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Questions :-

Part 1--Getting Started:

Read the textbook chapter on Karl Marx, with a special focus on Marx’s theory of alienation (all components of alienation) and his concept “species being.” Make sure that you understand how alienation is related to the organization of labor and systems of exchange under capitalism.

Review course notes and lecture material on the same topics. Part 2– Collecting the “Data”

2.a) Invite one or more friends or family members over to share a meal, which you will prepare “from scratch.”

2.b) Cook the meal from scratch and share it with one or more friends or family members. For

this part of the assignment, don’t use any canned goods, mixes, or otherwise pre-prepared foods. Meats and vegetables should be fresh (not canned or pre-made frozen (e.g., no pre-stuffed chicken breasts), sauces should be made from scratch (not from

a jar or sauce mix), etc. You may use electric mixers but NOT food processors. You may use pasta noodles (spaghetti, macaroni, etc), but NOT pre-made raviolis, pre-stuffed manicotti, etc. In other words, I want you to provide as much of the labor in making your meal as is feasible in a modern, urban society where one cannot be reasonably expected to butcher one’s own meat or grow one’s own fruits and vegetables. Keep notes as you figure out what to serve, shop for the ingredients, prepare the food, and after your guests have left. I want to know your thoughts and emotions throughout the process.

NOTE: If your guests offer to help prepare or serve the meal, it’s OK to allow them to assist, but not to cook it for you.

Part 2.c) Part Invite the same friend(s) or family member(s) over to share a pre-made meal. (E.g, a bucket of chicken, a frozen lasagne, etc) Ideally, the meal will be similar to the one you served

the first time, though variations are allowed. Don’t tell your guests that the meal will not be home made. You may leave out the containers (or better yet, just serve from them) so that it will be obvious that you did not cook this time. A good way to entice people to come over a second time is to say, “We enjoyed the last meal or get-together) so much, I wondered if you could come over again.” Keep notes as you figure out what to serve, pick up the food from a store or restaurant, and after your guests have left. I want to know your thoughts and emotions throughout the process.

Part 3: Writing the assignment.

3A. Explaining the Theory and Concepts: Explain Marx’s theory of alienation (including all aspects of alienation) and concept “species being.” (Remember that people

are alienated from nature and that they lose the profits of their labor. Be sure to discuss these as aspects of alienation, as well as the other parts of it.) Be sure to explain the theory and concepts in your own words, using original examples and the critical thinking tools of

accuracy, completeness, clarity, precision, depth, and breadth. Cite your sources!

3.B) Explain Marx’s purpose in developing these concepts and his theory of alienation. Specifically, why do you think Marx took the time to develop these ideas and formulate them into a theory? What is it he’s telling us about the pitfalls of modern capitalism? Be accurate, complete, and precise in your explanation.

3.C) Explain his goal in developing the theory. Would you say that his goal is to be able to predict and control social problems? To create academic understandings for their own sake? To empower and emancipate the oppressed? Be accurate, complete, and precise in your explanation.

3.D) Explain his assumptions about how the organization of society and labor affect people’s consciousness and the way they relate to one another. In class I said that Marx is a materialist/realist. What does that mean? Where in his work on alienation do you see evidence of his realism? Do you see any place in his work where he contradicts these assumptions? Where? Explain fully, providing accuracy, completeness, and depth in your explanation.

In parts 3A-3D, you should use examples and elaboration, as needed, to provide clarity, depth, and breadth to your explanations.

3.E) Presenting the Data: Provide a “thick” description of the entire “data collection” process–what you served, how you cooked it (or where you picked it up), how you served it, who you invited over, where you sat, what you talked about, etc. Did you set the table? Watch

TV while eating (if so, what was on)? How did your guests react to each meal? How did you feel about each meal at each stage of the process? I want enough detail (elaboration) that your cooking makes me hungry and I feel like I was sitting in a corner of the room watching.

3.F) Analyzing the Data:

Use Marx’s theory of alienation and his concepts species being and reification to analyze your experiences. Specifically: Connect experiences from your experiment to Marx’s concepts (aspects of alienation, species being, and reification). Use examples from your experiment to bring the theory to life, and use the theory to conceptualize your experiment. How did being involved in the process of labor in the preparation of the first meal affect your sense of connection to the product and the process? Did you derive any sense of satisfaction from preparing and serving the meal? How did your involvement in the process of labor (fixing and serving the meal) affect your connections to your guests? How did it affect your species being?

Provide one or more example(s) for each concept and explain accurately, completely, and with depth and clarity, why the examples fit with the concepts.

How did your lack of involvement in the process of labor in the preparation of the second

meal affect your sense of connection to the product and the process? How do you think our fast food system of food distribution affects the person/people who created your meal? (E.g., Do you think the server at the drive through window achieved species being from handing your meal to you? What about the person who cooked the tacos/burgers/fried chicken/baked ziti?) What satisfaction did you derive from picking up and serving the pre-prepared meal? How did your lack of involvement in the process of labor affect your connections to your guests? How did it affect your species being? Provide one or more example(s) for each concept and explain accurately, completely, and with depth and clarity, why the examples fit with the concepts.

Explain accurately, completely, and with depth and clarity how the concepts connect together theoretically.

3.G) Drawing logical data-based conclusions about the theory and concepts: In your Conclusions section, explain what conclusions can you draw about Marx’s critique of the organization of labor under industrial capitalism based on what you learned in this “experiment”? In other words, if your data support Marx’s theory, what are the implications for the way we distribute, prepare, and consume food? How does a reified social system affect consciousness? How does that consciousness then affect our species being, relations to self and other, and our levels of

alienation from self, process, product, other people, and nature? Are Marx’s assumptions about the way society affects individuals and the way groups of people relate to one another still applicable? Why or why not? What, if any, shortcomings do you see in Marx’s assumptions, his goals, and the overall theory? In this section, your conclusions should follow logically from your data and analysis. If your data support Marx’s theory but you still wish to disagree with him, be sure to provide ample evidence that he is wrong. It is perfectly acceptable to disagree with Marx or to critique elements of his theories, but you must provide data or evidence to support your argument.

This section will be graded on logic and the quality of data you use to support your conclusions, as well as accurate use of the data and clarity of the argument.

IMPORTANT: Cite all your sources, including the textbook and power point slides I provide. I will deduct 10 points for failure to cite your sources. (I don’t care what style you use.)

Answers :-

Part 1 – Explanation of concept and theory

Explain the theory of concept

The theory of Alienation of Karl Marx provides the view that it is the process of separating the things which belong together naturally. The theory also provides the view that the result of antagonism is being created when the social relation is thrown out from their natural harmony (Marx). In this theory the concept of “species being” which clearly states that the separation of people from their human nature. According to Karl Marx, it is the natural consequences of the capitalism due to the various reasons. There are various aspects of alienation that could figure out from the theory of Karl Marx. The first one is the alienation from the products; then the second one is the alienation from the working process (Alexander). The third one is the alienation from the human being itself, the fourth is the alienation from others, and the fifth one is the alienation from nature. This theory helps to understand the facts which eventually make the people and things separated from each other. For example; there are various concepts regarding the events, and for that, it became much effective for the people.  The theory eventually provides the view that separation of people is the natural process or the human-made process which that create a significant impact on the people and the development of economic stability. 

Marx’s purpose

The primary purpose of Karl Marx for the development of this theory in the world is to reveal the various activities of human which lies behind the dominating society (Barbalet). He showed the various characteristics of the society as well as the action of human being with the help of alienation theory. It can be seen that Karl Marx took his time for understanding the process, and also it help him t
o provide the most suitable and effective concept within the theory. This created huge sensation within the world where the society from the background is entirely dominating the working function of the human being. After the completion of the selected task, they are being separated from the sources, or they do not have power over the causes. According to Karl Marx, the drawbacks of the modern capitalism is that it provide benefits and suitable working function to the people, but it was gradually taking away the basic human nature (Laibman). The entire process provides the view that the working function of the human being is creating huge impact within the market and for that, they have to deal with the various issue within the society. His theory provides the view that with the development of capitalism in the world people are getting away from their human nature and this is the primary concept of alienation.

Marx’s Goal

Karl Marx goal for the development of alienation theory in the world is to bring changes within the social activity and the psychology of the people (Shantz, Alfes, Bailey, and Soane). He creatively provides the view that people are getting separated from their self and also from the various working process due to the capitalization. His goal predicts the social problem, and somewhat it is also suitable for maintenance of the social problem. For example; at the beginning of capitalization Karl Marx predicted the social issues that would be faced by the people. His prediction was appropriate, and the theory of alienation provides the view of social factor. The theory is much effective for the society to provide a suitable and effective view of the working process and the development of business within the organization. The primary concept of his goal for the development of this theory is to improve the working function and also the nature of social life (Windsor, and Carroll). The theory clearly shows that people are becoming more capitalist and for that, the working function is also getting profoundly disturbed.

Marx’s assumptions

The assumption of Karl Marx provides the view that the organization of society is directly affecting the consciousness of people (Anderson et al). It is clear from the various facts that the working function of the people within the market is quite effective and they are creating huge beneficial within the market. His assumption of people that they are getting separated from themselves is one the most impacted concept on the people. For example; people work within the organization or in some other field, and they produce the things which they are being separated on behalf of money. The fact is clear that the human being treats them as the species being and try to work for the betterment of others rather than providing focus on their development. The entire process is quite effective, and this helps the people to understand their aspects and their development in nature (Chilcote). The assumption of Karl Marx in every aspect is helpful for the people and also for the world to maintain their activity in the field.

Part 2 – Presentation of data

Cooked meal

I had invited two of my close friends and my relatives to the “get together” party. The party was started in the evening so as an evening dish I had served a pasta dish for them. I had made “Chicken Spaghetti” for them and for making this starch had been used by me and from which I had made the sauce of spaghetti. For making this dish I had taken fresh chicken breasts and vegetables and along with five packets of spaghetti from the market in the morning. Before starting the recipe, I had chopped all the plants that I bought from the market for making this dish like onions, tomato, beans, and carrot and cut the chicken breasts into small pieces and getting ready for making the sauce with starch. For making the tomato paste, I had split each tomato into four sections and put it into the electric mixture for preparing the tomato paste. In this method, I had used five tomatoes for making the tomato paste.

Recipe- “Chicken Spaghetti with Red Sauce”   


Spaghetti, olive oil, brown onion, garlic, cloves, Italian diced tomatoes, tomato paste (made earlier), fresh continental parsley, caster sugar, salt, freshly ground black pepper, barilla penne rigate, 6 boneless chicken breast, canola oil, julienned green pepper, sliced mushrooms, Italian seasoning, dried oregano, carrot, beans.

Methods for Red Sauce

  • Five tablespoon olive oil has heated in a large frying pan over medium flame
  • After 20 seconds six chopped brown onion has added with the oil and stirred it properly until it turns brown
  • When it becomes brown five crushed garlic were added and shook it for one minute until it smells comes out
  • Then add chopped tomatoes and tomato paste which I had made earlier and increase the flame to boil it
  • When the tomatoes were thoroughly cooked, then I had reduced the heat from medium and then simmer and stirred it for 7-8 minutes until the red sauce becomes thickens slightly
  • Add some parsley and sugar to it and along with I had added some pepper and salt to taste in the sauce

Now the red sauce is ready, and after that, I had started to prepare chicken spaghetti with this red sauce.

Method for Chicken Spaghetti

  • First, boil the chicken in a large bowl with salted water
  • When the chicken gets cooked to remove the water and keep it in the container and set aside
  • Add about 8-10 tablespoon of canona oil in a large pan for frying the chicken breast. The chicken breast was cut into small ½ inch pieces
  • When the oil becomes hot and the chicken breast for frying. About 9-10 minutes were taken for frying the chicken
  • After grilling the chicken turns red and I have kept this aside in a big bowl and covered it with a lid
  • After that chopped carrot and beans were fried in a small frying pan and held apart covering in a small bowl
  • Boil spaghetti in a bowl for 9-11 minutes with salt and after when it boiled drain the excess water
  • Add spaghetti with the fried chicken in a pot add low flame. Then add diced tomatoes, barilla penne rigate, salt, peppers and red tomato sauce
  • Mix it well and stirred with for 5 minutes until the whole vegetables get mixes well
  • When the all process mixes up add garlic powder and pepper when served

After preparing this, I had set the table and served the dish on the plate and with the fork to every member whom I had invited for this party. We were all sitting at the dining table and some on the sofas and talked about our professional lives. After completing the meal, they had praised my cooking capability and everybody enjoyed by the dish at the get-together party.

Pre-made meal

I had invited the same family members and friends for a pre-made lunch. Though this dish was bought from "Applesbee's" one of the famous restaurant in the United States while my friends and family members thought that I had made this dish. I had bought “Chicken Lasagna” at this time from the restaurant and did not inform any of my guests that I do not make this dish. My family members and friends praised me for making such a tasty dish for them and told me to make this type of dish more in the coming days. I had served the meal in the dining table to every member whom I had invited in the last get together party. I had removed all the containers so that no one can know that I have bought this from the restaurant. I served the dish in the plate to the individual member whom I had invited in the past get together party. My serving process was same as I had done in the past get together party. In this party, we were talking about our personal life and watching television at this party. We were all watching a horror movie at that time as many of the people were not interested in talking with their personal life. Each of the members was very happy about my both party, and I am also pleased about getting praises for them. In the earlier get together party I had made the dish own, but in this party, I have bought it from the restaurant, so I feel somewhat guilty as I do not deserve praises at that time. While I am happy that everybody praises my capability of making such a tasty and delicious dishes for them. In the first party, I feel very proud that I had made this dish on my capability while I feel somewhat depressed in the second party because I had bought the meal from the restaurant and not made by self. Besides this, both the dishes were very tasty and delicious as I think that I can also make the "Chicken lasagna" dish in my home. At that time I will also invite by family members along with my close two friends so that they tasted my homemade ‘Chicken Lasagna' dish and praised me for making a delicious meal for them.

Part 3 – Analysis of data

In the process of preparation of first meal the entire concept was quite effective and also developing the valuable working function. When the entire process for the development of food and the collection of ingredients was going on, it became quite sensible that they are all not different. The products and the process were quite familiar and where the human being these are essential for the development of suitable and effective process within the market. In this concept, the theory of Karl Marx effectively provides the view that the products and the ingredients are being alienated from the sources. For example; the chicken that is being used in the recipe is being alienated from its life. It is clear that to get something suitable and to affect one has to make enormous sacrifices. The preparation for the meal, in the beginning, was not effective but as time passed, it became much interesting. The entire development of red sauce with the starch and the meal is quite innovative. The sense of satisfaction was completely derived when the whole meal was being served to the people. This is one of the greatest satisfaction for the cookers to see their meal is being served and eaten by others.

The theory of alienation provides the view that cooking and serving it to the others is also a kind of separation (Hascher, and Hadjar). Though this separation provides satisfaction to the producers and even the others to fulfill their needs. The entire process was quite interesting, and also it helps to maintain a suitable and effective process for the development of products within the market. The involvement in the process of the cooking system provides the view that the connection with the guest is getting highly affected. This can be understood from the facts that while the preparation is on it became quite difficult to provide entire concentration to the guest and for that there is a mild separation is being created. It can also be explained with the help of alienation theory where the host and the guest gets separated due to some other process. The connection with the guest and the meal server is essential, and this needs to be done with the effective working process. The entire labor is to understand the working process and the theory of alienation within the practical life (Ghosh). People in this aspect provides the view to maintain their activity and their working function with the effective style of communicating in the entire process.

The entire cooking labor in this context clearly describes the effect of species being. This is because I am not a cook or do not have any kind of cooking experience. The concept of species providing the view that human basic nature is being separated from the people (Qingde, and Jing). In this case, also I have never performed cooking, but due to the task and the labor, I have to do it which is the separation of my human nature from me. The entire process delivers valuable and effective food for the people and tries to improve the nature of human being. From the Karl Marx theory, it is clear that entire working function and the process. The entire communication with the guest while serving the meal is on professional life. The entire process is quite effective, and for that, it helps to develop various working function within the market. The theory provides the view that the method of alienation is highly effective in the cooking process of the firm (Schneider). For example; preparation of the recipe and serving them to the guest is done well, and the entire process carried suitably. It can be seen that the guest was all happy with the food and for that, it provides a huge satisfaction which is a suitable process of socialization.

The theory is based on the process of how a person or the thing is being separated from their nature being (Berman). In the laborious task, it can be seen that the entire process is being processed to develop a suitable meal. The process of get-together or gathering is the social activity but due to this people have to perform various things which is the primary reason for their alienation. In the modern life, people have forgotten the way to cook as there is numerous way of getting a pre-cooked meal which is highly affecting in the modern world but it is alienating the people from their human nature. The process is quite effective which particularly predicts the working function of the human in nature (Baker, and Eichler). With the development of business and suitable working function, people can increase their working function and their quality of product delivery within the firm. Sociology helps the people to maintain their social position and their working function within the society. The entire process is quite effective, and for that, it allows the firm in the development of suitable valuable working function (Runqian, JIANG, and Daojin). The concept is clear for the people with the development of process and the products that are being separated from them. In most of the time, it can be seen that it is quite satisfying if the people in return are getting a suitable price. Though according to Marx the price is not the appropriate thing for the human nature, and also it destroys the entire concept of human being.

Part 4 – conclusion and Implications

The paper eventually concludes the facts that sociology is the basic concept of structuring as well as the human nature within the society. The paper also concludes that Karl Marx with his alienation theory effectively provides the view that the entire working function of the firm is to maintain their activity and their social context. The process of getting separated from the products is quite disturbing, and also it takes away the basic nature of the human being. In this process, it effectively involves the process of development as well as working function within the market. It can be understood from the facts that are provided within the paper that in the modern society people have changed a lot and for that, they are losing their basic human nature. The paper evaluates the facts that human need to change their view on the social context for the development of basic human nature.

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