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The Brougham Dining Room

You have just been appointed as a senior supervisor of a four star 400 bed city centre based hotel.

You have been appointed by the new general manager on your first day and find that you have worked with her in the past and had a very good working relationship with her. You also know she is an excellent manager and communicator. You also know that she respects you and your views.

Later that day she has called you to her office and explains the following situation she has found at the hotel:

She explains that she has only been in the job less than two weeks. Her initial reports are that you have a high turnover of first line employees with 75% staying less than a year. Although they are payed a little more (3%) in wages than the national average. Your employees work on average a 49 hr week due to a staff shortage. You also have a chronic sickness record amongst your front line employees.

The previous and other supervisors have a high technical skill rate, and consider themselves to be firm but fair in dealing with subordinates.

A recent report also shows that in a company survey (taken from frontline employees working at the hotel) they feel they are bullied and constantly undervalued by their supervisors and management. They also feel that they are not listened to, not given or included in changes and expected to do tasks with little, and in some case no supervision or training. But, often get blamed when things go wrong that they have not been told or consulted about. The survey also reported some employees don’t like the fact that they are treated and spoken to like children and are often spoken to harshly with no consideration or though given to them as individuals, “they feel they are just a number”.

The standards over the last three years in food and beverage department and in particular the banqueting department have fallen along with productivity and profits. Hence the previous supervisor has since resigned and left the company earlier this week.

In the report and customer survey your new general manager instigated, showed that 31% of customers would not return due to having to wait too long for service and felt the staff did not smile and felt rushed in ordering their meals and drinks. To make things worse a recent visit from the local newspapers food critic “slammed” the atmosphere in your restaurant, and service stating: “staff looked miserable, and did not want to be there “, and that he witnessed a supervisor/manager dressing down a young worker behind the bar for spilling several drinks not even considering that she (Abigale) had cut her hand (although not badly) in the accident.

Your general manager has asked you for your input on how to tackle the situation and stated that she will be willing to consider anything you may like to suggest. She has asked you to draw up a plan for your area to bring about a change and has stated she may consider rolling it out across the hotel. So, you are to look at the short and longer term strategies. But, first has asked you to draw up your thoughts, ideas and an initial plan for the next meeting to present to her and her new assistant general manager in three weeks time.


1.0 Introduction 

Interacting with stakeholders is a way of making communication easy. The stakeholders open up in burning issues and therefore solutions are provident as soon as possible. However, managers and other senior stakeholders should make sure that they do not cross bonders set between the management team and the subordinate staff. The bounders restrict some behaviour which may include assumption of power, friendly relations as a result of origin, and the existence of social evils. The aim of this report is to create awareness on the ways of governing an organization, given the chance, as well as the results of different employees in a survey.

1.1 Rules and regulations

There should be rules and regulations which govern the entire institution. The rules are part and parcel of the culture of the institutions. The rules cover everything ranging from behaviour to operations.

1.11 Delegation of duties

Delegating duties can also be termed as division of labour. This might be boring since stakeholders are entitled to a specific position to perform a certain task. It may result to loss of interest, thus poor performance. Delegation of duties should therefore be done wisely, keeping some characteristics constant while considering others. 

1.2 Authorisation 

This document has been written and edited, and all rules reserved. It is however open for editing, and additional relevant information.

2.0 Opinion 

The company needs proper communications, as well as rules and regulations which govern the stakeholders. Having many customers and responsibilities does not mean that employees should be overworked or mistreated. For instance, no one can be motivated by work if he or she works full time without any break, or leave. Every worker should also know that despite the situation, they applied for the jobs themselves, and should therefore be patient until the management comes to their aid (Tench, Ver?i?, Zerfass, Moreno, Verhoeven, & Jugo, 2017, PG 130). However, the way the male worker treated Abigail is quite disgusting. Dressing down a lady without even any sense of humanity, and without caring whether she got injured or not is quite in human. This company should be investigated further, since it seems that there are other social evils which are being practiced. In addition, one could want to know the reason behind the stay of the workers, despite the mistreatment. No worker can be oppressed and still have the courage to move on. Workers gat desperate quickly and can leave anytime as long as they know that they can secure a job elsewhere. Therefore, there is a great problem with the company, and that is the aim of investigation.

3.0 The seriousness of the matter

The current staff’s situation is serious and should be changed. The staff is facing difficulties some are speaking out; where else others are showing through actions. Others have kept quiet about the whole thing, despite their knowledge that their rights were being exploited. Though their situation is tough, they are still moving on. This means that they are getting a better pay. However, some are complaining that they are being mistreated and considered childish. No one is respecting them, which includes limited freedom of speech. According to the Maslow hierarchy of needs, every worker is entitled to respect, good pay, freedom of speech, and should be involved in giving views, and suggestions. No worker should be oppressed or mistreated, no matter the amount the worker receives in a form of salary ore tip. The author of this hierarchy insists on the security of all workers. Workers are still human beings, and subjects to security, freedom, and decision making. They should therefore be honored, and the same will happen to the rest of the stakeholders. According to the Maslow hierarchy, workers are the key stakeholders in any organization, and the reason as to why there are other stakeholders at top. Assuming that there were no workers in organizations, and then there would be no managers, directors, and anything to do with employment today (Sorenson, 2017 NP). Therefore, since they are the backbones of all organizations, they should be listened, respected and treated well. Since no worker in an organization is under age, this means that all workers can make decisions on their own, and must therefore be left out to decide.

4.0 Ways of solving problems

In order to gain credibility to my team, I am going to carry out a thorough investigation, which will involve the filling of questionnaires. Each worker will fill a questionnaire which will contain the problems they face, the amount they receive as salary, the periods of time they work, and the mode of communication used towards them (Trevino & Nelson, 2016, NP). I will also interviews them one by one, and then be curious on the knowing the managers who push these stakeholders to the wall. By doing this, I will get sufficient information will help in cooling down the company. I will not sack any employee, but will instead increase their salaries willingly. I will deal with the ruthless managers who mistreated the workers by ensuring that they are either sacked or demoted. This will actually be a convincing factor to the employees that I will serve them willingly.

I will start buy setting new rules and regulations in the company. These are part and parcel of a company. These rules and regulations will be read out in a meeting where necessary changes will be made through suggestions from stakeholders. In addition, the rules will include one prominent rule that will silence anybody with bad intentions towards the prosperity of the company. I will motivate all team members by taking them for a trip, where they will at least relax. In addition, I will also call a motivational speaker who will handle the issue of staff mistreatment and the importance of having an ethical organization.


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