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An introduction to the application domain key concepts and ideas, obtained from the three papers summarize, contrast, and compare the research done across the three papers (noting similartiies and differences in problem being addressed, approach taken, outcomes, technology used, pros and cons, etc) including experiments done (if any), results and limitations, advantages and disadvantages; trace
the development of ideas across the three papers a conclusion of key ideas and any ideas for future work in applying IoT in that domain.



The (IoT) stands for Internet of Things which is also referred to as the Internet of Objects. The Internet affects communication, business, government, science, education and also the humanity (Kopetz, 2011, p. 32
2). It is also interconnected network and sensor-equipped devices to collect data. Internet of things is a new technology for accessing the internet. Internet of things can be applied to any domain.

Key concepts and Ideas

The engineering field is smack in the midst of IoT development, and this keeps on evolving. The IoT device is most wanted, and it should foster the skills along with a wide area (Yang, 2014, p. 10). The key areas in IoT include the hardware, networking, application design, business intelligence and data analytics, security, machine learning and artificial intelligence (Wortmann and Flüchter, 2015, p. 224). More devises are constantly going online since IOT has revolutionized everything. The main areas under which IoT impacts most are [email protected], [email protected] City, and [email protected] Vehicles. The development of IoT has enabled various domains to store information proactively hence avoiding data insecurity (Kopetz, 2011, p. 320).

Summary, compare and contrast

Internet of things gets applied in different domains such as healthcare and transport and logistics. These two domains utilize internet of things such as Smart health and Smart transportation. Under the healthcare domain, IOT helps in monitoring hand hygiene compliance aided by sensors that hinder transmission of infections from one patient to another (Yang, 2014, p. 12). On the other side, transport and logistics IOT domain monitor vehicles health logistics while sending alerts.

Advantage and Disadvantage

As an advantage, IOT helps in the automation of day to day operations of an organization as well as communication between different devices. The demerits of IOT in these domains include complexity and insecurity of the stored data.


In conclusion, the internet of things as a new technology provides an application which connects things to things and human things to things though the use of the internet. Each thing or object in the whole world can be identified and connected to each other through the decisions of the managers using the internet of things.


Kopetz, H., 2011. Internet of things. In Real-time systems (pp. 307-323). Springer US.

Wortmann, F. and Flüchter, K., 2015. Internet of things. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(3), pp.221-224.

Yang, S.H., 2014. Internet of things. In Wireless Sensor Networks (pp. 247-261). Springer London.

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