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Discuss about the Song Dynasty of China.



The Song Dynasty has been a crucial part of the Chinese history and was a time of great economical, as well as, social changes. For the first time since the fall of the Tang Dynasty in the year 907, China found its mark in the world. With the advent of Song Dynasty from 960 to 1279, the history of China turned into the golden age (Travel China Guide, 2016). This was the time when China led the world in science and technology. The sun Dynasty also witnessed the emergence of numerous scholars whose expertise covered a remarkable number of fields. And through their efforts, the science and technology in china reached such levels that even today the Chinese feel proud.

The Song Dynasty was divided in two parts. The first was the Northern Song from 960 to 1127. During this time, the dynastic founder, Emperor Taizu of Song reunified China. The other part was known as the Southern Song from 1127 to 1279. This was set up by
the son of the last emperor of the Northern Song, Zhao Gou (China Highlights, 2016).

Ship Making 

A well preserved secret has been uncovered in one of the beaches of China, where a boat made more than 700 years back was found. This boat had a length of 37 meters, was made in the Song Dynasty, which accommodated 3 masts and 13 sealed compartments and had a loading capacity of over 200 tons. This was the oldest fully intact wooden boat in the world, but was not the largest boat made in the Song Dynasty (CCTV-9 Documentary Channel, 2011).

By that time, the lengths of the very large boats having 100 meters, with a load of over 1000 tons, were already taking place. The unearthing of this ship clearly revealed the watertight bulkhead compartments sealing techniques used in the Song Dynasty. It is an irrefutable fact that the watertight bulkhead compartment made during this time is still in use in the modern ship building industry (CCTV-9 Documentary Channel, 2011).

Song Dynasty Ceramics 

The foremost expression of ceramic art is considered to be the Chinese ceramics made during the Song Dynasty. In this period, there was a harmony in the vital components which are considered as essential to the art, which includes the shape of the vessel, glaze, potting techniques, firing process, aesthetic theory and decoration. A high standard of excellence was ensured while combining these. Porcelain was the dominating component which was used in the ceramics making. The shards of the porcelain used during Song Dynasty, spread out across the globe, and were found as far as the eastern Africa (Asia for Educators, 2008).


The earliest reference made regarding the use of magnetic device has been found in the books of Song Dynasty dating back to 1041-1044. The description of this compass has been given as an iron south point fish which is floating in a bowl of water, and aligns itself towards the south direction (History of Compass, 2016).

While being used at sea, the compass was already facilitating navigation in the Song Dynasty, along with playing an important role in another remarkable achievement in the history of human civilization, i.e., the Maritime Silk Road (CCTV-9 Documentary Channel, 2011). Experts have concluded that the invention compass was a miracle in the boat history around the world, as it made safe navigation possible.

Wan'an Bridge 

For the city of Quanzhou, in the ancient China, the prospects of sea trade made the city world famous.  At time that, many foreigners travelled to this city and some of them came just to visit the Wan'an Bridge. This was the oldest bridge in the world, even back then, and was the longest stone bridge over water. The bridge was about 1200 meters long and 5 meters wide and boasted 47 span openings. Construction on this bridge began in the year built 1053 and it took six years to complete (Xi'an University of Finance and Economics, 2016).

In the world history of bridge construction, this bridge was the first to use ship like stone piers that had sharp edged on both sides. Due to the lack of the modern day equipments, this bridge is considered as one of the significant examples of the development of science and technology in the history of China.

Movable Type Printing 

The invention of the movable type printing also took place during the Song Dynasty. Bi Sheng (990-1051) was the one responsible for this invention (Needham, 1994). The use of woodblocks methods of printing was enhanced with the advent of this invention and was consumed readily by the every growing literate population.

With the advancement of movable type printing, as well as, the paper, the education and the scholars were deeply affected. This was due to the reason that more books could now be made in a faster manner (CCTV-9 Documentary Channel, 2011). Further, mass production of such printed books was way cheaper than the handwritten copies, which along with costs, was cumbersome and laborious. And so, this invention was a major catalyst in the growth of the social mobility, as well as, the increase of the knowledgeable group of scholar leaders.


The paper making technology was enhanced in the Song Dynasty. The common raw materials which were used for papermaking during the Song Dynasty included the bark, bamboo, as well as, the straw. Even though bamboo paper was invented during the Tang Dynasty, it was majorly popularized during the time of Song Dynasty (The Editorial Committee of Chinese Civilization, 2007). Gradually, bamboo paper took over the other kind of paper in the Song Dynasty, and become the key paper to be used on daily basis.

Along with the bamboo paper, the Song Dynasty was also responsible for refining the technique of making the straw paper. This was a paper which was made from the stalk of white and rice and was very thin, as well as, crisp. During the Song Dynasty, the size of sole pieces of paper grew bigger, and was as long as 3 to 5 zhang, where one zhang equal to 3.12 meters (The Editorial Committee of Chinese Civilization, 2007).


The poetry of the Song Dynasty is also famously known as the Song poetry. The best known classical Chinese poems came from the Song Dynasty. The poets of this time drew the long tradition of poetry in China, especially from the preceding period of the Tang Dynasty (Knoepfle, & Wang, 1985). An increase in the popularity of the Ci form of poetry was seen as the new developments of Song Dynasty. Further, a fusion of poetry and painting was developed during this time.

Apart from this, the Song Dynasty is also famous for the achievement of combing the three terms of poetry, calligraphy, as well as, painting, which came to be known as the three perfections. Mi Fu was one of the renowned practitioners of the three perfections. Though, most of the poets of Song Dynasty were hugely affected by politics.


From the above discussion it can be concluded that indeed, the Song Dynasty was the time for development in China and during this time, China achieved great heights. Each field was progressing and new innovations were made, which helped in not only the Song Dynasty during that time, but also laid seeds for the processes used in the modern days. From the huge shipbuilding and bridge making, to the inventions of paper making and compass, the world was changed. Each sphere of Song Dynasty proved crucial for not only the history of China, and the world, but also for the modern day. Song Dynasty truly made China the world leader and an example of advancements and innovations.


Asia for Educators. (2008). Song Engagement with the Outside World. Retrieved from: https://afe.easia.columbia.edu/Song/out/trade.htm

CCTV-9 Documentary Channel. (2011, October 10). New Frontier HQ Chinese Civilization (16) The Song Dynasty / Part 02. [Video File]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwrdEXXtz-4

China Highlights. (2016). The Song Dynasty. Retrieved from: https://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/china-history/the-Song-Dynasty.htm

China Online Museum. (2016). Song Dynasty Ceramics. Retrieved from: https://www.chinaonlinemuseum.com/ceramics-Song.php

History of Compass. (2016). Facts and History of the Compass. Retrieved from: https://www.historyofcompass.com/

Knoepfle, J., & Wang, S. (1985). Song Dynasty Poems. Peoria, Illinois: Spoon River Poetry Press.

Needham, J. (1994). The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 14.

The Editorial Committee of Chinese Civilization. (2007). China: Five Thousand Years of History and Civilization. Hong Kong: City University of HK Press, pp. 562-564.

Travel China Guide. (2016). Song Dynasty. Retrieved from: https://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/history/Song/

Xi'an University of Finance and Economics. (2016). Strolling the city of stones. Retrieved from: https://gongwai.xaufe.edu.cn/englishonline/culture/chinaculture/ChinaCulture/en_curiosity/2005-08/02/content_71529_5.htm

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