its different functions and lead the project to the factor of success.
  • The middle line is those who are the supervisors of the project which look after the employee who actually conduct their overall working of the organization.
  • The technostrcture are those people who are related to the accounts, engineers, planner and researchers.
  • The support staff are those people who provide the indirect access to the project but does not get completely involved into the working of the project. In the project the support staff mainly include the sector of maintenance, legal advisor and consulting which gives back up to the different functionality of the organization.

Porter value chain model

According to the data which is provided from the end of the organization it can be stated that it has a long term the framework which is which directly aim in the sector of the identifying the different activity which is related to the customer. The main sector of emphasis would be in the sector of the competitive advantage and creation of value of the customer. The contract which is provided from the end of the customer from the organization can be stated to be for the long run and the working is directly proportional to the aspect of the working so that there are different sectors of working involved into the concept information (Selviaridis, & Wynstra, 2015). The sector of the FBA which is directly fulfilled within the Amazon can be considered to be a main sector which is relate to the retail sector of the organization. The service of the Amazon can be stated to be more than the concept of the working of the logistics and beyond the sector which is related to the point of easy serve Amazon market place and part from this concept it can be stated that there is different functionality which is related to the concept of the working of the organization which can be stated to the improving the overall functionality of the organization.

Competitive strategy of Amazon

Taking into consideration the sector of the working with the competitors in the area it can be stated that there are different types of functionality which is seen in the concept of achieve to the desired goal of the organization. It can be stated that the main strategy which was implemented into the working was that to gain competitive advantage in the overall working of the organization and how they can be implemented within the working of the organization (Cameron et al., 2014). The main sector of emphasis which can be taken into consideration is that how the framework can be implemented within the working of the organization. The following are the list of external intensities which can directly impact the operation which is related to the working of the organization:

  • The power which is related to the bargaining of the various customers and buyers.
  • The competitive rivalry which is related to the other organization which would be beneficial for the organization.
  • The power which is related to the bargaining of the different supplier.
  • The substitution which is related to any kind of threat.
  • The threats which are related to the new entry in the internal working of the organization in the sector of the e commerce industry.

Analysis on current human activity system

The current human activity which can be stated is the delivery system which is related to the concept of the maximum of the satisfaction level of the customer. In most of the cases it can be stated that the major point which is related to the delivery of the product and the service can be stated as one of the major factor of the approach which can be directly be beneficial in the sector of reaching of the competitive advantage in the working of the organization. The main concept which is related to the process is that the product which would be order to the customer would be directly send to the customer within a specific time. This time is even given to the customer so that they can get the maximum amount of service to the customer so that they can directly interact with the different sector of the operation. On the other hand, it can be stated that the sector of the implementation of the framework is very much essential in the sector of the working which can enhance the service which is given to the customers.

Current human activity system in Amazon

There are different types of stakeholders which can be included into the working of the organization and appropriate working of the project. Some of the stakeholders in the project are stated below:

  • Computer operator: A computer operator can be considered as a person who would be directly running the overall business of the organization. Some of the vital duties which is related to the concept is to keep the operating system very much up to date, ensuring of the availability of the memory which would be needed into the processing of the information (Selviaridis, & Wynstra, 2015). It can be stated here that in the context of the mainframe computers it has been directly be replaced with the server system of storage management and other platform, the role which is related to the operator of the computer the jobs have become more specialized and unique.
  • Database Administrator: The database administrator can be considered as a person who would be directly responsible for the working and managing of the database for the organization. This person directly takes aspect of the maintaining and the creation of the database that is used as a part of the application or the data warehouse. In this sector it can be stated that the Database administrator maintains and creates database that would be directly used as a part of the application or the data warehouse. The data administer can also consult with the system analysts and programmer on the project that would be requiring access to or creation of the database.
  • Trainer: A computer trainer can be considered as a person who would be involved into the sector of the teaching of the basic needs of the organization. The basic would be in the sector of the implementation of the software and the necessary details which are implemented within the working of the project (Cameron et al., 2014). The trainer in this case can be stated as not a permanent employee of the organization but can indulge into the concept of training when the requirement arises. Thee main requirement in the sector of the professional trainer is the person should have a good communication feature involved into the training which is given to the employee in the sector of new software or new practice.

Issue and concern by the help of Rich picture

Fig 1: Rich picture of issues Delivery System

(Source: Created by Author )

Process Modelling Diagram using BPM notation

Fig 2: BPMN Diagram

(Source: Created By Author)

DeLone Mclean Model of information system

The main focus which is related to the Mclean model of information system can be considered as a sector of the success factor which is related to the coherent model which is related to the providing of proper guidance and knowledge in the different working of the organization. The level which is related to the effectiveness can be stated to be in the sector of the information from the end of the receiver (Moher et al., 2015). It can be stated here that taking into consideration the aspect of the working of the aspect it can be stated that there are six dimensions which are related to the concept of the internal operation of the organization. In the process there is a temporal process which directly puts in the emphasis on the sector of the IS (information system) which is directly taken into consideration. The users and the manager can directly indulge into the concept taking into consideration different aspects which are related to the concept of the operation. In this sector it can be seen that there is a need of different kind of method which can be used in the sector of the operation and how it would be directly included into the concept of the working of the organization.

Measures of success

The concept which is related to the working of the delivery system can be stated to be very much efficient, efficacy and most importantly the concept is very much efficient in the system which is related to the HAS. The organization taken into consideration different aspects which are related to the concept which would be directly enhancing the sector of the operation which is related to the concept and the working would be directly be linked with the sector of the enhancing of the service which is related to the concept. There are different sectors which can be taken into consideration which would be beneficial in the sector of the working which would be directly enhancing the sector of the working and defining a pre estimated approach which is related to the concept.

New Information system

The information system which can be implemented within the working of the organization is the customer relationship system. In this information system it can be stated that the internet has a very vital role to play and it can be stated that the working of the amazon is directly dependent on the sector of the working of the application. The main advantage which is related to the working of the information system is that it directly takes into consideration the need of the customer. This sector would be very much beneficial in the sector of implementation of the new system due to the factor that it is directly linked with the customer (Whitmore, Agarwal & Da Xu, 2015). The system directly links the need of the customer with the business process so that there can be different types of benefit which can be achieved from the concept. The main type of knowledge in the sector of the new information system are stated below:

  • The need of the customer can be identified and recognized.
  • The understanding level of the customer is taken into consideration.
  • The care about the generation of the quality is taken into consideration and products they need most are taken into consideration.
  • Delivery of the service and product which are most needed to them are delivered.
  • The appreciation of the business is taken into consideration in the sector.

In the context of the customer relation management system it can be stated that there are basically two questions which are taken into consideration are who are the customer of the business and how can the service which is given to the customer is made better (Biemans, 2018). It can be stated that the concept can be directly be linked with the aspect of the decision making sector due to the factor that in most of the cases the planning of the organization can be dependent of the aspect of the working of the organization.

Classification of new information system

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is customer facing system for Amazon Australia. Customer facing is stated as the way by which different features of the business is encountered or seen by customer. Customer Relationship management is a customer facing idea which has been designed for satisfying the experience of user all the vital points. Currently there are many facing process and technologies which are significant in nature. It can have a strong influence on generation of revenue. Customer is generally inclusive of software or technology which comes up with proper User Interface. It is mainly aims in adding value to relationship with various customer along with tool for analytics.

Customer Relationship System can bring a large advantage to Amazon Australia like

Better Customer Service: CRM system provides a large number of benefit to Amazon Australia like easily ability to personalize the given data. Various customers are generally regardless of that which employee to create the client in individual way. It provides the employees with the ability to easily deal with it at given time. CRM system aim in easy maintaining of various profiles of customers. CRM helps the various organization in analyzing the quick level of service. Increase in customer service generally leads to increase in number of customer loyalty and decrease in customer satisfaction. CRM system can easily help Amazon Australia to easily receive feedback from various factors with respect to products.

More Customer and better revenue: CRM system can easily help Amazon Australia to easily identification of various customers. It can easily keep a track of present customer profiles. The organization can easily generate new kind of strategies which is needed by target for much customer base. By the help of CRM information, an organization can easily focus on providing wider customer base. By the help of CRM software, a business can easily emphasize on marketing and promoting campaigns. This particular system also aims in increasing the retention of customer by the implementation of loyalty programs.

Simple Marketing and sales: CRM is helpful for organization like Amazon Australia in establishing better communication channels. By the help of Website, Amazon Australia can easily make their business more convenient for its organization and sales representative. CRM creates a platform where organization can give their customer for choosing the way by which they can be contracted.

BPM Notation

Fig 3: BPMN Diagram

(Source: Created By Author)

Success factor

Customer relationship Management (CRM) can be defined as some kind of practice or strategies which are used for organization like Amazon Australia for managing and analyzing the interaction of customers. Apart from this, it can be used for data in the various phases of customer lifecycle along with goal of enhancing the relation with customers and focusing on retention of customer and growth. CRM system emphasis on compilation of customer of data in various channels at point of contact between Amazon and customer.


CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is customer facing system for Amazon Australia. Customer facing is stated as the way by which different features of the business is encountered or seen by customer. Customer Relationship management is a customer facing idea which has been designed for satisfying the experience of user all the vital points. Currently there are many facing process and technologies which are significant in nature. It can have a strong influence on generation of revenue (Kachouie et al., 2014). Customer is generally inclusive of software or technology which comes up with proper User Interface. It is mainly aims in adding value to relationship with various customer along with tool for analytics.

Factor of CRM

It is generally inclusive organization website, marketing materials and lastly social media. CRM system can also provide detail staff information on personal information of customer, history of purchase and lastly buying preferences. CRM software helps in keeping a track of customer information and other documents into a single database so that it is easily accessible and manageable. In the last few years, CRM system is considered to be very much useful. Some of the function are inclusive of interaction of customer through mail and social media.  


Amazon Australia should keep this in notice that as the technology is developing on daily basis and so they are required to update their systems. This ecommerce firm should address some of the vital aspects like suitable and convenient search option for users, elimination of customer distraction and lastly live chat with customers

Recommendation for CRS

Customer Relationship System can bring a large advantage to Amazon Australia like

Better Customer Service: CRM system provides a large number of benefit to Amazon Australia like easily ability to personalize the given data. Various customers are generally regardless of that which employee to create the client in individual way. It provides the employees with the ability to easily deal with it at given time. CRM system aim in easy maintaining of various profiles of customers. CRM helps the various organization in analyzing the quick level of service. Increase in customer service generally leads to increase in number of customer loyalty and decrease in customer satisfaction. CRM system can easily help Amazon Australia to easily receive feedback from various factors with respect to products.

More Customer and better revenue: CRM system can easily help Amazon Australia to easily identification of various customers. It can easily keep a track of present customer profiles. The organization can easily generate new kind of strategies which is needed by target for much customer base (Moher et al., 2014). By the help of CRM information, an organization can easily focus on providing wider customer base. By the help of CRM software, a business can easily emphasize on marketing and promoting campaigns. This particular system also aims in increasing the retention of customer by the implementation of loyalty programs.

Simple Marketing and sales: CRM is helpful for organization like Amazon Australia in establishing better communication channels. By the help of Website, Amazon Australia can easily make their business more convenient for its organization and sales representative (Murad et al., 2014). CRM creates a platform where organization can give their customer for choosing the way by which they can be contracted.

Success of new information system

The new information system that is CRM can easily bring a large amount of benefit to this organization that is Amazon Australia. The new information has been designed in such a way that it can increase the customer base for amazon Australia. CRM system provides the opportunity of Cross sell in various organization like Amazon. This new system with helpful in increasing team collaboration along with greater staff satisfaction. Apart from this it is very helpful in increasing revenue and profitability (Muskett, 2014). The biggest benefit of this new information system is that it is cost saving. The implementation cost of this new system will slightly affect the overall revenue of the organization.

Aspects of CRM

 Amazon Australia should address six vital steps for the success of CRM system like

v The whole system should be transparent.

v Building a proper value with the customers

v Providing best product and services to customers.

v Keeping a momentum (Singer et al., 2016).


The above discussion related us to the fact that the whole report is all about Amazon Australia. In the report, the strategy and operation of Amazon Australia has been discussed in brief. By the help of Mintzberg classification the whole organization form of Amazon Australia has bene discussed in brief. A proper value chain analysis has been done on Amazon Australia. Different issues in this organization due to the information system has been highlight and provided by the help of rich picture. DeLone McLean Model has been used for understanding the various departments human activity system. CRM system can be considered for analyzing the different zones of information system.


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