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1. What is the impact of employee motivation on the organizational performance of Tesco?

2. What are the strategies of employee motivation followed at Tesco?

3. Why Tesco is facing issues in motivating their employees?

4. How Tesco can enhance the motivation level of the employees towards increased organizational performance?



Employee motivation is the level of commitment, energy and creativity, which the employees of an organization bring to their jobs (Dobre 2013). It is the most critical aspect at the workplace, which leads to high level of organizational performance. Motivation acts as a psychological drive, which creates a desire within the employees to work hard for organizational success (Barrick et al. 2015). Moreover, motivated and committed employees can perfectly align their individual achievements with organizational overall achievement. This research paper will discuss the impact of employee motivation in organizational performance. In order to collect information specifically, the research paper will select Tesco and research on it for collecting information about their employee motivation and organizational performance.

Background of the Research

In contemporary business world, employees are considered as the most valuable organizational asset in achieving organizational success. Employee motivation can act as an effective policy for the managers towards increasing effectual job management amongst the employees in organizations (Kehoe and Wright 2013). Motivated employees are always responsive of their definite goals and objectives. Hence, they can direct their efforts in that direction. Moreover, motivated employees are always willing to put their best effort in their tasks for achieving overall organizational success.

Significance of the Research 

Motivation is the power, which strengthens the power of employee behavior, gives direction to their behavior and triggers their tendency to continue with their best efforts for achieving organizational success (Cherian and Jacob 2013). It is a psychological drive, which stimulates the performance level of the employees intended to achieving organizational goals. This research will gather important information regarding the impact of employee motivation on organizational performance. Moreover, the research paper is significant enough towards collecting information on specific organizational context through focusing on Tesco.

Problem Statement

In modern organizational context, employees are not only motivated through monetary rewards but also they want some not monetary recognition for their motivation. In case of Tesco, it can be seen that the managers are only providing monetary rewards for valuing the effort of the employees and motivating them. However, there are no such attractive promotional opportunities, empowerment and any other recognition (Topham 2016). Therefore, the motivational strategies of Tesco are not leading to ultimate motivation of the employees, which is hampering their performance. The employees are not willing to put their best effort in enhancing organizational performance.

Research Aim

The research paper is aimed at exploring the impact of employee motivation on the organizational performance of Tesco.

Research Objectives

  • To explore the impact of employee motivation on the organizational performance of Tesco
  • To identify the strategies of employee motivation at Tesco
  • To recognize the issues in the employee motivation of Tesco
  • To suggest the ways in which Tesco can enhance the motivation level of the employees towards increased organizational performance    

Literature Review

Concept of Employee Motivation 

Employee motivation is a factor, which encourages an employee towards pursuing their work goals. Gupta and Shaw (2014) opined that effective employee motivation supports goal directed behavior of the employees, which encourage them towards increased performance level. It boosts the performance level of the employees, which leads to increased organizational performance. Hence, the managers of an organization should be highly concerned about motivational factors of the employees.

Concept of Organizational Performance 

Organizational performance is defined as the actual output of an organization as measured against the intended organizational goals and objectives. Organizational performance is directly proportionate with the performance level of the employees. As per Bellé (2013), the production capacity of the organization is completely dependent on the individual performance level of the employees. An organization can automatically enhance its performance, when its employees are motivated to align their individual goals with overall organizational goals.

Motivational Theories

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory explores five levels of needs, which are in turn related to the motivation level of the employees. As per this theory, the employees are motivated to fulfill their basic needs before moving on to meet the next growth needs. According to Petrou, Demerouti and Schaufeli (2015), the managers of an organization should always fulfill the psychological needs of the employees through basic salary, sufficient air and water. Such fulfillment of needs helps in the existence of the motivation among the employees. In safety needs, an effective manager always provides job security, financial security and health security to the employees. Fulfillment of such needs leads to a sense of protection and security among the employees, which motivates the employees in fulfilling further growth needs.

Being human beings, the employees always have the needs for love, care, affections, friendship and belongingness. Lazaroiu (2015) stated that employees are mostly motivated in a friendly work environment. Hence, effective organizational managers foster teamwork for enhancing the motivation level of the employees. Talented and hardworking employees are always motivated through recognition, admiration and power, which fulfill their esteem needs. On the other hand, Paillé et al. (2014) pointed out that employees can fulfill their self-actualization need through getting the opportunity of satisfying their full potentiality. Moreover, the managers of an organization can motivate employees through providing them with sense of ownership and more challenging work.

Impact of Employee Motivation on Organizational Performance

Employees become committed in achieving organizational goals, when their own individual goals are associated with the organizational goals. Moreover, motivated employees are highly committed in achieving organization goals and objectives. On the other hand, Bellé (2013) opined that satisfied and motivated employees foster positivity in the workplace environment, which is directly associated with productive workplace. Moreover, motivated employees drive positive growth for their organizations.  Furthermore, Gupta and Shaw (2014) opined that motivation facilitates the employees in reaching their personal goals and drives their self-development. Such developed and motivated employees are efficient enough performing their job roles effectively by enhancing the overall organizational efficiency. Furthermore, motivated employees are always responsible, who are willing to take the responsibility of their own work. Therefore, such employees can complete their assigned projects within timely and effective manner.

Best Strategies of Employee Motivation

Employees are motivated at their workplace, when their contributions are actually valued by their organizations. The managers should provide adequate reward to the employees for valuing their hardworking in organizational success. The employees in contemporary business organizations are not only satisfied with monetary rewards, but also want non-monetary recognition for their true valuation of work (Kehoe and Wright 2013). Therefore, the managers should provide lucrative promotional opportunities to the employees based on their performance level. It can keep the employees motivated towards enhancing their productivity. Empowerment can also be an effective motivational strategy, which provides a sense of ownership to the employees (Gupta and Shaw 2014). Moreover, the employees get motivated through having their control on their own job roles. Furthermore, some employees are intrinsically motivated to work hard for achieving organizational goals. Such employees require more challenging jobs and delegation of authority for proving their ultimate potentials.

Research Methodology

Research Approach

Research approach is an effective method of collecting authentic information regarding the research topic. The most common types of research approaches are inductive and deductive. Inductive approach facilitates in developing new models and theories for collecting the relevant research information. Inductive approach is mostly related to qualitative research. On the other hand, deductive approach facilitates in applying existing models and theories for gathering most accurate research information (Choy 2014). Such approach is mostly associated with quantitative research. This research paper will use deductive research approach, as it reduces the time and budget of the research by applying existing models and theories.

Research Design 

Effective research design facilitates in proper and complete understanding of the research topic. The most commonly used research designs are explanatory, exploratory and descriptive research design. Explanatory design recognizes the relationship among various research variables for making a link among each other. On the other hand, exploratory design identifies the social causes behind the research topic. In this way, this design facilitates in exploring the actual issues behind the research. Furthermore, descriptive design recognizes the actual purpose of the research and accumulates proper information about the research topic (Dumay and Cai 2015). This research paper will choose descriptive design of research, as it provides complete and detailed understanding of the research paper.

Research Strategy

The authenticity of collected data is highly dependent on selection of proper research strategy. The most frequently used research strategies are like case study, focus group, survey and interview. Case study strategy is most related to secondary method of data collection. This research paper will be based on primary method of data collection. Hence, this research paper will choose survey and interview strategy for collecting accurate research information. In survey method, primary information will be collected from the employees of Tesco. On the other hand, in Interview method, the research paper will collect information from the managers of the organization.

Data Collection

Data collection is the most important activity in gathering most accurate information about research topic. It facilitates in reaching best quality research outcome (Lather and Pierre 2013). The research paper will need information from both primary and secondary sources for enhancing the quality of research information. The secondary information will be collected from different secondary sources like authentic journals, newspapers, articles and books. However, this research paper will be primarily based on primary method of data collection. In this method, two types of data collection techniques will be used, which are like qualitative and quantitative technique. In quantitative technique, research information will be collected through distribution survey questions among the selected respondents. On the other hand, qualitative technique will collected subjective information from the organizational heads of concerned organization through interview session.

Sample Selection

The research paper will select 50 respondents from Tesco for conducting survey method of data collection. On the other hand, the research paper will also select 3 managers of Tesco for understanding their core organizational strategies in employee motivation. Simple random sampling method will be used gathering the respondents at their convenient place for collecting information from them.

Data Analysis 

Data analysis method is extremely important for evaluating the collected data and reaching at an effective research outcome. It converts the general information of collected data into specific information for enhancing the quality of research outcome (McCusker and Gunaydin 2015). This research paper will adopt statistical data analysis method, where chi square test will be performed by using SPSS software. It evaluates the relationship among the categorical variables, which enhances the quality of research outcome.

Research Limitation 

This research study can face the limitation of time for gathering effective information from adequate numbers of respondents. On the other hand, the budget limitation of the research can also impact on the quality of the research outcome, as can limit the accessibility of the research paper on ample of authentic secondary sources.

Reference List

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